예제 #1
 def chk_context_clauses(self, parent, level):
     for n in thinutils.chain_iter(iirs.Get_Context_Items(parent)):
         k = iirs.Get_Kind(n)
         if k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Library_Clause:
             self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_Start_Location(n), level)
             # Check: same line for next clauses
         elif k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Use_Clause:
             self.chk_level(n, iirs.Get_Location(n), level)
             # Check: same line for next clauses
             assert False, "unhandled context clause"
예제 #2
 def chk_declarations(self, head, level):
     nlevel = level + self._l
     for n in thinutils.chain_iter(head):
         k = iirs.Get_Kind(n)
         if k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Constant_Declaration \
            or k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Signal_Declaration \
            or k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Variable_Declaration \
            or k == iirs.Iir_Kind.File_Declaration \
            or k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Object_Alias_Declaration \
            or k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Attribute_Declaration \
            or k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Attribute_Specification:
             self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_Start_Location(n), level)
         elif (k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Configuration_Specification
               or k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Disconnection_Specification):
             self.chk_level(n, iirs.Get_Location(n), level)
         elif (k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Subtype_Declaration
               or k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Type_Declaration
               or k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Anonymous_Type_Declaration):
             self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_Start_Location(n), level)
         elif k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Component_Declaration:
             self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_Start_Location(n), level)
             self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_Generic_Location(n), nlevel)
             self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_Port_Location(n), nlevel)
             self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_End_Location(n), level)
         elif (k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Function_Declaration
               or k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Procedure_Declaration):
             self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_Start_Location(n), level)
         elif (k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Function_Body
               or k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Procedure_Body):
             self.chk_declarations(iirs.Get_Declaration_Chain(n), nlevel)
             self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_Begin_Location(n), level)
                 iirs.Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain(n), nlevel)
             self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_End_Location(n), level)
             # check start
         elif k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Use_Clause:
             self.chk_level(n, iirs.Get_Location(n), level)
             assert False, "unhandled declaration {}".format(
예제 #3
    def check_declarations(self, decl):
        decl_col = -1
        colon_col = -1
        subtype_col = -1
        assign_col = -1
        line = -1
        while decl != thin.Null_Iir:
            loc = elocations.Get_Start_Location(decl)
            fe, ln, co = utils.Location_To_File_Line_Col(loc)
            if ln <= line:
                           "one generic/port per line")
                if co != decl_col and decl_col >= 0:
                               "name is not aligned with previous one")

                # Check alignment of ':'
                colon_loc = elocations.Get_Colon_Location(decl)
                _, ln1, colon_co = utils.Location_To_File_Line_Col(colon_loc)
                if colon_co != colon_col and colon_col >= 0:
                               "':' is not aligned with previous one")
                colon_col = colon_co

                # Check alignment of subtype.
                st = iirs.Get_Subtype_Indication(decl)
                if st != thin.Null_Iir:
                    st_loc = thinutils.leftest_location(st)
                    _, ln1, st_co = utils.Location_To_File_Line_Col(st_loc)
                    if st_co != subtype_col and subtype_col >= 0:
                                   "subtype is not aligned with previous one")
                    subtype_col = st_co

                # Check alignment of ':='
                assign_loc = elocations.Get_Assign_Location(decl)
                if assign_loc != thin.No_Location:
                    _, ln1, assign_co = \
                    if assign_co != assign_col and assign_col >= 0:
                                   "':=' is not aligned with previous one")
                    assign_col = assign_co
            decl_col = co
            line = ln
            decl = iirs.Get_Chain(decl)
예제 #4
 def chk_library_unit(self, n, level):
     k = iirs.Get_Kind(n)
     nlevel = level + self._l
     self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_Start_Location(n), level)
     if k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Package_Declaration \
        or k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Package_Body:
         self.chk_declarations(iirs.Get_Declaration_Chain(n), nlevel)
     elif k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Entity_Declaration:
         self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_Generic_Location(n), nlevel)
         self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_Port_Location(n), nlevel)
         self.chk_declarations(iirs.Get_Declaration_Chain(n), nlevel)
         self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_Begin_Location(n), level)
         self.chk_concurrent(iirs.Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain(n), nlevel)
     elif k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Architecture_Body:
         self.chk_declarations(iirs.Get_Declaration_Chain(n), nlevel)
         self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_Begin_Location(n), level)
         self.chk_concurrent(iirs.Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain(n), nlevel)
     elif k == iirs.Iir_Kind.Configuration_Declaration:
         self.chk_declarations(iirs.Get_Declaration_Chain(n), nlevel)
         # TODO: block configuration
         assert False, "unhandled unit {}".format(thinutils.kind_image(k))
     self.chk_level(n, elocs.Get_End_Location(n), level)