예제 #1
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from libsw import input_util, command_index

def _help():
    print('sw clamav offline-update  # Temporarily stop ClamAV daemon and update definitions')
    print('sw clamav offline  # Use offline-update in a cron job once a day instead of using the update damon to update clamav')
    print('sw clamav daemon  # Use the update damon instead of a cron job to update clamav')
index = command_index.CategoryIndex('clamav', _help)

def _update():
    from libsw import clamav, logger
    log = logger.Log()
index.register_command('offline-update', _update)
index.register_command('offlineupdate', _update)

def _offline():
    from libsw import clamav, logger
    log = logger.Log()
index.register_command('offline', _offline)

def _daemon():
    from libsw import clamav, logger
    log = logger.Log()
index.register_command('daemon', _daemon)
예제 #2
from libsw import command_index

def _help():
        'sw ssh list [`example_username`]  # List all enabled SSH keys with access to the system; however, if a user is given, disabled keys are shown as well'
    print('sw ssh import [example_username]  # Import an SSH key')
    print('sw ssh disable [example_username [key]]  # Disable an SSH key')
        'sw ssh enable [example_username [key]]  # Enable a disabled SSH key')
        'sw ssh (delete|remove) [example_username [key]]  # Remove an SSH key')

index = command_index.CategoryIndex('ssh', _help)

def _import(username):
    from libsw import ssh, user
    if not username or not user.exists(username):
        username = user.select_user(True)
        'If you are using Unix or a Unix-like system such as Linux or OSX, you can copy this code into your local terminal to get your SSH key including the decorators you need for this command:'
        '''mkdir -p ~/.ssh; if [ ! -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then ssh-keygen -N "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa >/dev/null; fi; echo "Your full public key:"; cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'''
    key = input(
        'Enter the full public key lines as it appears in id_rsa.pub (or similar): '
예제 #3
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from libsw import input_util, command_index

def _help():
    from libsw import bind
    print('sw dns list  # List domains with a dedicated zone file')
    print('sw dns (add|create) [example.com]  # Add a new domain to the DNS system, reindexes zones, and restart bind')
    print('sw dns edit [example.com]  # Edit a DNS zone file and if modified, inrement the SOA and restart bind')
    print('sw dns reindex  # Reindex dns zone files (Only needed after you modify zone files outside Site Wrangler)')
    print('sw dns soa [`example.com`] [`' + bind.get_todays_soa() + '`]  # Updates the SOA for selected domain (for all domains if no domain is given)')
    print('sw dns checkexpire [`emailadmin`]  # Check for soon to expire domains in the DNS system')
    print('sw dns disable [example.com]  # Disable a zone record for a domain')
    print('sw dns enable [example.com]  # Enable a disabled zone record for a domain')
    print('sw dns (delete|remove) [example.com]  # Delete the zone record for a domain')
index = command_index.CategoryIndex('dns', _help)

def _soa(tertiary, more):
    from libsw import bind
    domain = False
    soa = False
    if tertiary != False:
        if input_util.is_domain(tertiary):
            domain = tertiary
            if more != False:
                soa = more[0]
            soa = tertiary
            if more != False:
                if input_util.is_domain(more[0]):
                    domain = more[0]
예제 #4
        'sw php change [example.com [7.3]]  # Change the PHP version of a site, optionally specifying domain, and PHP version'
    print('sw php disable [example.com]  # Disable a PHP vhost')
    print('sw php enable [example.com]  # Enable a PHP vhost')
        'sw php edit [example.com]  # Edit a PHP vhost and restart the appropriate PHP version upon exit'
    print('sw php (delete|remove) [example.com]  # Delete a PHP vhost')
        'sw php status  # Get the service status output for all enabled PHP versions'

index = command_index.CategoryIndex('php', _help)

def _add(domain, more):
    from libsw import php
    if not domain:
        domain = input_util.input_domain()
    sys_user = False
    php_version = False
    if more:
        sys_user = more[0]
        if len(more) > 1:
            php_version = more[1]
            php_version = php.select_version()
예제 #5
def _help():
    print('sw email (list|listdomain[s])  # List domains registered in the email system and their associated system users')
    print('sw email listuser[s]  # List all email accounts')
    print('sw email (add|create) [[email protected]]  # Add an email account')
    print('sw email setpass[word] [[email protected]]  # Change an email account password')
    print('sw email checkpass[word] [[email protected]]  # Check an email account password')
    print('sw email setdomain [example.com [example_username]]  # Associate a domain with a system account in the email system')
    print('sw email unsetdomain [example.com]  # Remove a domain from the email system')
    print('sw email (delete|remove) [[email protected] [`dropfiles`]]  # Delete an email account and optionally it\'s files')
    print('sw email dkim [example.com]  # Generates a new dkim pair and installs them')
    print('sw email sastatus [[user@]example.com]  # Check if SpamAssassin is enabled for a domain or email address')
    print('sw email enablesa [[user@]example.com]  # Enable SpamAssassin for a domain or email address')
    print('sw email disablesa [[user@]example.com]  # Disable SpamAssassin for a domain or email address')
    print('sw email status  # Get the service status output for all mail-related services')
index = command_index.CategoryIndex('email', _help)

def _add(address):
    from libsw import email
    from getpass import getpass
    user = False
    domain = False
    if address != False:
        user, domain = address.split('@')
    if domain == False:
        domain = email.select_domain()
    if user == False:
        user = input('Enter email name without "@' + dom + '": ')
    email.create_account(user, domain)
    password = email.hash_password( getpass('Email Password: '******'@' + domain, password).run():
예제 #6
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from libsw import input_util, command_index

def _help():
    print('sw cert list  # List all Let\'s Encrypt certificates indicating their expiration and if they are used in email')
    print('sw cert (add|create) [example.com [example_username] [`nomail`]]  # Get an SSL certificate for a domain')
    print('sw cert deploylocal [example.com]  # Deploy a copy of new certificaets into the user\'s "ssl" folder')
    print('sw cert nolocal [example.com [`dropfiles`]]  # Stop deploying certificates into the users home directory and optinally delete the ones there')
    print('sw cert deployexim [example.com]  # Copy SSL certificates from Let\'s Encrypt to exim')
    print('sw cert update  # Run a check to make sure all certificates are up-to-date')
    print('sw cert (delete|remove) [example.com [`dropfiles`]]  # Remove a domain from certificate updates and deployments and optionally the certificate files')
index = command_index.CategoryIndex('cert', _help)

def _add(domain, more):
    from libsw import cert, user, nginx, email
    sys_user = False
    nomail = False
    if domain == False:
        domain = input_util.input_domain()
    if more != False:
        if user.exists(more[0]):
            sys_user = more[0]
        if len(more) > 1 and more[1].lower() == 'nomail':
            nomail = True
        elif sys_user.lower() == 'nomail':
            sys_user = False
            nomail = True
    if sys_user == False:
        sys_user = nginx.user_from_domain(domain)
    if sys_user == False:
예제 #7
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from libsw import input_util, command_index

def _help():
    print('sw deploy update [force]  # Install locally built packages on all production servers that do not use the same package version')
    print('sw deploy checkupdate  # Check locally built packages against all production servers and list those that do not use the same package version')
    print('sw deploy (add|create) [ip_addr]  # Register an IP address as a production server (be sure to authenticate SSH keys first)')
    print('sw deploy (delete|remove) [ip_addr]  # Unregister an IP address as a production server')
    print('sw deploy list  # List all servers set for remote package deployment')
    # print("sw deploy run [example]  # Install one locally built (and it's dependencies) package on all production servers that do not use the same package version")
index = command_index.CategoryIndex('deploy', _help)

def _update(force):
    if force:
        force = force.lower()
        if force != 'force':
            force = False
    from libsw import deploy
index.register_command('update', _update)
index.register_command('upgrade', _update) # for yum/dnf habits :)

def _checkupdate():
    from libsw import deploy
index.register_command('checkupdate', _checkupdate)
index.register_command('check-update', _checkupdate) # for apt habits :)

# def _run(first, more):
#     from libsw import build_queue, build_index
예제 #8
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from libsw import input_util, command_index

def _help():
    print('sw user list  # List system users along with domains associated with them')
    print('sw user (add|create) [example_username]  # Create a system user')
    print('sw user (delete|remove) [example_username [`dropfiles`]]  # Delete a system user and optionally it\'s files')
index = command_index.CategoryIndex('user', _help)

def _add(sys_user):
    from libsw import user
    if sys_user:
        if user.exists(sys_user):
            print('Error. ' + sys_user + ' already exists.')
        sys_user = user.select_new_username()
index.register_command('add', _add)
index.register_command('create', _add)

def _remove(sys_user, more):
    from libsw import user
    deletefiles = False
    if more != False and more[0].lower() == 'dropfiles':
        deletefiles = True
    if sys_user == False:
        sys_user =  user.select_user()
    user.remove_user(sys_user, deletefiles)
    #TODO remove mail domain associations for user
예제 #9
        'sw build run [example]  # Rebuild a given (list of) software slug(s) and other software that depends on it'
        'sw build log [example]  # Show the build log for the given software slug'
        'sw build freeze [slug]  # Prevent a software package from updating to a newer version'
        'sw build (unfreeze|thaw) [slug]  # Allow a software package to update to a newer version'
    print('sw build list(freeze|frozen)  # List software set to not update')

index = command_index.CategoryIndex('build', _help)

def _update(force):
    if force:
        force = force.lower()
        if force != 'force':
            force = False
    from libsw import build_queue, build_index
    queue = build_queue.new_queue(force)
    if queue.failed():
        print("One or more builds failed.")
    elif queue.run() == 0:
        print("All software is already up-to-date.")
예제 #10
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from libsw import input_util, command_index

def _help():
    print('sw firewall writepignore  # Update the ignored processes in the firewall and reload the firewall rules')
    print('sw firewall denyreport  # Print a report on which IP blocks have the most denied IPs')
index = command_index.CategoryIndex('firewall', _help)

def _writepignore(force):
    from libsw import firewall
index.register_command('writepignore', _writepignore)

def _print_deny_report():
    from libsw import firewall
index.register_command('deny-report', _print_deny_report)
index.register_command('denyreport', _print_deny_report)
예제 #11
        'sw nginx edit [example.com]  # Edit an nginx vhost and reload the nginx configuration upon exit'
    print('sw nginx (delete|remove) [example.com]  # Delete an nginx vhost')
        'sw nginx bypass[modsec] [example.com [0000]]  # Bypass a ModSecurity rule id'
        'sw nginx unbypass[modsec] [example.com [0000]]  # Remove a bypass for a ModSecurity rule id'
        'sw nginx listbypass[modsec] [example.com]  # List the rules bypassed for a given domain'

index = command_index.CategoryIndex('nginx', _help)

def _enable(domain):
    from libsw import nginx
    if domain == False:
        domain = nginx.select_disabled_conf('Select domain to enable')
    if nginx.enable_vhost(domain):
        print(domain + ' enabled')
        print('Unable to find disabled vhost file for ' + domain)

index.register_command('enable', _enable)