def takeoffLand(connect_str): print("connect to: " + connect_str) vehicle = connect('udp:', wait_ready=True) vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('GUIDED') vehicle.armed = True sleep(5) if not vehicle.armed: print("Vehicle not armed") return print("tern on devices...") camera = PiCamera() camera.resolution = (1024, 768) lidar = Lidar_Lite() connected = lidar.connect(1) if connected < -1: print("Lidar not Connected") return print("Taking off") vehicle.simple_takeoff(10) sleep(15) takeSample(lidar, camera) takeSample(lidar, camera) print("Landing") vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('LAND') sleep(15) vehicle.close() with open('takeoff_dump/takeoff_land_logs.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(l_samples, fp)
def takeoffLand(): print("connect...") vehicle = connect('/dev/ttyUSB0', wait_ready=True) vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('GUIDED') vehicle.armed = True sleep(5) if not vehicle.armed: print("Vehicle not armed") return print("tern on devices...") camera = PiCamera() camera.resolution = (1024, 768) lidar = Lidar_Lite() connected = lidar.connect(1) if connected < -1: print("Lidar not Connected") return takeSample(lidar, camera) vehicle.close() with open('takeoff_dump/takeoff_land_logs.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(l_samples, fp)
def main(): from lidar_lite import Lidar_Lite lidar = Lidar_Lite() connected = lidar.connect(1) if connected < -1: print("Not Connected") return else: print("Connected") for i in range(100): distance = lidar.getDistance() print("Distance to target = %s" % (distance)) if int(distance) < 300: commandimage = 'raspistill -n --timeout 1 -h 183 -w 275 -o imgtmp.jpg' os.system(commandimage) device = open_ncs_device() graph = load_graph(device) img_draw = img = pre_process_image(img_draw) infer_image(graph, img, distance) close_ncs_device(device, graph)
def setup_lidar(self, threshold): from lidar_lite import Lidar_Lite as lidar lidar = lidar() connect = lidar.connect(1) if connect <-1: raise Exception("No LiDAR found") lidar.setThreshold(threshold)
def range_dist(): sonar = False lidar_sens = False # lidar sensing True, else EZ4 sonar or VL53L1X if sonar: # does not work well on grass from smbus import SMBus ## i2cbus = SMBus(1) while True: try: i2cbus = SMBus(1) i2cbus.write_byte(0x70, 0x51) time.sleep(0.12) val = i2cbus.read_word_data(0x70, 0xE1) distance_in_cm = val >> 8 | (val & 0x0F) << 8 ## print distance_in_cm, 'cm' print(distance_in_cm, 'cm', file=f) msg_sensor(distance_in_cm, 25, 400), #sonar facing down except IOError as err: print(err) time.sleep(0.1) if lidar_sens: from lidar_lite import Lidar_Lite lidar = Lidar_Lite() connected = lidar.connect(1) if connected < 0: print("\nlidar not connected") else: print("\nlidar connected") while True: dist = lidar.getDistance() print(dist, 'cm') print(dist, 'cm', file=f) msg_sensor(dist, 25, 700), #lidar facing down time.sleep(0.2) else: # does not work in sunlight import VL53L1X tof = VL53L1X.VL53L1X(i2c_bus=1, i2c_address=0x29) # Initialise the i2c bus and configure the sensor tof.start_ranging( 2 ) # Start ranging, 1 = Short Range, 2 = Medium Range, 3 = Long Range # Short range max:1.3m, Medium range max:3m, Long range max:4m while True: distance_in_cm = tof.get_distance( ) / 10 # Grab the range in cm (mm) time.sleep(0.2) # timeout mavlink rangefinder = 500 ms print(distance_in_cm, 'cm', file=f) msg_sensor(distance_in_cm, 25, 250), #sensor facing down tof.stop_ranging() # Stop ranging
def four_points(connect_str): print("connect to: " + connect_str) vehicle = connect(connect_str, wait_ready=True) vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('GUIDED') vehicle.armed = True sleep(5) if not vehicle.armed: print("Vehicle not armed") return print("tern on devices...") camera = PiCamera() camera.resolution = (1024, 768) lidar = Lidar_Lite() connected = lidar.connect(1) if connected < -1: print("Lidar not Connected") return print("Taking off") vehicle.simple_takeoff(10) time.sleep(15) goto(10, 0, vehicle.simple_goto) point_handler(1, camera, lidar) goto(0, 10, vehicle.simple_goto) point_handler(2, camera, lidar) goto(-10, 0, vehicle.simple_goto) point_handler(3, camera, lidar) goto(0, -10, vehicle.simple_goto) point_handler(4, camera, lidar) print("Landing") vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('LAND') sleep(15) raw_input("Press any key to turn off the drone") vehicle.close() with open('4pts_dump/logs.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(l_samples, fp)
def takeoffLand(): print("connect...") vehicle = connect('/dev/ttyUSB0', wait_ready=True) vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('GUIDED') vehicle.armed = True sleep(5) if not vehicle.armed: print("Vehicle not armed") return print("turn on devices...") camera = PiCamera() camera.resolution = (1024, 768) lidar = Lidar_Lite() connected = lidar.connect(1) if connected < -1: print("Lidar not Connected") return print("Taking off") vehicle.simple_takeoff(10) sleep(15) takeSample(lidar, camera) takeSample(lidar, camera) print("Landing") vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('LAND') sleep(15) raw_input("Press any key to turn off the drone") vehicle.close() with open('takeoff_dump/takeoff_land_logs.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(l_samples, fp)
from lidar_lite import Lidar_Lite lidar = Lidar_Lite() connected = lidar.connect(1) tooClose = False def scan_li(c): for i in range(c): distance = lidar.getDistance() print ("Distance to target = ", distance) if (int(distance) < 20): tooClose = True print ("\nToo Close!!! Back Off!!\n") if (int(distance) > 35): tooClose = False print("\nProceed\n") if (__name__) == "__main__": if connected < -1: print ("Not Connected") else: print ("Connected") while (connected >= -1):
import time import pigpio import sys sys.path.append('/root/lidar/Lidar-Lite/python') from lidar_lite import Lidar_Lite servos = 18 cur_pulse = 0 cur_angle = 0 pi = pigpio.pi() lidar = Lidar_Lite() distance = -1 velocity = -1 l_connected = lidar.connect(1) def debug_print(): print("Current angle: {}, current pulse: {}".format(cur_angle, cur_pulse)) print("Lidar distance: {}, Lidar velocity: {}".format(distance, velocity)) def set_servo(pulse): pi.set_servo_pulsewidth(servos, pulse) distance = lidar.getDistance() # velocity = lidar.getVelocity() # time.sleep(.02) # debug_print() degree_change = 21.16 #1 degree = 10.588 center_pulse = 1500 angle_movement = 25
GPIO.setup(midButton, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(backButton, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.output(segmentClock,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(segmentData,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(segmentLatch,GPIO.LOW) firebase= firebase.FirebaseApplication('') #init database seconds = 1545925769.9618232 today = time.ctime(seconds) #for database (date & time) number=0 connected = lidar.connect(1) #connect lidar #Takes a number and displays 2 numbers. Display absolute value (no negatives) #look here maybe bug between value+number def showNumber(value): number = abs(value) #Remove negative signs and any decimals x=0 while(x<2): remainder=number % 10 postNumber(remainder) number /= 10 x += 1 GPIO.output(segmentLatch,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(segmentLatch,GPIO.HIGH)
class Drone: def __init__(self): self.alt = None = None self.lidar = None self.logs = {} self.h_logs = {} self.vehicle = self._connect_drone() self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('GUIDED') self.f = open("dump/logs.txt", "w") self.num_samples = 0 self.num_rows = 0 self.row_size = 0 def _connect_drone(self): ''' Connect to the drone's control unit (Pixhawk4) :return: dronekit lib object. ''' print("connecting...") print("Mode: ", MODE) if MODE == DEBUG: str = DEBUG_CONNECTION_STR print(str) else: # MODE == LIVE: str = LIVE_CONNECTION_STR vehicle = connect(str, wait_ready=True) print("connected successfully") return vehicle def _arming(self): self.vehicle.armed = True self.alt = 0 time.sleep(5) if not self.vehicle.armed: print("Vehicle not armed") return False if MODE == LIVE: print("Activating devices...") = PiCamera() = CAM_RES self.lidar = Lidar_Lite() connected = self.lidar.connect(1) if connected < -1: #TODO: check this cond print("Lidar not Connected") return False print("Armed successfully") return True def take_off(self, height): ''' Arming the drone and taking off to the given height. :param height: in meters ''' if not self._arming(): return print("Taking off...") self.vehicle.simple_takeoff(height) self.alt = height time.sleep(height * 1.4) self.goto(-14.14, 14.14) #TODO: Delete this line def land(self): ''' Landing. ''' print("Landing...") self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('LAND') time.sleep(20) def goto(self, dNorth, dEast): ''' Go x meters to North and y meters to East. ''' currentLocation = self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame targetLocation = get_location_metres(currentLocation, dNorth, dEast, self.alt) targetDistance = get_distance_metres(currentLocation, targetLocation) self.vehicle.simple_goto(targetLocation) while == "GUIDED": # Stop action if we are no longer in guided mode. remainingDistance = get_distance_metres(self.vehicle.location.global_frame, targetLocation) print("Distance to target: ", remainingDistance, ", Heading: ", self.vehicle.heading) # if remainingDistance <= targetDistance * 0.05: # Just below target, in case of undershoot. if remainingDistance <= 0.4: print("Reached target") break time.sleep(2) def take_sample(self): ''' Capture image and takes height sample with the Lidar sensor. ''' print("taking sample...") if MODE == DEBUG: sea_level_alt = self.vehicle.location.global_frame.alt print("sea level alt:" + str(sea_level_alt)) return # *** LiDAR **** self.num_samples += 1 s = [] for j in range(5): s.append(self.lidar.getDistance()) t = sea_level_alt = self.vehicle.location.global_frame.alt height_median = np.median(s) / 100 relative_alt = sea_level_alt - height_median # self.h_logs[str(t)] = (height_median, sea_level_alt, relative_alt) self.h_logs["s_" + str(self.num_samples)] = {"Time" : str(t), "Height" : str(relative_alt), "Hading" : str(self.vehicle.heading)} # ==== write to file - DEBUG ==== self.f.write(str(self.num_samples) + "- LiD height:" + str(height_median) + "| Sea level:" + str( sea_level_alt) + "| Relative: " + str(relative_alt) + "| Heading: " + str(self.vehicle.heading) +'\n') # *** Camera ****'dump/{}.jpg'.format("im_"+str(self.num_samples))) time.sleep(2) def close_connection(self): ''' Close the connection of the dronekit object and save the flight logs. ''' if MODE == LIVE: self.logs["Logs"] = self.h_logs self.logs["num_imgs"] = self.num_samples self.logs["num_rows"] = self.num_rows self.logs["row_size"] = self.row_size with open('dump/logs.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(self.logs, fp) self.vehicle.close() self.f.close() time.sleep(2) print("drone disconnected") def _scan_straight(self, height, length, width, adv_size): raw_input("Place the drone in the South-East corner of the scan " + "area, and press any key to start the scan") self.take_off(height) for i in range(int(length // (2 * adv_size))): self.take_sample() for j in range(int(width // adv_size)): self.goto(0, -adv_size) self.take_sample() self.goto(adv_size, 0) self.take_sample() for j in range(int(width // adv_size)): self.goto(0, adv_size) self.take_sample() self.goto(adv_size, 0) takeoff_return = int(length // adv_size) * adv_size + adv_size self.goto(int(-takeoff_return), 0) raw_input("Press any key to turn off the drone") self.close_connection() def _scan_diagonal(self, height, length, width, north, east, adv_size): fly_size = math.sqrt(adv_size ** 2 / 2) self.take_off(height) for i in range(int(length // (2 * adv_size))): self.take_sample() for j in range(int(width // adv_size)): self.goto(north * fly_size, -fly_size) self.take_sample() self.goto(fly_size, east * fly_size) self.take_sample() time.sleep(7) for j in range(int(width // adv_size)): self.goto(-north * fly_size, fly_size) self.take_sample() self.goto(fly_size, east * fly_size) takeoff_return = int(length // adv_size) * adv_size fly_return = math.sqrt(takeoff_return ** 2 / 2) self.goto(-fly_return, -east * fly_return) raw_input("Press any key to turn off the drone") self.close_connection() def scan(self, height, width, length): pic_size = get_pic_size(height) adv_size = 0.6 * pic_size self.num_rows = int(length // (2 * adv_size)) self.row_size = int(width // adv_size) found = False while not found: print("Select the orientation of the scan area: \n" + "1. North \n" + "2. North - East \n" + "3. North - West") direction = int(input()) if direction == 1: found = True self._scan_straight(height, length, width, adv_size) elif direction == 2: found = True raw_input("Place the drone in the Southern corner of the scan " + "area, and press any key to start the scan") self._scan_diagonal(height, length, width, 1, 1, adv_size) elif direction == 3: found = True raw_input("Place the drone in the Eastern corner of the scan " + "area, and press any key to start the scan") self._scan_diagonal(height, length, width, -1, -1, adv_size) else: print("Bad direction")