예제 #1
def process_snippets(cmd, snippets, formatter, lily_output_dir):
    """Run cmd on all of the .ly files from snippets."""

    if not snippets:

    cmd = formatter.adjust_snippet_command(cmd)

    checksum = snippet_list_checksum(snippets)
    contents = "\n".join(["snippet-map-%d.ly" % checksum] + list(set([snip.basename() + ".ly" for snip in snippets])))
    name = os.path.join(lily_output_dir, "snippet-names-%d.ly" % checksum)
    logfile = name.replace(".ly", "")
    file(name, "wb").write(contents)

    system_in_directory(" ".join([cmd, ly.mkarg(name)]), lily_output_dir, logfile)
예제 #2
def process_snippets(cmd, snippets, formatter, lily_output_dir):
    """Run cmd on all of the .ly files from snippets."""

    if not snippets:

    cmd = formatter.adjust_snippet_command(cmd)

    checksum = snippet_list_checksum(snippets)
    contents = '\n'.join(
        ['snippet-map-%d.ly' % checksum] +
        list(set([snip.basename() + '.ly' for snip in snippets])))
    name = os.path.join(lily_output_dir, 'snippet-names-%d.ly' % checksum)
    logfile = name.replace('.ly', '')
    file(name, 'wb').write(contents)

    system_in_directory(' '.join([cmd, ly.mkarg(name)]), lily_output_dir,
예제 #3
def process_snippets (cmd, snippets,
                      formatter, lily_output_dir):
    """Run cmd on all of the .ly files from snippets."""

    if not snippets:

    cmd = formatter.adjust_snippet_command (cmd)

    checksum = snippet_list_checksum (snippets)
    contents = '\n'.join (['snippet-map-%d.ly' % checksum]
                          + list (set ([snip.basename() + '.ly' for snip in snippets])))
    name = os.path.join (lily_output_dir,
                         'snippet-names-%d.ly' % checksum)
    logfile = name.replace('.ly', '')
    file (name, 'wb').write (contents)

    system_in_directory (' '.join ([cmd, ly.mkarg (name.replace (os.path.sep, '/'))]),
예제 #4
def main ():
    # FIXME: 85 lines of `main' macramee??
    if (os.environ.has_key ("LILYPOND_BOOK_LOGLEVEL")):
        ly.set_loglevel (os.environ["LILYPOND_BOOK_LOGLEVEL"])
    files = do_options ()

    basename = os.path.splitext (files[0])[0]
    basename = os.path.split (basename)[1]

    if global_options.format:
      # Retrieve the formatter for the given format
      for formatter in BookBase.all_formats:
        if formatter.can_handle_format (global_options.format):
          global_options.formatter = formatter
        global_options.formatter = guess_format (files[0])
        global_options.format = global_options.formatter.format

    # make the global options available to the formatters:
    global_options.formatter.global_options = global_options
    formats = global_options.formatter.image_formats

    if global_options.process_cmd == '':
        global_options.process_cmd = (lilypond_binary
                                      + ' --formats=%s -dbackend=eps ' % formats)

    if global_options.process_cmd:
        includes = global_options.include_path
        if global_options.lily_output_dir:
            # This must be first, so lilypond prefers to read .ly
            # files in the other lybookdb dir.
            includes = [global_options.lily_output_dir] + includes
        global_options.process_cmd += ' '.join ([' -I %s' % ly.mkarg (p)
                                                 for p in includes])

    global_options.formatter.process_options (global_options)

    if global_options.lily_loglevel:
        ly.debug_output (_ ("Setting LilyPond's loglevel to %s") % global_options.lily_loglevel, True)
        global_options.process_cmd += " --loglevel=%s" % global_options.lily_loglevel
    elif ly.is_verbose ():
        if os.environ.get ("LILYPOND_LOGLEVEL", None):
            ly.debug_output (_ ("Setting LilyPond's loglevel to %s (from environment variable LILYPOND_LOGLEVEL)") % os.environ.get ("LILYPOND_LOGLEVEL", None), True)
            global_options.process_cmd += " --loglevel=%s" % os.environ.get ("LILYPOND_LOGLEVEL", None)
            ly.debug_output (_ ("Setting LilyPond's output to --verbose, implied by lilypond-book's setting"), True)
            global_options.process_cmd += " --verbose"

    if global_options.padding_mm:
        global_options.process_cmd += " -deps-box-padding=%f " % global_options.padding_mm

    global_options.process_cmd += " -dread-file-list -dno-strip-output-dir"

    if global_options.lily_output_dir:
        global_options.lily_output_dir = os.path.abspath(global_options.lily_output_dir)
        if not os.path.isdir (global_options.lily_output_dir):
            os.makedirs (global_options.lily_output_dir)
        global_options.lily_output_dir = os.path.abspath(global_options.output_dir)

    relative_output_dir = global_options.output_dir

    identify ()
        chunks = do_file (files[0])
    except BookSnippet.CompileError:
        exit (1)

    inputs = note_input_file ('')
    inputs.pop ()

    base_file_name = os.path.splitext (os.path.basename (files[0]))[0]
    dep_file = os.path.join (global_options.output_dir, base_file_name + '.dep')
    final_output_file = os.path.join (relative_output_dir,
                     base_file_name + global_options.formatter.default_extension)

    os.chdir (original_dir)
    file (dep_file, 'w').write ('%s: %s\n'
                                % (final_output_file, ' '.join (inputs)))
예제 #5
def main ():
    # FIXME: 85 lines of `main' macramee??
    if ("LILYPOND_BOOK_LOGLEVEL" in os.environ):
        ly.set_loglevel (os.environ["LILYPOND_BOOK_LOGLEVEL"])
    files = do_options ()

    basename = os.path.splitext (files[0])[0]
    basename = os.path.split (basename)[1]

    if global_options.format:
      # Retrieve the formatter for the given format
      for formatter in BookBase.all_formats:
        if formatter.can_handle_format (global_options.format):
          global_options.formatter = formatter
        global_options.formatter = guess_format (files[0])
        global_options.format = global_options.formatter.format

    # make the global options available to the formatters:
    global_options.formatter.global_options = global_options
    formats = global_options.formatter.image_formats

    if global_options.process_cmd == '':
        global_options.process_cmd = (lilypond_binary
                                      + ' --formats=%s -dbackend=eps ' % formats)

    if global_options.process_cmd:
        includes = global_options.include_path
        global_options.process_cmd += ' '.join ([' -I %s' % ly.mkarg (p)
                                                 for p in includes])

    global_options.formatter.process_options (global_options)

    if global_options.lily_loglevel:
        ly.debug_output (_ ("Setting LilyPond's loglevel to %s") % global_options.lily_loglevel, True)
        global_options.process_cmd += " --loglevel=%s" % global_options.lily_loglevel
    elif ly.is_verbose ():
        if os.environ.get ("LILYPOND_LOGLEVEL", None):
            ly.debug_output (_ ("Setting LilyPond's loglevel to %s (from environment variable LILYPOND_LOGLEVEL)") % os.environ.get ("LILYPOND_LOGLEVEL", None), True)
            global_options.process_cmd += " --loglevel=%s" % os.environ.get ("LILYPOND_LOGLEVEL", None)
            ly.debug_output (_ ("Setting LilyPond's output to --verbose, implied by lilypond-book's setting"), True)
            global_options.process_cmd += " --verbose"

    if global_options.padding_mm:
        global_options.process_cmd += " -deps-box-padding=%f " % global_options.padding_mm

    global_options.process_cmd += " -dread-file-list -dno-strip-output-dir"

    if global_options.lily_output_dir:
        global_options.lily_output_dir = os.path.abspath(global_options.lily_output_dir)
        if not os.path.isdir (global_options.lily_output_dir):
            os.makedirs (global_options.lily_output_dir)
        global_options.lily_output_dir = os.path.abspath(global_options.output_dir)

    relative_output_dir = global_options.output_dir

    identify ()
        chunks = do_file (files[0])
    except BookSnippet.CompileError:
        exit (1)

    inputs = note_input_file ('')
    inputs.pop ()

    base_file_name = os.path.splitext (os.path.basename (files[0]))[0]
    dep_file = os.path.join (global_options.output_dir, base_file_name + '.dep')
    final_output_file = os.path.join (relative_output_dir,
                     base_file_name + global_options.formatter.default_extension)

    os.chdir (original_dir)
    open (dep_file, 'w').write ('%s: %s\n'
                                % (final_output_file, ' '.join (inputs)))