def notify(self, notifier, **kwargs): MQTTObserver.notify(self, notifier, **kwargs) if self._strategy.check(self.payload): logger.debug('Enabling the watchdog {0}'.format(self._watchdog)) self._watchdog.enable() else: logger.debug('Disabling the watchdog {0}'.format(self._watchdog)) self._watchdog.disable()
def __init__(self, topic, strategy, client=None, enabled=True, timeout=1): Notifier.__init__(self) MQTTObserver.__init__(self, topic=topic) self._enabled = enabled self._strategy = strategy self._is_alarm = False self._payload = None self._payload_changed_at = None self._timeout = timeout self._mutex = threading.Lock() if client is not None: client.register_observer(self)
def __init__(self, topic: str, relay_group, index: int): MQTTObserver.__init__(self, topic=topic) DigitalDevice.__init__(self) MQTTTarget.__init__(self, topic=topic) logger.debug( 'Creating a relay named {0} at position {1} in the relay group {2}'.format(self.topic, index, relay_group)) # assert that the index exists in the device group relay_group._get_state(index) self._relay_group = relay_group self._index = index logger.debug( 'Relay named {0} at position {1} in the relay group {2} is created'.format(self.topic, index, relay_group))
def __init__(self, min_value, max_value, gauge_angle, topic, units=None, **kwargs): self._center_x = 300 self._center_y = 300 self._radius = 200 Widget.__init__(self, pos=(self._center_x, self._center_y), topic=topic, **kwargs) MQTTObserver.__init__(self, topic=topic) self._min_value = min_value self._max_value = max_value self._zones = {0: self.NORMAL_ZONE} self._bars = [] self._units = units self._label = None self._angle_calculator = GaugeAngleCalculator(min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, gauge_angle=gauge_angle) self._gauge_indicator = None
def __init__(self, client, topic): MQTTObserver.__init__(self, topic=topic) self._client = client self._client.register_observer(self) self.bind(state=self.state_callback)
def __init__(self, client, watchdog, topic, strategy): MQTTObserver.__init__(self, topic=topic) self._payload = None self._watchdog = watchdog self._strategy = strategy client.register_observer(self)