def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with ESLint. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, cmd = if npm_exists('eslint'): cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'node_modules', '.bin', 'eslint') command = [cmd, '--format', 'checkstyle'] # Add config file or default to recommended linters if self.options.get('config'): command += ['--config', self.apply_base(self.options['config'])] command += files output = run_command( command, ignore_error=True) if output.startswith('Cannot read config file'): msg = u'Your eslint config file is missing or invalid. ' \ u'Please ensure that `{}` exists and is valid.' msg = msg.format(self.options['config']) return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg)) filename_converter = functools.partial( self._relativize_filename, files) self._process_checkstyle(output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with swiftlit. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = [ 'swiftlint', 'lint', '--quiet', '--reporter', 'checkstyle', '--use-script-input-files' ] # swiftlint uses a set of environment variables # to lint multiple files at once. env = os.environ.copy() for index, name in enumerate(files): env['SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_%s' % (index, )] = name env['SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT'] = str(len(files)) output = run_command(command, env=env, cwd=self.base_path, ignore_error=True) filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename, files) process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with flake8. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = ['flake8'] for option in self.PYFLAKE_OPTIONS: if self.options.get(option): command.extend([ '--%(option)s' % { 'option': option }, self.options.get(option) ]) command += files output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if not output: log.debug('No flake8 errors found.') return False for line in output: filename, line, error = self._parse_line(line) self.problems.add(filename, line, error)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with checkstyle. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, if 'config' not in self.options: msg = ("We could not run `checkstyle` you did not set " "the `config` option to a valid checkstyle XML file.") return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg)) command = self.create_command(files) output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True) # Only one line is generally a config error. Replay the error # to the user. lines = output.strip().split('\n') if not lines[0].startswith('<'): msg = ("Running `checkstyle` failed with:\n" "```\n" "%s\n" "```\n" "Ensure your config file exists and is valid XML.") return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg % (lines[0], ))) # Remove the last line if it is not XML # Checkstyle outputs text after the XML if there are errors. if not lines[-1].strip().startswith('<'): lines = lines[0:-1] output = ''.join(lines) filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename, files) process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with rubocop """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = ['rubocop'] if bundle_exists('rubocop'): command = ['bundle', 'exec', 'rubocop'] command += ['--format', 'emacs'] if self.options.get('display_cop_names', '').lower() == 'true': command += ['--display-cop-names'] command += files output = run_command( command, split=True, ignore_error=True, include_errors=False ) if not output: log.debug('No rubocop errors found.') return False for line in output: filename, line, error = self._parse_line(line) self.problems.add(filename, line, error)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with sass-lint. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, cmd = 'sass-lint' if npm_exists('sass-lint'): cmd = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'node_modules', '.bin', 'sass-lint') command = [cmd, '-f', 'checkstyle', '-v'] command += files if self.options.get('ignore'): command += ['--ignore ', self.options.get('ignore')] if self.options.get('config'): command += ['--config', self.apply_base(self.options['config'])] output = run_command( command, ignore_error=True) filename_converter = functools.partial( self._relativize_filename, files) self._process_checkstyle(output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with pylint --p3k. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = ['pylint', '--py3k'] for option in self.PYLINT3K_OPTIONS: if self.options.get(option): command.extend( ['--%(option)s' % {'option': option}, self.options.get(option)]) command += files output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if not output: log.debug('No pylint3k errors found.') return False for line in output: if line.startswith("******"): continue filename, line, error = self._parse_line(line) self.problems.add(filename, line, error)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with puppet-lint """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = ['puppet-lint'] if bundle_exists('puppet-lint'): command = ['bundle', 'exec', 'puppet-lint'] command += ['--log-format', '%{path}:%{linenumber}:%{KIND}:%{message}'] command += files output = run_command( command, split=True, ignore_error=True, include_errors=False ) if not output: log.debug('No puppet-lint errors found.') return False for line in output: filename, line, error = self._parse_line(line) self.problems.add(filename, line, error)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with phpcs. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = self.create_command(files) output = run_command( command, ignore_error=True, include_errors=False) filename_converter = functools.partial( self._relativize_filename, files) # Check for errors from PHPCS if output.startswith('ERROR'): msg = ('Your PHPCS configuration output the following error:\n' '```\n' '{}\n' '```') error = '\n'.join(output.split('\n')[0:1]) return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg.format(error))) process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with ESLint. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, cmd = if npm_exists('eslint'): cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'node_modules', '.bin', 'eslint') command = [cmd, '--format', 'checkstyle'] # Add config file or default to recommended linters if self.options.get('config'): command += ['--config', self.apply_base(self.options['config'])] command += files output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True) if output.startswith('Cannot read config file'): msg = u'Your eslint config file is missing or invalid. ' \ u'Please ensure that `{}` exists and is valid.' msg = msg.format(self.options['config']) return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg)) filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename, files) self._process_checkstyle(output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with pep8. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, pep8_options = ['exclude', 'filename', 'select', 'ignore', 'max-line-length'] command = ['pep8', '-r'] for option, value in self.options.items(): if option in pep8_options: command += [u'--{}'.format(option), value] else: log.error('%s is not a valid option to pep8', option) command += files output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if not output: log.debug('No pep8 errors found.') return False process_quickfix(self.problems, output, lambda name: name)
def execute_commits(self, commits): """ Check that HEAD commit has gpg signature """ cmd = "git log HEAD^..HEAD --show-signature --format=%H | " cmd += "grep -q 'Signature made'" try: run_command(cmd, split=False, shell=True, ignore_error=False, cwd=self.base_path) log.debug('Signature found in HEAD commit') return False except Exception as e: log.debug("Exception: %s" % str(e)) body = 'No gpg signature for tip of the branch.' self.problems.add(IssueComment(body))
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with swiftlit. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = [ 'swiftlint', 'lint', '--quiet', '--reporter', 'checkstyle', '--use-script-input-files' ] # swiftlint uses a set of environment variables # to lint multiple files at once. env = os.environ.copy() for index, name in enumerate(files): env['SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_%s' % (index,)] = name env['SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT'] = str(len(files)) output = run_command( command, env=env, cwd=self.base_path, ignore_error=True) filename_converter = functools.partial( self._relativize_filename, files) process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with gjslint. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = self.create_command(files) output = run_command( command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if'no errors found', output[0]): log.debug('No gjslint errors found.') return False """ Lint Errors are reports as follows: ----- FILE : /private/tmp/workspace/repo/repo_name/pr_number/path/to/file.js ----- Line 546, E:0007: Should have 2 blank lines between top-level blocks. Line 550, E:0210: Missing docs for parameter: "parameters" Line 550, E:0210: Missing docs for parameter: "url" Found 9 errors, including 1 new error, in 3 files (0 files OK). """ filename = '' for line in output: if 'FILE' in line: filename = self._parse_filename(line) elif re.match(r'Found .* errors', line): break; else: line_number, error = self._parse_line(line) self.problems.add(filename, line_number, error)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code smell checks with reek """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = ['reek'] if bundle_exists('reek'): command = ['bundle', 'exec', 'reek'] command += ['--single-line','--no-color'] command += files output = run_command( command, split=True, ignore_error=True, include_errors=False ) if not output: log.debug('No reek errors found.') return False for line in output: """ Reek -s outputs warnings with leading spaces """ if isinstance(line, basestring) and line.startswith(' '): filename, line, error = self._parse_line(line) self.problems.add(filename, line, error)
def execute_fixer(self, files): """ Run PHPCS in the fixer mode. """ log.debug('Fixing %s files with %s', files, command = self.create_fixer_command(files) output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True, include_errors=False) log.error(output)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with luacheck. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = self.create_command(files) output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True, split=True) filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename, files) process_quickfix(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
def run_individual_files(self, files, filename_converter): """ If we get an error from golint about different packages we have to re-run golint on each file as figuring out package relations is hard. """ for filename in files: command = self.create_command([filename]) output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True, split=True) process_quickfix(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with jscs. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = self.create_command(files) output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True) process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, None)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with shellcheck. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = self.create_command(files) output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True, include_errors=False) filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename, files) process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter) list(map(self.escape_backtick, self.problems))
def execute_fixer(self, files): """ Run PHPCS in the fixer mode. """ log.debug('Fixing %s files with %s', files, command = self.create_fixer_command(files) output = run_command( command, ignore_error=True, include_errors=False) log.error(output)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with phpcs. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = self.create_command(files) output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True) filename_converter = functools.partial(self._get_filename, files) self._process_checkstyle(output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with jshint. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = self.create_command(files) output = run_command( command, ignore_error=True) self._process_checkstyle(output)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with phpcs. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = self.create_command(files) output = run_command( command, ignore_error=True) filename_converter = functools.partial(self._get_filename, files) self._process_checkstyle(output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with XO. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, cmd = if npm_exists('xo'): cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'node_modules', '.bin', 'xo') command = [cmd, '--reporter', 'checkstyle'] command += files output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True) self._process_output(output, files)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with shellcheck. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = self.create_command(files) output = run_command( command, ignore_error=True, include_errors=False) filename_converter = functools.partial( self._relativize_filename, files) self._process_checkstyle(output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with flake8. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', len(files), command = self.make_command(files) output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if not output: log.debug('No flake8 errors found.') return False process_quickfix(self.problems, output, lambda name: name)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with golint. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ command = self.create_command(files) output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True, split=True) # Look for multi-package error message if len(output) == 1 and 'is in package' in output[0]: self.add_review_issue(output[0], files) else: filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename, files) process_quickfix(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with ESLint. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, cmd = if npm_exists('eslint'): cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'node_modules', '.bin', 'eslint') command = [cmd, '--format', 'checkstyle'] # Add config file if it's present if self.options.get('config'): command += ['--config', self.apply_base(self.options['config'])] command += files output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True) self._process_checkstyle(output)
def process_files(self, files): command = ['foodcritic'] if bundle_exists('foodcritic'): command = ['bundle', 'exec', 'foodcritic'] # if no directory is set, assume the root path = os.path.join(self.base_path, self.options.get('path', '')) command += [path] output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=False) if output[0] == '\n': log.debug('No foodcritic errors found.') return False for line in output: filename, line, error = self._parse_line(line) self.problems.add(filename, line, error)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with standard. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, cmd = if npm_exists('standard'): cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'node_modules', '.bin', 'standard') filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename, files) command = [cmd] + list(files) output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) output = filter(lambda line: not line.startswith('standard'), output) process_quickfix(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with pep8. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = ['pep8', '-r'] if self.options.get('ignore'): command += ['--ignore', self.options.get('ignore')] command += files output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if not output: log.debug('No pep8 errors found.') return False process_quickfix(self.problems, output, lambda name: name)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with csslint. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, cmd = 'csslint' if npm_exists('csslint'): cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'node_modules', '.bin', 'csslint') command = [cmd, '--format=checkstyle-xml'] if self.options.get('ignore'): command += ['--ignore=' + self.options.get('ignore')] command += files output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True) self._process_checkstyle(output)
def process_files(self, files): command = ['foodcritic'] if bundle_exists('foodcritic'): command = ['bundle', 'exec', 'foodcritic'] command.append('--no-progress') # if no directory is set, assume the root path = os.path.join(self.base_path, self.options.get('path', '')) command += [path] output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if output[0] == '\n': log.debug('No foodcritic errors found.') return False for line in output: filename, line, error = self._parse_line(line) self.problems.add(filename, line, error)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with ESLint. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, cmd = if npm_exists('eslint'): cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'node_modules', '.bin', 'eslint') command = [cmd, '--format', 'checkstyle'] # Add config file if it's present if self.options.get('config'): command += ['--config', self.apply_base(self.options['config'])] command += files output = run_command( command, ignore_error=True) self._process_checkstyle(output)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with pylint --py3k. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = self.make_command(files) output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if not output: log.debug('No py3k errors found.') return False output = [line for line in output if not line.startswith("*********")] filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename, files) process_quickfix(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with pep8. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = ['pep8', '-r'] if self.options.get('ignore'): command += ['--ignore', self.options.get('ignore')] command += files output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if not output: log.debug('No pep8 errors found.') return False for line in output: filename, line, error = self._parse_line(line) self.problems.add(filename, line, error)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with csslint. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, cmd = 'csslint' if npm_exists('csslint'): cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'node_modules', '.bin', 'csslint') command = [cmd, '--format=checkstyle-xml'] if self.options.get('ignore'): command += ['--ignore=' + self.options.get('ignore')] command += files output = run_command( command, ignore_error=True) self._process_checkstyle(output)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with yamllint. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. Configuration is not supported at this time """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = ['yamllint', '--format=parsable'] command += files output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if not output: log.debug('No yamllint errors found.') return False for line in output: filename, line, error = self._parse_line(line) self.problems.add(filename, line, error)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with rubocop """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = ['rubocop', '--format', 'emacs'] command += files output = run_command( command, split=True, ignore_error=True, include_errors=False ) if not output: log.debug('No rubocop errors found.') return False for line in output: filename, line, error = self._parse_line(line) self.problems.add(filename, line, error)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with standard. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, cmd = if npm_exists('standard'): cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'node_modules', '.bin', 'standard') filename_converter = functools.partial( self._relativize_filename, files) command = [cmd] + list(files) output = run_command( command, split=True, ignore_error=True) output = [line for line in output if not line.startswith('standard')] process_quickfix(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with phpcs. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = self.create_command(files) output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True, include_errors=False) filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename, files) # Check for errors from PHPCS if output.startswith('ERROR'): msg = ('Your PHPCS configuration output the following error:\n' '```\n' '{}\n' '```') error = '\n'.join(output.split('\n')[0:1]) return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg.format(error))) process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with yamllint. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. Configuration is not supported at this time """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = ['yamllint', '--format=parsable'] # Add config file if its present if self.options.get('config'): command += ['-c', self.apply_base(self.options['config'])] command += files output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if not output: log.debug('No yamllint errors found.') return False process_quickfix(self.problems, output, lambda x: x)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with flake8. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug("Processing %s files with %s", files, command = ["flake8"] for option in self.PYFLAKE_OPTIONS: if self.options.get(option): command.extend(["--%(option)s" % {"option": option}, self.options.get(option)]) command += files output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if not output: log.debug("No flake8 errors found.") return False for line in output: filename, line, error = self._parse_line(line) self.problems.add(filename, line, error)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with puppet-lint """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = ['puppet-lint'] if bundle_exists('puppet-lint'): command = ['bundle', 'exec', 'puppet-lint'] command += ['--log-format', '%{path}:%{linenumber}:%{KIND}:%{message}'] command += files output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True, include_errors=False) if not output: log.debug('No puppet-lint errors found.') return False for line in output: filename, line, error = self._parse_line(line) self.problems.add(filename, line, error)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with golint. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ command = self.create_command(files) output = run_command( command, ignore_error=True, split=True) filename_converter = functools.partial( self._relativize_filename, files) # Look for multi-package error message, and re-run tools if len(output) == 1 and 'is in package' in output[0]:'Re-running golint on individual files' 'as diff contains files from multiple packages: %s', output[0]) self.run_individual_files(files, filename_converter) else: process_quickfix(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with flake8. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', len(files), command = ['flake8'] for option in self.options: if option in self.PYFLAKE_OPTIONS: command.extend( ['--%s' % option, self.options.get(option)]) else: log.warning('Set non-existent flake8 option: %s', option) command += files output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if not output: log.debug('No flake8 errors found.') return False process_quickfix(self.problems, output, lambda name: name)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with jsonlint. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. Configuration is not supported at this time """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, command = ['jsonlint'] command += files output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if not output: log.debug('No jsonlint errors found.') return False for line in output: if (line[0] == ' ' or line.find(': has errors') >= 0 or line.find(': ok') >= 0): continue filename, line, error = self._parse_line(line) self.problems.add(filename, line, error)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with pep8. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, pep8_options = [ 'exclude', 'filename', 'select', 'ignore', 'max-line-length' ] command = ['pep8', '-r'] for option, value in self.options.items(): if option in pep8_options: command += [u'--{}'.format(option), value] else: log.error('%s is not a valid option to pep8', option) command += files output = run_command(command, split=True, ignore_error=True) if not output: log.debug('No pep8 errors found.') return False process_quickfix(self.problems, output, lambda name: name)
def process_files(self, files): """ Run code checks with checkstyle. Only a single process is made for all files to save resources. """ log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, if 'config' not in self.options: msg = ("We could not run `checkstyle` you did not set " "the `config` option to a valid checkstyle XML file.") return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg)) command = self.create_command(files) output = run_command( command, ignore_error=True) # Only one line is generally a config error. Replay the error # to the user. lines = output.strip().split('\n') if not lines[0].startswith('<'): msg = ("Running `checkstyle` failed with:\n" "```\n" "%s\n" "```\n" "Ensure your config file exists and is valid XML.") return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg % (lines[0],))) # Remove the last line if it is not XML # Checkstyle outputs text after the XML if there are errors. if not lines[-1].strip().startswith('<'): lines = lines[0:-1] output = ''.join(lines) filename_converter = functools.partial( self._relativize_filename, files) process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)