예제 #1
def of2ofc(msg, buffer, dpid):
    print "of->ofc converting"
    if isinstance(msg, of.ofp_header):#it is a of packet.
        if isinstance(msg.payload, of.ofp_packet_in):
            # Save the buffer_id from pkt_in message. As 1. of.pkt_out message needs buffer_id
            # 2. the in_port is only one kind of pkt, this method seems okay in linear or ring topo
            #only need the ofp_header()/ofp_packet_in() part of the msg
            print "packet in from port", msg.payload.in_port
            buffer[msg.payload.in_port] = msg.payload.buffer_id
        if isinstance(msg.payload, of.ofp_flow_mod):
            #basic structure: of.ofp_header()/of.ofp_flow_wildcards()/of.ofp_match()/of.ofp_flow_mod()/other_ofp_actions()
            #select info from match (VLAN) and actions (just copy)
        if isinstance(msg.payload, of.ofp_features_reply):
            print"it is a ofp_features_reply packet"
            #basic structure:0fc.ofp_header()/ofc.ofp_cfeatures_reply()/ofc.ofp_phy_cport()/sup_wave_port_bandwidth()[n] 
            pkt_parsed = msg.payload                        #feature_reply
            port_info = msg.payload.payload
            port_num = len(port_raw)/48  

            phy_port = {}
            phy_cport = {}
            MyPort = {}

            sw = setting.creat_sw(pkt_parsed.datapath_id)  

            cfeatures_reply = ofc.ofp_cfeatures_reply(datapath_id = pkt_parsed.datapath_id,
                                                  n_buffers = pkt_parsed.n_buffers,
                                                  n_tables = pkt_parsed.n_tables,
                                                  n_cports = port_num,

                                                  OFPC_OTN_SWITCH = sw.type_otn,      #1<<31  if it is a otn switch
                                                  OFPC_WAVE_SWITCH = sw.type_wave,    #1<<30
                                                  OFPC_IP_SWITCH = sw.type_ip,      #1<<29

                                                  OFPC_ARP_MATCH_IP = pkt_parsed.OFPC_ARP_MATCH_IP,
                                                  OFPC_QUEUE_STATS = pkt_parsed.OFPC_QUEUE_STATS,   #1<<6 Queue statistics
                                                  OFPC_IP_STREAM = pkt_parsed.OFPC_IP_STREAM,       #1<<5 Can reassemble IP fragments
                                                  OFPC_RESERVED = pkt_parsed.OFPC_RESERVED,         #1<<4 Reserved, must be zero
                                                  OFPC_STP = pkt_parsed.OFPC_STP,                   #1<<3 802.1d spanning tree
                                                  OFPC_PORT_STATS =pkt_parsed.OFPC_PORT_STATS,      #1<<2 Port statistics
                                                  OFPC_TABLE_STATS = pkt_parsed.OFPC_TABLE_STATS,   #1<<1 Table statistics
                                                  OFPC_FLOW_STATS = pkt_parsed.OFPC_FLOW_STATS,     #1<<0 Flow statistics
                                                  actions = pkt_parsed.actions)
            for i in xrange(port_num):  
                phy_port[i] = of.ofp_phy_port(port_raw[i*48:i*48+48]) 

                MyPort[i] = setting.creat_port(pkt_parsed.datapath_id, phy_port[i].port_no)

                phy_cport[i] =  ofc.ofp_phy_cport(port_no = phy_port[i].port_no, 
                                                  hw_addr = phy_port[i].hw_addr,
                                                  port_name = phy_port[i].port_name,
                                                  not_defined = phy_port[i].not_defined,
                                                  OFPPC_NO_PACKET_IN = phy_port[i].OFPPC_NO_PACKET_IN,
                                                  OFPPC_NO_FWD = phy_port[i].OFPPC_NO_FWD,
                                                  OFPPC_NO_FLOOD = phy_port[i].OFPPC_NO_FLOOD,
                                                  OFPPC_NO_RECV_STP =phy_port[i].OFPPC_NO_RECV_STP,
                                                  OFPPC_NO_RECV = phy_port[i].OFPPC_NO_RECV,
                                                  OFPPC_NO_STP = phy_port[i].OFPPC_NO_STP,
                                                  OFPPC_PORT_DOWN =phy_port[i].OFPPC_PORT_DOWN,
                                                  OFPPS_LINK_DOWN = 0,
                                                  curr = 0,
                                                  advertised = 0,
                                                  supported = 0,
                                                  peer = 0,
                                                  #expend for circuit switch ports.
                                                  OFPST_FIBER = MyPort[i].OFPST_FIBER,   # 1<<15 can switch circuits based on SM/MM fiber
                                                  OFPST_WAVE = MyPort[i].OFPST_WAVE,     # 1<<14 can switch circuits based on ITU-T lambdas
                                                  OFPST_T_OTN = MyPort[i].OFPST_T_OTN,   # 1<<13 can switch circuits based on OTN standard
                                                  OFPST_T_SDH = MyPort[i].OFPST_T_SDH,  # 1<<12 can switch circuits based on SDH standard
                                                  OFPST_T_SONET = MyPort[i].OFPST_T_SONET,  # 1<<11 can switch circuits based on SONET standard
                                                  #NOT_DEFINED = 0,  # Not used
                                                  OFPST_ETH = MyPort[i].OFPST_ETH,  # 1<<4 can switch packets based on ETH headers
                                                  OFPST_VLAN = MyPort[i].OFPST_VLAN,  # 1<<3 can switch packets based on VLAN tags
                                                  OFPST_MPLS = MyPort[i].OFPST_MPLS,  # 1<<2 can switch packets based on MPLS labels
                                                  OFPST_IP = MyPort[i].OFPST_IP,  # 1<<1 can switch packets based on IP headers 
                                                  OFPST_L4 = MyPort[i].OFPST_L4,  # 1<<0 can switch packets based on TCP/UDP headers

                                                  SUPP_SW_GRAN = MyPort[i].SUPP_SW_GRAN,         #use for defined something ,waiting a second.
                                                  sup_sdh_port_bandwidth = MyPort[i].sup_sdh_port_bandwidth,
                                                  sup_otn_port_bandwidth = MyPort[i].sup_otn_port_bandwidth,
                                                  peer_port_no = MyPort[i].peer_port_no,
                                                  peer_datapath_id = MyPort[i].peer_datapath_id)\
                                /ofc.sup_wave_port_bandwidth(center_freq_lmda = MyPort[i].center_freq_lmda,
                                                             num_lmda = MyPort[i].num_lmda,
                                                             freq_space_lmda = MyPort[i].freq_space_lmda
                cfeatures_reply =cfeatures_reply/phy_cport[i]    
            cfeatures_reply = ofc.ofp_header(type = 24, length =port_num*74+32,)/cfeatures_reply
            return cfeatures_reply 
예제 #2
ofc2of_dict_odu = { 0: lambda x:x+2000,
                    1: lambda x:x+2100,
                    2: lambda x:x+2200,
                    3: lambda x:x+2300}

ofc2of_dict_wave = lambda x:x+3000

##################################The code below is just for test,and you have no need to read it.#################################

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # this convert (can) only match in-coming port and vlan
    # 1. packet_in message
    pkt_in_msg = ofc.ofp_header(type=6,length=104)/ofc.ofp_cfeatures_reply(datapath_id=1)/ofc.ofp_phy_cport()/ofc.sup_wave_port_bandwidth()
    ofc_pkt = of2ofc(pkt_in_msg, pkt_in_msg.datapath_id, 10) # get buffer_id
    print ofc_pkt
    ofc_pkt = ofc.ofp_header()\
          /ofc.ofp_connect(nport_in=1, supp_sw_otn_gran_in=1, in_port=1)\
          /of.ofp_action_output(type=0, port=0xfffb, len=8)
    print buffer_id

    # 2. parse ofc message