예제 #1
 def decode(self):
     if len(self) == 0:
         return ''
     # get the string buffer and reverse its bytes
     buf = ''.join([c for c in reversed(self())])
     buflen = len(buf)*8
     # use shtr to shift the string buffer
     buf = shtr(buf)
     # count number of chars and remove padding bits
     chars_num = buflen//7
     buf = buf << buflen - (7*chars_num)
     # consume 7 bit by 7 bit
     chars = []
     for i in range(chars_num):
         buf = buf << 7
     # revert back the list of decoded character and return it
     return ''.join(map(chr, chars))
예제 #2
 def map(self, string='', byte_offset=0):
     # pop each member of the initial csn1List
     # and see what we have
     # 1) CSN1FIELD -> map it directly
     # 2) dict -> conditions -> CSN1FIELD | dict | tuple
     # 3) tuple -> CSN1FIELD | dict
     # consume the string buffer bit per bit depending of the 
     # csn1List member poped
     # as a CSN1 field does not always start on a byte limit,
     # we need to keep track of the byte offset, 
     # for solving padding (L | H) adequately
     # in case CSN1 list is empty
     if len(self.csn1List) == 0:
     # initialize the string buffer to be mapped
     self.BUF, self._buflen = shtr(string), len(string)*8
     self._consumed, self._offset, self._map_exit = 0, byte_offset, False
     self.elementList = []
     # MAIN loop
     # go over the string, bit per bit
     index = 0
     while (self._consumed + self._offset) < self._buflen:
         if self._map_exit:
         # get csn1 fields 1 by 1
         index += 1
         # when csn1List is empty, finish with padding
         if index >= len(self.csn1List):
     # TODO: the padding should only be done when instructed so in CSN1
     remaining = self._buflen - (self._consumed + self._offset)
     if remaining:
         if self.dbg >= DBG:
             log(DBG, '(CSN1._eval_csn1_dict) bits are remaining unmapped')
     # clean temporary data
     del self.BUF, self._buflen, self._consumed, \
         self._offset, self._map_exit