def create_vanilla_auto_encoder(n_features, dimensions): ds = MNIST() # X is the list of all the images in MNIST dataset imgs = ds.X[:1000].reshape((-1, 28, 28)) # Then create a montage and draw the montage plt.imshow(montage(imgs), cmap='gray') mean_img = np.mean(ds.X, axis=0) std_img = np.std(imgs, axis=0) X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_features]) current_input = X n_input = n_features Ws = [] for layer_i, dimension_i in enumerate(dimensions, start=1): with tf.variable_scope("encoder/layer/{}".format(layer_i)): w = tf.get_variable(name='W', shape=[n_input, dimension_i], initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer( mean=0.0, stddev=2.0)) b = tf.get_variable(name='b', shape=[dimension_i], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0)) h = tf.nn.bias_add(name='h', value=tf.matmul(current_input, w), bias=b) current_input = tf.nn.relu(h) Ws.append(w) n_input = dimension_i Ws = Ws[::-1] dimensions = dimensions[::-1][1:] + [n_features] print('dimensions=', dimensions) for layer_i, dimension_i in enumerate(dimensions): with tf.variable_scope("decoder/layer/{}".format(layer_i)): w = tf.transpose(Ws[layer_i]) b = tf.get_variable(name='b', shape=[dimension_i], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0)) print('current_input= ', current_input) print('w = ', w) h = tf.nn.bias_add(name='h', value=tf.matmul(current_input, w), bias=b) current_input = tf.nn.relu(h) n_input = dimension_i Y = current_input cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(X, Y), 1) print('cost.getshape', cost.get_shape()) cost = tf.reduce_mean(cost) learning_rate = 0.01 optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost) sess = tf.Session() batch_size = 100 n_epochs = 60 # We'll try to reconstruct the same first 100 images and show how The network does over the course of training. examples = ds.X[:100] mean_img = np.mean(examples, axis=0) #recon0 = np.clip(examples.reshape((-1, 28, 28)), 0, 255) #img_or = montage(recon0).astype(np.uint8) #img_or.append('0') #gif.build_gif(img_or, saveto='example.{}.gif'.format(np.random.rand()), cmap='gray') # We'll store the reconstructions in a list imgs = [] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) for epoch_i in range(n_epochs): for batch_X, _ in ds.train.next_batch():, feed_dict={X: batch_X - mean_img}) recon =, feed_dict={X: examples - mean_img}) recon = np.clip((recon + mean_img).reshape((-1, 28, 28)), 0, 255) img_i = montage(recon).astype(np.uint8) imgs.append(img_i) ax.imshow(img_i, cmap='gray') fig.canvas.draw() #plt.imshow(img_i, cmap='gray') print(epoch_i,, feed_dict={X: batch_X - mean_img})) gif.build_gif(imgs, saveto='ae6-learning0.{}.gif'.format(np.random.rand()), cmap='gray') ipyd.Image(url='ae.gif?{}'.format(np.random.rand()), height=500, width=500) return Y
def test_mnist(): """Train an autoencoder on MNIST. This function will train an autoencoder on MNIST and also save many image files during the training process, demonstrating the latent space of the inner most dimension of the encoder, as well as reconstructions of the decoder. """ # load MNIST n_code = 2 mnist = MNIST(split=[0.8, 0.1, 0.1]) ae = VAE(input_shape=[None, 784], n_filters=[512, 256], n_hidden=64, n_code=n_code, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid, convolutional=False, variational=True) n_examples = 100 zs = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, [4, n_code]).astype(np.float32) zs = utils.make_latent_manifold(zs, n_examples) learning_rate = 0.02 optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize( ae['cost']) # We create a session to use the graph sess = tf.Session() # Fit all training data t_i = 0 batch_i = 0 batch_size = 200 n_epochs = 10 test_xs = mnist.test.images[:n_examples] utils.montage(test_xs.reshape((-1, 28, 28)), 'test_xs.png') for epoch_i in range(n_epochs): train_i = 0 train_cost = 0 for batch_xs, _ in mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size): train_cost +=[ae['cost'], optimizer], feed_dict={ ae['x']: batch_xs, ae['train']: True, ae['keep_prob']: 1.0 })[0] train_i += 1 if batch_i % 10 == 0: # Plot example reconstructions from latent layer recon =['y'], feed_dict={ ae['z']: zs, ae['train']: False, ae['keep_prob']: 1.0 }) utils.montage(recon.reshape((-1, 28, 28)), 'manifold_%08d.png' % t_i) # Plot example reconstructions recon =['y'], feed_dict={ ae['x']: test_xs, ae['train']: False, ae['keep_prob']: 1.0 }) utils.montage(recon.reshape((-1, 28, 28)), 'reconstruction_%08d.png' % t_i) t_i += 1 batch_i += 1 valid_i = 0 valid_cost = 0 for batch_xs, _ in mnist.valid.next_batch(batch_size): valid_cost +=[ae['cost']], feed_dict={ ae['x']: batch_xs, ae['train']: False, ae['keep_prob']: 1.0 })[0] valid_i += 1 print('train:', train_cost / train_i, 'valid:', valid_cost / valid_i)
""" # %% import tensorflow as tf from libs.batch_norm import batch_norm from libs.activations import lrelu from libs.connections import conv2d, linear from libs.datasets import MNIST #import tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage ''' 这个文件一开始是错的, 在项目中,的libs.batch_norm是错的.少了一行.我已经添加好了. ''' # %% Setup input to the network and true output label. These are # simply placeholders which we'll fill in later. mnist = MNIST() x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784]) y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10]) # %% We add a new type of placeholder to denote when we are training. # This will be used to change the way we compute the network during # training/testing. is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='is_training') # %% We'll convert our MNIST vector data to a 4-D tensor: # N x W x H x C x_tensor = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 28, 28, 1]) #ema.apply([batch_mean, batch_var]) # %% We'll use a new method called batch normalization. # This process attempts to "reduce internal covariate shift" # which is a fancy way of saying that it will normalize updates for each
""" Imports MNIST dataset convolution autoencoder for MNIST dataset """ import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from libs.utils import montage from libs import gif from libs.datasets import MNIST ds = MNIST() mean_img = np.mean(ds.X, axis=0) # Let's get the first 1000 images of the dataset and reshape them imgs = ds.X[:1000].reshape((-1, 28, 28)) # So the number of features is the second dimension of our inputs matrix, 784 n_features = ds.X.shape[1] # And we'll create a placeholder in the tensorflow graph that will be able to get any number of n_feature inputs. X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_features]) X_tensor = tf.reshape(X, [-1, 28, 28, 1]) n_filters = [16, 16, 16] filter_sizes = [4, 4, 4] current_input = X_tensor # notice instead of having 784 as our input features, we're going to have # just 1, corresponding to the number of channels in the image. # We're going to use convolution to find 16 filters, or 16 channels of information in each spatial location we perform convolution at. n_input = 1 # We're going to keep every matrix we create so let's create a list to hold them all Ws = [] shapes = []
def load_data(): mnist = MNIST() return mnist
""" Imports MNIST dataset Predict labels from mnist dataset using CNN """ import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from libs import utils from libs.utils import montage from libs import gif from libs.datasets import MNIST ds = MNIST(one_hot=True, split=[0.8, 0.1, 0.1]) X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784]) Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10]) n_output = 10 X_tensor = tf.reshape(X, [-1, 28, 28, 1]) filter_size = 5 n_filters_in = 1 n_filters_out = 32 W_1 = tf.get_variable( name='W', shape=[filter_size, filter_size, n_filters_in, n_filters_out], initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer()) b_1 = tf.get_variable(name='b', shape=[n_filters_out], initializer=tf.constant_initializer()) h_1 = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(