예제 #1
def load_playlist(playlist_mbid: str):
    """Load a single playlist by id
    if not is_valid_uuid(playlist_mbid):
        raise BadRequest("Provided playlist ID is invalid: %s" % playlist_mbid)

    playlist = db_playlist.get_by_mbid(playlist_mbid, True)
    # TODO: Allow playlist collaborators to access private playlist
    if playlist is None or not playlist.public and (not current_user.is_authenticated or playlist.creator_id != current_user.id):
        raise NotFound("Cannot find playlist: %s" % playlist_mbid)


    spotify_data = {}
    current_user_data = {}
    if current_user.is_authenticated:
        spotify_data = spotify.get_user_dict(current_user.id)

        current_user_data = {
                "id": current_user.id,
                "name": current_user.musicbrainz_id,
                "auth_token": current_user.auth_token,
    props = {
        "current_user": current_user_data,
        "spotify": spotify_data,
        "api_url": current_app.config["API_URL"],
        "web_sockets_server_url": current_app.config['WEBSOCKETS_SERVER_URL'],
        "playlist": serialize_jspf(playlist)

    return render_template(
예제 #2
def load_instant():
    This endpoint takes in a list of recording_mbids and optional desc/name arguments  and then loads
    the recording_mbid's metadata and creates a JSPF file from this data and sends it to the front end
    so a playlist can be instantly played.

    .. note::
        We recommend that you do not send more than 50 recording_mbids in one request -- our
        server infrastructure will likely give you a gateway error (502) if you do.

    :param recording_mbids: A comma separated list of recording_mbids
    :type recording_mbids: ``str``
    :param desc: A description for this instant playlist (optional).
    :type desc: ``str``
    :param name: A name for this instant playlist (optional).
    :type name: ``str``
    :statuscode 200: playlist generated
    :statuscode 400: invalid recording_mbid arguments

    recordings = request.args.get("recording_mbids", default=None)
    if recordings is None:
        raise BadRequest("recording_mbids argument must be present and contain a comma separated list of recording_mbids")

    recording_mbids = []
    for mbid in recordings.split(","):
        mbid_clean = mbid.strip()
        if not is_valid_uuid(mbid_clean):
            raise BadRequest(f"Recording mbid {mbid} is not valid.")


    desc = request.args.get("desc", default="")
    if not desc:
        desc = "Instant playlist"

    name = request.args.get("name", default="")
    if not name:
        name = "Instant playlist"

    now = datetime.now()
    playlist = WritablePlaylist(description=desc, name=name, creator="listenbrainz", creator_id=1, created=now)
    for i, mbid in enumerate(recording_mbids):
        rec = WritablePlaylistRecording(position=i, mbid=mbid, added_by_id=1, created=now)


    return render_template(
        props=ujson.dumps({"playlist": serialize_jspf(playlist)})
예제 #3
def load_playlist(playlist_mbid: str):
    """Load a single playlist by id
    if not is_valid_uuid(playlist_mbid):
        raise BadRequest("Provided playlist ID is invalid: %s" % playlist_mbid)

    current_user_id = None
    if current_user.is_authenticated:
        current_user_id = current_user.id

    playlist = db_playlist.get_by_mbid(playlist_mbid, True)
    if playlist is None or not playlist.is_visible_by(current_user_id):
        raise NotFound("Cannot find playlist: %s" % playlist_mbid)


    spotify_data = {}
    current_user_data = {}
    if current_user.is_authenticated:
        spotify_data = spotify.get_user_dict(current_user.id)

        current_user_data = {
                "id": current_user.id,
                "name": current_user.musicbrainz_id,
                "auth_token": current_user.auth_token,
    props = {
        "current_user": current_user_data,
        "spotify": spotify_data,
        "api_url": current_app.config["API_URL"],
        "labs_api_url": current_app.config["LISTENBRAINZ_LABS_API_URL"],
        "web_sockets_server_url": current_app.config['WEBSOCKETS_SERVER_URL'],
        "playlist": serialize_jspf(playlist),
        "sentry_dsn": current_app.config.get("LOG_SENTRY", {}).get("dsn")

    return render_template(
예제 #4
def load_playlist(playlist_mbid: str):
    """Load a single playlist by id
    if not is_valid_uuid(playlist_mbid):
        raise BadRequest("Provided playlist ID is invalid: %s" % playlist_mbid)

    current_user_id = None
    if current_user.is_authenticated:
        current_user_id = current_user.id

    playlist = db_playlist.get_by_mbid(playlist_mbid, True)
    if playlist is None or not playlist.is_visible_by(current_user_id):
        raise NotFound("Cannot find playlist: %s" % playlist_mbid)


    props = {
        "labs_api_url": current_app.config["LISTENBRAINZ_LABS_API_URL"],
        "web_sockets_server_url": current_app.config['WEBSOCKETS_SERVER_URL'],
        "playlist": serialize_jspf(playlist),

    return render_template("playlists/playlist.html", props=ujson.dumps(props))