예제 #1
def lu(matIn):
    %% ***********************************************************************
    % FUNCTION linalg_inv_lu
    % Purpose: Calculates the inverse of a matrix using LU methods.
    % Additionally will check if the matrix is square, and will return the
    % pseudoinverse, if not.
    % Function call: [Ainv] = linalg_inv_lu(A)
    % Input: A = Input matrix to be inverted
    % Outputs: Ainv = the inverted matrix
    % Adam Hollock
    % 24 January 2012
    %% ***********************************************************************
    #This will take the pseudoinverse in case the matrix in question is not
    #Underdetermined case
    if (matIn.shape[0] < matIn.shape[1]):
        Atest = matIn.T * linalg_inv_lu.lu(matIn * matIn.T)
    #Overdetermined case
    elif (matIn.shape[0] > matIn.shape[1]):
        Atest = linalg_inv_lu.lu(matIn.T * matIn) * matIn.T
        Atest = matIn

        print Atest

        #Calculates the L and U matrices
        [L, U, P] = linalg_lu.lu(Atest)
        #Finds the inverse of the L and U matrices using the premade RR methods.
        Linv = linalg_inv_rr.rr(L)
        Uinv = linalg_inv_rr.rr(U)

        #Initializes AinvTemp, Ainv and D matrices, as well as a general purpose identity
        AinvTemp = zeros(Atest.shape)
        D = zeros(Atest.shape)
        ident = eye(Atest.shape)
        Ainv = zeros(Atest.shape)

        for i in arange(1, Atest.shape[1]):
            D[:, i] = Linv * ident[:, i]
            AinvTemp[:, i] = Uinv * D[:, i]

        #This reorganizes the matrix in accordance with the change in P.
        for i in range(1, P.shape[0]):
            Ainv[:, i] = AinvTemp[:, nonzero(P[:, i] == 1)]
예제 #2
def lu(matIn):
    %% ***********************************************************************
    % FUNCTION linalg_inv_lu
    % Purpose: Calculates the inverse of a matrix using LU methods.
    % Additionally will check if the matrix is square, and will return the
    % pseudoinverse, if not.
    % Function call: [Ainv] = linalg_inv_lu(A)
    % Input: A = Input matrix to be inverted
    % Outputs: Ainv = the inverted matrix
    % Adam Hollock
    % 24 January 2012
    %% ***********************************************************************
    #This will take the pseudoinverse in case the matrix in question is not
    #Underdetermined case
    if (matIn.shape[0] < matIn.shape[1]):
        Atest = matIn.T*linalg_inv_lu.lu(matIn*matIn.T)
    #Overdetermined case
    elif (matIn.shape[0] > matIn.shape[1]):
        Atest = linalg_inv_lu.lu(matIn.T*matIn)*matIn.T
        Atest = matIn

        print Atest

    #Calculates the L and U matrices
        [L, U, P] = linalg_lu.lu(Atest)
    #Finds the inverse of the L and U matrices using the premade RR methods.
        Linv = linalg_inv_rr.rr(L)
        Uinv = linalg_inv_rr.rr(U)

    #Initializes AinvTemp, Ainv and D matrices, as well as a general purpose identity
        AinvTemp = zeros(Atest.shape)
        D = zeros(Atest.shape)
        ident = eye(Atest.shape)
        Ainv = zeros(Atest.shape)
        for i in arange(1,Atest.shape[1]):
            D[:,i] = Linv*ident[:,i]
            AinvTemp[:,i] = Uinv*D[:,i]
        #This reorganizes the matrix in accordance with the change in P.
        for i in range(1,P.shape[0]):
            Ainv[:,i] = AinvTemp[:,nonzero(P[:,i]==1)]
예제 #3
def rr(P):

    %% ***********************************************************************
    % FUNCTION linalg_inv_rr
    % Purpose: Calculates the inverse of a matrix using row reducing methods.
    % Additionally will check if the matrix is square, and will return the
    % pseudoinverse, if not.
    % Function call: [Ainv] = linalg_inv_rr(A)
    % Input: A = Input matrix to be inverted
    % Outputs: Ainv = the inverted matrix
    % Adam Hollock
    % 19 January 2012
    %% ***********************************************************************
    # This will take the pseudoinverse in case the matrix in question is not
    # square.
    # Underdetermined case
    if P.shape[0] < P.shape[1]:
        Ainv = P.T * linalg_inv_rr.rr(P * P.T)
    #%Overdetermined case
    elif P.shape[0] > P.shape[1]:
        Ainv = linalg_inv_rr.rr(P.T * P) * P.T
        Atest = P

    # Augments the original matrix with the identity matrix
    A = concatenate((Atest, eye(Atest.shape[0], Atest.shape[1])), 1)

    # This will normalize all of the rows to the largest number in the first
    # column
    # maxValue = max(A(:,1))
    # for k = 1:(size(A,1)-1)
    #     A(k,:) = A(k,:).*(maxValue/(A(k,1)))
    # end

    # This is the first step of gaussian elimination, eliminating the bottom
    # terms
    for k in arange(1, A.shape[0] - 1):
        for l in arange(k + 1, A.shape[0]):
            maxValue = A[l, k] / A[k, k]
            A[l, :] = -1 * multiply(A[k, :], maxValue) + A[l, :]

    # This is the second step of gaussian elimination, eliminating the top terms
    for k in arange(P.shape[0] - 1, 2, -1):
        for l in arange(k - 1, 1, -1):
            maxValue = A[l, k] / A[k, k]
            A[l, :] = -1 * multiply(A[k, :], maxValue) + A[l, :]

    # This will normalize the matrix on the left into the identity matrix
    for i in arange(1, A.shape[0]):
        A[i, :] = A[i, :] / A[i, i]

    # This will take the identity matrix out and just leave the inverse
    Ainv = A[:, A.shape[0] : A.shape[1]]

    return Ainv
예제 #4
def rr(P):

    %% ***********************************************************************
    % FUNCTION linalg_inv_rr
    % Purpose: Calculates the inverse of a matrix using row reducing methods.
    % Additionally will check if the matrix is square, and will return the
    % pseudoinverse, if not.
    % Function call: [Ainv] = linalg_inv_rr(A)
    % Input: A = Input matrix to be inverted
    % Outputs: Ainv = the inverted matrix
    % Adam Hollock
    % 19 January 2012
    %% ***********************************************************************
    #This will take the pseudoinverse in case the matrix in question is not
    #Underdetermined case
    if P.shape[0] < P.shape[1]:
        Ainv = P.T*linalg_inv_rr.rr(P*P.T)
    #%Overdetermined case
    elif P.shape[0] > P.shape[1]:
        Ainv = linalg_inv_rr.rr(P.T*P)*P.T
        Atest = P

    #Augments the original matrix with the identity matrix
    A = concatenate((Atest,eye(Atest.shape[0],Atest.shape[1])),1)

    #This will normalize all of the rows to the largest number in the first
    # maxValue = max(A(:,1))
    # for k = 1:(size(A,1)-1)
    #     A(k,:) = A(k,:).*(maxValue/(A(k,1)))
    # end

    #This is the first step of gaussian elimination, eliminating the bottom
    for k in arange(1,A.shape[0]-1):
        for l in arange(k+1,A.shape[0]):
            maxValue = A[l,k]/A[k,k]
            A[l,:] =  -1*multiply(A[k,:],maxValue) + A[l,:]

    #This is the second step of gaussian elimination, eliminating the top terms
    for k in arange(P.shape[0]-1,2,-1):
        for l in arange(k-1,1,-1):
            maxValue = A[l,k]/A[k,k]
            A[l,:] =  -1*multiply(A[k,:],maxValue) + A[l,:]

    #This will normalize the matrix on the left into the identity matrix
    for i in arange(1,A.shape[0]):
        A[i,:] = A[i,:]/A[i,i]

    #This will take the identity matrix out and just leave the inverse
    Ainv = A[:,A.shape[0]:A.shape[1]]

    return Ainv
예제 #5
import linalg_inv_rr
import numpy

Adam Hollock 2/9/2013
This will find the inverse of a matrix using row reducing methods

A_1 = numpy.mat("6  3  9  9; 8 -8  9  0; -7 -4 -7  6; 8  1  9 -7")

Ainv_1_1 = linalg_inv_rr.rr(A_1)

print Ainv_1_1