예제 #1
def _inferExtraPlays(games, plays):
    import library
    result = []
    messages = []
    playsByDate = library.DictOfLists()
    playCountByMonth = library.Counts()
    for play in plays:
        playsByDate.add(play.date, play)
    for date in playsByDate.keys():
        datePs = playsByDate[date]
        count = 0
        mms = []
        while True:
            mms = []
            (rs, ms, changed) = _inferExtraPlaysForADate(games, datePs)
            mms = mms + ms
            if not changed:
            count += 1
            if count == 200:
                mms += ["Got really confused"]
            datePs = rs
        result = result + rs
        messages = messages + mms
    return (result, messages)
예제 #2
def _inferExtraPlays(geek, db, plays):
    import library
    result = []
    playsByDate = library.DictOfLists()
    playCountByMonth = library.Counts()
    for play in plays:
        playsByDate.add(play.date, play)
    for date in playsByDate.keys():
        debug = False
        datePs = playsByDate[date]
        if debug:
            print "before", datePs
        count = 0
        while True:
            (rs, changed) = _inferExtraPlaysForADate(debug, db, datePs)
            if not changed:
            count = count + 1
            if count == 200:
                print "Got really confused", geek, date
            datePs = rs
        if debug:
            print "after", rs
        result = result + rs
    return result
예제 #3
def _writeOpponentsToDB(db, geek, playerRecs, month, year):
    import library
    sql = "insert into opponents %s values %s"
    counts = library.Counts()
    for (username, name, colour) in playerRecs:
        if username == geek:
        counts.add(PlayerRecKey(username, name, colour))
    for (prk, count) in counts.items():
        if count < 2:
        lhs = []
        rhs = []
        binds = []
        if prk.name is not None and len(prk.name) <= 45:
        if prk.username is not None:
        if prk.colour is not None:
        lhs = lhs + ["geek", "month", "year", "count"]
        rhs = rhs + ["%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"]
        binds = binds + [geek, month, year, count]
        l = "(" + ", ".join(lhs) + ")"
        r = "(" + ", ".join(rhs) + ")"
        s = sql % (l, r)
        db.execute(s, binds)
예제 #4
 def addPlaysDataToGeekGames(self, geekgames):
     import library, datetime
     plays = self.getPlaysForDescribedRange([])[0]
     byGame = {}
     for p in plays:
         p.game.plays = []
         byGame[p.game.bggid] = p.game
         for e in p.expansions:
             e.plays = []
             byGame[e.bggid] = e
     for p in plays:
         for e in p.expansions:
     today = datetime.date.today()
     if today.month == 2 and today.day == 29:
         oneYearAgo = datetime.date(today.year - 1, 2, 28)
         oneYearAgo = datetime.date(today.year - 1, today.month, today.day)
     oneYearAgo = oneYearAgo.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
     for gg in geekgames:
         g = byGame.get(gg.bggid)
         if g is None:
             (gg.plays, gg.firstPlay, gg.lastPlay, gg.monthsPlayed,
              gg.playsInLastYear) = (0, None, None, 0, 0)
             data = g.plays
             playCount = 0
             playsInLastYear = 0
             first = None
             last = None
             playsByMonth = library.Counts()
             for play in data:
                 if play.date > oneYearAgo:
                     playsInLastYear += play.count
                 playCount += play.count
                 if ((first is None) or
                     (play.date < first)) and not play.date.endswith("00"):
                     first = play.date
                 if ((last is None) or
                     (play.date > last)) and not play.date.endswith("00"):
                     last = play.date
                 playDateMonth = play.date[:7]
                 playsByMonth.add(playDateMonth, play.count)
             monthCount = len(playsByMonth)
                 firstPlay = library.parseYYYYMMDD(first)
             except ValueError:
                 firstPlay = None
                 lastPlay = library.parseYYYYMMDD(last)
             except ValueError:
                 lastPlay = None
             (gg.plays, gg.firstPlay, gg.lastPlay, gg.monthsPlayed, gg.pbm,
              gg.playsInLastYear) = (playCount, firstPlay, lastPlay,
                                     monthCount, playsByMonth,
예제 #5
def getFrontPageHindexData(db, fpg):
    import plays, library
    data = plays.getAllPlays(db, fpg.geek)
    byGame = library.Counts()
    for play in data:
        byGame.add(play.game, play.count)
    counts = byGame.values()[:]
    counts.sort(lambda a,b: -cmp(a,b))
    hindex = 0
    while len(counts) > hindex and counts[hindex] > hindex:
        hindex = hindex + 1
    fpg.hindex = hindex
예제 #6
def createNewPlaysGraph(context, data):
    """graph of new plays accumulating over time, and over years"""
    # data is a list of dates
    import library, datetime, math
    imgspec = context.imageSpec
    (img, draw, xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi) = newImage(imgspec.width, imgspec.height,
                                               0, 10)
    countPlaysByYear = library.Counts()
    for date in data:
    minYear = None
    maxYear = None
    if len(countPlaysByYear) > 0:
        maxYear = datetime.date.today().year
        while countPlaysByYear[maxYear] == 0:
            maxYear -= 1
        minYear = maxYear
        while countPlaysByYear[minYear - 1] > 0:
            minYear -= 1
    if minYear is not None and maxYear is not None:
        oneDay = datetime.timedelta(1)
        startDate = datetime.date(minYear, 1, 1)
        endDate = datetime.date(datetime.date.today().year, 12, 31)
        data = [d for d in data if startDate <= d <= endDate]
        widthInDays = (endDate - startDate).days
        daysX = 0
        curDate = startDate
        newGamesPerYear = {}
        index = 0
        yearTrails = []
        allTimeTrail = []
        allTime = 0
        while curDate <= endDate:
            if len(data) == index:
            if newGamesPerYear.get(curDate.year) is None:
                newGamesPerYear[curDate.year] = 0
            found = False
            while index < len(data) and curDate.toordinal(
            ) == data[index].toordinal():
                newGamesPerYear[curDate.year] += 1
                allTime += 1
                index += 1
                found = True
            if found:
                yearTrails.append((daysX, newGamesPerYear[curDate.year]))
                allTimeTrail.append((daysX, allTime))
            curDate = curDate + oneDay
            daysX += 1
        maxInOneYear = max(newGamesPerYear.values())
        maxInOneYear = math.ceil(maxInOneYear / 10.0) * 10
        allTime = math.ceil(allTime / 100.0) * 100

        def convY(dy, my):
            return int(yhi - (yhi - ylo) * dy / my)

        def convX(dx):
            return int(xlo + (xhi - xlo) * dx / widthInDays)

        curYear = startDate.year
        while curYear <= endDate.year:
            jan1 = datetime.date(curYear, 1, 1)
            jan1NextYear = datetime.date(curYear + 1, 1, 1)
            x1 = int(xlo + (xhi - xlo) * (jan1 - startDate).days / widthInDays)
            if x1 == xlo:
                x1 += 1
            x2 = int(xlo + (xhi - xlo) *
                     (jan1NextYear - startDate).days / widthInDays)
            centreText(draw, str(curYear), x1, x2, yhi + 10)
            if curYear % 2 == 1:
                draw.rectangle([(x1, ylo), (x2, yhi - 1)], fill=YELLOWGREEN)
            curYear += 1
        ly = 0
        while ly <= maxInOneYear:
            y = convY(ly, maxInOneYear)
            draw.line([xlo - 5, y, xlo, y], BLACK)
            if 0 < ly < maxInOneYear:
                draw.text((xlo - 30, y - 10), str(ly), fill=BLACK)
                draw.line([xlo, y, xhi, y], DARKGRAY)
            ly += 10
        ry = 0
        while ry <= allTime:
            y = convY(ry, allTime)
            draw.line([xhi + 5, y, xhi, y], BLUE)
            if 0 < ry < allTime:
                draw.text((xhi + 10, y - 10), str(ry), fill=BLUE)
            ry += 50
        for (dx, dy) in yearTrails:
            x = convX(dx)
            y = convY(dy, maxInOneYear)
            draw.ellipse((x - 2, y - 2, x + 2, y + 2), fill=BLACK)
        for (dx, dy) in allTimeTrail:
            x = convX(dx)
            y = convY(dy, allTime)
            draw.polygon([(x - 2, y + 1), (x, y - 1), (x + 2, y + 1)],
    del draw
    return img
예제 #7
 def getCounts(self, context, opts, startDate, endDate):
     import library
     return library.Counts()