예제 #1
def full_wicker(in_var, num_channels_prod, num_channels_sums, num_classes=10, edge_size=28,
                first_depthwise=False, supervised=True):
    stack_size = int(np.ceil(np.log2(edge_size))) - 1

    if first_depthwise:
        prod0 = ConvProductsDepthwise(
            in_var, padding='full', kernel_size=2, strides=1,
            spatial_dim_sizes=[edge_size, edge_size])
        prod0 = ConvProducts(
            in_var, num_channels=num_channels_prod[0], padding='full', kernel_size=2, strides=1,
            spatial_dim_sizes=[edge_size, edge_size])
    h = LocalSums(prod0, num_channels=num_channels_sums[0])

    for i in range(stack_size):
        dilation_rate = 2 ** (i + 1)
        h = ConvProductsDepthwise(
            h, padding='full', kernel_size=2, strides=1, dilation_rate=dilation_rate)
        h = LocalSums(h, num_channels=num_channels_sums[1 + i])

    full_scope_prod = ConvProductsDepthwise(
        h, padding='wicker_top', kernel_size=2, strides=1, dilation_rate=2 ** (stack_size + 1))
    if supervised:
        class_roots = ParallelSums(full_scope_prod, num_sums=num_classes)
        root = Sum(class_roots)
        return root, class_roots
    return Sum(full_scope_prod), None
예제 #2
def wicker_convspn_two_non_overlapping(
        in_var, num_channels_prod, num_channels_sums, num_classes=10, edge_size=28,
        first_depthwise=False, supervised=True):
    stack_size = int(np.ceil(np.log2(edge_size))) - 2

    if first_depthwise:
        prod0 = ConvProductsDepthwise(
            in_var, padding='valid', kernel_size=2, strides=2,
            spatial_dim_sizes=[edge_size, edge_size])
        prod0 = ConvProducts(
            in_var, num_channels=num_channels_prod[0], padding='valid', kernel_size=2, strides=2,
            spatial_dim_sizes=[edge_size, edge_size])
    sum0 = LocalSums(prod0, num_channels=num_channels_sums[0])
    prod1 = ConvProductsDepthwise(sum0, padding='valid', kernel_size=2, strides=2)
    h = LocalSums(prod1, num_channels=num_channels_sums[1])

    for i in range(stack_size):
        dilation_rate = 2 ** i
        h = ConvProductsDepthwise(
            h, padding='full', kernel_size=2, strides=1, dilation_rate=dilation_rate)
        h = LocalSums(h, num_channels=num_channels_sums[2 + i])

    full_scope_prod = ConvProductsDepthwise(
        h, padding='wicker_top', kernel_size=2, strides=1, dilation_rate=2 ** stack_size)
    if supervised:
        class_roots = ParallelSums(full_scope_prod, num_sums=num_classes)
        root = Sum(class_roots)
        return root, class_roots

    return Sum(full_scope_prod), None
예제 #3
    def _log_likelihood(self):
        """Computes log(p(X)) by creating a copy of the root node without latent indicators.

            A Tensor of shape [batch, 1] corresponding to the log likelihood of the data.
        if isinstance(self._root, BaseSum):
            marginalizing_root = self._marginalizing_root or Sum(
                *self._root.values, weights=self._root.weights)
            marginalizing_root = self._marginalizing_root or BlockSum(
        return self._log_value.get_value(marginalizing_root)
예제 #4
    def generate(self, *inputs, rnd=None, root_name=None):
        """Generate the SPN.

            inputs (input_like): Inputs to the generated SPN.
            rnd (Random): Optional. A custom instance of a random number generator
                          ``random.Random`` that will be used instead of the
                          default global instance. This permits using a generator
                          with a custom state independent of the global one.
            root_name (str): Name of the root node of the generated SPN.

           Sum: Root node of the generated SPN.
            "Generating dense SPN (num_decomps=%s, num_subsets=%s,"
            " num_mixtures=%s, input_dist=%s, num_input_mixtures=%s)",
            self.num_decomps, self.num_subsets,
            self.num_mixtures, self.input_dist, self.num_input_mixtures)
        inputs = [Input.as_input(i) for i in inputs]
        input_set = self.__generate_set(inputs)
        self.__debug1("Found %s distinct input scopes",

        # Create root
        root = Sum(name=root_name)

        # Subsets left to process
        subsets = deque()

        # Process subsets layer by layer
        self.__decomp_id = 1  # Id number of a decomposition, for info only
        while subsets:
            # Process whole layer (all subsets at the same level)
            level = subsets[0].level
            self.__debug1("Processing level %s", level)
            while subsets and subsets[0].level == level:
                subset = subsets.popleft()
                new_subsets = self.__add_decompositions(subset, rnd)
                for s in new_subsets:

        # If NodeType is LAYER, convert the generated graph with LayerNodes
        return (self.convert_to_layer_nodes(root) if self.node_type ==
                DenseSPNGenerator.NodeType.LAYER else root)
예제 #5
    def build(self, *sample_inputs, class_input=None, num_vars=None,
              num_vals=None, seed=None):
        """Build the SPN graph of the model.

        The model can be built on top of any ``sample_inputs``. Otherwise, if no
        sample inputs are provided, the model will internally crate a single IndicatorLeaf
        node to represent the input data samples. In such case, ``num_vars`` and
        ``num_vals`` must be specified.

        Similarly, if ``class_input`` is provided, it is used as a source of
        class indicators of the root sum node combining sub-SPNs modeling
        particular classes. Otherwise, an internal IndicatorLeaf node is created for this

            *sample_inputs (input_like): Optional. Inputs to the model
                                         providing data samples.
            class_input (input_like): Optional. Input providing class indicators.
            num_vars (int): Optional. Number of variables in each sample. Must
                            only be provided if ``sample_inputs`` are not given.
            num_vals (int or list of int): Optional. Number of values of each
                variable. Can be a single value or a list of values, one for
                each of ``num_vars`` variables. Must only be provided if
                ``sample_inputs`` are not given.
            seed (int): Optional. Seed used for the dense SPN generator.

           Sum: Root node of the generated model.
        if not sample_inputs:
            if num_vars is None:
                raise ValueError("num_vars must be given when sample_inputs are not")
            if num_vals is None:
                raise ValueError("num_vals must be given when sample_inputs are not")
            if not isinstance(num_vars, int) or num_vars < 1:
                raise ValueError("num_vars must be an integer > 0")
            if not isinstance(num_vals, int) or num_vals < 1:
                raise ValueError("num_vals must be an integer > 0")
        if self._num_classes > 1:
            self.__info("Building a discrete dense model with %d classes" %
            self.__info("Building a 1-class discrete dense model")

        # Create IndicatorLeaf if inputs not given
        if not sample_inputs:
            self._sample_latent_indicators = IndicatorLeaf(num_vars=num_vars, num_vals=num_vals,
            self._sample_inputs = [Input(self._sample_latent_indicators)]
            self._sample_inputs = tuple(Input.as_input(i) for i in sample_inputs)
        if self._num_classes > 1:
            if class_input is None:
                self._class_latent_indicators = IndicatorLeaf(num_vars=1, num_vals=self._num_classes,
                self._class_input = Input(self._class_latent_indicators)
                self._class_input = Input.as_input(class_input)

        # Generate structure
        dense_gen = DenseSPNGenerator(num_decomps=self._num_decomps,
        rnd = random.Random(seed)
        if self._num_classes == 1:
            # One-class
            self._root = dense_gen.generate(*self._sample_inputs, rnd=rnd,
            # Multi-class: create sub-SPNs
            sub_spns = []
            for c in range(self._num_classes):
                rnd_copy = random.Random()
                with tf.name_scope("Class%d" % c):
                    sub_root = dense_gen.generate(*self._sample_inputs,
                if self.__is_debug1():
                    self.__debug1("sub-SPN %d has %d nodes" %
                                  (c, sub_root.get_num_nodes()))
            # Create root
            self._root = Sum(*sub_spns, latent_indicators=self._class_input, name="Root")

        if self.__is_debug1():
            self.__debug1("SPN graph has %d nodes" % self._root.get_num_nodes())

        # Generate weight nodes
        self.__debug1("Generating weight nodes")
        generate_weights(self._root, initializer=self._weight_initializer)
        if self.__is_debug1():
            self.__debug1("SPN graph has %d nodes and %d TF ops" % (
                self._root.get_num_nodes(), self._root.get_tf_graph_size()))

        return self._root
예제 #6
class DiscreteDenseModel(Model):

    """Basic dense SPN model operating on discrete data.

    If `num_classes` is greater than 1, a multi-class model is created by
    generating multiple parallel dense models (one for each class) and combining
    them with a sum node with an explicit latent class variable.

        num_vars (int): Number of discrete random variables representing data
        num_vals (int): Number of values of each random variable.
        num_classes (int): Number of classes assumed by the model.
        num_decomps (int): Number of decompositions at each level of dense SPN.
        num_subsets (int): Number of variable sub-sets for each decomposition.
        num_mixtures (int): Number of mixtures (sums) for each variable subset.
        input_dist (InputDist): Determines how IndicatorLeaf of the discrete variables for
                                data samples are connected to the model.
        num_input_mixtures (int): Number of mixtures used representing each
                                  discrete data variable (mixing the data variable
                                  IndicatorLeaf) when ``input_dist`` is set to ``MIXTURE``.
                                  If set to ``None``, ``num_mixtures`` is used.
        weight_init_value: Initial value of the weights.

    __logger = get_logger()
    __info = __logger.info
    __debug1 = __logger.debug1
    __is_debug1 = __logger.is_debug1
    __debug2 = __logger.debug2
    __is_debug2 = __logger.is_debug2

    def __init__(self, num_classes,
                 num_decomps, num_subsets, num_mixtures,
                 weight_initializer=tf.initializers.random_uniform(0.0, 1.0)):
        if not isinstance(num_classes, int):
            raise ValueError("num_classes must be an integer")
        self._num_classes = num_classes
        self._num_decomps = num_decomps
        self._num_subsets = num_subsets
        self._num_mixtures = num_mixtures
        self._input_dist = input_dist
        self._num_input_mixtures = num_input_mixtures
        self._weight_initializer = weight_initializer
        self._class_latent_indicators = None
        self._sample_latent_indicators = None
        self._class_input = None
        self._sample_inputs = None

    def __repr__(self):
        return (type(self).__qualname__ + "(" +
                ("num_classes=" + str(self._num_classes)) + ", " +
                ("num_decomps=" + str(self._num_decomps)) + ", " +
                ("num_subsets=" + str(self._num_subsets)) + ", " +
                ("num_mixtures=" + str(self._num_mixtures)) + ", " +
                ("input_dist=" + str(self._input_dist)) + ", " +
                ("num_input_mixtures=" + str(self._num_input_mixtures)) + ", " +
                ("weight_init_value=" + str(self._weight_initializer))
                + ")")

    def serialize(self, save_param_vals=True, sess=None):
        # Serialize the graph first
        data = serialize_graph(self._root, save_param_vals=save_param_vals,
        # Add model specific information
        # Inputs
        if self._sample_latent_indicators is not None:
            data['sample_latent_indicators'] = self._sample_latent_indicators.name
        data['sample_inputs'] = [(i.node.name, i.indices)
                                 for i in self._sample_inputs]
        if self._class_latent_indicators is not None:
            data['class_latent_indicators'] = self._class_latent_indicators.name
        if self._class_input:
            data['class_input'] = (self._class_input.node.name,
        # Model params
        data['num_classes'] = self._num_classes
        data['num_decomps'] = self._num_decomps
        data['num_subsets'] = self._num_subsets
        data['num_mixtures'] = self._num_mixtures
        data['input_dist'] = self._input_dist
        data['num_input_mixtures'] = self._num_input_mixtures
        data['weight_init_value'] = self._weight_initializer
        return data

    def deserialize(self, data, load_param_vals=True, sess=None):
        # Deserialize the graph first
        nodes_by_name = {}
        self._root = deserialize_graph(data, load_param_vals=load_param_vals,
        # Model specific information
        # Inputs
        sample_latent_indicators = data.get('sample_latent_indicators', None)
        if sample_latent_indicators:
            self._sample_latent_indicators = nodes_by_name[sample_latent_indicators]
            self._sample_latent_indicators = None
        self._sample_inputs = tuple(Input(nodes_by_name[nn], i)
                                    for nn, i in data['sample_inputs'])
        class_latent_indicators = data.get('class_latent_indicators', None)
        if class_latent_indicators:
            self._class_latent_indicators = nodes_by_name[class_latent_indicators]
            self._class_latent_indicators = None
        class_input = data.get('class_input', None)
        if class_input:
            self._class_input = Input(nodes_by_name[class_input[0]], class_input[1])
            self._class_input = None
        # Model params
        self._num_classes = data['num_classes']
        self._num_decomps = data['num_decomps']
        self._num_subsets = data['num_subsets']
        self._num_mixtures = data['num_mixtures']
        self._input_dist = data['input_dist']
        self._num_input_mixtures = data['num_input_mixtures']
        self._weight_initializer = data['weight_init_value']

    def sample_latent_indicators(self):
        """IndicatorLeaf: IndicatorLeaf with input data sample."""
        return self._sample_latent_indicators

    def class_latent_indicators(self):
        """IndicatorLeaf: Class indicator variables."""
        return self._class_latent_indicators

    def sample_inputs(self):
        """list of Input: Inputs to the model providing data samples."""
        return self._sample_inputs

    def class_input(self):
        """Input: Input providing class indicators.."""
        return self._class_input

    def build(self, *sample_inputs, class_input=None, num_vars=None,
              num_vals=None, seed=None):
        """Build the SPN graph of the model.

        The model can be built on top of any ``sample_inputs``. Otherwise, if no
        sample inputs are provided, the model will internally crate a single IndicatorLeaf
        node to represent the input data samples. In such case, ``num_vars`` and
        ``num_vals`` must be specified.

        Similarly, if ``class_input`` is provided, it is used as a source of
        class indicators of the root sum node combining sub-SPNs modeling
        particular classes. Otherwise, an internal IndicatorLeaf node is created for this

            *sample_inputs (input_like): Optional. Inputs to the model
                                         providing data samples.
            class_input (input_like): Optional. Input providing class indicators.
            num_vars (int): Optional. Number of variables in each sample. Must
                            only be provided if ``sample_inputs`` are not given.
            num_vals (int or list of int): Optional. Number of values of each
                variable. Can be a single value or a list of values, one for
                each of ``num_vars`` variables. Must only be provided if
                ``sample_inputs`` are not given.
            seed (int): Optional. Seed used for the dense SPN generator.

           Sum: Root node of the generated model.
        if not sample_inputs:
            if num_vars is None:
                raise ValueError("num_vars must be given when sample_inputs are not")
            if num_vals is None:
                raise ValueError("num_vals must be given when sample_inputs are not")
            if not isinstance(num_vars, int) or num_vars < 1:
                raise ValueError("num_vars must be an integer > 0")
            if not isinstance(num_vals, int) or num_vals < 1:
                raise ValueError("num_vals must be an integer > 0")
        if self._num_classes > 1:
            self.__info("Building a discrete dense model with %d classes" %
            self.__info("Building a 1-class discrete dense model")

        # Create IndicatorLeaf if inputs not given
        if not sample_inputs:
            self._sample_latent_indicators = IndicatorLeaf(num_vars=num_vars, num_vals=num_vals,
            self._sample_inputs = [Input(self._sample_latent_indicators)]
            self._sample_inputs = tuple(Input.as_input(i) for i in sample_inputs)
        if self._num_classes > 1:
            if class_input is None:
                self._class_latent_indicators = IndicatorLeaf(num_vars=1, num_vals=self._num_classes,
                self._class_input = Input(self._class_latent_indicators)
                self._class_input = Input.as_input(class_input)

        # Generate structure
        dense_gen = DenseSPNGenerator(num_decomps=self._num_decomps,
        rnd = random.Random(seed)
        if self._num_classes == 1:
            # One-class
            self._root = dense_gen.generate(*self._sample_inputs, rnd=rnd,
            # Multi-class: create sub-SPNs
            sub_spns = []
            for c in range(self._num_classes):
                rnd_copy = random.Random()
                with tf.name_scope("Class%d" % c):
                    sub_root = dense_gen.generate(*self._sample_inputs,
                if self.__is_debug1():
                    self.__debug1("sub-SPN %d has %d nodes" %
                                  (c, sub_root.get_num_nodes()))
            # Create root
            self._root = Sum(*sub_spns, latent_indicators=self._class_input, name="Root")

        if self.__is_debug1():
            self.__debug1("SPN graph has %d nodes" % self._root.get_num_nodes())

        # Generate weight nodes
        self.__debug1("Generating weight nodes")
        generate_weights(self._root, initializer=self._weight_initializer)
        if self.__is_debug1():
            self.__debug1("SPN graph has %d nodes and %d TF ops" % (
                self._root.get_num_nodes(), self._root.get_tf_graph_size()))

        return self._root
예제 #7
    def __add_decompositions(self, subset_info: SubsetInfo, rnd: random.Random):
        """Add nodes for a single subset, i.e. an instance of ``num_decomps``
        decompositions of ``subset`` into ``num_subsets`` sub-subsets with
        ``num_mixures`` mixtures per sub-subset.

            subset_info(SubsetInfo): Info about the subset being decomposed.
            rnd (Random): A custom instance of a random number generator or
                          ``None`` if default global instance should be used.

            list of SubsetInfo: Info about each new generated subset, which
            requires further decomposition.

        def subsubset_to_inputs_list(subsubset):
            """Convert sub-subsets into a list of tuples, where each
               tuple contains an input and a list of indices
            subsubset_list = list(next(iter(subsubset)))
            # Create a list of unique inputs from sub-subsets list
            unique_inputs = list(set(s_subset[0]
                                 for s_subset in subsubset_list))
            # For each unique input, collect all associated indices
            # into a single list, then create a list of tuples,
            # where each tuple contains an unique input and it's
            # list of indices
            inputs_list = []
            for unique_inp in unique_inputs:
                indices_list = []
                for s_subset in subsubset_list:
                    if s_subset[0] == unique_inp:
                inputs_list.append(tuple((unique_inp, indices_list)))

            return inputs_list

        # Get subset partitions
        self.__debug3("Decomposing subset:\n%s", subset_info.subset)
        num_elems = len(subset_info.subset)
        num_subsubsets = min(num_elems, self.num_subsets)  # Requested num subsets
        partitions = utils.random_partitions(subset_info.subset, num_subsubsets,
        self.__debug2("Randomized %s decompositions of a subset"
                      " of %s elements into %s sets",
                      len(partitions), num_elems, num_subsubsets)

        # Generate nodes for each decomposition/partition
        subsubset_infos = []
        for part in partitions:
            self.__debug2("Decomposition %s: into %s subsubsets of cardinality %s",
                          self.__decomp_id, len(part), [len(s) for s in part])
            self.__debug3("Decomposition %s subsubsets:\n%s",
                          self.__decomp_id, part)
            # Handle each subsubset
            sums_id = 1
            prod_inputs = []
            for subsubset in part:
                if self.node_type == DenseSPNGenerator.NodeType.SINGLE:
                    # Use single-nodes
                    if len(subsubset) > 1:  # Decomposable further
                        # Add mixtures
                        with tf.name_scope("Sums%s.%s" % (self.__decomp_id, sums_id)):
                            sums = [Sum(name="Sum%s" % (i + 1))
                                    for i in range(self.num_mixtures)]
                            sums_id += 1
                        # Register the mixtures as inputs of products
                        prod_inputs.append([(s, 0) for s in sums])
                        # Generate subsubset info
                            level=subset_info.level + 1, subset=subsubset,
                    else:  # Non-decomposable
                        if self.input_dist == DenseSPNGenerator.InputDist.RAW:
                            # Register the content of subset as inputs to products
                        elif self.input_dist == DenseSPNGenerator.InputDist.MIXTURE:
                            # Add mixtures
                            with tf.name_scope("Sums%s.%s" % (self.__decomp_id, sums_id)):
                                sums = [Sum(name="Sum%s" % (i + 1))
                                        for i in range(self.num_input_mixtures)]
                                sums_id += 1
                            # Register the mixtures as inputs of products
                            prod_inputs.append([(s, 0) for s in sums])
                            # Create an inputs list
                            inputs_list = subsubset_to_inputs_list(subsubset)
                            # Connect inputs to mixtures
                            for s in sums:
                else:  # Use multi-nodes
                    if len(subsubset) > 1:  # Decomposable further
                        # Add mixtures
                        with tf.name_scope("Sums%s.%s" % (self.__decomp_id, sums_id)):
                            sums = ParallelSums(num_sums=self.num_mixtures,
                                                name="ParallelSums%s.%s" %
                                           (self.__decomp_id, sums_id))
                            sums_id += 1
                        # Register the mixtures as inputs of PermProds
                        # Generate subsubset info
                                               level=subset_info.level + 1,
                                               subset=subsubset, parents=[sums]))
                    else:  # Non-decomposable
                        if self.input_dist == DenseSPNGenerator.InputDist.RAW:
                            # Create an inputs list
                            inputs_list = subsubset_to_inputs_list(subsubset)
                            if len(inputs_list) > 1:
                                inputs_list = [Concat(*inputs_list)]
                            # Register the content of subset as inputs to PermProds
                            [prod_inputs.append(inp) for inp in inputs_list]
                        elif self.input_dist == DenseSPNGenerator.InputDist.MIXTURE:
                            # Create an inputs list
                            inputs_list = subsubset_to_inputs_list(subsubset)
                            # Add mixtures
                            with tf.name_scope("Sums%s.%s" % (self.__decomp_id, sums_id)):
                                sums = ParallelSums(*inputs_list,
                                                    name="ParallelSums%s.%s" %
                                               (self.__decomp_id, sums_id))
                                sums_id += 1
                            # Register the mixtures as inputs of PermProds
            # Add product nodes
            if self.node_type == DenseSPNGenerator.NodeType.SINGLE:
                products = self.__add_products(prod_inputs)
                products = ([PermuteProducts(*prod_inputs, name="PermuteProducts%s" % self.__decomp_id)]
                            if len(prod_inputs) > 1 else prod_inputs)
            # Connect products to each parent Sum
            for p in subset_info.parents:
            # Increment decomposition id
            self.__decomp_id += 1
        return subsubset_infos
예제 #8
파일: test.py 프로젝트: danhlephuoc/libspn
 def build(self):
     # Inputs
     self._latent_indicators = IndicatorLeaf(num_vars=2,
     # Input mixtures
     s11 = Sum((self._latent_indicators, [0, 1]), name="Sum1.1")
     s11.generate_weights(tf.initializers.constant([0.4, 0.6]))
     s12 = Sum((self._latent_indicators, [0, 1]), name="Sum1.2")
     s12.generate_weights(tf.initializers.constant([0.1, 0.9]))
     s21 = Sum((self._latent_indicators, [2, 3]), name="Sum2.1")
     s21.generate_weights(tf.initializers.constant([0.7, 0.3]))
     s22 = Sum((self._latent_indicators, [2, 3]), name="Sum2.2")
     s22.generate_weights(tf.initializers.constant([0.8, 0.2]))
     # Components
     p1 = Product(s11, s21, name="Comp1")
     p2 = Product(s11, s22, name="Comp2")
     p3 = Product(s12, s22, name="Comp3")
     # Mixing components
     self._root = Sum(p1, p2, p3, name="Mixture")
     self._root.generate_weights(tf.initializers.constant([0.5, 0.2, 0.3]))
     return self._root
예제 #9
파일: test.py 프로젝트: danhlephuoc/libspn
class Poon11NaiveMixtureModel(Model):
    """A simple naive Bayes mixture from the Poon&Domingos'11 paper.

    The model is only used for testing. The weights of the model are initialized
    to specific values, for which various qualities are calculated.
    def __init__(self):
        self._latent_indicators = None

    def serialize(save_param_vals=True, sess=None):
        raise NotImplementedError("Serialization not implemented")

    def deserialize(self, data, load_param_vals=True, sess=None):
        raise NotImplementedError("Serialization not implemented")

    def latent_indicators(self):
        """IndicatorLeaf: The IndicatorLeaf with the input variables of the model."""
        return self._latent_indicators

    def true_mpe_state(self):
        """The true MPE state for the SPN."""
        return np.array([1, 0])

    def true_values(self):
        """The true values of the SPN for the :meth:`feed`."""
        return np.array([[1.0], [0.75], [0.25], [0.31], [0.228], [0.082],
                         [0.69], [0.522], [0.168]],

    def true_mpe_values(self):
        """The true MPE values of the SPN for the :meth:`feed`."""
        return np.array([[0.216], [0.216], [0.09], [0.14], [0.14], [0.06],
                         [0.216], [0.216], [0.09]],

    def feed(self):
        """Feed containing all possible values of the input variables."""
        values = np.arange(-1, 2)
        points = np.array(np.meshgrid(*[values for i in range(2)])).T
        return points.reshape(-1, points.shape[-1])

    def build(self):
        # Inputs
        self._latent_indicators = IndicatorLeaf(num_vars=2,
        # Input mixtures
        s11 = Sum((self._latent_indicators, [0, 1]), name="Sum1.1")
        s11.generate_weights(tf.initializers.constant([0.4, 0.6]))
        s12 = Sum((self._latent_indicators, [0, 1]), name="Sum1.2")
        s12.generate_weights(tf.initializers.constant([0.1, 0.9]))
        s21 = Sum((self._latent_indicators, [2, 3]), name="Sum2.1")
        s21.generate_weights(tf.initializers.constant([0.7, 0.3]))
        s22 = Sum((self._latent_indicators, [2, 3]), name="Sum2.2")
        s22.generate_weights(tf.initializers.constant([0.8, 0.2]))
        # Components
        p1 = Product(s11, s21, name="Comp1")
        p2 = Product(s11, s22, name="Comp2")
        p3 = Product(s12, s22, name="Comp3")
        # Mixing components
        self._root = Sum(p1, p2, p3, name="Mixture")
        self._root.generate_weights(tf.initializers.constant([0.5, 0.2, 0.3]))
        return self._root