def __init__(self, database, user): """ :param database: Database Setting File location :type database: string :param user: User Object following the LMSLibraryDatabase.user_schema :type user: dict """ self.db = LMSLibraryDatabase(database) self.display_text = "Return Book(s)" self.user = user
def __init__(self, database, user): """ :param database: Database Setting File location :type database: string """ self.db = LMSLibraryDatabase(database) self.display_text = "Search Book by text" self.user = user self.database = database
def test_update_or_add_user_1(self): # Test user add user = { "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Smith", "email": "*****@*****.**", "username": "******" } test_db = "lms_library_config_test.json" db = LMSLibraryDatabase(test_db) user_list = list() user_list.append(user["username"]) user_list.append(user["first_name"]) user_list.append(user["last_name"]) user_list.append(user["email"]) MasterPi.update_or_add_user(test_db, user) db_user = db.get_user(user["username"]) self.assertTupleEqual(tuple(user_list), db_user[0])
def __init__(self, database, cc): """ Creates a handler object :param databse: Database setting file location :type database: str :param cc: Client Connection Object of the Reception Pi :type cc: obj """ self.db = LMSLibraryDatabase(database) = cc self.display_text = "Search Book by voice"
def __init__(self, database, user, cc): """ :param database: Database Setting File location :type database: string :param user: User Object following the LMSLibraryDatabase.user_schema :type user: dict :param cc: Client Connection Object of the Reception Pi :type cc: obj """ self.database = database self.db = LMSLibraryDatabase(database) self.display_text = "Return Book(s) using Barcode" self.user = user = cc
def update_or_add_user(db_location, user): """ Updates or addes the user to the Master Database :param user: User Dict to enter into Database :type users: dict that passes validate_user_dict :return: Record from the database :rtype: dict that conforms with user_schema """ db = LMSLibraryDatabase(db_location) db_user = db.get_user(user["username"]) if not db_user: db.add_user(user) else: db.update_user(user)
class ConsoleReturnBook(MenuHandler): """ A class to handle the customer returning a book max_borrow_days : int Number of days to borrow a book db : LMSLibraryDatabase Database object of the master database display_text : str Display test for the console menu user : dict User Object following the LMSLibraryDatabase.user_schema """ max_borrow_days = 7 def __init__(self, database, user): """ :param database: Database Setting File location :type database: string :param user: User Object following the LMSLibraryDatabase.user_schema :type user: dict """ self.db = LMSLibraryDatabase(database) self.display_text = "Return Book(s)" self.user = user def invoke(self): """ Function that is called to invoke the return book function. Gets the user input and validates if it is in a vaild book id format """ print("\nEnter BookID(s) to Return.") print("You may enter ID's as comma seperated e.g. '1,2': ", end="") # get option from user, and strip whitespace str_input = input().strip() # check for blank input if not str_input: print("Invalid Input!") return # split string into list str_list = str_input.split(",") for str_id in str_list: self.start(str_id) def start(self, book_string): """ This fuction is responsible for returning a book. It takes the book id given by the user and checks if it is borrowed by the user and then returns the book, deleting the calander invite :param book_string: Book ID of the book to return :type book_string: str :return: No return """ # validate input if (not book_string.isdigit()): # input not a number print("{} is not a valid BookID".format(book_string)) return # input is a number book_id = int(book_string) # check if book exists book_item = self.db.query_book_by_id(book_id)[0] if not book_item: print("Book with ID {} does not exist!".format(book_id)) return book = dict() # convert to book dict for key, value in zip(LMSLibraryDatabase.book_schema, book_item): book[key] = value print("Returning {} by {}...".format(book["Title"], book["Author"])) # check if book is borrowed borrowed_record = self.is_borrowed(book, self.user["username"]) if not borrowed_record: print("Book with ID {} is not borrowed by you!".format(book_id)) return self.return_book(borrowed_record) def is_borrowed(self, book_borrowed, username): """ Function to check if a book is borrowed or not :param book: Book details of book to check :type book: dict :param username: Username of who would like to return book :type username: str :return: If book is borrowed :rtype: bool """ # makes call to db to get borrowed record borrowed = self.db.query_borrowed_book_by_user(book_borrowed["BookID"], "borrowed", username) if not borrowed: return False else: book = dict() # create dict from record for key, value in zip(LMSLibraryDatabase.book_borrow_schema, borrowed[0]): book[key] = value return book def return_book(self, book_borrowed): """ Function to return book :param book: Book details of book to check :type book: dict :return: No return """ # set date return today = # generate event through google calander api GoogleCalanderAPI.delete_due_event(book_borrowed["EventID"]) # insert db record for borrowed book self.db.update_borrowed_book(book_borrowed["BookBorrowedID"], today) print("Successfully Returned book: " + "{}, Reminder Deleted!".format(book_borrowed["BookID"])) # print if book is being returned after due date if > book_borrowed["DueDate"]: print("Book was due on {} and is returned Late!".format( book_borrowed["DueDate"]))
class ConsoleBorrowBook(MenuHandler): """ A class to handle the customer borrowing a book max_borrow_days : int Number of days to borrow a book db : LMSLibraryDatabase Database object of the master database display_text : str Display test for the console menu user : dict User Object following the LMSLibraryDatabase.user_schema """ max_borrow_days = 7 def __init__(self, database, user): """ :param database: Database Setting File location :type database: string :param user: User Object following the LMSLibraryDatabase.user_schema :type user: dict """ self.db = LMSLibraryDatabase(database) self.display_text = "Borrow Book(s)" self.user = user def invoke(self): """ Function to get user input for borrow book """ print("\nEnter BookID(s) to borrow.") print("You may enter ID's as comma seperated e.g. '1,2': ", end="") # get option from user, and strip whitespace str_input = input().strip() # check for blank input if not str_input: print("Invalid Input!") return # split string into list str_list = str_input.split(",") for str_id in str_list: self.start(str_id) def start(self, book_string): """ Fuction to borrow a book from the library :param book_string: Book ID of the book to borrow :type book_string: str :return: No return """ # validate input if (not book_string.isdigit()): # input not a number print("{} is not a valid BookID".format(book_string)) return # input is a number book_id = int(book_string) # check if book exists book_item = self.db.query_book_by_id(book_id) if not book_item: print("Book with ID {} does not exist!".format(book_id)) return book = dict() # convert to book dict for key, value in zip(LMSLibraryDatabase.book_schema, book_item[0]): book[key] = value print("Borrowing {} by {}...".format(book["Title"], book["Author"])) # check if book is borrowed if self.is_borrowed(book): print("Cannot borrow book, {} is currently borrowed!".format( book_id )) return self.borrow_book(book) def is_borrowed(self, book): """ Function to check if a book is borrowed or not :param book: Book details of book to check :type book: dict :return: If book is borrowed :rtype: bool """ # makes call to db to get borrowed record borrowed = self.db.query_borrowed_book(book["BookID"], "borrowed") if not borrowed: return False else: return True def borrow_book(self, book): """ Function to borrow book :param book: Book details of book to check :type book: dict :return: No return """ # set date borrowed and due date today = due_date = today + timedelta(days=self.max_borrow_days) # generate event through google calander api event_id = GoogleCalanderAPI.create_due_event( due_date, book, self.user ) # insert db record for borrowed book self.db.insert_borrowed_book( self.user["username"], book["BookID"], today, due_date, event_id ) print( "Successfully borrowed book: " + "{}, Reminder to return sent to {}!".format( book["BookID"], self.user["email"] ) )