def axb(screen, background, input_file, result_file, instructions, isi=1000, fixation_duration=500, train=False): try: # Import stimuli files ========================================= # stimuli are organised in a python dictionary type, to view the content use print() trial, header_index = psypsyio.read_stimuli(input_file, "\t") # print(trial["trial_number"]) # Create result file =========================================== result = open(result_file, "w") # Add header to result output file psypsyio.write_result_header(result, trial, result_columns) # Initialize counts for feedback nb_trials = nb_correct = nb_wrong = nb_missed = 0 correct_rt = wrong_rt = 0 for i in range(trial["trial_number"]): # for i in range(2): # modify number in the range() to make test screen.fill(background) pygame.display.flip() # Pauses: 192 trials, 1 break if not train: if i == 95: psypsyaxb.axb_pause(screen, screen_width, screen_height, background, instructions.get("pause")) # Processing sound stimuli =*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* if train: path = "training/" else: path = "stim/" # Get stimuli path stimulus_a = path + trial["A"][i] + ".wav" stimulus_x = path + trial["X"][i] + ".wav" stimulus_b = path + trial["B"][i] + ".wav" sound_path = [stimulus_a, stimulus_x, stimulus_b] # Load stimuli & Compute sound stimuli duration mixed_sounds, duration_sounds = psypsyinterface.mix_sound_stimuli( sound_path) # Compute target result if trial["X"][i][:-2] == trial["A"][i][:-2]: # compare two strings of A and X if identical then A else B target_response = "A" else: target_response = "B" # Prepare output line trial_result = [] for key in header_index: trial_result.append(trial[header_index[key]][i]) # =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* # Play sounds and record response * # =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* # Display fixation point psypsyinterface.point_fixation(screen, fixation_duration) # 500ms of display psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background) # Play A ============== start_sound_a = pygame.time.get_ticks() mixed_sounds[0].play() # PLAY SOUND A while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): # sound playing continue end_sound_a = pygame.time.get_ticks() while pygame.time.get_ticks() - end_sound_a < 1000: continue pygame.event.pump() pygame.event.clear() # clear event and wait for response # Play X and B and record response (Type, Time) ============= xb_sequence = [mixed_sounds[1], mixed_sounds[2]] xb_measures = [] response = False response_type = [] response_time = [] # indication for X and B # index_b == 0: ISI after X # index_b == 1: ISI after B index_b = 0 for s in xb_sequence: # get start point of the sound duration = int( round(pygame.mixer.Sound.get_length(s), 3) * 1000) start_sound = pygame.time.get_ticks() xb_measures.append(start_sound) # play sound # index_b == 1: 2000ms after sound B if index_b == 1: isi_post = 2000 else: # index_b == 0: 1000ms after sound X isi_post = 1000 while pygame.mixer.get_busy() and not response or ( pygame.time.get_ticks() - start_sound <= duration + isi_post): for e in pygame.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT or (e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE): raise Exception elif e.type == KEYDOWN: if e.key == K_LSHIFT: response_time = [pygame.time.get_ticks()] response_type = ["A"] response = True elif e.key == K_RSHIFT: response_time = [pygame.time.get_ticks()] response_type = ["B"] response = True else: response = False # Get end point of the sound if index_b == 1: xb_measures.append(pygame.time.get_ticks() - 2 * isi) elif index_b == 0: xb_measures.append(pygame.time.get_ticks() - isi) index_b += 1 # Get measures start_sound_x = xb_measures[0] end_sound_x = xb_measures[1] start_sound_b = xb_measures[2] end_sound_b = xb_measures[3] # Handle empty response # response time =*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* if response_time != []: response_time_s = response_time[0] real_rt = response_time_s - start_sound_b else: response_time_s = 0 real_rt = 0 # response type =*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* if response_type != []: response_type_s = response_type[0] else: response_type_s = "NA" # Compute the correctness of response # And display feedback for training nb_trials += 1 if response_type_s == target_response: correct = "T" nb_correct += 1 correct_rt += real_rt if train: psypsyinterface.display_text_colour(screen, str(real_rt) + " ms", colour=(0, 255, 0)) pygame.time.wait(500) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background) elif response_type_s == "NA": correct = "F" nb_missed += 1 if train: psypsyinterface.display_text_colour(screen, "???") pygame.time.wait(500) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background) else: correct = "F" # Calculate wrong response number and mean(rt) nb_wrong += 1 wrong_rt += real_rt if train: for click in range(3): psypsyinterface.display_text_colour( screen, str(real_rt) + "ms") pygame.time.wait(100) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background) pygame.time.wait(50) # Append trial measures trial_result.extend([ start_sound_a, duration_sounds[0], end_sound_a, start_sound_x, duration_sounds[1], end_sound_x, start_sound_b, duration_sounds[2], end_sound_b, response_time_s, target_response, response_type_s, real_rt, correct ]) # Output results psypsyio.write_result_line(result, trial_result) # inter-trial time pygame.time.wait(interTrial) # Avoid division by zero if nb_correct == 0: nb_correct = 1 resume = { "nb_trials": nb_trials, "nb_correct": nb_correct, "nb_wrong": nb_wrong, "nb_missed": nb_missed, "correct_rt": correct_rt, "wrong_rt": wrong_rt } result.close() finally: if not train: print("End experiment\n") pygame.time.wait(1000) else: print("End training\n") return resume
def habituation_3(subj, condition_p3, skip_to_3, path, screen, tk, screen_width, screen_height): start_time = '%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') # get current date time background_black = (0, 0, 0) # black background_white = (255, 255, 255) # white psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # Path to files ========================================================== # path to experiment materials phase3_path = "_experimental_suite\Exp_1_looking_time\\2018tsi_nn" hab_video_path = phase3_path + "\hab_test\\" # Stimuli Path stimuli_file = "_experimental_suite\exp1_p3_test_trial_.csv" # output output = "_experimental_suite\\results\exp1_p3_results_{}.csv".format( participant_id) # Check experiment condition ============================================== u = "u" y = "y" if skip_to_3: u = "a" y = "i" if condition_p3 == "u-c": habituation = u elif condition_p3 == "u-s": habituation = u elif condition_p3 == "y-c": habituation = y elif condition_p3 == "y-s": habituation = y else: raise ValueError('something is wrong in condition') # Start Experiment ======================================================= # Attention-getter ================================== # loop video until there's a key press trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() duration = 0 trial_off = False write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, "1", trial_on, trial_off, "gaze on", duration, "attention-getter", "", "NA", startend="attentionSTART") attention_getter = "_experimental_suite\Exp_1_looking_time\\2018tsi_nn\\attention-getter\" loop = psypsyvideo.play_video_loop(attention_getter, screen, tk, -1) print("Looping video...") check_exit(loop) trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() duration = trial_end - trial_start trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, "1", trial_on, trial_off, "gaze on", duration, "attention-getter", "", "NA", startend="attentionEND") psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # Habituation section ==================================================== trial_duration_list = [] hab_i = 1 while hab_i < 24: # reach 24 habituation trial # Attention-getter ================================== # loop video until there's a key press trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(hab_i + 2), trial_on, trial_off, "gaze on", duration, "attention-getter", "", "NA", startend="attentionSTART") loop = psypsyvideo.play_video_loop(attention_getter, screen, tk, -1) check_exit(loop) trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() duration = trial_end - trial_start trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(hab_i + 2), trial_on, trial_off, "gaze on", duration, "attention-getter", "", "NA", startend="attentionEND") psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() habituation_file = "" habituation_trial_video = hab_video_path + "" clip_habituation = VideoFileClip(habituation_trial_video) log = "NA" # Habituation trial # Trial ends when the movie finishes, or when there's no key press for the last 2 seconds tagEvent("TRIALSTART", hab_i, trial_on, trial_off, "end", "habituation", habituation_file) key = psypsyvideo.play_video_2s(clip_habituation, screen, tk) check_exit(key) trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() duration = trial_end - trial_start trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') trial_duration_list.append(duration) # Calculate average duration if len(trial_duration_list) > 3: order = trial_duration_list[:] ordered = sorted(order) average_duration_long = int( (ordered[-1] + ordered[-2] + ordered[-3]) / 3) last_three_duration = int( (trial_duration_list[-1] + trial_duration_list[-2] + trial_duration_list[-3]) / 3) log = str(average_duration_long) + " / " + str(last_three_duration) if last_three_duration < (average_duration_long * 0.5): log = str(average_duration_long) + " / " + str( last_three_duration) + "_criterion_met" write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(hab_i + 2), trial_on, trial_off, key, duration, "habituation", habituation_file, log, startend="criterionmet") break if hab_i == 24: write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(hab_i + 2), trial_on, trial_off, key, duration, "habituation", habituation_file, log + "_24_trial", startend="24TRIAL") else: write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(hab_i + 2), trial_on, trial_off, key, duration, "habituation", habituation_file, log, startend="TRIALEND") hab_i += 1 psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # Test trial ======================================================================= trial, header_index = psypsyio.read_stimuli(stimuli_file, "\t") print(trial, header_index) index = 0 for i in range(trial["trial_number"]): screen.fill(background_gray) pygame.display.flip() # Attention-getter ================================== # loop video until there's a key press trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(i + hab_i + 3), trial_on, trial_off, "gaze on", duration, "attention-getter", "", "NA", startend="attentionSTART") loop = psypsyvideo.play_video_loop(attention_getter, screen, tk, -1) check_exit(loop) trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() duration = trial_end - trial_start trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(i + hab_i + 3), trial_on, trial_off, "gaze on", duration, "attention-getter", "", "NA", startend="attentionEND") psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() # replace file name to correspond to conditions trial_video_file = trial[condition_p3][i] print("file: ", trial_video_file) if skip_to_3: trial_video_file = trial_video_file #trial_video_file = re.sub(r"u", "a", trial_video_file) kk #trial_video_file = re.sub(r"y", "i", trial_video_file) kk #video_file = hab_video_path + "test-" + trial_video_file + "_trial" + ".mp4" kk video_file = hab_video_path + trial_video_file + ".mov" print(video_file) video_file = VideoFileClip(video_file) tagEvent("TRIALSTART", i, trial_on, trial_off, "end", "test", str(video_file)) # Each trial ends when the sound file finishes, or when there's a key press # test_video = VideoFileClip(video_file) key = psypsyvideo.play_video_2s(video_file, screen, tk) check_exit(key) trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() duration = trial_end - trial_start trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(i + hab_i + 3), trial_on, trial_off, key, duration, "test", trial_video_file, "NA", startend="TRIALEND") index = i + hab_i + 4 psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) pygame.quit()
def av_matching_1(subj, condition_p1, path, screen): start_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') # get current date time # Path to files ================================================================================= # path to experiment materials phase1_path = path["path"] + path["phase1"] + "infants/" # path to video files video_path = phase1_path # path to sound files sound_path = phase1_path # path to attention-getter video_attention_getter = phase1_path + "" # Visual exposure trial3_visual = phase1_path + "bullseye.png" # fa file video_fa_list = ["", "", "", ""] video_fa = random.choice(video_fa_list) sound_fa = "fa_trial.wav" # tha file video_tha_list = ["", "", "", ""] video_tha = random.choice(video_tha_list) sound_tha = "tha_trial.wav" # output output = "./results/exp1_p1_results.csv" # Check condition =============================================================================== if condition_p1 == "fL-fE": left_video = video_path + video_fa right_video = video_path + video_tha sound_file = sound_path + sound_fa left = "fa" right = "tha" soundplay = "fa" elif condition_p1 == "fR-fE": left_video = video_path + video_tha right_video = video_path + video_fa sound_file = sound_path + sound_fa left = "tha" right = "fa" soundplay = "fa" elif condition_p1 == "fL-tE": left_video = video_path + video_fa right_video = video_path + video_tha sound_file = sound_path + sound_tha left = "fa" right = "tha" soundplay = "tha" elif condition_p1 == "fR-tE": left_video = video_path + video_tha right_video = video_path + video_fa sound_file = sound_path + sound_tha left = "tha" right = "fa" soundplay = "tha" else: raise ValueError('something is wrong in condition') # Background ==================================================================================== background_black = (0, 0, 0) background_white = (255, 255, 255) # background_gray = (211, 211, 211) # light gray psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # Start experiment =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* # attention-getter ======================================== # Loop until there's a key press [SPACE] trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') clip = VideoFileClip(video_attention_getter) psypsyvideo.play_video(clip, screen) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "1", trial_time, "attention-getter", "NA", "NA", "NA") psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # Trial 1: Baseline Trial ======================================================================= # No sound ====================================================================================== trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') psypsyvideo.play_two_videos_loop(left_video, right_video, screen, duration=21000, audio=False) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "1", trial_time, "baseline", left, right, "NA") psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # attention-getter ======================================== # Loop until there's a key press [SPACE] trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') clip = VideoFileClip(video_attention_getter) psypsyvideo.play_video(clip, screen) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "2", trial_time, "attention-getter", "NA", "NA", "NA") psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # Trial 2: Baseline Trial ====================================================================== # swap videos =================================================================================== trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') psypsyvideo.play_two_videos_loop(right_video, left_video, screen, duration=21000, audio=False) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "2", trial_time, "baseline", right, left, "NA") # attention-getter ======================================== # Loop until there's a key press [SPACE] trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') clip = VideoFileClip(video_attention_getter) psypsyvideo.play_video(clip, screen) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "3", trial_time, "attention-getter", "NA", "NA", "NA") # Trial 3: auditory exposure trial ============================================================== # =============================================================================================== trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') psypsyinterface.display_original_image(trial3_visual, screen, screen_width, screen_height) # presentation of sound file sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(sound_file) while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): # sound playing continue psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "3", trial_time, "exposure", left, right, "NA") # attention-getter ======================================== # Loop until there's a key press [SPACE] trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') clip = VideoFileClip(video_attention_getter) psypsyvideo.play_video(clip, screen) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "4", trial_time, "attention-getter", "NA", "NA", "NA") # Trial 4: repeat trial 3 ======================================================================= # =============================================================================================== trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') psypsyinterface.display_original_image(trial3_visual, screen, screen_width, screen_height) # presentation of sound file sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(sound_file) while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): # sound playing continue psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "4", trial_time, "exposure", "NA", "NA", soundplay) # attention-getter ======================================== # Loop until there's a key press [SPACE] trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') clip = VideoFileClip(video_attention_getter) psypsyvideo.play_video(clip, screen) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "5", trial_time, "attention-getter", "NA", "NA", "NA") # Trial 5 intersensory matching test trial ====================================================== # =============================================================================================== trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') psypsyvideo.play_two_videos_loop(left_video, right_video, screen, duration=45000, audio=False) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "5", trial_time, "matching", left, right, "NA") # attention-getter ======================================== # Loop until there's a key press [SPACE] trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') clip = VideoFileClip(video_attention_getter) psypsyvideo.play_video(clip, screen) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "6", trial_time, "attention-getter", "NA", "NA", "NA") # Trial 6 auditory exposure trial =============================================================== # =============================================================================================== trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') psypsyinterface.display_original_image(trial3_visual, screen, screen_width, screen_height) sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(sound_file) while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): # sound playing continue psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "6", trial_time, "exposure", "NA", "NA", soundplay) # attention-getter ======================================== # Loop until there's a key press [SPACE] trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') clip = VideoFileClip(video_attention_getter) psypsyvideo.play_video(clip, screen) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "7", trial_time, "attention-getter", "NA", "NA", "NA") # Trial 7 repeat trial 6 ======================================================================== # =============================================================================================== trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') psypsyinterface.display_original_image(trial3_visual, screen, screen_width, screen_height) sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(sound_file) while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): # sound playing continue psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "7", trial_time, "exposure", "NA", "NA", soundplay) # attention-getter ======================================== # Loop until there's a key press [SPACE] clip = VideoFileClip(video_attention_getter) psypsyvideo.play_video(clip, screen) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "8", trial_time, "attention-getter", "NA", "NA", "NA") # Trial 8 Intersensory matching ================================================================= # Same as trial 5 but video swapped ============================================================= trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') psypsyvideo.play_two_videos_loop(right_video, left_video, screen, duration=45000, audio=False) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) write_result_phase1(output, subj, start_time, condition_p1, "8", trial_time, "matching", right, left, "NA")
def exp3_av_matching(participant_id): exp_start = '%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') # get current date time background_white = (255, 255, 255) # white background_black = (0, 0, 0) # black # Initialisation Pygame screen, screen_width, screen_height = psypsyinterface.initialisation_pygame_mouse( background_white) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) path = { "path": "Exp_3_av_matching/", "instructions": "instructions/", "visual": "visual/", "adults": "adults/" } # Instructions =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* instructions = [ "instructions1.wav", "instructions2.wav", "instructions3.wav", "instructions4.wav", "instructions5.wav" ] instruction_path = path["path"] + path["instructions"] # visual =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* visual_path = path["path"] + path["visual"] ear_file = visual_path + "ear.png" eye_file = visual_path + "eye.png" finger_file = visual_path + "finger.png" box_file = visual_path + "box.png" # Video =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* video_path = path["path"] + path["adults"] left_video = video_path + "" right_video = video_path + "" # Audio ba_sound = video_path + "BAH_44.wav" # Repetition constraints for trials constraints = {3: 2} # Stimuli input file stimuli_file = "exp3_trial.csv" # Result file ============================================================================== result_file = "results/exp3_results.csv" # Load Images & calculate size ear = pygame.image.load(ear_file) eye = pygame.image.load(eye_file) finger = pygame.image.load(finger_file) box = pygame.image.load(box_file) ear_size = ear.get_rect().size eye_size = eye.get_rect().size finger_size = finger.get_rect().size box_size = box.get_rect().size # Play instructions1.wav (says there are 3 phases) ================================================ instruction1 = instruction_path + instructions[0] instruction1_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(instruction1) # play instruction while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): # Instruction playing continue psypsyinterface.wait_for_click() psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) # Make ear appear and play instructions2.wav (it will explain the procedure for the listening phase) psypsyinterface.display_original_image(ear_file, screen, screen_width, screen_height) instruction2 = instruction_path + instructions[1] instruction2_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(instruction2) # play instruction while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): # Instruction playing continue psypsyinterface.wait_for_click() psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) # Make eye appear and play instructions3.wav (same for viewing phase) ============================== psypsyinterface.display_original_image(eye_file, screen, screen_width, screen_height) instruction3 = instruction_path + instructions[2] instruction3_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(instruction3) # play instruction while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): # Instruction playing continue psypsyinterface.wait_for_click() psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) # Show the arrow and play instructions4.wav (same for choice) ====================================== psypsyinterface.display_original_image(finger_file, screen, screen_width, screen_height) instruction4 = instruction_path + instructions[3] instruction4_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(instruction4) # play instruction while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): # Instruction playing continue psypsyinterface.wait_for_click() psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) # One trial for practice with ba-by ================================================================ trial_start ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') # Audio-only ear_resize = pygame.transform.scale( ear, (int(screen_width * 0.3), int(screen_width * 0.3 / ear_size[0] * ear_size[1]))) ear_position = (int((screen_width - (screen_width * 0.3)) / 2), 0) screen.blit(ear_resize, ear_position) pygame.display.flip() pygame.event.pump() pygame.event.clear() bah = pygame.mixer.Sound(ba_sound) for j in range(2): # play twice ba sound # play sound while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): # sound playing continue pygame.time.wait(500) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) # Video-only eye_resize = pygame.transform.scale( eye, (int(screen_width * 0.3), int(screen_width * 0.3 / eye_size[0] * eye_size[1]))) eye_position = (int((screen_width - (screen_width * 0.3)) / 2), 0) screen.blit(eye_resize, eye_position) left_video_clip = VideoFileClip(left_video) right_video_clip = VideoFileClip(right_video) time_video_on = pygame.time.get_ticks() psypsyvideo.play_two_videos_audio(left_video_clip, right_video_clip, "left", screen) # Show black screen with two boxes where the videos were & the finger psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) # Response: visual box_resize = pygame.transform.scale( box, (int(screen_width * 0.3), int(screen_width * 0.3 / box_size[0] * box_size[1]))) box_size_2 = box_resize.get_rect().size box_left_position = (0, int((screen_height - box_size_2[1]) / 2)) box_right_position = (int(screen_width - box_size_2[0]), int((screen_height - box_size_2[1]) / 2)) position_box_left = screen.blit(box_resize, box_left_position) position_box_right = screen.blit(box_resize, box_right_position) finger_resize = pygame.transform.scale( finger, (int(screen_width * 0.1), int(screen_width * 0.1 / finger_size[0] * finger_size[1]))) finger_position = (int((screen_width - (screen_width * 0.1)) / 2), 0) screen.blit(finger_resize, finger_position) pygame.display.flip() pygame.event.pump() pygame.event.clear() response = False while not response: for e in pygame.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT or (e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE): raise Exception elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # set x, y positions of the mouse click x, y = e.pos if position_box_left.collidepoint(x, y): # print("click on a") response_time = [pygame.time.get_ticks()] response_type = ["left"] response = True elif position_box_right.collidepoint(x, y): # print("click on b") response_time = [pygame.time.get_ticks()] # absolute_response_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') response_type = ["right"] response = True off = response_time[0] rt = off - time_video_on response_side = response_type[0] if response_side == "left": correct = "1" else: correct = "0" write_result_exp3(result_file, str(participant_id), exp_start, "0", "N", "left", "", trial_start, str(time_video_on), str(off), str(rt), response_side, correct) # Wait for click to advance, log response psypsyinterface.wait_for_click() psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) # Play instructions5.wav =========================================================================== # (it will ask the participant to tell the experimenter if they have any questions) instruction5 = instruction_path + instructions[4] instruction5_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(instruction5) # play instruction while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): # Instruction playing continue # Continue with a click anywhere on the scree psypsyinterface.wait_for_click() # Test trials # randomisation psypsyaxb.randomisation_one_part(stimuli_file, "results/exp3/", "test_trial", participant_id, constraints) trial_file = "results/exp3/test_trial_" + str(participant_id) + ".csv" trial, header_index = psypsyio.read_stimuli(trial_file, "\t") for i in range(trial["trial_number"]): psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) trial_start ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) # Audio-only trial =================================== screen.blit(ear_resize, ear_position) pygame.display.flip() pygame.event.pump() pygame.event.clear() target_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(video_path + trial["target_audio"][i]) for j in range(2): # play twice ba sound # play sound while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): # sound playing continue pygame.time.wait(500) # Video-only trial ==================================== psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) screen.blit(eye_resize, eye_position) left_video = video_path + trial["left"][i] right_video = video_path + trial["right"][i] left_video_clip = VideoFileClip(left_video) right_video_clip = VideoFileClip(right_video) audioside = trial["target_side"][i] time_video_on = pygame.time.get_ticks() psypsyvideo.play_two_videos_audio(left_video_clip, right_video_clip, audioside, screen) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_white) position_box_left = screen.blit(box_resize, box_left_position) position_box_right = screen.blit(box_resize, box_right_position) screen.blit(finger_resize, finger_position) pygame.display.flip() pygame.event.pump() pygame.event.clear() time_video_off = pygame.time.get_ticks() response = False while not response: for e in pygame.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT or (e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE): raise Exception elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # set x, y positions of the mouse click x, y = e.pos if position_box_left.collidepoint(x, y): # print("click on a") response_time = [pygame.time.get_ticks()] response_type = ["left"] response = True elif position_box_right.collidepoint(x, y): # print("click on b") response_time = [pygame.time.get_ticks()] response_type = ["right"] response = True off = response_time[0] rt = off - time_video_on response_side = response_type[0] if response_side == trial["target_side"][i]: correct = "1" else: correct = "0" write_result_exp3(result_file, str(participant_id), exp_start, str(i + 1), trial["contrasts"][i], trial["target_side"][i], trial["target_video"][i], trial_start, str(time_video_on), str(off), str(rt), response_side, correct) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black)
def mispronunciation_2(subj, condition_p2, path, screen, screen_width, screen_height): start_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') # get current date time # Path to files ================================================================================= # path to experiment materials phase2_path = path["path"] + path["phase2"] # path to attention-getter attention_path = phase2_path + "attention-getters/" attention_videos = ["", "", ""] # Image Path image_path = phase2_path + "visual/" # Stimuli Path original_stimuli_file = "exp1_p2_stimuli.csv" # output output = "./results/exp1_p2_results.csv" # randomize stimuli list # repetition constraint constraints = {0: 0} # stimuli file destination result_file_path = "results/phase2/input/" psypsyaxb.randomisation_one_part(original_stimuli_file, result_file_path, "mispronunciation", subj, constraints) randomized_stimuli_file = result_file_path + "mispronunciation" + "_" + subj + ".csv" # Background ==================================================================================== background_black = (0, 0, 0) background_white = (255, 255, 255) background_gray = (211, 211, 211) # light gray psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # Trial stimuli (shuffled) trial, header_index = psypsyio.read_stimuli(randomized_stimuli_file, "\t") # for i in range(2): for i in range(trial["trial_number"]): # Show an attention-getter movies chosen at random psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) attention_getter = random.choice(attention_videos) video_file = attention_path + attention_getter # play attention-getter video =================================================================== clip = VideoFileClip(video_file) psypsyvideo.play_video(clip, screen) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_gray) # load image files image_target_obj = pygame.image.load(image_path + trial["target"][i] + ".png") image_competitor_obj = pygame.image.load(image_path + trial["competitor"][i] + ".png") if condition_p2 == "A": left_image = image_target_obj right_image = image_competitor_obj left = trial["target"][i] right = trial["competitor"][i] elif condition_p2 == "B": left_image = image_competitor_obj right_image = image_target_obj left = trial["competitor"][i] right = trial["target"][i] else: raise ValueError('something is wrong in condition') # resize image files left_size = left_image.get_rect().size right_size = right_image.get_rect().size # Calculate and rescale image to fit the screen # 40% empty space at the center, images occupy 30% left and right screen_30_percent = int(screen_width / 10 * 3) resize_left_height = int(screen_30_percent / left_size[0] * left_size[1]) resize_right_height = int(screen_30_percent / right_size[0] * right_size[1]) # rescale images image_left = pygame.transform.scale(left_image, (screen_30_percent, resize_left_height)) image_right = pygame.transform.scale(right_image, (screen_30_percent, resize_right_height)) # Display images trial_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') screen.blit(image_left, (0, int((screen_height - resize_left_height) / 2))) screen.blit(image_right, (int(screen_width / 10 * 7), int((screen_height - resize_right_height) / 2))) pygame.display.flip() pygame.event.pump() pygame.event.clear() # 2s of silence pygame.time.wait(2000) # Play sound # Replace this line sound_file = trial["target"][i] + "_" + trial["extension"][i] sound_path = phase2_path + "wavs/" + sound_file + ".wav" # sound_file = trial["target"][i] # sound_path = phase2_path + "wavs/" + sound_file + ".wav" sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(sound_path) sound_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): # sound playing continue # Wait for 2.5s pygame.time.wait(2500) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_gray) write_result_phase2(output, subj, start_time, condition_p2, str(i+1), trial_time, sound_time, trial["trial_id"][i], attention_getter, left, right, sound_file) # End of Trial ============================================================== # Show red screen with message screen.fill((255, 0, 0)) psypsyinterface.display_text(screen, "Move computer", font_size=90) # Wait for key press psypsyinterface.wait_for_space()
def abx(screen, background, expedir, input_file, result_file, instructions, isi=1000, fixation_duration=500, interTrial=1000, train=False): try: # Get trials from input_file # stimuli are organised in a python dictionary: trial[field][i] trial, header_index = psypsyio.read_stimuli(input_file, "\t") nb_trials = int(trial["trial_number"]) pause_1 = int(nb_trials / 4 -1) pause_2 = int(nb_trials / 4 * 2 -1) pause_3 = int(nb_trials / 4 * 3 -1) # print(trial["trial_number"]) # Create result file result = open(result_file, "w") # Add header to result output file psypsyio.write_result_header(result, trial, abx_result_columns) # Initialize counts for feedback nb_trials = nb_correct = nb_wrong = nb_missed = 0 correct_rt = wrong_rt = 0 for i in range(trial["trial_number"]): screen.fill(background) pygame.display.flip() # Pauses (test phase): halfway, 1 break if not train: if i == pause_1 or i == pause_2 or i == pause_3: psypsyaxb.axb_pause(screen, screen_width, screen_height, background, instructions.get("pause")) # Processing sound stimuli =*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* if train: path = "stimuli/training/" else: path = "stimuli/test/" # Get stimuli path stimulus_a = path + trial["A"][i] stimulus_x = path + trial["X"][i] stimulus_b = path + trial["B"][i] sound_path = [stimulus_a, stimulus_b, stimulus_x] # Load stimuli & Compute sound stimuli duration, get offset mixed_sounds, duration_sounds = psypsyinterface.mix_sound_stimuli(sound_path) # offset = int(trial["offset"][i]) # print(stimulus_a, stimulus_x, stimulus_b, offset) # Compute target result if trial["X"][i][:-2] == trial["A"][i][:-2]: # compare two strings of A and X if identical then A else B target_response = "A" else: target_response = "B" # Prepare output line trial_result = [] for key in header_index: trial_result.append(trial[header_index[key]][i]) # =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* # Play sounds and record response * # =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* # Display fixation point psypsyinterface.point_fixation(screen, fixation_duration) # 500ms of display psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background) # Play A ============== start_sound_a = pygame.time.get_ticks() mixed_sounds[0].play() # PLAY SOUND A while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): # sound playing continue end_sound_a = pygame.time.get_ticks() while pygame.time.get_ticks() - end_sound_a < isi: continue pygame.event.pump() pygame.event.clear() # clear event and wait for response # Play X and B and record response (Type, Time) ============= xb_sequence = [mixed_sounds[1], mixed_sounds[2]] xb_measures = [] response = False response_type = [] response_time = [] # indication for X and B # index_b == 0: ISI after X # index_b == 1: ISI after B index_b = 0 for s in xb_sequence: # get start point of the sound duration = int(round(pygame.mixer.Sound.get_length(s), 3) * 1000) start_sound = pygame.time.get_ticks() xb_measures.append(start_sound) # play sound # index_b == 1: 2000ms after sound X if index_b == 1: isi_post = 2000 else: # index_b == 0: 1000ms after sound B isi_post = 1000 # while pygame.mixer.get_busy() and not response or ( # pygame.time.get_ticks() - start_sound <= duration + isi_post): while pygame.mixer.get_busy() and not response or (index_b == 0 and pygame.time.get_ticks() - start_sound <= duration + isi_post) or (index_b == 1 and not response): for e in pygame.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT or (e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE): raise Exception("aborted") elif e.type == KEYDOWN: if e.key == K_LEFT: response_time = [pygame.time.get_ticks()] response_type = ["A"] response = True elif e.key == K_RIGHT: response_time = [pygame.time.get_ticks()] response_type = ["B"] response = True else: response = False # Get end point of the sound if index_b == 1: xb_measures.append(pygame.time.get_ticks() - 2*isi) elif index_b == 0: xb_measures.append(pygame.time.get_ticks() - isi) index_b += 1 # Get measures start_sound_x = xb_measures[0] end_sound_x = xb_measures[1] start_sound_b = xb_measures[2] end_sound_b = xb_measures[3] # Handle empty response # response time =*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* if response_time != []: response_time_s = response_time[0] real_rt = response_time_s - start_sound_b else: response_time_s = 0 real_rt = 0 # response type =*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* if response_type != []: response_type_s = response_type[0] else: response_type_s = "NA" # Compute the correctness of response # And display feedback for training nb_trials += 1 if response_type_s == target_response: correct = "T" nb_correct += 1 correct_rt += real_rt if train: psypsyinterface.display_text_colour(screen, "O", font_size=600, colour=(0, 255, 0)) pygame.time.wait(500) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background) elif response_type_s == "NA": correct = "F" nb_missed += 1 if train: psypsyinterface.display_text_colour(screen, "???", font_size=400) pygame.time.wait(500) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background) else: correct = "F" # Calculate wrong response number and mean(rt) nb_wrong += 1 wrong_rt += real_rt if train: for click in range(3): psypsyinterface.display_text_colour(screen, "X", font_size=600) pygame.time.wait(100) psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background) pygame.time.wait(50) # Append trial measures trial_result.extend([start_sound_a, duration_sounds[0], end_sound_a, start_sound_b, duration_sounds[1], end_sound_b, start_sound_x, duration_sounds[2], end_sound_x, response_time_s, target_response, response_type_s, real_rt, correct]) # Output results psypsyio.write_result_line(result, trial_result) # inter-trial time pygame.time.wait(interTrial) # Avoid division by zero for averaged RTs if nb_correct == 0: ave_crt = 0 else: ave_crt = int(correct_rt / nb_correct) if nb_wrong == 0: ave_wrt = 0 else: ave_wrt = int(wrong_rt / nb_wrong) resume = {"nb_trials": nb_trials, "nb_correct": nb_correct, "nb_wrong": nb_wrong, "nb_missed": nb_missed, "ave_crt": ave_crt, "ave_wrt": ave_wrt} result.close() finally: resume = None if not train: # print("End experiment\n") pygame.time.wait(1000) else: # summary = "nb ok: " + str(resume["nb_correct"]) + "/" \ # + str(resume["nb_trials"]) + ", ok RT: " + str(int(resume["ave_crt"])) \ # + " ==> Space to continue" # psypsyinterface.display_text(screen, summary) psypsyinterface.wait_for_space() psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background) # print("End training\n") return resume
def habituation_3(subj, condition_p3, skip_to_3, path, screen, screen_width, screen_height): start_time = '%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') # get current date time background_black = (0, 0, 0) # black background_white = (255, 255, 255) # white psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # Path to files ========================================================== # path to experiment materials phase3_path = path["path"] + path["phase3"] # Video Path video_path = phase3_path + "final_media/" attention_video = "" pretest_video = "" attention_getter = video_path + attention_video pretest = video_path + pretest_video posttest_video = video_path + "" hab_video_path = phase3_path + "hab_test/" # Stimuli Path stimuli_file = "exp1_p3_test_trial.csv" # output output = "./results/exp1_p3_results.csv" # Check experiment condition ============================================== u = "u" y = "y" if skip_to_3: u = "a" y = "i" if condition_p3 == "u-c": habituation = u elif condition_p3 == "u-s": habituation = u elif condition_p3 == "y-c": habituation = y elif condition_p3 == "y-s": habituation = y else: raise ValueError('something is wrong in condition') # Start Experiment ======================================================= # Attention-getter ================================== # loop video until there's a key press trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() psypsyvideo.play_video_loop(attention_getter, screen, -1) trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() duration = trial_end - trial_start trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, "1", trial_on, trial_off, "keypress", duration, "attention-getter", "", "NA") psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # pretest =========================================== # loop video until there's a key press trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() # psypsyvideo.play_video_loop(pretest, screen, -1) prestest_video = VideoFileClip(pretest) key = psypsyvideo.play_video_2s(prestest_video, screen) trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() duration = trial_end - trial_start trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, "2", trial_on, trial_off, key, duration, "pretest", "", "NA") psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # Habituation section ==================================================== # ======================================================================== # # Attention-getter ================================== # # loop video until there's a key press # trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') # trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() # # attention = VideoFileClip(attention_getter) # stop = False # while not stop: # stop = psypsyvideo.play_video(attention, screen) # # trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() # duration = trial_end - trial_start # trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') # write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, "3", trial_on, trial_off, # "keypress", duration, "attention-getter", "", "NA") trial_duration_list = [] hab_i = 1 while hab_i < 25: # reach 24 habituation trial # Attention-getter ================================== # loop video until there's a key press trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() psypsyvideo.play_video_loop(attention_getter, screen, -1) trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() duration = trial_end - trial_start trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(hab_i + 2), trial_on, trial_off, "keypress", duration, "attention-getter", "", "NA") psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() # Load habituation video depends on the condition habituation_file = "hab-" + habituation + "_trial.mp4" habituation_trial_video = hab_video_path + "hab-" + habituation + "_trial.mp4" clip_habituation = VideoFileClip(habituation_trial_video) # Habituation trial # Trial ends when the movie finishes, or when there's no key press for the last 2 seconds key = psypsyvideo.play_video_2s(clip_habituation, screen) trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() duration = trial_end - trial_start trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') log = "NA" trial_duration_list.append(duration) # Calculate average duration if len(trial_duration_list) > 3: order = trial_duration_list[:] ordered = sorted(order) average_duration_long = int( (ordered[-1] + ordered[-2] + ordered[-3]) / 3) last_three_duration = int( (trial_duration_list[-1] + trial_duration_list[-2] + trial_duration_list[-3]) / 3) log = str(average_duration_long) + " / " + str(last_three_duration) if last_three_duration < (average_duration_long * 0.6): log = str(average_duration_long) + " / " + str( last_three_duration) + "_criterion_met" write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(hab_i + 2), trial_on, trial_off, key, duration, "habituation", habituation_file, log) break if hab_i == 24: write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(hab_i + 2), trial_on, trial_off, key, duration, "habituation", habituation_file, log + "_24_trial") else: write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(hab_i + 2), trial_on, trial_off, key, duration, "habituation", habituation_file, log) hab_i += 1 psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # Test section =========================================================== # ======================================================================== # # attention getter # # loop video until there's a key press # trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') # trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() # # psypsyvideo.play_video_loop(attention_getter, screen, -1) # # trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() # duration = trial_end - trial_start # trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') # # write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(hab_i + 3), trial_on, trial_off, # "keypress", duration, "attention-getter", "", "NA") # # psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # Test trial ======================================================================= trial, header_index = psypsyio.read_stimuli(stimuli_file, "\t") index = 0 for i in range(trial["trial_number"]): screen.fill(background_black) pygame.display.flip() # Attention-getter ================================== # loop video until there's a key press trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() psypsyvideo.play_video_loop(attention_getter, screen, -1) trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() duration = trial_end - trial_start trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(i + hab_i + 3), trial_on, trial_off, "keypress", duration, "attention-getter", "", "NA") psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() # replace file name to correspond to conditions trial_video_file = trial[condition_p3][i] if skip_to_3: trial_video_file = re.sub(r"u", "a", trial_video_file) trial_video_file = re.sub(r"y", "i", trial_video_file) video_file = hab_video_path + "test-" + trial_video_file + "_trial" + ".mp4" # Each trial ends when the sound file finishes, or when there's a key press test_video = VideoFileClip(video_file) key = psypsyvideo.play_video_2s(test_video, screen) trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() duration = trial_end - trial_start trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(i + hab_i + 3), trial_on, trial_off, key, duration, "test", trial_video_file, "NA") index = i + hab_i + 4 psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # Loop attention-getter trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() psypsyvideo.play_video_loop(attention_getter, screen, -1) trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() duration = trial_end - trial_start trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(index), trial_on, trial_off, "keypress", duration, "attention-getter", "", "NA") psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) # Loop video trial_on ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') trial_start = pygame.time.get_ticks() # psypsyvideo.play_video_loop(posttest_video, screen, -1) prestest_video = VideoFileClip(pretest) key = psypsyvideo.play_video_2s(prestest_video, screen) trial_end = pygame.time.get_ticks() duration = trial_end - trial_start trial_off ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') write_result_phase3(output, subj, start_time, condition_p3, str(index + 1), trial_on, trial_off, key, duration, "posttest", "", "NA") psypsyinterface.clear_screen(screen, background_black) pygame.quit()