def add_record(args, flags): if args[1] == "valid": reply = centarra('/dns/zone/%s/record/new' % substitutes.swap("dns zones", args[0])) return JsonResponse(reply, "Available records: " + ', '.join(reply['record_types'])) else: # id subdomain type content send = {"subdomain": args[1], "type": args[2], "content": args[3], 'ttl': flags.get('t', 300), "prio": flags.get('p', 0)} reply = centarra("/dns/zone/%s/record/new" % substitutes.swap("dns zones", args[0]), **send) return JsonResponse(reply, flashed("{subdomain}{dot}{domain} was set as {type} to {content}." + ("\tTTL = {ttl}" if 't' in flags else "") + ("\tPriority = {prio}" if 'p' in flags else "").format( dot="." if send['subdomain'] is not "" else "", domain=reply['zone']['name'], **send)) )
def delete(args, flags): print("Are you sure you would like to delete your vServer {} (#{})?".format(args[0], substitutes.swap("vps list", args[0]))) line = raw_input('[N/y]: ') if line == "y": reply = centarra("/vps/%s/delete" % substitutes.swap("vps list", args[0])) return JsonResponse(reply, flashed()) return "Aborted."
def update_dns_zones(): if not needs_update('dns zones'): return['dns zones'] = {} reply = centarra('/dns/zones') for zone in reply['zones']: substitutes.sub('dns zones', zone['name'], zone['id'])
def update_templates_list(arg): if not needs_update("vps templates"): return['vps templates'] = {} reply = centarra('/vps/%s/deploy' % substitutes.swap("vps list", substitutes.swap("vps list", arg))) for i in reply['templates']: substitutes.sub('vps templates', reply['templates'][i]['name'], i)
def update_vps_list(): if not needs_update('vps list'): return['vps list'] = {} reply = centarra('/vps/list') for i in reply['vpslist']: substitutes.sub('vps list', i['name'], i['id']) substitutes.sub('vps list', i['nickname'], i['id'])
def login_preferences(args, flags): preferences = { 'fail': 1 if 'f' in flags else 0, 'success': 1 if 's' in flags else 0 } reply = centarra('/profile/login-preferences', **preferences) return JsonResponse(reply, flashed() + '\n' + ', '.join(["%s log-in events: %s" % (a, bool(preferences[a])) for a in preferences]))
def update_signup(): if not needs_update("vps regions") and not needs_update("vps plans"): return['vps regions'] = {} reply = centarra('/vps/signup') for i in reply['regions']: substitutes.sub('vps regions', i['name'], i['id']) for i in reply['resource_plans']: substitutes.sub('vps plans', i['name'], i['id'])
def signup(args, flags): update_signup() reply = centarra('/vps/signup', plan=substitutes.swap("vps plans", args[1]), region=substitutes.swap("vps regions", args[0])) if not reply: return JsonResponse(reply, "The selected region did not have enough stock left to satisfy your request. Try using region '0' for a random location.") if not reply.get('service', False): return JsonResponse(reply, "Your new VPS has been created; please pay invoice {invoice} (${total:.2f}) to continue.".format(**reply['invoice'])) substitutes.sub('vps list', reply['service']['name'], reply['service']['id']) return JsonResponse(reply, "Your new vps is now named {name} (#{id}) on node {node}. Deploy it with `vps deploy'!" .format(**reply['service']))
def info(args, flags): reply = centarra('/vps/%s' % args[0]) service = reply['service'] service['w'] = ' not' if not service['monitoring'] else '' rpl = "\r\nServer {id} - {name} (\"{nickname}\")" + \ "\r\n\t{name} is on node {node} with {cpu_sla} CPU SLA status." + \ "\r\n\t{name} has {memory}mb memory, {swap}mb swap, and {disk}gb disk space." + \ "\r\n\t{name} is{w} being monitored, and has MAC address {mac}" + \ "\r\n\t{name} is allowed {ipv6_limit} IPv6 addresses and {ipv4_limit} IPv4 addresses." + \ (''.join(["\r\n\tIt has IPv{x} address {ip} (id {id})".format(x=i['ipnet']['version'], **i) for i in service['ips']]) if 'i' in flags else '') return JsonResponse(reply, rpl.format(**service))
def list(args, flags): # I'd rather not spit every ticket reply out at them at once in this command... reply = centarra("/support/tickets") rpl = [] for ticket in reply['tickets']: form = { "open": "OPEN" if ticket['is_open'] else "CLOSED", "o_t": pretty_date(ticket['opened_at']), "closed": "\tclosed %s" % pretty_date(ticket['closed_at']) if not ticket['is_open'] else "\t\t" } rpl.append("#{ticket} by {user}\t{open}\t\tOpened {o_t}{closed}\tSubject: \"{subject}\"".format(**(dict(form.items() + ticket.items())))) return JsonResponse(reply, "\r\n".join(rpl))
def view(args, flags): reply = centarra("/support/ticket/%s" % args[0]) ticket = reply['ticket'] form = { "open": "OPEN" if ticket['is_open'] else "CLOSED", "o_t": pretty_date(ticket['opened_at']), "closed": "\tclosed %s" % pretty_date(ticket['closed_at']) if not ticket['is_open'] else "\t\t" } rpl = ("#{ticket} by {user}\t{open}\t\tOpened {o_t}{closed}\tSubject: \"{subject}\"\r\n".format(**(dict(form.items() + ticket.items())))) for i in ticket['replies']: rpl += ("\r\nReply {ago}, by {user}:\r\n" + ("-" * 10) + "\r\n{message}\r\n" + ("-" * 10)).format(ago=pretty_date(i['replied_at']), **i) return JsonResponse(reply, rpl)
def zones(args, flags): reply = centarra('/dns/zones') resp = [] for zone in reply['zones']: substitutes.sub('dns zones', zone['name'], zone['id']) a = "Zone #{id} - {name}, owned by {user}, with {x} records assigned.".format(x=len(zone['records']), **zone) if 'l' in flags: a += "\r\n\tID\t\tType\t\tPriority\tTTL\t\tContent" for record in zone['records']: a += "\r\n\t({id}):\t\t{type}\t\t{prio}\t\t{ttl}\t\t\"{content}\"".format(**record) resp.append(a) return JsonResponse(reply, "\r\n".join(resp))
def ip_manage(args, flags): oper = args.pop(1) if oper == "add": vps_id, net_id, ip = tuple(args) vps_id = substitutes.swap("vps list", vps_id) reply = centarra("/vps/{}/admin/ip/add".format(vps_id), ipbox="{}!{}".format(net_id, ip)) return JsonResponse(reply, flashed("IP address {0} was successfully added to your vServer.".format(ip))) elif oper == "rdns": vps_id, ip_id, rdns = tuple(args) vps_id = substitutes.swap("vps list", vps_id) reply = centarra("/vps/{}/admin/ip/{}/rdns-modify".format(vps_id, ip_id), rdns=rdns) return JsonResponse(reply, flashed("IP rDNS was successfully set on your IP address.")) elif oper == "delete": vps_id, ip_id = tuple(args) vps_id = substitutes.swap("vps list", vps_id) return JsonResponse(centarra("/vps/{}/admin/ip/{}/delete".format(vps_id, ip_id)), "Your IP address has been successfully deleted.") elif oper == "list": vps_id = substitutes.swap("vps list", args[0]) reply = centarra("/vps/{}/admin".format(vps_id)) rpl = [] for ip in reply['service']['ips']: rpl.append("#{}: IPv{} address {} | Broadcast {} | Netmask {} | Gateway {} | Network {}".format( ip["id"], ip['ipnet']['version'], ip['ip'], ip['ipnet']['broadcast'], ip['ipnet']['netmask'], ip['ipnet']['gateway'], ip['ipnet']['network'])) return JsonResponse(reply, "\n".join(rpl)) elif oper == "available": vps_id = substitutes.swap("vps list", args[0]) reply = centarra("/{}/admin/available-addresses.json".format(vps_id)) ret = [] for irange in reply: ret.append("IP Range #{}:".format(irange)) for ip in reply[irange]: ret.append("\t{}".format(ip)) return "Unknown IP operation '{}'.".format(oper)
def zone(args, flags): reply = centarra('/dns/zone/%s' % substitutes.swap("dns zones", args[0])) zone = reply['zone'] substitutes.sub('dns zones', zone['name'], zone['id']) a = "Zone #{id} - {name}, owned by {user}, with {x} records assigned".format(x=len(zone['records']), **zone) a += "\r\n\tID\t\tType\t\t" \ + ("Priority\t" if 'p' in flags else "") \ + ("TTL\t\t" if 't' in flags else "") \ + "Content" for record in zone['records']: a += ("\r\n\t({id}):\t\t{type}\t\t" + ("{prio}\t\t" if 'p' in flags else "") + ("{ttl}\t\t" if 't' in flags else "") + "\"{content}\"").format(**record) return JsonResponse(reply, a)
def deploy(args, flags): send = {} if 's' in flags: send['startvps'] = "on" if 'v' in flags: if flags['v'] in intent: send['intent'] = flags['v'] else: print("Warning: virtualization type is unknown - ignoring value %s" % flags['v']) reply = centarra('/vps/%s/deploy' % args[0], imagename=args[1], rootpass=args[2], **send) return JsonResponse(reply, "Your vServer #{vps} is being deployed with the image name {image}, root password {pw}".format( vps=args[0], image=args[1], pw=''.join(['*' for a in args[2]])) + ('\r\n' if 'intent' in send or 's' in flags else "") + (("Using virtualization type %s" % send['intent']) if 'intent' in send else '') + ("; " if 'intent' in send and 's' in flags else "") + ("Starting VPS after install completes" if 's' in flags else "")) # TODO what did I just write. also fix ' and " differences everywhere.
def profile_contact(args, flags): args = { 'new_email': args[0], 'organization': args[1], 'contact_name': args[2], 'address1': args[3], 'address2': args[4], 'city': args[5], 'state': args[6], 'country': args[7], 'phone': args[8], 'zip': args[9] } reply = centarra('/profile/email', **args) rsp = "" for i in args: rsp += "%s=%s, " % (i, args[i]) return JsonResponse(reply, flashed() + "\n" + rsp[:-2])
def available(args, flags): reply = centarra('/vps/signup') for i in reply['regions']: sub(i['name'], i['id']) for i in reply['resource_plans']: sub(i['name'], i['id']) if args[0] == "regions": return JsonResponse(reply['regions'], '\r\n'.join(["(%s): %s" % (i['id'], i['name']) for i in reply['regions']])) else: rpl = [] for i in reply['resource_plans']: rpl.append(("({id}) '{name}' - ${price_usd}" + (" ({price_btc} BTC)" if 'b' in flags else "") + "." + ("\tIPv4 limit {ipv4_limit}, IPv6 limit {ipv6_limit}" if "l" in flags else "") + ("\tSwap {swap}mb" if 'S' in flags else "") + ("\tMemory {memory}mb" if 'M' in flags else "") + ("\tDisk {disk}gb" if 'D' in flags else "") ).format(**i)) return JsonResponse(reply, '\r\n'.join(rpl))
def available(args, flags): reply = centarra('/vps/signup') for i in reply['regions']: substitutes.sub('vps regions', i['name'], i['id']) for i in reply['resource_plans']: substitutes.sub('vps plans', i['name'], i['id']) rpl = [] if not args or args[0] == "regions": rpl.append("Available Regions: \n") rpl += ["(%s): %s" % (i['id'], i['name']) for i in reply['regions']] if not args or args[0] == "plans": rpl.append("Available Plans: \n") for i in reply['resource_plans']: rpl.append(("({id}) '{name}' - ${price_usd:.2f}" + (" ({price_btc} BTC)" if 'b' in flags else "") + "." + ("\tIPv4 limit {ipv4_limit}, IPv6 limit {ipv6_limit}" if "l" in flags else "") + ("\tSwap {swap}mb" if 'S' in flags else "") + ("\tMemory {memory}mb" if 'M' in flags else "") + ("\tDisk {disk}gb" if 'D' in flags else "") ).format(**i)) return JsonResponse(reply, '\n'.join(rpl))
def stock(args, flags): reply = centarra("/vps/stock.json") if 'p' in flags: plan = False res = {} for region in reply: if not plan: for plan_amt in reply[region]: if flags['p'] in plan_amt: plan = plan_amt res[region] = reply[region][plan_amt] break else: res[region] = reply[region][plan] return JsonResponse(reply, ("%s: \n" % plan) + "\n".join(["\t%s: %s" % (i, res[i]) for i in res])) res = [] for region in reply: res.append("\n" + region) for plan in reply[region]: res.append("{}: {}".format(plan, reply[region][plan])) return JsonResponse(reply, "\n".join(res))
def list(args, flags): reply = centarra('/vps/list') for i in reply['vpslist']: substitutes.sub('vps list', i['name'], i['id']) substitutes.sub('vps list', i['nickname'], i['id']) rpl = [] for i in reply['vpslist']: st = '\t{id}: {name} ("{nickname}") on {node}\t\t' + \ ("IPv6 limit {ipv6_limit}, IPv4 limit {ipv4_limit}\t" if 'l' in flags else '') + \ ("{cpu_sla} CPU SLA\t" if 's' in flags else '') + \ ((("IPs: " + ", ".join([j['ip'] for j in i['ips']])) + "\t") if 'i' in flags else '') + \ ("MAC address {mac}\t" if 'm' in flags else '') + \ ("Owned by {user}\t" if 'u' in flags else '') + \ ("Monitoring {monitoring} enabled\t".format(monitoring="is" if i['monitoring'] else "is not") if 'w' in flags else '') + \ ("{memory}mb memory\t" if 'M' in flags else '') + \ ("{swap}mb swap\t" if 'S' in flags else '') + \ ("{disk}gb disk\t" if "D" in flags else '') rpl.append(st.format(**i)) rpl = '\n'.join(rpl) return JsonResponse(reply, "Your current vServers: \n%s" % rpl)
def deploy(args, flags): update_vps_list() update_templates_list(args[0]) send = {} if 'p' in flags: send['rootpass'] = flags['p'] else: import getpass send['rootpass'] = getpass.getpass('Enter root password: '******'s' in flags: send['startvps'] = "on" if 'v' in flags: if flags['v'] in intent: send['intent'] = flags['v'] else: print("Warning: virtualization type is unknown - ignoring value %s" % flags['v']) reply = centarra('/vps/%s/deploy' % substitutes.swap("vps list", substitutes.swap("vps list", args[0])), imagename=args[1], **send) return JsonResponse(reply, flashed() + "\nYour vServer #{vps} is being deployed with the image name {image}, root password {pw}".format( vps=substitutes.swap("vps list", args[0]), image=args[1], pw=''.join(['*' for a in send['rootpass']])) + ('\n' if 'intent' in send or 's' in flags else "") + (("Using virtualization type %s" % send['intent']) if 'intent' in send else '') + ("; " if 'intent' in send and 's' in flags else "") + ("Starting VPS after install completes" if 's' in flags else "")) # TODO that's awful logic control. also fix ' and " differences... everywhere.
def delete_record(args, flags): update_dns_zones() reply = centarra("/dns/zone/%s/record/%s/delete" % (substitutes.swap("dns zones", args[0]), args[1])) return JsonResponse(reply, "Your record %s in domain %s has been deleted." % (args[1], substitutes.swap("dns zones", args[0])))
def password(args, flags): reply = centarra('/profile/password', newpass=args[0]) return JsonResponse(reply, flashed())
def delete(args, flags): update_dns_zones() reply = centarra("/dns/zone/%s/delete" % substitutes.swap("dns zones", args[0])) return JsonResponse(reply, "Your zone %s (#%s) has been successfully deleted." % (args[0], substitutes.swap("dns zones", args[0])))
def new_api_key(args, flags): reply = centarra('/profile/new-apikey') return JsonResponse(reply, flashed())
def webhook_uri(args, flags): reply = centarra('/profile/webhook-uri', webhook_uri=args[0]) return JsonResponse(reply, flashed())
def record(args, flags): update_dns_zones() reply = centarra("/dns/zone/{}/record/{}".format(substitutes.swap("dns zones", args[0]), args[1])) return JsonResponse(reply, "Record #{id}\n\tTTL {ttl}\n\tPrio {prio}\n\tType {type}\n\t{name} = '{content}'".format(**reply['record']))
def edit_record(args, flags): update_dns_zones() reply = centarra("/dns/zone/%s/record/%s" % (substitutes.swap("dns zones", args[0]), args[1]), subdomain=args[2], content=args[3]) return JsonResponse(reply, "Record {id} was successfully updated - {sub}{dot}{name} set to {content}" .format(dot="." if args[2] is not "" else "", sub=args[2], content=args[3], id=args[1], **(reply['zone'])))
def new(args, flags): reply = centarra('/dns/zone/new', domain_name=args[0]) if reply == {}: return reply, flashed() response = "Domain {id} was created. See `dns zone {id}' for more information.".format(**reply['zone']) return JsonResponse(reply, response)
def axfr_import(args, flags): update_dns_zones() reply = centarra("/dns/zone/%s/axfr-import" % substitutes.swap("dns zones", args[0]), nameserver=args[1]) return JsonResponse(reply, "Your axfr-import process is running for domain %s on nameserver %s" % (args[0], args[1]))