예제 #1
def main():
    Begin Main...
    logger = LoggingUtil.create_log(__name__)

    now = datetime.now()
    print("Starting: " + str(now))

    # Obtain the list of known email addresses from the config collection
    mongo_connector = MongoConnector.MongoConnector()
    whois_collection = mongo_connector.get_whois_connection()
    all_dns_collection = mongo_connector.get_all_dns_connection()
    zones_collection = mongo_connector.get_zone_connection()
    jobs_manager = JobsManager.JobsManager(mongo_connector, 'mark_expired')

    # Grab all zones that are not expired of false_positives
    # Also exclude any that were recently created since they won't have data yet
    date_delta = datetime.today() - timedelta(days=30)
    zones = zones_collection.distinct(
        'zone', {
            'created': {
                "$lt": date_delta
            'status': {
                "$nin": [ZoneManager.EXPIRED, ZoneManager.FALSE_POSITIVE]

    # The Python Whois library is hit and miss with some international zones.
    # For now, this script focuses on the most popular TLDs.
    new_zones = get_primary_zones(logger, zones)

    expired_list = []
    for zone in new_zones:
        if whois_collection.find({'zone': zone}).count() == 0:
            # Assume it is expired if there is no longer a whois record present

    for zone in expired_list:
        if all_dns_collection.find({'zone': zone}).count() > 0:
            # This may be a case where the Python Whois library failed
            # and the zone is still active.
            logger.debug("DNS records still exist for " + zone)

    zone_manager = ZoneManager(mongo_connector)

    # Need to get this list before setting zones to expired in order to avoid a recursion problem.
    already_expired = zone_manager.get_zones_by_status(ZoneManager.EXPIRED)

    possibly_renewed = []
    for zone in already_expired:
        if whois_collection.find({'zone': zone}).count() == 1:

    for zone in expired_list:
        logger.debug("Expiring: " + zone)
        zone_manager.set_status(zone, ZoneManager.EXPIRED, "mark_expired.py")

    # Get the list of known registering entities.
    # This will only work for some whois lookups since Python Whois doesn't get
    # a valid org for all lookups and some have privacy enabled.
    config_collection = mongo_connector.get_config_connection()
    result = config_collection.find({}, {
        'Whois_Orgs': 1,
        'Whois_Name_Servers': 1
    orgs = result[0]['Whois_Orgs']
    name_servers = []
    if 'Whois_Name_Servers' in result[0]:
        name_servers = result[0]['Whois_Name_Servers']


    for zone in possibly_renewed:
        # We need to be careful of automatically marking something renewed
        # since it could have been registered by someone else.
        if whois_collection.find({
                'zone': zone,
                'org': {
                    "$in": orgs
        }).count() == 1:
            logger.warning("ATTENTION: " + zone +
                           " has been renewed based on org")
            zone_manager.set_status(zone, ZoneManager.UNCONFIRMED,
            result = whois_collection.find({'zone': zone}, {
                'name_servers': 1,
                "_id": 0
            found = 0
            if result is not None and 'name_servers' in result[0] and result[
                    0]['name_servers'] is not None:
                for entry in result[0]['name_servers']:
                    if entry.lower() in name_servers:
                            "ATTENTION: " + zone +
                            " has been renewed based on name servers")
                        zone_manager.set_status(zone, ZoneManager.UNCONFIRMED,
                        found = 1
            if found == 0:
                result = whois_collection.find({'zone': zone}, {
                    'name_server_groups': 1,
                    "_id": 0
                if result is not None and 'name_server_groups' in result[
                        0] and result[0]['name_server_groups'] is not None:
                    for entry in result[0]['name_server_groups']:
                        if entry.lower() in name_servers:
                                "ATTENTION: " + zone +
                                " has been renewed based on name server_groups"
                            found = 1
            if found == 0:
                logger.warning(zone + " has been renewed by an unknown entity")

    # Record status

    now = datetime.now()
    print("Ending: " + str(now))
예제 #2
def main():
    Begin Main...
    now = datetime.now()
    print("Starting: " + str(now))

    # Obtain the list of known email addresses from the config collection
    mongo_connector = MongoConnector.MongoConnector()
    whois_collection = mongo_connector.get_whois_connection()
    all_dns_collection = mongo_connector.get_all_dns_connection()
    zones_collection = mongo_connector.get_zone_connection()
    jobs_collection = mongo_connector.get_jobs_connection()

    # Grab all zones that are not expired of false_positives
    # Also exclude any that were recently created since they won't have data yet
    date_delta = datetime.today() - timedelta(days=30)
    zones = zones_collection.distinct('zone', {'created': {"$lt": date_delta}, 'status': {"$nin": [ZoneManager.EXPIRED, ZoneManager.FALSE_POSITIVE]}})

    # The Python Whois library is hit and miss with some international zones.
    # For now, this script focuses on the most popular TLDs.
    new_zones = get_primary_zones(zones)

    expired_list = []
    for zone in new_zones:
        if whois_collection.find({'zone': zone}).count() == 0:
            # Assume it is expired if there is no longer a whois record present

    for zone in expired_list:
        if all_dns_collection.find({'zone': zone}).count() > 0:
            # This may be a case where the Python Whois library failed
            # and the zone is still active.
            print("DNS records still exist for " + zone)

    zone_manager = ZoneManager(mongo_connector)

    # Need to get this list before setting zones to expired in order to avoid a recursion problem.
    already_expired = zone_manager.get_zones_by_status(ZoneManager.EXPIRED)

    possibly_renewed = []
    for zone in already_expired:
        if whois_collection.find({'zone': zone}).count() == 1:

    for zone in expired_list:
        print("Expiring: " + zone)
        zone_manager.set_status(zone, ZoneManager.EXPIRED, "mark_expired.py")

    # Get the list of known registering entities.
    # This will only work for some whois lookups since Python Whois doesn't get
    # a valid org for all lookups and some have privacy enabled.
    config_collection = mongo_connector.get_config_connection()
    result = config_collection.find({}, {'Whois_Orgs': 1})
    orgs = result[0]['Whois_Orgs']

    for zone in possibly_renewed:
        # We need to be careful of automatically marking something renewed
        # since it could have been registered by someone else.
        if whois_collection.find({'zone': zone, 'org': {"$in": orgs}}).count() == 1:
            print("ATTENTION: " + zone + "has been renewed")
            zone_manager.set_status(zone, ZoneManager.UNCONFIRMED, "mark_expired.py")
            print("WARNING: " + zone + " has been renewed by an unknown entity")

    # Record status
    jobs_collection.update_one({'job_name': 'mark_expired'},
                               {'$currentDate': {"updated": True},
                                "$set": {'status': 'COMPLETE'}})

    now = datetime.now()
    print("Ending: " + str(now))