예제 #1
    def __join_rooms(self):

        all_caves = self.__determine_areas()

        # Build a tunneling map for pathing - use the permanent state check to determine passability.
        tunnelingmap = libtcod.map_new(self.__width, self.__height)
        for x in range(1, self.__width - 1):
            for y in range(1, self.__height - 1):
                perm_wall = (self.__map[x][y].permanent
                             and self.__map[x][y].blocked)
                libtcod.map_set_properties(tunnelingmap, x, y, True,
                                           not perm_wall)

        # The tunneling path will let us move from the origin to the center.
        tunnelingpath = libtcod.dijkstra_new(tunnelingmap, 0.0)

        # The center needs to be non-permanent, otherwise we can't path to it.
        center_x, center_y = self.__find_good_center(self.center_pt)

        for cave in all_caves.keys():
            # This comment used to run the joining.  The function is still usable!
            origin_x = all_caves[cave][0][0]
            origin_y = all_caves[cave][0][1]

            libtcod.dijkstra_compute(tunnelingpath, origin_x, origin_y)
            if not libtcod.dijkstra_path_set(tunnelingpath, center_x,
                print "Could not path! Center point permanent:", self.__map[
            prev_pt = (origin_x, origin_y)
            while not libtcod.dijkstra_is_empty(tunnelingpath):
                x, y = libtcod.dijkstra_path_walk(tunnelingpath)
                next_pt = (x, y)
                if x is not None:

                    root1 = self.__ds.find(next_pt)
                    root2 = self.__ds.find(prev_pt)

                    if root1 != root2:
                        self.__ds.union(root1, root2)

                    self.__map[next_pt[0]][next_pt[1]].blocked = False
                    self.__map[next_pt[0]][next_pt[1]].block_sight = False
                    self.__map[next_pt[0]][next_pt[1]].debug = True  # DEBUG

                    if self.__stop_drawing(prev_pt, next_pt, self.center_pt):
                        print "Done cave", cave

                    prev_pt = next_pt

        all_caves = self.__determine_areas()
        if len(all_caves.keys()) > 1:
예제 #2
    def __join_rooms(self):

        all_caves = self.__determine_areas()

        # Build a tunneling map for pathing - use the permanent state check to determine passability.
        tunnelingmap = libtcod.map_new(self.__width, self.__height)
        for x in range(1, self.__width-1):
            for y in range(1, self.__height-1):
                perm_wall = (self.__map[x][y].permanent and self.__map[x][y].blocked)
                libtcod.map_set_properties(tunnelingmap, x, y, True, not perm_wall)

        # The tunneling path will let us move from the origin to the center.
        tunnelingpath = libtcod.dijkstra_new(tunnelingmap, 0.0)

        # The center needs to be non-permanent, otherwise we can't path to it.
        center_x, center_y = self.__find_good_center(self.center_pt)

        for cave in all_caves.keys():
            # This comment used to run the joining.  The function is still usable!
            origin_x = all_caves[cave][0][0]
            origin_y = all_caves[cave][0][1]

            libtcod.dijkstra_compute(tunnelingpath, origin_x, origin_y)
            if not libtcod.dijkstra_path_set(tunnelingpath, center_x, center_y):
                print "Could not path! Center point permanent:", self.__map[center_x][center_y].permanent
            prev_pt = (origin_x, origin_y)
            while not libtcod.dijkstra_is_empty(tunnelingpath):
                x, y = libtcod.dijkstra_path_walk(tunnelingpath)
                next_pt = (x, y)
                if x is not None:

                    root1 = self.__ds.find(next_pt)
                    root2 = self.__ds.find(prev_pt)

                    if root1 != root2:
                        self.__ds.union(root1, root2)

                    self.__map[next_pt[0]][next_pt[1]].blocked = False
                    self.__map[next_pt[0]][next_pt[1]].block_sight = False
                    self.__map[next_pt[0]][next_pt[1]].debug = True          # DEBUG

                    if self.__stop_drawing(prev_pt, next_pt, self.center_pt):
                        print "Done cave", cave

                    prev_pt = next_pt

        all_caves = self.__determine_areas()
        if len(all_caves.keys())>1:
예제 #3
def test_dijkstra(map_):
    path = libtcodpy.dijkstra_new(map_)

    libtcodpy.dijkstra_compute(path, *POINT_A)

    assert not libtcodpy.dijkstra_path_set(path, *POINT_C)
    assert libtcodpy.dijkstra_get_distance(path, *POINT_C) == -1

    assert libtcodpy.dijkstra_path_set(path, *POINT_B)
    assert libtcodpy.dijkstra_size(path)
    assert not libtcodpy.dijkstra_is_empty(path)


    for i in range(libtcodpy.dijkstra_size(path)):
        x, y = libtcodpy.dijkstra_get(path, i)

    while (x, y) != (None, None):
        x, y = libtcodpy.dijkstra_path_walk(path)

예제 #4
    def findPath( self, start, end ):
        def point( p ):
            return ( int( math.floor( p.x ) ), int( math.floor( p.y ) ) )

        start = point( start )
        end = point( end )

        if self.pathEnd != end:
            self.pathEnd = end

            self.dijkstra = tcod.dijkstra_new( self.tcodmap, 1.41421356237 )
            tcod.dijkstra_compute( self.dijkstra, end[0], end[1] )

        if not tcod.dijkstra_path_set( self.dijkstra, start[0], start[1] ):
            return None

        ret = []
        while not tcod.dijkstra_is_empty( self.dijkstra ):
            x, y = tcod.dijkstra_path_walk( self.dijkstra )
            ret.append( ( x, y ) )

        return ret
예제 #5
	def ReturnNextPointOnPath(self,offset):
		if self.currentlyonpath == True:
			if not libtcod.dijkstra_is_empty(self.currentpath):
				if offset == True:
					err = libtcod.dijkstra_get(self.currentpath, 1)
					if not err == None:
						x,y = libtcod.dijkstra_get(self.currentpath, 0)
						x = x - self.owner.x
						y = y - self.owner.y							
						return x,y
					x,y = libtcod.dijkstra_get(self.currentpath, 0)
					if not x == False:
						return x,y
				print('Unable to get next spot in path')
				return None, None
				print('Path is empty')
				return None, None
			print('Not on path')
			return None, None