예제 #1
def ring(comm, count=1, loop=1, skip=0):

    size_p = ffi.new("int*")
    rank_p = ffi.new("int*")
    lib.MPI_Comm_size(comm, size_p)
    lib.MPI_Comm_rank(comm, rank_p)
    size = size_p[0]
    rank = rank_p[0]

    source = (rank - 1) % size
    dest = (rank + 1) % size
    sbuf = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", [42] * count)
    rbuf = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", [0] * count)

    iterations = list(range((loop + skip)))

    if size == 1:
        for i in iterations:
            if i == skip:
                tic = lib.MPI_Wtime()
                sbuf, count, lib.MPI_BYTE, dest, 0, rbuf, count, lib.MPI_BYTE, source, 0, comm, lib.MPI_STATUS_IGNORE
        if rank == 0:
            for i in iterations:
                if i == skip:
                    tic = lib.MPI_Wtime()
                lib.MPI_Send(sbuf, count, lib.MPI_BYTE, dest, 0, comm)
                lib.MPI_Recv(rbuf, count, lib.MPI_BYTE, source, 0, comm, lib.MPI_STATUS_IGNORE)
            sbuf = rbuf
            for i in iterations:
                if i == skip:
                    tic = lib.MPI_Wtime()
                lib.MPI_Recv(rbuf, count, lib.MPI_BYTE, source, 0, comm, lib.MPI_STATUS_IGNORE)
                lib.MPI_Send(sbuf, count, lib.MPI_BYTE, dest, 0, comm)
    toc = lib.MPI_Wtime()
    if rank == 0 and ffi.string(sbuf) != ffi.string(rbuf):
        import warnings, traceback

            warnings.warn("received message does not match!")
        except UserWarning:
            lib.MPI_Abort(comm, 2)
    return toc - tic
예제 #2
def ring(comm, count=1, loop=1, skip=0):

    size_p = ffi.new('int*')
    rank_p = ffi.new('int*')
    lib.MPI_Comm_size(comm, size_p)
    lib.MPI_Comm_rank(comm, rank_p)
    size = size_p[0]
    rank = rank_p[0]

    source  = (rank - 1) % size
    dest = (rank + 1) % size
    sbuf = ffi.new('unsigned char[]', [42]*count)
    rbuf = ffi.new('unsigned char[]', [ 0]*count)

    iterations = list(range((loop+skip)))

    if size == 1:
        for i in iterations:
            if i == skip:
                tic = lib.MPI_Wtime()
            lib.MPI_Sendrecv(sbuf, count, lib.MPI_BYTE, dest,   0,
                             rbuf, count, lib.MPI_BYTE, source, 0,
                             comm, lib.MPI_STATUS_IGNORE)
        if rank == 0:
            for i in iterations:
                if i == skip:
                    tic = lib.MPI_Wtime()
                lib.MPI_Send(sbuf, count, lib.MPI_BYTE, dest,   0, comm)
                lib.MPI_Recv(rbuf, count, lib.MPI_BYTE, source, 0, comm, lib.MPI_STATUS_IGNORE)
            sbuf = rbuf
            for i in iterations:
                if i == skip:
                    tic = lib.MPI_Wtime()
                lib.MPI_Recv(rbuf, count, lib.MPI_BYTE, source, 0, comm, lib.MPI_STATUS_IGNORE)
                lib.MPI_Send(sbuf, count, lib.MPI_BYTE, dest,   0, comm)
    toc = lib.MPI_Wtime()
    if rank == 0 and ffi.string(sbuf) != ffi.string(rbuf):
        import warnings, traceback
            warnings.warn("received message does not match!")
        except UserWarning:
            lib.MPI_Abort(comm, 2)
    return toc - tic
예제 #3
def ringtest(comm):

    size = 1
    loop = 1
    skip = 0

    elapsed = ring(comm, size, loop, skip)

    size_p = ffi.new("int*")
    rank_p = ffi.new("int*")
    lib.MPI_Comm_size(comm, size_p)
    lib.MPI_Comm_rank(comm, rank_p)
    comm_size = size_p[0]
    comm_rank = rank_p[0]

    if comm_rank == 0:
        print("time for %d loops = %g seconds (%d processes, %d bytes)" % (loop, elapsed, comm_size, size))
예제 #4
def ringtest(comm):

    size = ( 1 )
    loop = ( 1 )
    skip = ( 0 )

    elapsed = ring(comm, size, loop, skip)

    size_p = ffi.new('int*')
    rank_p = ffi.new('int*')
    lib.MPI_Comm_size(comm, size_p)
    lib.MPI_Comm_rank(comm, rank_p)
    comm_size = size_p[0]
    comm_rank = rank_p[0]

    if comm_rank == 0:
        print ("time for %d loops = %g seconds (%d processes, %d bytes)"
               % (loop, elapsed, comm_size, size))
예제 #5
from libmpi import ffi, lib

NULL   = ffi.NULL
size_p = ffi.new('int*')
rank_p = ffi.new('int*')
nlen_p = ffi.new('int*')
name_p = ffi.new('char[]', lib.MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME);

lib.MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);

lib.MPI_Comm_size(lib.MPI_COMM_WORLD, size_p)
lib.MPI_Comm_rank(lib.MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank_p)
lib.MPI_Get_processor_name(name_p, nlen_p)

size = size_p[0]
rank = rank_p[0]
nlen = nlen_p[0]
name = ffi.string(name_p[0:nlen])

print("Hello, World! I am process %d of %d on %s."
      % (rank, size, name))

예제 #6
def osu_latency(
    BENCHMARH = "MPI Latency Test",
    skip = 1000,
    loop = 10000,
    skip_large = 10,
    loop_large = 100,
    large_message_size = 8192,
    MAX_MSG_SIZE = 1<<22,

    myid = ffi.new('int*')
    numprocs = ffi.new('int*')
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, myid)
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, numprocs)
    myid = myid[0]
    numprocs = numprocs[0]

    if numprocs != 2:
        if myid == 0:
            errmsg = "This test requires exactly two processes"
            errmsg = None
        raise SystemExit(errmsg)

    sbuf = ffi.new('unsigned char[]', MAX_MSG_SIZE)
    rbuf = ffi.new('unsigned char[]', MAX_MSG_SIZE)
    dtype = MPI_BYTE
    tag = 1
    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
    status = MPI_STATUS_IGNORE

    if myid == 0:
        print ('# %s' % (BENCHMARH,))
    if myid == 0:
        print ('# %-8s%20s' % ("Size [B]", "Latency [us]"))

    message_sizes = [0] + [2**i for i in range(30)]
    for size in message_sizes:
        if size > MAX_MSG_SIZE:
        if size > large_message_size:
            skip = skip_large
            loop = loop_large
        iterations = list(range(loop+skip))
        if myid == 0:
            for i in iterations:
                if i == skip:
                    t_start = MPI_Wtime()
                MPI_Send(sbuf, size, dtype, 1, tag, comm)
                MPI_Recv(rbuf, size, dtype, 1, tag, comm, status)
            t_end = MPI_Wtime()
        elif myid == 1:
            for i in iterations:
                MPI_Recv(rbuf, size, dtype, 0, tag, comm, status)
                MPI_Send(sbuf, size, dtype, 0, tag, comm)
        if myid == 0:
            latency = (t_end - t_start) * 1e6 / (2 * loop)
            print ('%-10d%20.2f' % (size, latency))
예제 #7
def osu_latency(
    BENCHMARH="MPI Latency Test",
    MAX_MSG_SIZE=1 << 22,

    myid = ffi.new('int*')
    numprocs = ffi.new('int*')
    lib.MPI_Comm_rank(lib.MPI_COMM_WORLD, myid)
    lib.MPI_Comm_size(lib.MPI_COMM_WORLD, numprocs)
    myid = myid[0]
    numprocs = numprocs[0]

    if numprocs != 2:
        if myid == 0:
            errmsg = "This test requires exactly two processes"
            errmsg = None
        raise SystemExit(errmsg)

    sbuf = ffi.new('unsigned char[]', MAX_MSG_SIZE)
    rbuf = ffi.new('unsigned char[]', MAX_MSG_SIZE)
    dtype = lib.MPI_BYTE
    tag = 1
    comm = lib.MPI_COMM_WORLD
    status = lib.MPI_STATUS_IGNORE

    if myid == 0:
        print('# %s' % (BENCHMARH, ))
    if myid == 0:
        print('# %-8s%20s' % ("Size [B]", "Latency [us]"))

    message_sizes = [0] + [2**i for i in range(30)]
    for size in message_sizes:
        if size > MAX_MSG_SIZE:
        if size > large_message_size:
            skip = skip_large
            loop = loop_large
        iterations = list(range(loop + skip))
        if myid == 0:
            for i in iterations:
                if i == skip:
                    t_start = lib.MPI_Wtime()
                lib.MPI_Send(sbuf, size, dtype, 1, tag, comm)
                lib.MPI_Recv(rbuf, size, dtype, 1, tag, comm, status)
            t_end = lib.MPI_Wtime()
        elif myid == 1:
            for i in iterations:
                lib.MPI_Recv(rbuf, size, dtype, 0, tag, comm, status)
                lib.MPI_Send(sbuf, size, dtype, 0, tag, comm)
        if myid == 0:
            latency = (t_end - t_start) * 1e6 / (2 * loop)
            print('%-10d%20.2f' % (size, latency))
예제 #8
from libmpi import ffi, lib

size_p = ffi.new('int*')
rank_p = ffi.new('int*')
nlen_p = ffi.new('int*')
name_p = ffi.new('char[]', lib.MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME)

lib.MPI_Init(NULL, NULL)

lib.MPI_Comm_size(lib.MPI_COMM_WORLD, size_p)
lib.MPI_Comm_rank(lib.MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank_p)
lib.MPI_Get_processor_name(name_p, nlen_p)

size = size_p[0]
rank = rank_p[0]
nlen = nlen_p[0]
name = ffi.string(name_p[0:nlen])

print("Hello, World! I am process %d of %d on %s." % (rank, size, name))
