예제 #1
 def test_direct_children_with_tag(self):
     text = """
     <div id="top">
        <div id="child1"></div>
        <span id="child2">
            <div id="grandchild2.1"></div>
        <div id="child3">
             <span id="grandchild3.1"></span>
     soup = BeautifulSoup(text, "lxml")
     element = soup.find(id="top")
     result = direct_children_with_tag(element, "div")
     self.assertEqual(2, len(result))
     self.assertEqual(result[0]["id"], "child1")
     self.assertEqual(result[1]["id"], "child3")
     result = direct_children_with_tag(element, "span")
     self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
     self.assertEqual("child2", result[0]["id"])
예제 #2
 def ols_generator():
     for ol in direct_children_with_tag(deed_main_content, "ol"):
         yield ol
예제 #3
 def paragraphs_generator():
     for p in direct_children_with_tag(deed_main_content, "p"):
         yield p
예제 #4
    def import_by_30_unported_license_html(self, *, content, legalcode):
        Returns a dictionary mapping our internal keys to strings.
        messages = {}
        raw_html = content
        # Some trivial making consistent - some translators changed 'strong' to 'b'
        # for some unknown reason.
        raw_html = raw_html.replace("<b>", "<strong>").replace("</b>", "</strong>")
        raw_html = raw_html.replace("<B>", "<strong>").replace("</B>", "</strong>")

        # Parse the raw HTML to a BeautifulSoup object.
        soup = BeautifulSoup(raw_html, "lxml")
        messages["license_medium"] = inner_html(soup.find(id="deed-license").h2)
        legalcode.title = messages["license_medium"]

        deed_main_content = soup.find(id="deed-main-content")

        messages["not_a_law_firm"] = nested_text(deed_main_content.blockquote)
        # <h3><em>License</em></h3>
        messages["license"] = nested_text(deed_main_content.h3)

        # Top level paragraphs
        def paragraphs_generator():
            for p in direct_children_with_tag(deed_main_content, "p"):
                yield p

        paragraphs = paragraphs_generator()

        def ols_generator():
            for ol in direct_children_with_tag(deed_main_content, "ol"):
                yield ol

        ordered_lists = ols_generator()

        # Two paragraphs of introduction
        messages["par1"] = nested_text(next(paragraphs))
        messages["par2"] = nested_text(next(paragraphs))

        # <p><strong>1. Definitions</strong></p>
        messages["definitions"] = nested_text(next(paragraphs))

        # An ordered list of definitions
        ol = next(ordered_lists)
        for i, li in enumerate(direct_children_with_tag(ol, "li")):
            nt = name_and_text(li)
            name = nt["name"]
            text = nt["text"]
            messages[f"def{i}name"] = name
            messages[f"def{i}text"] = text

        # <p><strong>2. Fair Dealing Rights.</strong> Nothing ... </p>
        nt = name_and_text(next(paragraphs))
        messages["fair_dealing_rights"] = nt["name"]
        messages["fair_dealing_rights_text"] = nt["text"]

        # <p><strong>3. License Grant.</strong> Subject ... </p>
        nt = name_and_text(next(paragraphs))
        messages["grant"] = nt["name"]
        messages["grant_text"] = nt["text"]

        # another ol
        ol = next(ordered_lists)
        for i, li in enumerate(direct_children_with_tag(ol, "li")):
            messages[f"grant{i}"] = nested_text(li)

        messages["par5"] = nested_text(next(paragraphs))

        # <p><strong>4. Restrictions.</strong> The ... </p>
        nt = name_and_text(next(paragraphs))
        messages["restrictions"] = nt["name"]
        messages["restrictions_text"] = nt["text"]

        ol = next(ordered_lists)
        for i, li in enumerate(direct_children_with_tag(ol, "li")):
            # Most of these li's just have text.
            # one has a <p></p> followed by another ordered list
            if li.p:
                messages["restrictions avoid doubt"] = nested_text(li.p)
                ol2 = li.ol
                for j, li2 in enumerate(direct_children_with_tag(ol2, "li")):
                    nt = name_and_text(li2)
                    messages[f"restrictions name {i};{j}"] = nt["name"]
                    messages[f"restrictions text {i};{j}"] = nt["text"]
                messages[f"restrictions{i}"] = nested_text(li)

        # <p><strong>5. Representations, Warranties and Disclaimer</strong></p>
        messages["reps_and_disclaimer"] = nested_text(next(paragraphs))
        messages["unless_mutual"] = nested_text(next(paragraphs))

        # <p><strong>6. Limitation on Liability.</strong> EXCEPT ...</p>
        nt = name_and_text(next(paragraphs))
        messages["Limitation"] = nt["name"]
        messages["Limitation_text"] = nt["text"]

        # <p><strong>7. Termination</strong></p>
        messages["termination"] = nested_text(next(paragraphs))

        ol = next(ordered_lists)
        for i, li in enumerate(direct_children_with_tag(ol, "li")):
            messages[f"termination{i}"] = nested_text(li)

        # <p><strong>8. Miscellaneous</strong></p>
        messages["misc"] = nested_text(next(paragraphs))

        ol = next(ordered_lists)
        for i, li in enumerate(direct_children_with_tag(ol, "li")):
            messages[f"misc{i}"] = nested_text(li)

        # That's it for the license. The rest is disclaimer that we're handling elsewhere.


        return messages