예제 #1
data_url = server_stem_url + file_stem + str(d.year) + str(d.month).zfill(2) + str(d.day).zfill(2) + '.nc'

# the utools class requires a mapping of specific model variable names (values)
# to common names (keys) so that the class methods can work with FVCOM, SELFE,
# and ADCIRC which have different variable names
# (This seemed easier than finding them by CF long_names etc)
var_map = { 'longitude':'lon', \
            'latitude':'lat', \
            'time':'time', \
            'u_velocity':'u', \
            'v_velocity':'v', \

# class instantiation creates a netCDF Dataset object as an attribute
wfs = tri_grid.ugrid(data_url)

# get longitude, latitude, and time variables
print('Downloading data dimensions')

#display available time range for model output

# get grid topo variables (nbe, nv)
print('Downloading grid topo variables')

# find and order the boundary
print('Finding boundary segs')
bnd = wfs.find_bndry_segs()
예제 #2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from libgoods import tri_grid
from libgoods import data_files_dir
import os
import numpy as np

nc_file = 'http://geoport.whoi.edu/thredds/dodsC/usgs/vault0/models/tides/FLsab_adcirc54.nc'
var_map = {'latitude':'lat','longitude':'lon','nodes_surrounding_ele':'ele'}
adcirc = tri_grid.ugrid(nc_file)

nl = 30.6; sl = 29
wl = -82; el = -80.6

bnd = adcirc.find_bndry_segs(subset=True)
print('Size of boundary: ', len(bnd))
seg_types = [0] * len(bnd)


def parse_string(name):
    lista = [e.decode().strip() for e in name.tolist()]
    return ''.join(lista)

names = []
const = adcirc.Dataset.variables['tidenames'][:]
for name in const:
예제 #3
# and ADCIRC which have different variable names
# (This seemed easier than finding them by CF long_names etc)
#!!!!!!!!CREOFS output on server does not include eles_surrounding_ele info
#I have it saved as a netcdf file included in libgoods data_files directory
var_map = { 'longitude':'lon', \
            'latitude':'lat', \
            'time':'time', \
            'u_velocity':'u', \
            'v_velocity':'v', \

# class instantiation creates a netCDF Dataset object as an attribute
# creofs = utools.ugrid(flist) #multiple files
creofs = tri_grid.ugrid(data_url) #single file output

# get longitude, latitude, and time variables
print 'Downloading data dimensions'

#display available time range for model output

# get grid topo variables (nbe, nv)
print 'Downloading grid topo variables'
creofs.atts['nbe']['order'] = 'ccw'

            'u_velocity':'u', \
            'v_velocity':'v', \

firsttime = 1

for f in flist:
    if firsttime:
        firsttime = 0
        # class instantiation creates a netCDF Dataset object as an attribute -- 
        # use the first file in the list only
        ngofs = tri_grid.ugrid(f)
#        # get longitude, latitude, and time variables
#        print 'Downloading data dimensions'
#        ngofs.get_dimensions(var_map)
        # get grid topo variables (nbe, nv)
        print 'Downloading grid topo variables'
        # GNOME needs to know whether the elements are ordered clockwise (FVCOM) or counter-clockwise (SELFE)
        ngofs.atts['nbe']['order'] = 'cw'
        # find and order the boundary
        print 'Finding boundary'
        bnd = ngofs.find_bndry_segs()
        print 'Ordering boundary'
예제 #5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from libgoods import tri_grid
from libgoods import data_files_dir
import os

ncfile = os.path.join(data_files_dir,'vdatum','vdatum_fl_sab_adcirc54.nc')
var_map = {'latitude':'lat','longitude':'lon','nodes_surrounding_ele':'ele'}
adcirc = tri_grid.ugrid(ncfile)


# find and order the boundary
print('Finding boundary')
bnd = adcirc.find_bndry_segs()
seg_types = [0] * len(bnd)
print('Ordering boundary')

            'u_velocity':'u', \
            'v_velocity':'v', \

firsttime = 1

for f in flist:
    if firsttime:
        firsttime = 0
        # class instantiation creates a netCDF Dataset object as an attribute -- 
        # use the first file in the list only
        creofs = tri_grid.ugrid(f)
#        # get longitude, latitude, and time variables
#        print 'Downloading data dimensions'
#        creofs.get_dimensions(var_map)
        # get grid topo variables (nbe, nv)
        print('Downloading grid topo variables')
        # GNOME needs to know whether the elements are ordered clockwise (FVCOM) or counter-clockwise (SELFE)
        creofs.atts['nbe']['order'] = 'ccw'
        # find and order the boundary
# to common names (keys) so that the class methods can work with FVCOM, SELFE,
# and ADCIRC which have different variable names
# (This seemed easier than finding them by CF long_names etc)
var_map = { 'longitude':'lon', \
            'latitude':'lat', \
            'time':'time', \
            'u_velocity':'u', \
            'v_velocity':'v', \

# class instantiation creates a netCDF Dataset object as an attribute
nwgofs = tri_grid.ugrid(flist[0])

# get longitude, latitude
print('Downloading data dimensions')

# get grid topo variables (nbe, nv)
print('Downloading grid topo variables')
# GNOME needs to know whether the elements are ordered clockwise (FVCOM) or counter-clockwise (SELFE)
nwgofs.atts['nbe']['order'] = 'cw'

# find and order the boundary
print('Finding boundary')
bnd = nwgofs.find_bndry_segs()
print('Ordering boundary')
예제 #8
# to common names (keys) so that the class methods can work with FVCOM, SELFE,
# and ADCIRC which have different variable names
# (This seemed easier than finding them by CF long_names etc)
#!!!!!!!!txselfe output on server does not include eles_surrounding_ele info
#I have it saved as a netcdf file included in libgoods data_files directory
var_map = { 'longitude':'lon', \
            'latitude':'lat', \
            'time':'', \
            'u_velocity':'u', \
            'v_velocity':'v', \

# class instantiation creates a netCDF Dataset object as an attribute
txselfe = tri_grid.ugrid(data_file)

# get longitude, latitude, and time variables
print 'Downloading data dimensions'
# Normally this would be a call to txself.get_dimensions(var_map) but
# this file has no time info, and only UTM coordinates -- so we do it
# manually

#Enter actual model time here for particular file
model_time = dt.datetime(2013,8,21,0,0,0) #I made this time up
t_units = 'hours since 2012-01-01 00:00:00'
txselfe.data['time'] = [date2num(model_time,t_units),]
txselfe.atts['time'] = {'units':t_units}

x = txselfe.Dataset.variables['x'][:]
y = txselfe.Dataset.variables['y'][:]
# to common names (keys) so that the class methods can work with FVCOM, SELFE,
# and ADCIRC which have different variable names
# (This seemed easier than finding them by CF long_names etc)
#!!!!!!!!txsuntans output on server does not include eles_surrounding_ele info
#I have it saved as a netcdf file included in libgoods data_files directory
var_map = { 
            'u_velocity':'uc', \
            'v_velocity':'vc', \

# class instantiation creates a netCDF Dataset object as an attribute
txsuntans = tri_grid.ugrid(data_file)

# get longitude, latitude, and time variables
print 'Downloading data dimensions'

# UTM coordinates -- calculate lat/lon
x = txsuntans.Dataset.variables['xp'][:]
y = txsuntans.Dataset.variables['yp'][:]
lon = np.ones_like(x); lat = np.ones_like(x)
for ii in range(len(x)):
    lat[ii], lon[ii] = nctools.utmToLatLng(14,x[ii],y[ii])
txsuntans.data['lon'] = lon
txsuntans.data['lat'] = lat
txsuntans.atts['lon'] = {'long_name': 'longitude'}
txsuntans.atts['lat'] = {'long_name': 'latitude'}
예제 #10
grid = 'hecwfs'
# the utools class requires a mapping of specific model variable names (values)
# to common names (keys) so that the class methods can work with FVCOM, SELFE,
# and ADCIRC which have different variable names
# (This seemed easier than finding them by CF long_names etc)
var_map = { 'longitude':'lon', \
            'latitude':'lat', \
            'time':'time', \
            'u_velocity':'u', \
            'v_velocity':'v', \

# class instantiation creates a netCDF Dataset object as an attribute
stclair = tri_grid.ugrid(data_url)

# get longitude, latitude, and time variables
print('Downloading data dimensions')

#display available time range for model output

# get grid topo variables (nbe, nv)
print('Downloading grid topo variables')
# GNOME needs to know whether the elements are ordered clockwise (FVCOM) or counter-clockwise (SELFE)
stclair.atts['nbe']['order'] = 'cw'

# find and order the boundary
예제 #11
# the utools class requires a mapping of specific model variable names (values)
# to common names (keys) so that the class methods can work with FVCOM, SELFE,
# and ADCIRC which have different variable names
# (This seemed easier than finding them by CF long_names etc)
var_map = { 'longitude':'lon', \
            'latitude':'lat', \
            'time':'time', \
            'u_velocity':'u', \
            'v_velocity':'v', \

# class instantiation creates a netCDF Dataset object as an attribute --
# use the first file in the list only
ngofs = tri_grid.ugrid(flist[0])

#get longitude, latitude
print('Downloading data dimensions')
ngofs.get_dimensions(var_map, get_time=False)

# get grid topo variables (nbe, nv)
print('Downloading grid topo variables')

# subset bounding box
nl = 30.7
sl = 28.6
wl = -89.643
el = -87.391
ngofs.find_nodes_eles_in_ss(nl, sl, wl, el)
예제 #12
# the utools clasalish_sea requires a mapping of specific model variable names (values)
# to common names (keys) so that the clasalish_sea methods can work with FVCOM, SELFE,
# and ADCIRC which have different variable names
# (This seemed easier than finding them by CF long_names etc)
var_map = { 'longitude':'lon', \
            'latitude':'lat', \
            'time':'time', \
            'u_velocity':'u', \
            'v_velocity':'v', \

# clasalish_sea instantiation creates a netCDF Dataset object as an attribute
salish_sea = tri_grid.ugrid(filenames)

# get longitude, latitude, and time variables
print 'Downloading data dimensions'
#fix time units
salish_sea.atts['time']['units'] = 'seconds since 2006-01-01 00:00:00'
#display available time range for model output
# UTM coordinates -- calculate lat/lon
x = salish_sea.data['lon'] #these are actually UTM even though named lon/lat in file
y = salish_sea.data['lat']
lon = np.ones_like(x); lat = np.ones_like(x)
for ii in range(len(x)):
    lat[ii], lon[ii] = nctools.utmToLatLng(10,x[ii],y[ii])
salish_sea.data['lon'] = lon
예제 #13
# the utools clasalish_sea requires a mapping of specific model variable names (values)
# to common names (keys) so that the clasalish_sea methods can work with FVCOM, SELFE,
# and ADCIRC which have different variable names
# (This seemed easier than finding them by CF long_names etc)
var_map = { 'longitude':'lon', \
            'latitude':'lat', \
            'time':'time', \
            'u_velocity':'u', \
            'v_velocity':'v', \

# clasalish_sea instantiation creates a netCDF Dataset object as an attribute
salish_sea = tri_grid.ugrid(filenames)

# get longitude, latitude, and time variables
print 'Downloading data dimensions'
#fix time units
salish_sea.atts['time']['units'] = 'seconds since 2006-01-01 00:00:00'
#display available time range for model output
# UTM coordinates -- calculate lat/lon
x = salish_sea.data[
    'lon']  #these are actually UTM even though named lon/lat in file
y = salish_sea.data['lat']
lon = np.ones_like(x)
lat = np.ones_like(x)
for ii in range(len(x)):
grid = 'hecwfs'
# the utools class requires a mapping of specific model variable names (values)
# to common names (keys) so that the class methods can work with FVCOM, SELFE,
# and ADCIRC which have different variable names
# (This seemed easier than finding them by CF long_names etc)
var_map = { 'longitude':'lon', \
            'latitude':'lat', \
            'time':'time', \
            'u_velocity':'u', \
            'v_velocity':'v', \

# class instantiation creates a netCDF Dataset object as an attribute
stclair = tri_grid.ugrid(data_url)

# get longitude, latitude, and time variables
print 'Downloading data dimensions'

#display available time range for model output

# get grid topo variables (nbe, nv)
print 'Downloading grid topo variables'
# GNOME needs to know whether the elements are ordered clockwise (FVCOM) or counter-clockwise (SELFE)
stclair.atts['nbe']['order'] = 'cw'

# find and order the boundary
예제 #15
# to common names (keys) so that the class methods can work with FVCOM, SELFE,
# and ADCIRC which have different variable names
# (This seemed easier than finding them by CF long_names etc)
#!!!!!!!!txselfe output on server does not include eles_surrounding_ele info
#I have it saved as a netcdf file included in libgoods data_files directory
var_map = { 'longitude':'lon', \
            'latitude':'lat', \
            'time':'', \
            'u_velocity':'u', \
            'v_velocity':'v', \

# class instantiation creates a netCDF Dataset object as an attribute
txselfe = tri_grid.ugrid(data_file)

# get longitude, latitude, and time variables
print 'Downloading data dimensions'
# Normally this would be a call to txself.get_dimensions(var_map) but
# this file has no time info, and only UTM coordinates -- so we do it
# manually

#Enter actual model time here for particular file
model_time = dt.datetime(2013, 8, 21, 0, 0, 0)  #I made this time up
t_units = 'hours since 2012-01-01 00:00:00'
txselfe.data['time'] = [
    date2num(model_time, t_units),
txselfe.atts['time'] = {'units': t_units}
예제 #16
# to common names (keys) so that the class methods can work with FVCOM, SELFE,
# and ADCIRC which have different variable names
# (This seemed easier than finding them by CF long_names etc)
#!!!!!!!!txsuntans output on server does not include eles_surrounding_ele info
#I have it saved as a netcdf file included in libgoods data_files directory
var_map = {
            'u_velocity':'uc', \
            'v_velocity':'vc', \

# class instantiation creates a netCDF Dataset object as an attribute
txsuntans = tri_grid.ugrid(data_file)

# get longitude, latitude, and time variables
print 'Downloading data dimensions'

# UTM coordinates -- calculate lat/lon
x = txsuntans.Dataset.variables['xp'][:]
y = txsuntans.Dataset.variables['yp'][:]
lon = np.ones_like(x)
lat = np.ones_like(x)
for ii in range(len(x)):
    lat[ii], lon[ii] = nctools.utmToLatLng(14, x[ii], y[ii])
txsuntans.data['lon'] = lon
txsuntans.data['lat'] = lat
txsuntans.atts['lon'] = {'long_name': 'longitude'}