예제 #1
    def onMessage(self, connMgr, message):

            # Display the XML representation of the received message
            libgmsec_python.logInfo("[ExampleCallback:onMessage] Received:\n" +

            # Construct Reply subject.
            component = ""

                component = message.getStringField("COMPONENT").getValue()

            except Exception as e:
                    "COMPONENT field is not available: " + e.what())

            # Set Status Code to indicate Successful Completion.
            # The GMSEC Interface Specification Document defines 6
            # unique STATUS-CODE values:
            # 1 - Acknowledgement
            # 2 - Working/keep alive
            # 3 - Successful completion
            # 4 - Failed completion
            # 5 - Invalid request
            # 6 - Final message
            # If an asynchronous requestor is awaiting a reply, the
            # ReplyCallback in use will remain active for multiple
            # messages, so long as the messages it receives contain
            # a STATUS-CODE of either 1 or 2.
            status_code = "3"

            # Create the reply subject.
            # See API Interface Specificaiton Document for
            # more information on Reply Message subjects.
            # Generally speaking, they are composed
            # accordingly:
            # [Spec].[Mission].[Satellite ID].
            # [Message Type].[Component Name].[Status Code]

            reply_subject = "GMSEC.MISSION.SAT_ID.RESP.REPLY_ASYNC." + status_code

            reply = libgmsec_python.Message(reply_subject,

            # Add fields to the reply message
            reply.addField("COMPONENT", component)
            reply.addField("ANSWER", "Sure looks like it!")

            # Display XML representation of reply message
            libgmsec_python.logInfo("Prepared Reply:\n" + reply.toXML())

            # Send Reply
            connMgr.reply(message, reply)

            self.replySent = True

        except libgmsec_python.Exception as e:
            libgmsec_python.logError("[ExampleCallback::onMessage] " +
예제 #2
def publishTestMessage(connMgr, subject):

    i = 123

    # Create a Message object
    message = libgmsec_python.Message(subject, libgmsec_python.Message.PUBLISH)

    # Add fields to the Message
    message.addField("F", False)
    message.addField(libgmsec_python.I32Field("I", i))
    message.addField(libgmsec_python.U16Field("K", i))
    message.addField("S", "This is a test")
    message.addField(libgmsec_python.F32Field("D", 1 + 1. / i))
    message.addField(libgmsec_python.BinaryField("X", "JLMNOPQ", 7))

    # Publish Message

    # Output the Message's XML string representation by invoking Log macro
    libgmsec_python.logInfo("Sent:\n" + message.toXML())
예제 #3
def buildMessage(config, numFields):

    msg = libgmsec_python.Message("GMSEC.SYSTEST.TEST.REQ.DIR.LONG",
                                  libgmsec_python.Message.PUBLISH, config)

    if (numFields > 0):

        # Add Fields
        for i in range(0, numFields):

            fieldName = "FIELD-"

            if i < 10:
                fieldName += "00"
            elif i < 100:
                fieldName += "0"
                fieldName += ""

            msg.addField(fieldName, i)

        return msg
예제 #4
def main():

    if (len(sys.argv) <= 1):
        usageMessage = "usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " mw-id=<middleware ID>"
        print usageMessage
        return -1

    # Load the command-line input into a GMSEC Config object
    # A Config object is basically a key-value pair map which is used to
    # pass configuration options into objects such as Connections,
    # ConnectionManagers, Subscribe and Publish function calls, Messages,
    # etc.
    config = libgmsec_python.Config()

    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
        value = arg.split('=')
        config.addValue(value[0], value[1])

    # Since this example program uses an invalid message, we ensure the
    # validation check is disabled.
    config.addValue("gmsec-msg-content-validate-all", "false")

    # If it was not specified in the command-line arguments, set LOGLEVEL
    # to 'INFO' and LOGFILE to 'stdout' to allow the program report output
    # on the terminal/command line

    # Print the GMSEC API version number using the GMSEC Logging
    # interface
    # This is useful for determining which version of the API is
    # configured within the environment


        # Create a ConnectionManager object
        # This is the linchpin for all communications between the
        # GMSEC API and the middleware server
        connMgr = libgmsec_python.ConnectionManager(config)

        # Open the connection to the middleware
            "Opening the connection to the middleware server")

        # Output middleware client library version

        # Create a message
        # Disclaimer: This message is not based off of a Message
        # Definition outlined by the GMSEC Interface
        # Specification Document (ISD).  It is meant to be an example
        # to demonstrate the various capabilities of the GMSEC Message
        # and Field classes. The GMSEC Team recommends that you map
        # your data into the Messages defined in the GMSEC ISD, as
        # doing so will make your software "GMSEC Compliant" resulting
        # in plug-and-play type functionality with other GMSEC
        # compliant software.
        message = libgmsec_python.Message(EXAMPLE_MESSAGE_SUBJECT,

        # Publish the message to the middleware bus

        # Display the XML string representation of the Message for
        # the sake of review
        libgmsec_python.logInfo("Published message: " + message.toXML())

        # Disconnect from the middleware and clean up the Connection

    except libgmsec_python.Exception as e:
        return -1

    return 0
예제 #5
def main():

    if (len(sys.argv) <= 1):
        usageMessage = "usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " mw-id=<middleware ID>"
        print usageMessage
        return -1

    # Load the command-line input into a GMSEC Config object
    # A Config object is basically a key-value pair map which is used to
    # pass configuration options into objects such as Connections,
    # ConnectionManagers, Subscribe and Publish function calls, Messages,
    # etc.
    config = libgmsec_python.Config()

    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
        value = arg.split('=')
        config.addValue(value[0], value[1])

    # Since this example program uses an invalid message, we ensure the
    # validation check is disabled.
    config.addValue("gmsec-msg-content-validate-all", "false")

    # If it was not specified in the command-line arguments, set LOGLEVEL
    # to 'INFO' and LOGFILE to 'stdout' to allow the program report output
    # on the terminal/command line

    # Output GMSEC API version

        # Create the Connection
        connMgr = libgmsec_python.ConnectionManager(config)

        # Open the connection to the middleware
            "Opening the connection to the middleware server")

        # Output middleware client/wrapper version


        # Call receive() to synchronously retrieve a message that has
        # been received by the middleware client libraries
        # Timeout periods:
        # -1 - Wait forever
        #  0 - Return immediately
        # >0 - Time in milliseconds before timing out
        requestMsg = connMgr.receive(-1)

        # Example error handling for calling receive() with a timeout
        if (requestMsg):

            # Display the XML representation of the received message
            libgmsec_python.logInfo("Received a message\n" +

            # Double-check the Message type to ensure that it is a request
            if (requestMsg.getKind() == libgmsec_python.Message.REQUEST):

                # Get the name of the component who issued the request
                component = 0

                # Construct a Reply message

                    compField = requestMsg.getStringField("COMPONENT")
                    component = compField.getValue()

                except Exception as e:


                # Set Status Code to indicate Successful Completion.
                # The GMSEC Interface Specification Document defines 6
                # unique STATUS-CODE values:
                # 1 - Acknowledgement
                # 2 - Working/keep alive
                # 3 - Successful completion
                # 4 - Failed completion
                # 5 - Invalid request
                # 6 - Final message
                # If an asynchronous requestor is awaiting a reply, the
                # ReplyCallback in use will remain active for multiple
                # messages, so long as the messages it receives contain
                # a STATUS-CODE of either 1 or 2.
                status_code = "3"

                # Set the reply subject.
                # See API Interface Specificaiton Document for
                # more information on Reply Message subjects.
                # Generally speaking, they are composed
                # accordingly:
                # [Spec].[Mission].[Satellite ID].
                # [Message Type].[Component Name].[Status Code]

                reply_subject = "GMSEC.MISSION.SAT_ID.RESP.REPLY." + status_code

                # Create reply message
                replyMsg = libgmsec_python.Message(
                    reply_subject, libgmsec_python.Message.REPLY)

                # Add fields to the reply message
                replyMsg.addField("ANSWER", "Yup, I'm here!")
                replyMsg.addField("COMPONENT", component)

                # Display XML representation of the reply message
                libgmsec_python.logInfo("Prepared Reply:\n" + replyMsg.toXML())

                # Send Reply
                connMgr.reply(requestMsg, replyMsg)

            # Destroy request message to release its memory


    except libgmsec_python.Exception as e:
        return -1

    return 0
def main():

    if(len(sys.argv) <= 1):
        usageMessage = "usage: " +  sys.argv[0] + " mw-id=<middleware ID>"
        print usageMessage
        return -1

    # Load the command-line input into a GMSEC Config object
    # A Config object is basically a key-value pair map which is used to
    # pass configuration options into objects such as Connections,
    # ConnectionManagers, Subscribe and Publish function calls, Messages,
    # etc.
    config = libgmsec_python.Config()

    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
        value = arg.split('=')
        config.addValue(value[0], value[1])

    # Since this example program uses an invalid message, we ensure the
    # validation check is disabled.
    config.addValue("gmsec-msg-content-validate-all", "false")

    # If it was not specified in the command-line arguments, set LOGLEVEL
    # to 'INFO' and LOGFILE to 'stdout' to allow the program report output
    # on the terminal/command line

    # Print the GMSEC API version number using the GMSEC Logging
    # interface
    # This is useful for determining which version of the API is
    # configured within the environment

        # Create a ConnectionManager object
        # This is the linchpin for all communications between the
        # GMSEC API and the middleware server
        connMgr = libgmsec_python.ConnectionManager(config)

        # Open the connection to the middleware
        libgmsec_python.logInfo("Opening the connection to the middleware server")

        # Output middleware client library version

        libgmsec_python.logInfo("Publishing two messages -- One will be received by the subscriber the other will be filtered out")

        # Create a message which will be received by the subscriber
        # in this set of example programs
        message = libgmsec_python.Message(EXAMPLE_MESSAGE_SUBJECT, libgmsec_python.Message.PUBLISH)
        # Publish the message to the middleware bus

        # Display the XML string representation of the Message for
        # the sake of review
        libgmsec_python.logInfo("Published message: " + message.toXML())

        # Create a message which will NOT be received by the subscriber
        # in this set of example programs
        message = libgmsec_python.Message(FILTERED_MESSAGE_SUBJECT, libgmsec_python.Message.PUBLISH)

        # Publish the message to the middleware bus

        # Display the XML string representation of the Message for
        # the sake of review
        libgmsec_python.logInfo("Published message: " + message.toXML())

        # Disconnect from the middleware and clean up the Connection
    except libgmsec_python.Exception as e:
        return -1

    return 0
예제 #7
def main():

    if (len(sys.argv) <= 1):
        usageMessage = "usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " mw-id=<middleware ID>"
        print usageMessage
        return -1

    cb = AsyncStatusCheckCallback()

    # Load the command-line input into a GMSEC Config object
    # A Config object is basically a key-value pair map which is used to
    # pass configuration options into objects such as Connections,
    # ConnectionManagers, Subscribe and Publish function calls, Messages,
    # etc.
    config = libgmsec_python.Config()

    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
        value = arg.split('=')
        config.addValue(value[0], value[1])

    # Since this example program uses an invalid message, we ensure the
    # validation check is disabled.
    config.addValue("gmsec-msg-content-validate-all", "false")

    # If it was not specified in the command-line arguments, set LOGLEVEL
    # to 'INFO' and LOGFILE to 'stdout' to allow the program report output
    # on the terminal/command line

    # Toggle the WebSphere MQ client libraries-level asynchronous publish
    # functionality on
    config.addValue("MW-ASYNC-PUBLISH", "true")

    # Toggle the periodic WebSphere MQ asynchronous publish status report
    # functionality on.  The GMSEC API Connection will periodically fire
    # off an Event which will trigger the onEvent function of an
    # EventCallback registered to the event labeled,
    config.addValue("MW-ASYNC-STATUS-CHECK", "true")

    # configuration option can be used to instruct the GMSEC Connection
    # on how frequently (in number of publish operations) it should
    # periodically fire the WSMQ_ASYNC_STATUS_CHECK_EVENT. By default, it
    # will fire once every 100 messages.
    # For the sake of this example, we will use 500 messages.
    config.addValue("MW-ASYNC-STATUS-CHECK-MESSAGE-INTERVAL", "500")

    # Print the GMSEC API version number using the GMSEC Logging
    # interface

        # Create the Connection
        connMgr = libgmsec_python.ConnectionManager(config)

        # Connect

        # Register the event callback with the connection to catch
        # the WebSphere asynchronous publish status events which are
        # eminated from the API
            libgmsec_python.Connection.WSMQ_ASYNC_STATUS_CHECK_EVENT, cb)
        # Output middleware version
        libgmsec_python.logInfo("Middleware version = " +

        libgmsec_python.logInfo("Publishing messages using the subject: " +

        # Create a GMSEC Message object
        message = libgmsec_python.Message(EXAMPLE_MESSAGE_SUBJECT,

        # Publish message as quickly as possible
        # (i.e. No sleep operation between each publish operation)
        count = 0
        while (not cb.eventFired):
            # Populate the Message with fields, increment a
            # counter so that a publisher can track how many
            # messages were published (if they are interested)
            count += 1
            populateMessage(message, count)

            # Publish the message to the middleware bus

            # Note: We do not recommend printing the output of a
            # message when publishing it while using the WebSphere
            # async publish functionality, as it is
            # counter-intuitive to take take up CPU resources
            # performing I/O operations when attempting to achieve
            # high message throughput rates. As such, if you want
            # to analyze the messages published by this program,
            # we recommend you execute GMSEC_API/bin/gmsub to
            # receive the messages.

        libgmsec_python.logInfo("Event detected, ending example demonstration")

        # Clean up the ConnectionManager before exiting the program

    except libgmsec_python.Exception as e:
        return -1

    return 0
예제 #8
def main():

    if(len(sys.argv) <= 1):
        usageMessage = "usage: " +  sys.argv[0] + " mw-id=<middleware ID>"
        print usageMessage
        return -1

    # Load the command-line input into a GMSEC Config object
    # A Config object is basically a key-value pair map which is used to
    # pass configuration options into objects such as Connections,
    # ConnectionManagers, Subscribe and Publish function calls, Messages,
    # etc.
    config = libgmsec_python.Config()

    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
        value = arg.split('=')
        config.addValue(value[0], value[1])

    # Since this example program uses an invalid message, we ensure the
    # validation check is disabled.
    config.addValue("gmsec-msg-content-validate-all", "false")

    # If it was not specified in the command-line arguments, set LOGLEVEL
    # to 'INFO' and LOGFILE to 'stdout' to allow the program report output
    # on the terminal/command line

    # Output GMSEC API version

        # Create the Connection
        connMgr = libgmsec_python.ConnectionManager(config)

        # Connect

        # output connection middleware version

        # Create request message
        requestMsg = libgmsec_python.Message(DEFAULT_REQUEST_SUBJECT, libgmsec_python.Message.REQUEST)

        # Add fields to request message
        requestMsg.addField("QUESTION", "Does the request/reply functionality still work?")
        requestMsg.addField("COMPONENT", "request_async")

        # Display XML representation of request message
        libgmsec_python.logInfo("Requesting:\n" + requestMsg.toXML())

        cb = ExampleReplyCallback()
        connMgr.request(requestMsg, -1, cb)

        libgmsec_python.logInfo("Waiting for response...")

        # Loop while waiting for the asynchronous response until done
        while (cb.receivedReply == 0):
        if (cb.receivedReply):
            libgmsec_python.logInfo("Response Received!")
            libgmsec_python.logWarning("No response received")

    except libgmsec_python.Exception as e:
        return -1
    return 0
예제 #9
def main():

    if(len(sys.argv) <= 1):
        usageMessage = "usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " mw-id=<middleware ID>"
        print usageMessage
        return -1

    # Load the command-line input into a GMSEC Config object
    # A Config object is basically a key-value pair map which is used to
    # pass configuration options into objects such as Connections,
    # ConnectionManagers, Subscribe and Publish function calls, Messages,
    # etc.
    config = libgmsec_python.Config()

    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
        value = arg.split('=')
        config.addValue(value[0], value[1])

    # Since this example program uses an invalid message, we ensure the
    # validation check is disabled.
    config.addValue("gmsec-msg-content-validate-all", "false")

    # Ensure that the open-response is enabled
    # Note: Other subscribing applications should set the configuration
    # option 'mw-expose-resp' to 'true' in order to receive exposed replies
    # By setting the configuration option 'GMSEC-REQ-RESP' to 'open-resp'
    # here, it automatically enables the 'mw-expose-resp' option.
    config.addValue("GMSEC-REQ-RESP", "OPEN-RESP")

    # If it was not specified in the command-line arguments, set LOGLEVEL
    # to 'INFO' and LOGFILE to 'stdout' to allow the program report output
    # on the terminal/command line

    # Print the GMSEC API version number using the GMSEC Logging
    # interface
    # This is useful for determining which version of the API is
    # configured within the environment

        # Create the ConnectionManager
        connMgr = libgmsec_python.ConnectionManager(config)

        # Open the connection to the middleware

        # Output middleware client library version

        # Subscribe to the bus in preparation to receive the
        # open-response message (Because it will not be routed
        # to the reqeust() call)
        reply_subject = OPEN_RESP_REPLY_SUBJECT + ".*"

        # Output information
        libgmsec_python.logInfo("Issuing a request using the subject '" + OPEN_RESP_REQUEST_SUBJECT + "'")

        # Create message
        requestMsg = libgmsec_python.Message(OPEN_RESP_REQUEST_SUBJECT, libgmsec_python.Message.REQUEST)

        # Add fields to message
        requestMsg.addField("QUESTION", "Is there anyone out there?")
        requestMsg.addField("COMPONENT", "request")

        # Display XML representation of request message
        libgmsec_python.logInfo("Sending request message:\n" + requestMsg.toXML())

        # Send Request Message
        # Timeout periods:
        # -1 - Wait forever
        #  0 - Return immediately
        # >0 - Time in milliseconds before timing out
        replyMsg = connMgr.request(requestMsg, 1000, libgmsec_python.GMSEC_REQUEST_REPUBLISH_NEVER)

        # Example error handling for calling request() with a timeout
        if (replyMsg):
            # Display the XML string representation of the reply
            libgmsec_python.logInfo("Received replyMsg:\n" + replyMsg.toXML())

            # Destroy the replyMsg message

        # Disconnect from the middleware and clean up the Connection
    except libgmsec_python.Exception as e:
        return -1
    return 0
예제 #10
def main():

    if (len(sys.argv) <= 1):
        usageMessage = "usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " mw-id=<middleware ID>"
        print usageMessage
        return -1

    # Load the command-line input into a GMSEC Config object
    # A Config object is basically a key-value pair map which is used to
    # pass configuration options into objects such as Connections,
    # ConnectionManagers, Subscribe and Publish function calls, Messages,
    # etc.
    config = libgmsec_python.Config()

    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
        value = arg.split('=')
        config.addValue(value[0], value[1])

    # Enable Message Binning
    config.addValue("GMSEC-USE-MESSAGE-BINS", "true")

    # Specify the number of messages to be aggregated prior to publishing
    # the aggregate message to the middleware server (This applies to all
    # of the messages which match the subject(s) provided in the
    # GMSEC-MSG-BIN-SUBJECT-N configuration parameters
    # Note: The aggregate message will be sent to the middleware server
    # immediately upon this many messages being published, regardless of
    # the value supplied for GMSEC-MSG-BIN-TIMEOUT.
    config.addValue("GMSEC-MSG-BIN-SIZE", "5")

    # Specify a timeout (in milliseconds) for the aggregate message to be
    # sent to the middleware server
    # Note: The aggregate message will be sent to the middleware server
    # after this period of time if the message bin does not fill up (per
    # the value provided for GMSEC-MSG-BIN-SIZE) prior to this timeout
    config.addValue("GMSEC-MSG-BIN-TIMEOUT", "5000")

    # Specify the subjects to aggreate messages for.
    # Note: Subscription wildcard syntax can be used here, and has been
    # supported since GMSEC API version 4.3.
    config.addValue("GMSEC-MSG-BIN-SUBJECT-1", "GMSEC.*.PUBLISH")

    # Specify any subjects that should be excluded from being aggregated
    # This is useful if a wildcard subscription is provided in one of the
    # GMSEC-MSG-BIN-SUBJECT-N parameters.

    # Since this example program uses an invalid message, we ensure the
    # validation check is disabled.
    config.addValue("gmsec-msg-content-validate-all", "false")

    # If it was not specified in the command-line arguments, set LOGLEVEL
    # to 'INFO' and LOGFILE to 'stdout' to allow the program report output
    # on the terminal/command line
    # Print the GMSEC API version number using the GMSEC Logging
    # interface
    # This is useful for determining which version of the API is
    # configured within the environment

        # Create a ConnectionManager object
        # This is the linchpin for all communications between the
        # GMSEC API and the middleware server
        connMgr = libgmsec_python.ConnectionManager(config)

        # Open the connection to the middleware
            "Opening the connection to the middleware server")

        # Output middleware client library version

        # Create a message
        message = libgmsec_python.Message(EXAMPLE_MESSAGE_SUBJECT,

        for i in range(0, 5):
            populateMessage(message, i + 1)

            # Publish the message to the middleware bus

            # Display the XML string representation of the Message for
            # the sake of review
            libgmsec_python.logInfo("Published message: " + message.toXML())

        # Create another message
        message = libgmsec_python.Message(EXAMPLE_BIN_EXCLUDE_SUBJECT,

        populateMessage(message, 1)

        # Publish the message to the middleware bus
        # Note: When calling publish(), if a message does NOT match
        # one of the subjects to be aggregated, it will be immediately
        # published

        # Display the XML string representation of the Message for
        # the sake of review
        libgmsec_python.logInfo("Published message: " + message.toXML())

        # Disconnect from the middleware and clean up the Connection

    except libgmsec_python.Exception as e:
        return -1

    return 0