def setup_nest(): # name = raw_input("Enter the name: ") # try: # print('The web browser will open to the Nest website.') print( 'Please sign in and grant permissions for the HomeControl-server to interact with the Nest account.' ) sleep(5) # client_id = get_binding_detail('nest_account', 'client_id') client_secret = get_binding_detail('nest_account', 'client_secret') state = 'STATE' # url_auth = '{client_id}&state={state}'.format( client_id=client_id, state=state), new=1) # pincode = raw_input("Enter pincode: ") # token_response = get_accesstoken(client_id, client_secret, pincode) # ################################ # except: print("\n!! An error has ocurred - please try again !!") print( "\n****************************************************************\n" ) return # new_acc = {} new_acc['type'] = 'nest_account' new_acc['name'] = name new_acc['details_private'] = { 'tokenexpiry': token_response['tokenexpiry'], 'token': token_response['token'], 'state': state, 'redirect_url': '' } new_acc['details_public'] = {} # return new_acc
def getRegions_list(): url = '{url}{uri}?key={key}'.format( url=BASE_URL, uri=URI_LIST_REGION.format(datatype='json'), key=get_binding_detail('metoffice', 'app_key')) r = requests.get(url) # if r.status_code == locations = r.json() return locations['Locations']['Location'] else: return False
def getForcast(frequency): # frequency = '3hourly' or 'daily' url = '{url}{uri}?res={frequency}&key={key}'.format( url=BASE_URL, uri=URI_FORECAST_SITE.format(datatype='json', locationId=LOCATION_id), frequency=frequency, key=get_binding_detail('metoffice', 'app_key')) r = requests.get(url) # if r.status_code == return r.json() else: return False
def get_articles(source='', sortby=''): # if source == '': raise Exception if sortby not in LIST_SORTBY: raise Exception # query = QUERY_ARTICLES_APIKEY.format(api_key=get_binding_detail('newsapi', 'app_key')) query += '&' + QUERY_ARTICLES_SOURCE.format(source=source) if not sortby=='': query += '&' + QUERY_ARTICLES_SORTBY.format(sortby=sortby) # url = '{url}{uri}?{query}'.format(url=BASE_URL, uri=URI_ARTICLES, query=query) # r = requests.get(url) # if r.status_code == return r.json() else: return {'status': 'ERROR'}
def _clientsecret(self): return get_binding_detail(self._type, 'client_secret')
def _clientid(self): return get_binding_detail(self._type, 'client_id')
def _port(self): return get_binding_detail(self._type, 'port')