예제 #1
파일: migrate.py 프로젝트: khchine5/welfare
 def after_load(loader):
예제 #2
파일: std.py 프로젝트: khchine5/welfare
def objects():

    from lino_cosi.lib.ledger.fixtures.std import objects as std_objects
    yield std_objects()

    Group = rt.modules.accounts.Group
    Account = rt.modules.accounts.Account
    AccountTypes = rt.modules.accounts.AccountTypes

    def group(ref, type, name):
        global current_group
        current_group = Group(
            **dd.str2kw('name', name))
        return current_group

    def account(ref, type, name, **kw):
        kw.update(dd.str2kw('name', name))
        return Account(
            type=AccountTypes.get_by_name(type), **kw)

    # yield group('10', 'capital', _("Capital"))
    yield group('40', 'assets', _("Receivables"))
    obj = account(
        '4000', 'assets', _("Customers"),
        clearable=True, needs_partner=True)
    yield obj
    # if sales:
    #     settings.SITE.site_config.update(clients_account=obj)

    yield group('44', 'assets', _("Liabilities"))
    a4400 = account(
        '4400', 'liabilities', _("Suppliers"),
        clearable=True, needs_partner=True)
    yield a4400

    a4450 = account(
        '4450', 'liabilities', _("Disbursement orders to execute"),
        clearable=True, needs_partner=True)
    yield a4450

    # a4460 = account('4460', 'liabilities',
    #                 _("Instructions to execute"), clearable=True)
    # yield a4460
    # settings.SITE.site_config.update(suppliers_account=a4400)

    yield group('55', 'assets', _("Financial institutes"))
    yield account("5500", 'bank_accounts', "KBC")
    # a5600 = account("5600", 'bank_accounts', _("Disbursement orders"))
    # yield a5600
    yield account("5700", 'bank_accounts', _("Cash"))

    yield group('58', 'assets', _("Current transactions"))
    a5800 = account("5800", 'bank_accounts', _("Payment Orders"),
                    clearable=True, needs_partner=False)
    yield a5800
    # a5810 = account("5810", 'bank_accounts', _("Aid allocations"),
    #                 clearable=True)
    # yield a5810

    yield group('6', 'expenses', _("Expenses"))
    for ref, name in (
            ('832/3331/01', _("Eingliederungseinkommen")),
            ('832/330/01', _("Allgemeine Beihilfen")),
            ('832/330/03F', _("Fonds Gas und Elektrizität")),
            ('832/330/03', _("Heizkosten- u. Energiebeihilfe")),
            ('832/3343/21', _("Beihilfe für Ausländer")),
            ('832/334/27', _("Sozialhilfe")),
            ('832/333/22', _("Mietbeihilfe")),
            ('832/330/04', _("Mietkaution")),
            ('820/333/01', _("Vorschuss auf Vergütungen o.ä.")),
            ('821/333/01', _("Vorschuss auf Pensionen")),
            ('822/333/01', _("Vorsch. Entsch. Arbeitsunfälle")),
            ('823/333/01', _("Vor. Kranken- u. Invalidengeld")),
            ('825/333/01', _("Vorschuss auf Familienzulage")),
            ('826/333/01', _("Vorschuss auf Arbeitslosengeld")),
            ('827/333/01', _("Vorschuss auf Behindertenzulag")),
            ('P87/000/00', _("Abhebung von pers. Guthaben")),
            ('P82/000/00', _("Einn. Dritter: Weiterleitung")),
            ('P83/000/00', _("Unber. erh. Beträge + Erstatt.")),
            ('832/330/02', _("Gesundheitsbeihilfe")),
        yield account(
            ref, 'expenses', name,
            # 20160413
            purchases_allowed=True, clearable=False, needs_partner=False)

    yield group('7', 'incomes', _("Revenues"))
    obj = account('7000', 'incomes', _("Sales"), sales_allowed=True)
    yield obj

    from lino_welfare.modlib.ledger.fixtures.std_journals import objects \
        as std_journals
    yield std_journals()