def test_build_systems_from_comp(): # Build AbsSystems from components radec = SkyCoord(ra=123.1143*u.deg, dec=-12.4321*u.deg) # HI abscomp = lyman_comp(radec) # SiII SiII_comp = si2_comp(radec) # radec2 = SkyCoord(ra=223.1143*u.deg, dec=-12.4321*u.deg) abscomp2 = lyman_comp(radec2) # abs_systems = ltiu.build_systems_from_components([abscomp,SiII_comp,abscomp2]) assert len(abs_systems) == 2
def test_build_systems_from_comp(): # Build AbsSystems from components radec = SkyCoord(ra=123.1143 * u.deg, dec=-12.4321 * u.deg) # HI abscomp = lyman_comp(radec) # SiII SiII_comp = si2_comp(radec) # radec2 = SkyCoord(ra=223.1143 * u.deg, dec=-12.4321 * u.deg) abscomp2 = lyman_comp(radec2) # abs_systems = ltiu.build_systems_from_components( [abscomp, SiII_comp, abscomp2]) assert len(abs_systems) == 2
def make_igmsystems(self, igmsystem=None, **kwargs): """ Use the component list to generate a list of IGMSystems Returns ------- igm_systems : list list of IGMSystem objects """ if igmsystem is None: from pyigm.abssys.igmsys import IGMSystem igmsystem = IGMSystem # Main call igm_sys = build_systems_from_components(self._components, systype=igmsystem, **kwargs) # Return return igm_sys
def __init__(self, ispec, guessfile=None, parent=None, zsys=None, norm=None, exten=None, rsp_kwargs={}, unit_test=False, screen_scale=1., **kwargs): QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) """ ispec = str, XSpectrum1D or tuple of arrays Input spectrum or spectrum filename. If tuple then (wave, fx), (wave, fx, sig) or (wave, fx, sig, co) guessfile : str, optional name of the .json file generated with igmguesses GUI in Pyigm (see if not None - overplot fitted line profiles from igmguesses parent : Widget parent, optional zsys : float, optional intial redshift exten : int, optional extension for the spectrum in multi-extension FITS file norm : bool, optional True if the spectrum is normalized screen_scale : float, optional Scale the default sizes for the gui size """ #reload(ltgl) #reload(ltgsp) # INIT #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() self.scale = screen_scale # Needed to avoid crash in large spectral files rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = 20000 rcParams[ 'axes.formatter.useoffset'] = False # avoid scientific notation in axes tick labels # Build a widget combining several others self.main_widget = QWidget() # Status bar self.create_status_bar() # Grab the pieces and tie together self.pltline_widg = ltgl.PlotLinesWidget(status=self.statusBar, init_z=zsys, screen_scale=self.scale) self.pltline_widg.setMaximumWidth(300 * self.scale) ## Abs sys abs_sys = None voigtsfit = None if guessfile is not None: # Load ism = LineList('ISM') igm_guess = ltu.loadjson(guessfile) comps = [] for key in igm_guess['cmps'].keys(): comp = AbsComponent.from_dict(igm_guess['cmps'][key], chk_vel=False, linelist=ism) comps.append(comp) abs_sys = ltiu.build_systems_from_components( comps, vsys=500. * / u.s) # ,chk_z=False) ### 100000.* ok ### voigt fit - added # Spectrum spec, spec_fil = ltgu.read_spec(ispec, exten=exten, norm=norm, rsp_kwargs=rsp_kwargs) voigtsfit = np.asarray([0] * len(spec.wavelength)) alllines = [] for iabs_sys in abs_sys: lines = iabs_sys.list_of_abslines() alllines = alllines + lines if len(alllines) > 0: voigtsfit = lav.voigt_from_abslines(spec.wavelength, alllines, fwhm=3.).flux.value if not norm: voigtsfit = voigtsfit * # Hook the spec widget to Plot Line self.spec_widg = ltgsp.ExamineSpecWidget(ispec, guessfile=guessfile, voigtsfit=voigtsfit, status=self.statusBar, parent=self, llist=self.pltline_widg.llist, zsys=zsys, norm=norm, exten=exten, abs_sys=abs_sys, screen_scale=self.scale, rsp_kwargs=rsp_kwargs, **kwargs) # Reset redshift from spec if zsys is None: if hasattr(self.spec_widg.spec, 'z'): self.pltline_widg.setz( str(self.spec_widg.spec.z[])) # Auto set line list if spec has proper object type if hasattr(self.spec_widg.spec, 'stypes'): if self.spec_widg.spec.stypes[].lower() == 'galaxy': self.pltline_widg.llist = ltgu.set_llist( 'Galaxy', in_dict=self.pltline_widg.llist) elif self.spec_widg.spec.stypes[].lower() == 'absorber': self.pltline_widg.llist = ltgu.set_llist( 'Strong', in_dict=self.pltline_widg.llist) self.pltline_widg.llist['Plot'] = True idx = self.pltline_widg.lists.index( self.pltline_widg.llist['List']) self.pltline_widg.llist_widget.setCurrentRow(idx) # self.pltline_widg.spec_widg = self.spec_widg # Multi spec self.mspec_widg = ltgsp.MultiSpecWidget(self.spec_widg) self.spec_widg.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click) # Layout # Extras extras = QWidget() extras.setMinimumWidth(180 * self.scale) extras.setMaximumWidth(280 * self.scale) vbox = QVBoxLayout() qbtn = QPushButton(self) qbtn.setText('Quit') qbtn.clicked.connect(self.quit) vbox.addWidget(self.pltline_widg) vbox.addWidget(self.mspec_widg) vbox.addWidget(qbtn) extras.setLayout(vbox) # Main window hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.spec_widg) hbox.addWidget(extras) self.main_widget.setLayout(hbox) # Point MainWindow self.setCentralWidget(self.main_widget) if unit_test: self.quit()