예제 #1
def tb(state, clk, rst_fsm, addr_left, muxsel_i, addr_sam, addr_rht, muxaddrsel, we_1, dout, left_i, sam_i, right_i):
    instance_lift_step = lift_step(left_i, sam_i, right_i, flgs_i, update_i, clk, res_o, update_o)
    instance_Odd_Even_Fsm = Odd_Even_Fsm (state, clk, rst_fsm, addr_left, muxsel_i, addr_sam, addr_rht, muxaddrsel, we_1, dout, left_i, sam_i, right_i)
    instance_ram = ram(dout, din, addr, we, clk)
    instance_mux_data =  mux_data(z, din, data_in, we_1, we, we_in, addr, addr_in, muxsel_i, muxaddrsel, addr_left, addr_sam, addr_rht)

    def clkgen():
        clk.next = not clk
    def stimulus():
        muxsel_i.next = 0
        rst_fsm.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        for i in range(4):
            yield clk.posedge
        rst_fsm.next = 1
        yield clk.posedge
        for i in range(4):
            yield clk.posedge
        print ("%d muxsel_i %d rst_fsm %d") % (now(), muxsel_i, rst_fsm)
        for i in range(10000):
            yield clk.posedge
        print ("%d ") % (now())
        raise StopSimulation
    return instances()
예제 #2
def top_odd_even(state, clk, rst_fsm, addr_left, muxsel_i, addr_sam, addr_rht,
                 muxaddrsel, we_1, dout, left_i, sam_i, right_i, do_first, x,
                 z, xfifo, zfifo, flgs_i, update_i, res_o, update_o,
                 end_of_col, empty_r, full_r, enr_r, enw_r, dataout_r,
                 datain_r, empty_ro, full_ro, enr_ro, enw_ro, dataout_ro,
                 datain_ro, addr_in, del_ctn):
    instance_Odd_Even_Fsm = Odd_Even_Fsm(state, clk, rst_fsm, addr_left,
                                         muxsel_i, addr_sam, addr_rht,
                                         muxaddrsel, we_1, dout, left_i, sam_i,
                                         right_i, do_first, x, z, flgs_i,
                                         update_i, res_o, update_o, end_of_col,
                                         addr_in, xfifo, enr_r, enw_r, del_ctn)

    instance_ram = ram(dout, din, addr, we, clk)
    instance_mux_data = mux_data(z, din, data_in, we_1, we, we_in, addr,
                                 addr_in, muxsel_i, muxaddrsel, addr_left,
                                 addr_sam, addr_rht, zfifo)
    instance_signed2twoscomplement = signed2twoscomplement(clk, x, z)
    instance_signed2twoscomplementfifo = signed2twoscomplement(
        clk, xfifo, zfifo)
    instance_lift_step = lift_step(left_i, sam_i, right_i, flgs_i, update_i,
                                   clk, res_o, update_o)
    instance_pc_in = fifo(clk, empty_r, full_r, enr_r, enw_r, dataout_r,
    instance_pc_out = fifo(clk, empty_ro, full_ro, enr_ro, enw_ro, dataout_ro,
    #instance_pd_read = pc_read(clk, data_in, toLift_Step, we_in, addr_in, muxsel_i, datactn_in, datactn, pc_data_in, pc_data_rdy )
    return instances()
예제 #3
def top_lift_step(clk, dout, din, data_in, toLift_Step, z, we_1, we, we_in,
                  addr, addr_in, muxsel_i, x, res_o, left_i, right_i, sam_i,
                  flgs_i, update_i, update_o, rst_fsm, datactn_in, datactn,
                  pc_data_in, pc_data_rdy, muxaddrsel, addr_left, addr_sam,
    '''toLift_Step used for mapping datatodut from usb hostio
	datatodut is an alias of toSub_s
	datactn used for mapping datactn from usb hostio
	datactn is an alias of toSub_s'''
    instance_lift_step = lift_step(left_i, sam_i, right_i, flgs_i, update_i,
                                   clk, res_o, update_o)
    instance_ram = ram(dout, din, addr, we, clk)
    instance_mux_data = mux_data(z, din, data_in, we_1, we, we_in, addr,
                                 addr_in, muxsel_i, muxaddrsel, addr_left,
                                 addr_sam, addr_rht)
    instance_Odd_Even_Fsm = Odd_Even_Fsm(state, clk, rst_fsm, addr_left,
                                         muxsel_i, addr_sam, addr_rht,
                                         muxaddrsel, we_1, dout, left_i, sam_i,
    instance_signed2twoscomplement = signed2twoscomplement(clk, x, z)

    instance_pc_read = pc_read(clk, data_in, toLift_Step, we_in, addr_in,
                               muxsel_i, datactn_in, datactn, pc_data_in,
    return instances()
예제 #4
def top_lift_step(clk, dout, din,  data_in, toLift_Step, z,we_1, we, we_in,  addr, addr_in, muxsel_i, x, res_o, left_i, right_i, sam_i,flgs_i, update_i, update_o, rst_fsm, datactn_in, datactn, pc_data_in, pc_data_rdy , muxaddrsel, addr_left, addr_sam, addr_rht ):
	'''toLift_Step used for mapping datatodut from usb hostio
	datatodut is an alias of toSub_s
	datactn used for mapping datactn from usb hostio
	datactn is an alias of toSub_s'''
	instance_lift_step = lift_step(left_i, sam_i, right_i, flgs_i, update_i, clk, res_o, update_o)
	instance_ram = ram(dout, din, addr, we, clk)
	instance_mux_data =  mux_data(z, din, data_in, we_1, we, we_in, addr, addr_in, muxsel_i, muxaddrsel, addr_left, addr_sam, addr_rht)
	instance_Odd_Even_Fsm = Odd_Even_Fsm( state, clk, rst_fsm, addr_left, muxsel_i, addr_sam, addr_rht, muxaddrsel, we_1, dout, left_i, sam_i, right_i )
	instance_signed2twoscomplement = signed2twoscomplement(clk, x, z)
	instance_pc_read = pc_read(clk, data_in, toLift_Step, we_in, addr_in, muxsel_i, datactn_in, datactn, pc_data_in, pc_data_rdy  )
	return instances()
예제 #5
def top_odd_even(state, clk, rst_fsm, addr_left, muxsel_i, addr_sam, addr_rht,
 muxaddrsel, we_1, dout, left_i, sam_i, right_i, do_first, x, z, xfifo,
 zfifo, flgs_i, update_i, res_o, update_o, end_of_col, empty_r, full_r,
 enr_r, enw_r, dataout_r, datain_r , empty_ro, full_ro, enr_ro, enw_ro,
 dataout_ro, datain_ro, addr_in, del_ctn):
    instance_Odd_Even_Fsm = Odd_Even_Fsm (state, clk, rst_fsm, addr_left, muxsel_i, addr_sam, addr_rht, muxaddrsel, we_1, dout, left_i, sam_i, right_i, do_first, x, z, flgs_i, update_i, res_o, update_o, end_of_col, addr_in, xfifo, enr_r, enw_r, del_ctn)

    instance_ram = ram(dout, din, addr, we, clk)
    instance_mux_data =  mux_data(z, din, data_in, we_1, we, we_in, addr, addr_in, muxsel_i, muxaddrsel, addr_left, addr_sam, addr_rht,zfifo)
    instance_signed2twoscomplement = signed2twoscomplement(clk, x, z)
    instance_signed2twoscomplementfifo = signed2twoscomplement(clk, xfifo, zfifo)
    instance_lift_step = lift_step(left_i, sam_i, right_i, flgs_i, update_i, clk, res_o, update_o)
    instance_pc_in = fifo(clk, empty_r, full_r, enr_r, enw_r, dataout_r, datain_r)
    instance_pc_out = fifo(clk, empty_ro, full_ro, enr_ro, enw_ro, dataout_ro, datain_ro)
    #instance_pd_read = pc_read(clk, data_in, toLift_Step, we_in, addr_in, muxsel_i, datactn_in, datactn, pc_data_in, pc_data_rdy ) 
    return instances()
예제 #6
def tb(state, clk, rst_fsm, addr_left, muxsel_i, addr_sam, addr_rht,
 muxaddrsel, we_1, dout, left_i, sam_i, right_i, do_first, x, z,xfifo,
 zfifo, flgs_i, update_i, res_o, update_o, end_of_col, empty_r, full_r,
 enr_r, enw_r, dataout_r, datain_r, empty_ro, full_ro, enr_ro, enw_ro,
 dataout_ro, datain_ro, addr_in, del_ctn ):
    instance_Odd_Even_Fsm = Odd_Even_Fsm (state, clk, rst_fsm, addr_left, muxsel_i, addr_sam, addr_rht, muxaddrsel, we_1, dout, left_i, sam_i, right_i, do_first, x, z, flgs_i, update_i, res_o, update_o, end_of_col, addr_in, xfifo, enr_r, enw_r, del_ctn)
    instance_ram = ram(dout, din, addr, we, clk)
    instance_mux_data =  mux_data(z, din, data_in, we_1, we, we_in, addr, addr_in, muxsel_i, muxaddrsel, addr_left, addr_sam, addr_rht,zfifo)

    instance_signed2twoscomplement = signed2twoscomplement(clk, x, z)

    instance_signed2twoscomplementfifo = signed2twoscomplement(clk, xfifo, zfifo)

    instance_lift_step = lift_step(left_i, sam_i, right_i, flgs_i, update_i, clk, res_o, update_o)
    instance_pc_in = fifo(clk, empty_r, full_r, enr_r, enw_r, dataout_r, datain_r)
    instance_pc_out = fifo(clk, empty_ro, full_ro, enr_ro, enw_ro, dataout_ro, datain_ro)
    def clkgen():
        clk.next = not clk

    def stimulus():
        rst_fsm.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge

        muxsel_i.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        enr_r.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        enw_r.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge 

        datain_r.next = m[0][0]
        yield clk.posedge
        enw_r.next = 1
        yield clk.posedge
        for j in range(1,255):
            k = 0
            if (full_r == 0):
            	datain_r.next = m[j][k]
                yield clk.posedge
            #print ("%d %d %d %d %d") % (now(), j, enw_r, full_r, m[j][k])     
        enw_r.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge

        muxsel_i.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        rst_fsm.next = 1
        yield clk.posedge
        print ("%d muxsel_i %d rst_fsm %d") % (now(), muxsel_i, rst_fsm)
        while (end_of_col == 0):

            print ("time %d flgs %d left %d sam %d right %d ") % (now(), flgs_i, left_i, sam_i, right_i)
            print ("time %d addr %d din %d we %d ") % (now(), addr, din, we)   
            yield clk.posedge
            print ("%d ") % (now())
        print "end of col"

        muxsel_i.next = 1
        yield clk.posedge
        rst_fsm.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        addr_in.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        we_in.next = 0
        m[0][k] = dout
        datain_ro.next= m[0][k]
        yield clk.posedge
        print ("%d data to ram %d %d") % (now(), datain_ro, addr_in)
        addr_in.next = addr_in + 1
        yield clk.posedge

        enw_ro.next = 1
        yield clk.posedge
        for j in range(1,254):
            m[0][k] = dout
            datain_ro.next= m[j][k]
            yield clk.posedge
            addr_in.next = addr_in + 1
            print ("%d data to ram %d %d") % (now(), datain_ro, addr_in)
            yield clk.posedge
            enw_ro.next = 1
            yield clk.posedge  
        raise StopSimulation
    return instances()
예제 #7
def testbench():

    res_o = Signal(intbv(0, min=-(2**(W0)), max=(2**(W0))))
    left_i = Signal(intbv(0)[W0:])
    right_i = Signal(intbv(0)[W0:])
    sam_i = Signal(intbv(0)[W0:])
    flgs_i = Signal(intbv(0)[4:])
    clk = Signal(bool(0))
    update_i = Signal(bool(0))
    update_o = Signal(bool(0))

    lift_step_1 = lift_step(left_i, sam_i, right_i, flgs_i, update_i, clk,
                            res_o, update_o)

    def clkgen():
        clk.next = not clk

    def stimulus():

        update_i.next = 1
        left_i.next = 120
        right_i.next = 121
        sam_i.next = 122
        flgs_i.next = 7
        yield clk.posedge
        update_i.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        for i in range(3):
            yield clk.posedge

        update_i.next = 1
        left_i.next = 120
        right_i.next = 121
        sam_i.next = 122
        flgs_i.next = 5
        yield clk.posedge
        update_i.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        for i in range(3):
            yield clk.posedge

        update_i.next = 1
        left_i.next = 10
        right_i.next = 11
        sam_i.next = 12
        flgs_i.next = 6
        yield clk.posedge
        update_i.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        for i in range(3):
            yield clk.posedge

        update_i.next = 1
        left_i.next = 10
        right_i.next = 11
        sam_i.next = 12
        flgs_i.next = 4
        yield clk.posedge
        update_i.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        for i in range(3):
            yield clk.posedge

        update_i.next = 1
        left_i.next = 10
        right_i.next = 11
        sam_i.next = 2
        flgs_i.next = 7
        yield clk.posedge
        update_i.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        for i in range(3):
            yield clk.posedge

        update_i.next = 1
        left_i.next = 10
        right_i.next = 11
        sam_i.next = 22
        flgs_i.next = 5
        yield clk.posedge
        update_i.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        for i in range(3):
            yield clk.posedge

        update_i.next = 1
        left_i.next = 10
        right_i.next = 11
        sam_i.next = 17
        flgs_i.next = 6
        yield clk.posedge
        update_i.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        for i in range(3):
            yield clk.posedge

        update_i.next = 1
        left_i.next = 10
        right_i.next = 11
        sam_i.next = 7
        flgs_i.next = 4
        yield clk.posedge
        update_i.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        for i in range(3):
            yield clk.posedge

        raise StopSimulation()

    return lift_step_1, clkgen, stimulus
예제 #8
def tb(clk, dout, din, data_in, toLift_Step, z, we_1, we, we_in, addr_1, addr, addr_in, muxsel_i, x, res_o, left_i, right_i, sam_i, flgs_i, update_i, update_o, rst_fsm, datactn_in, datactn, pc_data_in, pc_data_rdy):
	instance_lift_step = lift_step(left_i, sam_i, right_i, flgs_i, update_i, clk, res_o, update_o)
	instance_ram = ram(dout, din, addr, we, clk) 
	instance_mux_data =  mux_data(z, din, data_in, we_1, we, we_in,  addr, addr_in, muxsel_i, muxaddrsel, addr_left, addr_sam, addr_rht)
	instance_signed2twoscomplement = signed2twoscomplement(clk, x, z)
	instance_pc_read = pc_read(clk, data_in, toLift_Step, we_in, addr_in, muxsel_i, datactn_in, datactn, pc_data_in, pc_data_rdy  )
	def clkgen():
		clk.next = not clk
	def stimulus():
		dummy = 100000
		muxsel_i.next = 0
		while(muxsel_i == 0):
			print( "%d wait for data ") % (now() )
			yield clk.posedge
			dummy = dummy - 1
			if ( dummy == 0):
				muxsel_i.next = 1
				yield clk.posedge
		i = 0
		j = 0
		print( "%d at start ") % (now() )
		while(muxsel_i == 1):
			toLift_Step.next = m[j][i]
			yield clk.posedge
			print( "%d addr %d, data %d") % (now(), addr_in , data_in)
			#yield clk.posedge
			j = j + 1
		print ("%d pc_read done") % (now())
		we_1.next = 0
		flgs_i.next = 7
		yield clk.posedge		
		for i in range(w):
			for j in range(1, h-1,2):
				we_1.next = 0
				yield clk.posedge
				flgs_i.next = 7
				yield clk.posedge
				addr_1.next = j - 1
				yield clk.posedge
				left_i.next = dout
				yield clk.posedge
				addr_1.next = j + 1
				yield clk.posedge
				right_i.next = dout
				yield clk.posedge
				addr_1.next = j 
				yield clk.posedge
				sam_i.next = dout
				yield clk.posedge
				we_1.next = 1
				yield clk.posedge
				print( "time %d ") % (now())
				print( "left %d sam %d right %d") % (left_i, sam_i, right_i)
				update_i.next = 1
				yield clk.posedge
				update_i.next = 0
				yield clk.posedge
				x.next = res_o[W0:]
				yield clk.posedge
				#m[j][i] = z
				print( "time %d") % (now())
				print( "j %d i %d z %d") % (j, i, z)
				yield clk.posedge
		flgs_i.next = 6
		for i in range(w):
			for j in range(2, h, 2):
				addr_1.next = j	
				yield clk.posedge
				left_i.next = m[j - 1][i]
				yield clk.posedge
				right_i.next = m[j + 1][i]
				yield clk.posedge
				sam_i.next = m[j][i]
				yield clk.posedge
				print( "time %d ") % (now())
				print( "left %d sam %d right %d") % (left_i, sam_i, right_i)
				update_i.next = 1
				yield clk.posedge
				update_i.next = 0
				yield clk.posedge
				x.next = res_o[W0:]
				yield clk.posedge
				m[j][i] = z
				yield clk.posedge
		raise StopSimulation
	return instances()
예제 #9
def testbench(state, clk, rst_fsm, addr_left, muxsel_i, addr_sam, addr_rht,
              muxaddrsel, we_1, dout, left_i, sam_i, right_i, do_first, x, z,
              xfifo, zfifo, flgs_i, update_i, res_o, update_o, end_of_col,
              empty_r, full_r, enr_r, enw_r, dataout_r, datain_r, empty_ro,
              full_ro, enr_ro, enw_ro, dataout_ro, datain_ro, addr_in,

    instance_Odd_Even_Fsm = Odd_Even_Fsm(state, clk, rst_fsm, addr_left,
                                         muxsel_i, addr_sam, addr_rht,
                                         muxaddrsel, we_1, dout, left_i, sam_i,
                                         right_i, do_first, x, z, flgs_i,
                                         update_i, res_o, update_o, end_of_col,
                                         addr_in, xfifo, enr_r, enw_r, del_ctn)

    instance_ram = ram(dout, din, addr, we, clk)

    instance_mux_data = mux_data(z, din, data_in, we_1, we, we_in, addr,
                                 addr_in, muxsel_i, muxaddrsel, addr_left,
                                 addr_sam, addr_rht, zfifo)

    instance_signed2twoscomplement = signed2twoscomplement(clk, x, z)

    instance_signed2twoscomplementfifo = signed2twoscomplement(
        clk, xfifo, zfifo)

    instance_lift_step = lift_step(left_i, sam_i, right_i, flgs_i, update_i,
                                   clk, res_o, update_o)

    instance_pc_in = fifo(clk, empty_r, full_r, enr_r, enw_r, dataout_r,

    instance_pc_out = fifo(clk, empty_ro, full_ro, enr_ro, enw_ro, dataout_ro,

    def clkgen():
        clk.next = not clk

    def stimulus():
        rst_fsm.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge

        muxsel_i.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        enr_r.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        enw_r.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge

        datain_r.next = m[0][0]
        yield clk.posedge
        enw_r.next = 1
        yield clk.posedge
        for j in range(1, 255):
            k = 0
            if (full_r == 0):
                datain_r.next = m[j][k]
                yield clk.posedge
            #print ("%d %d %d %d %d") % (now(), j, enw_r, full_r, m[j][k])
        enw_r.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge

        muxsel_i.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge

        rst_fsm.next = 1
        yield clk.posedge
        print("%d muxsel_i %d rst_fsm %d") % (now(), muxsel_i, rst_fsm)

        while (end_of_col == 0):

            print("time %d flgs %d left %d sam %d right %d ") % (
                now(), flgs_i, left_i, sam_i, right_i)
            print("time %d addr %d din %d we %d ") % (now(), addr, din, we)
            yield clk.posedge
            print("%d ") % (now())
        print "end of col"

        muxsel_i.next = 1
        yield clk.posedge
        rst_fsm.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        addr_in.next = 0
        yield clk.posedge
        we_in.next = 0
        m[0][k] = dout
        datain_ro.next = m[0][k]
        yield clk.posedge
        print("%d data to ram %d %d") % (now(), datain_ro, addr_in)
        addr_in.next = addr_in + 1
        yield clk.posedge

        enw_ro.next = 1
        yield clk.posedge
        for j in range(1, 254):
            m[0][k] = dout
            datain_ro.next = m[j][k]
            yield clk.posedge
            addr_in.next = addr_in + 1
            print("%d data to ram %d %d") % (now(), datain_ro, addr_in)
            yield clk.posedge
            enw_ro.next = 1
            yield clk.posedge
        raise StopSimulation

    return instances()
예제 #10
def testbench(clk, dout, din, data_in, toLift_Step, z, we_1, we, we_in, addr_1,
              addr, addr_in, muxsel_i, x, res_o, left_i, right_i, sam_i,
              flgs_i, update_i, update_o, rst_fsm, datactn_in, datactn,
              pc_data_in, pc_data_rdy):
    instance_lift_step = lift_step(left_i, sam_i, right_i, flgs_i, update_i,
                                   clk, res_o, update_o)
    instance_ram = ram(dout, din, addr, we, clk)
    instance_mux_data = mux_data(z, din, data_in, we_1, we, we_in, addr,
                                 addr_in, muxsel_i, muxaddrsel, addr_left,
                                 addr_sam, addr_rht, zfifo)
    instance_signed2twoscomplement = signed2twoscomplement(clk, x, z)

    instance_pc_read = pc_read(clk, data_in, toLift_Step, we_in, addr_in,
                               muxsel_i, datactn_in, datactn, pc_data_in,

    def clkgen():
        clk.next = not clk

    def stimulus():
        dummy = 100000
        muxsel_i.next = 0

        while (muxsel_i == 0):
            print("%d wait for data ") % (now())
            yield clk.posedge
            dummy = dummy - 1
            if (dummy == 0):
                muxsel_i.next = 1
                yield clk.posedge

        i = 0
        j = 0
        print("%d at start ") % (now())
        while (muxsel_i == 1):
            toLift_Step.next = m[j][i]
            yield clk.posedge
            print("%d addr %d, data %d") % (now(), addr_in, data_in)
            #yield clk.posedge
            j = j + 1
        print("%d pc_read done") % (now())
        we_1.next = 0
        flgs_i.next = 7
        yield clk.posedge
        for i in range(w):
            for j in range(1, h - 1, 2):
                we_1.next = 0
                yield clk.posedge
                flgs_i.next = 7
                yield clk.posedge
                addr_1.next = j - 1
                yield clk.posedge
                left_i.next = dout
                yield clk.posedge
                addr_1.next = j + 1
                yield clk.posedge
                right_i.next = dout
                yield clk.posedge
                addr_1.next = j
                yield clk.posedge
                sam_i.next = dout
                yield clk.posedge
                we_1.next = 1
                yield clk.posedge
                print("time %d ") % (now())
                print("left %d sam %d right %d") % (left_i, sam_i, right_i)
                update_i.next = 1
                yield clk.posedge
                update_i.next = 0
                yield clk.posedge
                x.next = res_o[W0:]
                yield clk.posedge
                #m[j][i] = z
                print("time %d") % (now())
                print("j %d i %d z %d") % (j, i, z)
                yield clk.posedge
        flgs_i.next = 6
        for i in range(w):
            for j in range(2, h, 2):
                addr_1.next = j
                yield clk.posedge
                left_i.next = m[j - 1][i]
                yield clk.posedge
                right_i.next = m[j + 1][i]
                yield clk.posedge
                sam_i.next = m[j][i]
                yield clk.posedge
                print("time %d ") % (now())
                print("left %d sam %d right %d") % (left_i, sam_i, right_i)
                update_i.next = 1
                yield clk.posedge
                update_i.next = 0
                yield clk.posedge
                x.next = res_o[W0:]
                yield clk.posedge
                m[j][i] = z
                yield clk.posedge
        raise StopSimulation

    return instances()