def test_multiple_search_ids(self, mock_bind, mock_unbind):
        """verify ldapresolver supports search for multiple names

        to support for example the login with sAMAccountName and
        userPrincipalName. The test verifies that the login name will be
        expanded into the search filter multiple times, replacing all %s
        occurrences in the resolver.filter string.

        # 1. setup the test environment

        uid_type = "üid"

        bindresult = Bindresult(uid_type=uid_type)

        mock_bind.return_value = bindresult
        mock_unbind.return_value = None

        resolver = LDAPResolver()

        resolver.filter = (
        resolver.uidType = uid_type

        login_name = "*****@*****.**"

        # 2. finally trigger the call getUserId

        userid = resolver.getUserId(loginname=login_name)

        # 3. verify that the login name occurs multiple times in the filter

        assert bindresult._filter_str.count(login_name) == 2
예제 #2
    def test_bind_with_failover(self):
        test the failover in the bind handling

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # setup the ldap fake resolver, which requires:
        # - an mocked connect
        # - an mocked bindpw, which in normal case would contain the
        #   crypted data
        # the mocked resolver loads the derived mocked ResouceSchduler with
        # the mocked Registry so that we can access the calling data

        myldap = LDAPResolver()
        myldap.ldapuri = ("ldap://, "
                          "ldap://, "
                          "ldap://, "
                          "ldap://, ")

        myldap.bindpw = MockedBindPW("geheim1")

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # run the bind test


        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # evaluate the result: how often called

        called = FakeLdapResolver.called

        assert len(called) == 2 * TRIES + 1
        assert "ldap://" not in called

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # evaluate the result: failed should be blocked, other not

        registry = MockedResourceRegistry.registry

        for key, val in list(registry.items()):
            value, _b_ind, _b_count = val

            if "fail" in key:
                assert value is not None
                assert value is None

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # verify that the 4th entry was never evaluated

        assert "ldap://" not in registry

    def test_getUserId(self, mock_bind, mock_unbind):
        test for absence of non-utf-8 encoded strings

        the ldap library used by the python ldap library requires all
        data encoded in utf-8, which has not been the case for the uidType
        class Bindresult(object):
            def search_ext(self,

                if attrlist:
                    for attr in attrlist:

                        # check if attribute is not a python unicode str
                        if isinstance(attr, unicode):
                            raise Exception('Unicode character recieved')

                        # invalid utf-8 will raise an exception too

                return True

            def result(self, l_id, all=1):
                return [[],
                        [('cn=Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,ou=people,dc=blackdog,'
                          'dc=corp,dc=lsexperts,dc=de', {

        bindresult = Bindresult()
        mock_bind.return_value = bindresult
        mock_unbind.return_value = None

        resolver = LDAPResolver()
        resolver.filter = u'(&(uid=%s)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))'
        resolver.uidType = u'entryUUIDä'

        # finally trigger the call to run the test

        _userid = resolver.getUserId(u'mozart')
예제 #4
    def setUp(self):

        self.ldap_y = LDAPResolver()

        ldap_config = {
            'USERINFO': ('{"username":"******", '
                         '"phone" : "telephoneNumber",'
                         '"groups" : "o",'
                         '"mobile" : "mobile",'
                         '"email" : "email",'
                         '"surname" : "sn",'
                         '"givenname" : "givenName",'
                         '"gender" : "" } '),
예제 #5
    def setUp(self):

        self.ldap_y = LDAPResolver()

        ldap_config = {
            "USERINFO": ('{"username":"******", '
                         '"phone" : "telephoneNumber",'
                         '"groups" : "o",'
                         '"mobile" : "mobile",'
                         '"email" : "email",'
                         '"surname" : "sn",'
                         '"givenname" : "givenName",'
                         '"gender" : "" } '),
    def test_getUserId(self, mock_bind, mock_unbind):
        test for absence of non-utf-8 encoded strings

        the ldap library used by the python ldap library requires all
        data encoded in utf-8, which has not been the case for the uidType

        uid_type = u'üid'
        class Bindresult(object):

            def search_ext(self, base, scope_subtree, filterstr=None,
                           sizelimit=None, attrlist=None, timeout=None):

                if attrlist:
                    for attr in attrlist:

                        # check if attribute is not a python unicode str
                        if isinstance(attr, unicode):
                            raise Exception('Unicode character recieved')

                        # invalid utf-8 will raise an exception too

                # check if filterstr is not a python unicode str
                if isinstance(filterstr, unicode):
                    raise Exception('Unicode character recieved')

                # val could be str with ascii or non ascii (str.encode(utf-8).
                # If the str could converted back from utf-8 it is ensured
                # that we have the correct encoding


                return True

            def result(self, l_id, all=1):
                return [
                    [('cn=Wolfgang Amadeus Mözart,ou=people,dc=blackdog,'
                       ['f4450c88-1df9-1033-90e8-Wolfgang Amadeus Mözart']})]]

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # setup the test environment

        bindresult = Bindresult()
        mock_bind.return_value = bindresult
        mock_unbind.return_value = None

        resolver = LDAPResolver()
        resolver.filter = u'(&(uid=%s)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))'
        resolver.uidType = uid_type

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # finally trigger the call to run the test

        userid = resolver.getUserId(u'mözart')

        # check if attribute is a python unicode str
        if not isinstance(userid, unicode):
            raise Exception('non Unicode character recieved')

        # if unicode could be converted to utf-8 and back

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # extend the test to verify as well the getUserLDAPInfo and getUserInfo

        userLdapInfo = resolver.getUserLDAPInfo(u'Üßalad')

        for key, val_list in userLdapInfo.items():

            # check if attribute is a python unicode str
            if not isinstance(key, unicode) and not isinstance(key, str):
                raise Exception('Non Unicode character recieved')

            # val could be str with ascii or non ascii (str.encode(utf-8).
            # If the str could converted to utf-8 and back it is ensured
            # that we have the correct encoding


            val = val_list[0]

            # check if attribute is a python unicode str
            if not isinstance(val, unicode) and not isinstance(key, str):
                raise Exception('Non Unicode character recieved')

            # val could be str with ascii or non ascii (str.encode(utf-8).
            # If the str could converted to utf-8 and back it is ensured
            # that we have the correct encoding


        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        userInfo = resolver.getUserInfo(u'Üßalad')

        for key, val in userInfo.items():

            if not isinstance(key, str):

                # check if attribute is a python unicode str
                if not isinstance(key, unicode):
                    raise Exception('Non Unicode character recieved')

            # key could be str with ascii or non ascii (str.encode(utf-8).
            # If the str could converted to utf-8 and back it is ensured
            # that we have the correct encoding


            # check if attribute is a python unicode str
            if not isinstance(val, unicode):
                raise Exception('Non Unicode character recieved')

            # val could be str with ascii or non ascii (str.encode(utf-8).
            # If the str could converted to utf-8 and back it is ensured
            # that we have the correct encoding


예제 #7
    def test_bind_with_fail(self):
        test the failover in the bind handling

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # setup the ldap fake resolver, which requires:
        # - an mocked connect
        # - an mocked bindpw, which in normal case would contain the
        #   crypted data
        # the mocked resolver loads the derived mocked ResouceSchduler with
        # the mocked Registry so that we can access the calling data

        myldap = LDAPResolver()
        myldap.ldapuri = ("ldap://, "
                          "ldap://, "
                          "ldap://, "
                          "ldap://, ")

        myldap.binddn = "Heinz"
        myldap.bindpw = MockedBindPW("geheim1")

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # run the bin test
        with freeze_time("2012-01-14 12:00:00"):

            with pytest.raises(ResolverNotAvailable):

            # -------------------------------------------------------------- --

            # evaluate the result: how often called

            called = FakeLdapResolver.called

            assert len(called) == 4 * TRIES
            assert "ldap://" in called

            # -------------------------------------------------------------- --

            # evaluate the result: failed should be blocked, other not

            registry = MockedResourceRegistry.registry

            for key, value in list(registry.items()):
                assert value is not None

            # -------------------------------------------------------------- --

            # verify that the 4th entry was evaluated

            assert "ldap://" in registry

            # -------------------------------------------------------------- --

            # now reset the calle registration

            FakeLdapResolver.called = []

            #           # -------------------------------------------------------------- --

            # and re-run the bind

            with pytest.raises(ResolverNotAvailable):

            # -------------------------------------------------------------- --

            # now all resources are marked as blocked and
            # none will be called

            called = FakeLdapResolver.called

            assert len(called) == 0
            assert "ldap://" not in called

        with freeze_time("2012-01-14 12:01:00"):

            # -------------------------------------------------------------- --

            # one minute later re-run the bind

            myldap.ldapuri = ("ldap://, "
                              "ldap://, "
                              "ldap://, "
                              "ldap://, ")


            # -------------------------------------------------------------- --

            # evaluate the result: how often called

            called = FakeLdapResolver.called

            assert len(called) == 2 * TRIES + 1
            assert "ldap://" not in called

            # -------------------------------------------------------------- --

            # evaluate the result: failed should be blocked, other not

            registry = MockedResourceRegistry.registry

            for key, val in list(registry.items()):
                value, _b_ind, _b_count = val

                if "fail" in key:
                    assert value is not None
                    assert value is None

            # -------------------------------------------------------------- --

            # verify that the 4th entry was never evaluated

            assert "ldap://" not in registry

예제 #8
    def test_getUserId(self, mock_bind, mock_unbind):
        test for absence of non-utf-8 encoded strings

        the ldap library used by the python ldap library requires all
        data encoded in utf-8, which has not been the case for the uidType

        uid_type = "üid"

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # setup the test environment

        bindresult = Bindresult(uid_type=uid_type)
        mock_bind.return_value = bindresult
        mock_unbind.return_value = None

        resolver = LDAPResolver()
        resolver.filter = "(&(uid=%s)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))"
        resolver.uidType = uid_type

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # finally trigger the call to run the test

        userid = resolver.getUserId("mözart")

        # check if attribute is a python unicode str
        if not isinstance(userid, str):
            raise Exception("non Unicode character recieved")

        # if unicode could be converted to utf-8 and back

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # extend the test to verify as well the getUserLDAPInfo and getUserInfo

        userLdapInfo = resolver.getUserLDAPInfo("Üßalad")

        for key, val_list in list(userLdapInfo.items()):

            # check if attribute is a python unicode str
            if not isinstance(key, str) and not isinstance(key, str):
                raise Exception("Non Unicode character recieved")

            # val could be str with ascii or non ascii (str.encode(utf-8).
            # If the str could converted to utf-8 and back it is ensured
            # that we have the correct encoding


            val = val_list[0]

            # check if attribute is a python unicode str
            if not isinstance(val, str) and not isinstance(key, str):
                raise Exception("Non Unicode character recieved")

            # val could be str with ascii or non ascii (str.encode(utf-8).
            # If the str could converted to utf-8 and back it is ensured
            # that we have the correct encoding


        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        userInfo = resolver.getUserInfo("Üßalad")

        for key, val in list(userInfo.items()):

            if not isinstance(key, str):

                # check if attribute is a python unicode str
                if not isinstance(key, str):
                    raise Exception("Non Unicode character recieved")

            # key could be str with ascii or non ascii (str.encode(utf-8).
            # If the str could converted to utf-8 and back it is ensured
            # that we have the correct encoding


            # check if attribute is a python unicode str
            if not isinstance(val, str):
                raise Exception("Non Unicode character recieved")

            # val could be str with ascii or non ascii (str.encode(utf-8).
            # If the str could converted to utf-8 and back it is ensured
            # that we have the correct encoding

