예제 #1
    def _price_abonement(self, card_type, steps):
        """ This method calculate the abonement price. See logic_clientcard.xml. """
        prices = dictlist_keyval(card_type['price_categories'], 'id', steps['price_category'])[0]

        count = int(steps['count_sold'])
        if count == 1:
            price = float(prices['once_price'])
        elif count == 4:
            price = float(prices['half_price'])
        elif count == 8:
            price = float(prices['full_price'])
        elif count > 8 and count % 8 == 0:
            price = float(prices['full_price']) * (count / 8)
            print _('Invalid usage. Why do you use count=%i' % count)
            price = float(0.0)

        steps['price'] = price
        return price
예제 #2
 def coaches_callback(coach_id_list):
     from library import dictlist_keyval
     # get the coach descriptions' list using its id list
     coaches_dictlist = dictlist_keyval(self.parent.static['coaches'], 'id', coach_id_list)
예제 #3
    def assign_card(self):
        slug = self.wizard_dialog('list', _('Choose the card\'s type'),
        if not slug: # user has pressed 'Escape' or closes the dialog

        file_name = '../uis/logic_clientcard.xml'
        xquery = "doc('%s')/logic/rule[@name='%s']/sequence"
        results = self.xml_query(file_name, xquery, slug)
        if results:
            sequence = QDomDocument()
            if not sequence.setContent(results):
                raise ValueError('could not parse XML:', results)

            card_type = dictlist_keyval(self.static['card_ordinary'], 'slug', slug)[0]
            steps = {'slug': str(slug)}

            root = sequence.documentElement()
            node = root.firstChild()
            while not node.isNull():
                element = node.toElement()
                if 'dialog' == element.tagName():
                    if node.hasAttributes():
                        # get dialog's attributes
                        dlg_type = element.attribute('type')
                        dlg_title = element.attribute('title')
                        dlg_name = element.attribute('name')
                        static_key = element.hasAttribute('static') and str(element.attribute('static')) or None
                        default = element.hasAttribute('default') and element.attribute('default') or 0

                        # get the result type info
                        result_as = str(element.attribute('result_as'))
                        result_types = {'integer': int, 'float': float}
                        conv = result_types[result_as]

                        # if there are child nodes, so
                        if node.hasChildNodes():
                            child = node.firstChild()
                            element = child.toElement()
                            if 'calculate' == element.tagName():
                                # it needs to calculate the value using this class method
                                if element.hasAttribute('function'):
                                    method_name = element.attribute('function')
                                    if hasattr(self, str(method_name)):
                                        function = eval('self.%s' % method_name)
                                        if callable(function):
                                            default = function(card_type, steps)
                                            print 'This is not a callable.'
                                        print 'This method is not defined in the class.'

                        # show dialog and get a data from user
                        result = None
                        result = self.show_ui_dialog(dlg_type, dlg_title, default, static_key)
                        if not result: # user has pressed 'Escape' or closes the dialog

                        # save user date with needed type
                        steps[str(dlg_name)] = conv(result)

                        # skip the following dialog if it needs
                        # ToDo: skip all dialogs until the one
                        if self.need_skip_next_dlg(node, conv, result):
                            node = node.nextSibling()

                node = node.nextSibling()
            # end while

            #print card_type
            #print steps
            # fill count_available
            if not card_type['is_priceless']:
                # here all prices defined hard, no delays for payment
                if card_type['slug'] in ('test', 'once'):
                    key = '%s_price' % card_type['slug']
                    prices = dictlist_keyval(card_type['price_categories'], 'id', steps['price_category'])[0]
                    price = float(prices[key])
                    steps['price'] = steps['paid'] = price
                    steps['count_sold'] = 1

                if float(steps['price']) - float(steps['paid']) < 0.01: # client paid full price
                    steps['count_available'] = steps['count_sold']
                else: # need to calculate
                    prices = dictlist_keyval(card_type['price_categories'], 'id', steps['price_category'])[0]
                    price = float(prices['once_price'])
                    from math import floor
                    steps['count_available'] = int(floor(steps['paid'] / price))

            # import pprint
            # print 'STEPS:'
            # pprint.pprint(steps)

            # send data to user's model
            model = self.tableHistory.model()