예제 #1
 def handle_request(self, data):
         return self.handle_request_and_fail(data)
     except LiveStatusQueryError, exp:
         # LiveStatusQueryError(404, table)
         # LiveStatusQueryError(450, column)
         code, detail = exp.args
         response = LiveStatusResponse()
         response.output = LiveStatusQueryError.messages[code] % detail
         response.statuscode = code
         if 'fixed16' in data:
             response.responseheader = 'fixed16'
         return response.respond()
예제 #2
 def handle_request(self, data):
         return self.handle_request_and_fail(data)
     except LiveStatusQueryError, exp:
         # LiveStatusQueryError(404, table)
         # LiveStatusQueryError(450, column)
         code, detail = exp.args
         response = LiveStatusResponse()
         response.output = LiveStatusQueryError.messages[code] % detail
         response.statuscode = code
         if 'fixed16' in data:
             response.responseheader = 'fixed16'
         return response.respond()
예제 #3
class LiveStatusQuery(object):

    my_type = 'query'

    def __init__(self, datamgr, query_cache, db, pnp_path, return_queue,
        # Runtime data form the global LiveStatus object
        self.datamgr = datamgr
        self.query_cache = query_cache
        self.db = db
        self.pnp_path = pnp_path
        self.return_queue = return_queue
        self.counters = counters

        # Private attributes for this specific request
        self.response = LiveStatusResponse()
        self.authuser = None
        self.table = None
        self.columns = []
        self.filtercolumns = []
        self.prefiltercolumns = []
        self.outputcolumns = []
        self.stats_group_by = []
        self.stats_columns = []
        self.aliases = []
        self.limit = None
        self.extcmd = False

        # Initialize the stacks which are needed for the Filter: and Stats:
        # filter- and count-operations
        self.filter_stack = LiveStatusStack()
        self.stats_filter_stack = LiveStatusStack()
        self.stats_postprocess_stack = LiveStatusStack()
        self.stats_query = False

        # When was this query launched?
        self.tic = time.time()
        # Clients can also send their local time with the request
        self.client_localtime = self.tic

        # This is mostly used in the Response.format... which needs to know
        # the class behind a queries table
        self.table_class_map = table_class_map

    def __str__(self):
        output = "LiveStatusRequest:\n"
        for attr in [
                "table", "columns", "filtercolumns", "prefiltercolumns",
                "aliases", "stats_group_by", "stats_query"
            output += "request %s: %s\n" % (attr, getattr(self, attr))
        return output

    def split_command(self, line, splits=1):
        """Create a list from the words of a line"""
        return line.split(' ', splits)

    def split_option(self, line, splits=1):
        """Like split_commands, but converts numbers to int data type"""
        x = map(lambda i: (i.isdigit() and int(i)) or i,
                [token.strip() for token in re.split(r"[\s]+", line, splits)])
        return x

    def split_option_with_columns(self, line):
        """Split a line in a command and a list of words"""
        cmd, columns = self.split_option(line)
        return cmd, [
            for c in re.compile(r'\s+').split(columns)

    def strip_table_from_column(self, column):
        """Cut off the table name, because it is possible
        to say service_state instead of state"""
        bygroupmatch = re.compile('(\w+)by.*group').search(self.table)
        if bygroupmatch:
            return re.sub(
                re.sub('s$', '', bygroupmatch.group(1)) + '_', '', column, 1)
            return re.sub(re.sub('s$', '', self.table) + '_', '', column, 1)

    def parse_input(self, data):
        """Parse the lines of a livestatus request.

        This function looks for keywords in input lines and
        sets the attributes of the request object

        for line in data.splitlines():
            line = line.strip()
            # Tools like NagVis send KEYWORK:option, and we prefer to have
            # a space following the:
            if ':' in line and not ' ' in line:
                line = line.replace(':', ': ')
            keyword = line.split(' ')[0].rstrip(':')
            if keyword == 'GET':  # Get the name of the base table
                _, self.table = self.split_command(line)
                if self.table not in table_class_map.keys():
                    raise LiveStatusQueryError(404, self.table)
            elif keyword == 'Columns':  # Get the names of the desired columns
                _, self.columns = self.split_option_with_columns(line)
                self.response.columnheaders = 'off'
            elif keyword == 'ResponseHeader':
                _, responseheader = self.split_option(line)
                self.response.responseheader = responseheader
            elif keyword == 'OutputFormat':
                _, outputformat = self.split_option(line)
                self.response.outputformat = outputformat
            elif keyword == 'KeepAlive':
                _, keepalive = self.split_option(line)
                self.response.keepalive = keepalive
            elif keyword == 'ColumnHeaders':
                _, columnheaders = self.split_option(line)
                self.response.columnheaders = columnheaders
            elif keyword == 'Limit':
                _, self.limit = self.split_option(line)
            elif keyword == 'AuthUser':
                if self.table in [
                        'hosts', 'hostgroups', 'services', 'servicegroups',
                        'hostsbygroup', 'servicesbygroup',
                    _, self.authuser = self.split_option(line)
                # else self.authuser stays None and will be ignored
            elif keyword == 'Filter':
                    _, attribute, operator, reference = self.split_option(
                        line, 3)
                except ValueError as err:
                        _, attribute, operator, reference = self.split_option(
                            line, 2) + ['']
                    except ValueError as err:
                        raise LiveStatusQueryError(452,
                                                   'invalid Filter header')
                if operator in [
                        '=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '=~', '~', '~~', '!=', '!>',
                        '!>=', '!<', '!<=', '!=~', '!~', '!~~'
                    # Cut off the table name
                    attribute = self.strip_table_from_column(attribute)
                    # Some operators can simply be negated
                    if operator in ['!>', '!>=', '!<', '!<=']:
                        operator = {
                            '!>': '<=',
                            '!>=': '<',
                            '!<': '>=',
                            '!<=': '>'
                    # Put a function on top of the filter_stack which implements
                    # the desired operation
                        self.make_filter(operator, attribute, reference))
                    if self.table == 'log':
                        self.db.add_filter(operator, attribute, reference)
                    logger.warning("[Livestatus Query] Illegal operation: %s" %
                    pass  # illegal operation
            elif keyword == 'And':
                _, andnum = self.split_option(line)
                # Take the last andnum functions from the stack
                # Construct a new function which makes a logical and
                # Put the function back onto the stack
                if self.table == 'log':
            elif keyword == 'Or':
                _, ornum = self.split_option(line)
                # Take the last ornum functions from the stack
                # Construct a new function which makes a logical or
                # Put the function back onto the stack
                if self.table == 'log':
            elif keyword == 'Negate':
                if self.table == 'log':
            elif keyword == 'StatsGroupBy':
                _, stats_group_by = self.split_option_with_columns(line)
                # Deprecated. If your query contains at least one Stats:-header
                # then Columns: has the meaning of the old StatsGroupBy: header
            elif keyword == 'Stats':
                self.stats_query = True
                    _, attribute, operator, reference = self.split_option(
                        line, 3)
                    if attribute in ['sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'std'
                                     ] and reference.startswith('as '):
                        attribute, operator = operator, attribute
                        _, alias = reference.split(' ')
                    elif attribute in ['sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'std'
                                       ] and reference == '=':
                        # Workaround for thruk-cmds like: Stats: sum latency =
                        attribute, operator = operator, attribute
                        reference = ''
                except Exception:
                    _, attribute, operator = self.split_option(line, 3)
                    if attribute in ['sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'std']:
                        attribute, operator = operator, attribute
                    reference = ''
                attribute = self.strip_table_from_column(attribute)
                if operator in [
                        '=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '=~', '~', '~~', '!=', '!>',
                        '!>=', '!<', '!<=', '!=~', '!~', '!~~'
                    if operator in ['!>', '!>=', '!<', '!<=']:
                        operator = {
                            '!>': '<=',
                            '!>=': '<',
                            '!<': '>=',
                            '!<=': '>'
                        self.make_filter(operator, attribute, reference))
                        self.make_filter('count', attribute, None))
                elif operator in ['sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'std']:
                        self.make_filter('dummy', attribute, None))
                        self.make_filter(operator, attribute, None))
                    logger.warning("[Livestatus Query] Illegal operation: %s" %
                    pass  # illegal operation
            elif keyword == 'StatsAnd':
                _, andnum = self.split_option(line)
            elif keyword == 'StatsOr':
                _, ornum = self.split_option(line)
            elif keyword == 'Separators':
                separators = map(lambda sep: chr(int(sep)),
                                 line.split(' ', 5)[1:])
                self.response.separators = Separators(*separators)
            elif keyword == 'Localtime':
                _, self.client_localtime = self.split_option(line)
            elif keyword == 'COMMAND':
                _, self.extcmd = line.split(' ', 1)
                # This line is not valid or not implemented
                    "[Livestatus Query] Received a line of input which i can't handle: '%s'"
                    % line)
        self.metainfo = LiveStatusQueryMetainfo(data)

    def process_query(self):
        result = self.launch_query()
        self.response.format_live_data(result, self.columns, self.aliases)
        return self.response.respond()

    def launch_query(self):
        """ Prepare the request object's filter stacks """

        # The Response object needs to access the Query

        # A minimal integrity check
        if not self.table:
            return []

        # Ask the cache if this request was already answered under the same
        # circumstances. (And f not, whether this query is cacheable at all)
        cacheable, cache_hit, cached_response = self.query_cache.get_cached_query(
        if cache_hit:
            self.columns = cached_response['columns']
            self.response.columnheaders = cached_response['columnheaders']
            return cached_response['result']

        # Make columns unique
        self.filtercolumns = list(set(self.filtercolumns))
        self.prefiltercolumns = list(set(self.prefiltercolumns))
        self.stats_columns = list(set(self.stats_columns))

        if self.stats_query:
            if len(self.columns) > 0:
                # StatsGroupBy is deprecated. Columns: can be used instead
                self.stats_group_by = self.columns
            elif len(self.stats_group_by) > 0:
                self.columns = self.stats_group_by + self.stats_columns
            #if len(self.stats_columns) > 0 and len(self.columns) == 0:
            if len(self.stats_columns) > 0:
                self.columns = self.stats_columns + self.columns
            if len(self.columns) == 0:
                self.outputcolumns = list_livestatus_attributes(self.table)
                self.outputcolumns = self.columns

        # Make one big filter where the single filters are anded

        # Get the function which implements the Filter: statements
        filter_func = self.filter_stack.get_stack()
        without_filter = len(self.filtercolumns) == 0
        cs = LiveStatusConstraints(filter_func, without_filter, self.authuser)

            # Remember the number of stats filters. We need these numbers as columns later.
            # But we need to ask now, because get_live_data() will empty the stack
            num_stats_filters = self.stats_filter_stack.qsize()
            if self.table == 'log':
                result = self.get_live_data_log(cs)
                # If the pnpgraph_present column is involved, then check
                # with each request if the pnp perfdata path exists
                if 'pnpgraph_present' in self.columns + self.filtercolumns + self.prefiltercolumns and self.pnp_path and os.access(
                        self.pnp_path, os.R_OK):
                    self.pnp_path_readable = True
                    self.pnp_path_readable = False
                # Apply the filters on the broker's host/service/etc elements

                result = self.get_live_data(cs)

            if self.stats_query:
                self.columns = range(num_stats_filters)
                if self.stats_group_by:
                    self.columns = tuple(
                        list(self.stats_group_by) + list(self.columns))
                if len(self.aliases) == 0:
                    # If there were Stats: statements without "as", show no column headers at all
                    self.response.columnheaders = 'off'
                    self.response.columnheaders = 'on'

            if self.stats_query:
                result = self.statsify_result(result)
                # statsify_result returns a dict with column numbers as keys
            elif self.table == 'columns':
                # With stats_request set to True, format_output expects result
                # to be a list of dicts instead a list of objects
                self.stats_query = True

        except Exception, e:
            import traceback
            logger.error("[Livestatus Query] Error: %s" % e)
            result = []

        if cacheable and not cache_hit:
            # We cannot cache generators, so we must first read them into a list
            result = [r for r in result]
            # Especially for stats requests also the columns and headers
            # are modified, so we need to save them too.
                self.metainfo, {
                    'result': result,
                    'columns': self.columns,
                    'columnheaders': self.response.columnheaders,

        return result
예제 #4
class LiveStatusQuery(object):

    my_type = 'query'

    def __init__(self, datamgr, query_cache, db, pnp_path, return_queue, counters):
        # Runtime data form the global LiveStatus object
        self.datamgr = datamgr
        self.query_cache = query_cache
        self.db = db
        self.pnp_path = pnp_path
        self.return_queue = return_queue
        self.counters = counters

        # Private attributes for this specific request
        self.response = LiveStatusResponse()
        self.authuser = None
        self.table = None
        self.columns = []
        self.filtercolumns = []
        self.prefiltercolumns = []
        self.outputcolumns = []
        self.stats_group_by = []
        self.stats_columns = []
        self.aliases = []
        self.limit = None
        self.extcmd = False

        # Initialize the stacks which are needed for the Filter: and Stats:
        # filter- and count-operations
        self.filter_stack = LiveStatusStack()
        self.stats_filter_stack = LiveStatusStack()
        self.stats_postprocess_stack = LiveStatusStack()
        self.stats_query = False

        # When was this query launched?
        self.tic = time.time()
        # Clients can also send their local time with the request
        self.client_localtime = self.tic

        # This is mostly used in the Response.format... which needs to know
        # the class behind a queries table
        self.table_class_map = table_class_map

    def __str__(self):
        output = "LiveStatusRequest:\n"
        for attr in ["table", "columns", "filtercolumns", "prefiltercolumns", "aliases", "stats_group_by", "stats_query"]:
            output += "request %s: %s\n" % (attr, getattr(self, attr))
        return output

    def split_command(self, line, splits=1):
        """Create a list from the words of a line"""
        return line.split(' ', splits)

    def split_option(self, line, splits=1):
        """Like split_commands, but converts numbers to int data type"""
        x = map(lambda i: (i.isdigit() and int(i)) or i, [token.strip() for token in re.split(r"[\s]+", line, splits)])
        return x

    def split_option_with_columns(self, line):
        """Split a line in a command and a list of words"""
        cmd, columns = self.split_option(line)
        return cmd, [self.strip_table_from_column(c) for c in re.compile(r'\s+').split(columns)]

    def strip_table_from_column(self, column):
        """Cut off the table name, because it is possible
        to say service_state instead of state"""
        bygroupmatch = re.compile('(\w+)by.*group').search(self.table)
        if bygroupmatch:
            return re.sub(re.sub('s$', '', bygroupmatch.group(1)) + '_', '', column, 1)
            return re.sub(re.sub('s$', '', self.table) + '_', '', column, 1)

    def parse_input(self, data):
        """Parse the lines of a livestatus request.

        This function looks for keywords in input lines and
        sets the attributes of the request object

        for line in data.splitlines():
            line = line.strip()
            # Tools like NagVis send KEYWORK:option, and we prefer to have
            # a space following the:
            if ':' in line and not ' ' in line:
                line = line.replace(':', ': ')
            keyword = line.split(' ')[0].rstrip(':')
            if keyword == 'GET':  # Get the name of the base table
                _, self.table = self.split_command(line)
                if self.table not in table_class_map.keys():
                    raise LiveStatusQueryError(404, self.table)
            elif keyword == 'Columns':  # Get the names of the desired columns
                _, self.columns = self.split_option_with_columns(line)
                self.response.columnheaders = 'off'
            elif keyword == 'ResponseHeader':
                _, responseheader = self.split_option(line)
                self.response.responseheader = responseheader
            elif keyword == 'OutputFormat':
                _, outputformat = self.split_option(line)
                self.response.outputformat = outputformat
            elif keyword == 'KeepAlive':
                _, keepalive = self.split_option(line)
                self.response.keepalive = keepalive
            elif keyword == 'ColumnHeaders':
                _, columnheaders = self.split_option(line)
                self.response.columnheaders = columnheaders
            elif keyword == 'Limit':
                _, self.limit = self.split_option(line)
            elif keyword == 'AuthUser':
                if self.table in ['hosts', 'hostgroups', 'services', 'servicegroups', 'hostsbygroup', 'servicesbygroup', 'servicesbyhostgroup']:
                    _, self.authuser = self.split_option(line)
                # else self.authuser stays None and will be ignored
            elif keyword == 'Filter':
                    _, attribute, operator, reference = self.split_option(line, 3)
                except ValueError as err:
                        _, attribute, operator, reference = self.split_option(line, 2) + ['']
                    except ValueError as err:
                        raise LiveStatusQueryError(452, 'invalid Filter header')
                if operator in ['=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '=~', '~', '~~', '!=', '!>', '!>=', '!<', '!<=', '!=~', '!~', '!~~']:
                    # Cut off the table name
                    attribute = self.strip_table_from_column(attribute)
                    # Some operators can simply be negated
                    if operator in ['!>', '!>=', '!<', '!<=']:
                        operator = {'!>': '<=', '!>=': '<', '!<': '>=', '!<=': '>'}[operator]
                    # Put a function on top of the filter_stack which implements
                    # the desired operation
                    self.filter_stack.put_stack(self.make_filter(operator, attribute, reference))
                    if self.table == 'log':
                        self.db.add_filter(operator, attribute, reference)
                    logger.warning("[Livestatus Query] Illegal operation: %s" % str(operator))
                    pass  # illegal operation
            elif keyword == 'And':
                _, andnum = self.split_option(line)
                # Take the last andnum functions from the stack
                # Construct a new function which makes a logical and
                # Put the function back onto the stack
                if self.table == 'log':
            elif keyword == 'Or':
                _, ornum = self.split_option(line)
                # Take the last ornum functions from the stack
                # Construct a new function which makes a logical or
                # Put the function back onto the stack
                if self.table == 'log':
            elif keyword == 'Negate':
                if self.table == 'log':
            elif keyword == 'StatsGroupBy':
                _, stats_group_by = self.split_option_with_columns(line)
                # Deprecated. If your query contains at least one Stats:-header
                # then Columns: has the meaning of the old StatsGroupBy: header
            elif keyword == 'Stats':
                self.stats_query = True
                    _, attribute, operator, reference = self.split_option(line, 3)
                    if attribute in ['sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'std'] and reference.startswith('as '):
                        attribute, operator = operator, attribute
                        _, alias = reference.split(' ')
                    elif attribute in ['sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'std'] and reference == '=':
                        # Workaround for thruk-cmds like: Stats: sum latency =
                        attribute, operator = operator, attribute
                        reference = ''
                except Exception:
                    _, attribute, operator = self.split_option(line, 3)
                    if attribute in ['sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'std']:
                        attribute, operator = operator, attribute
                    reference = ''
                attribute = self.strip_table_from_column(attribute)
                if operator in ['=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '=~', '~', '~~', '!=', '!>', '!>=', '!<', '!<=', '!=~', '!~', '!~~']:
                    if operator in ['!>', '!>=', '!<', '!<=']:
                        operator = {'!>': '<=', '!>=': '<', '!<': '>=', '!<=': '>'}[operator]
                    self.stats_filter_stack.put_stack(self.make_filter(operator, attribute, reference))
                    self.stats_postprocess_stack.put_stack(self.make_filter('count', attribute, None))
                elif operator in ['sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'std']:
                    self.stats_filter_stack.put_stack(self.make_filter('dummy', attribute, None))
                    self.stats_postprocess_stack.put_stack(self.make_filter(operator, attribute, None))
                    logger.warning("[Livestatus Query] Illegal operation: %s" % str(operator))
                    pass  # illegal operation
            elif keyword == 'StatsAnd':
                _, andnum = self.split_option(line)
            elif keyword == 'StatsOr':
                _, ornum = self.split_option(line)
            elif keyword == 'Separators':
                separators = map(lambda sep: chr(int(sep)), line.split(' ', 5)[1:])
                self.response.separators = Separators(*separators)
            elif keyword == 'Localtime':
                _, self.client_localtime = self.split_option(line)
            elif keyword == 'COMMAND':
                _, self.extcmd = line.split(' ', 1)
                # This line is not valid or not implemented
                logger.error("[Livestatus Query] Received a line of input which i can't handle: '%s'" % line)
        self.metainfo = LiveStatusQueryMetainfo(data)

    def process_query(self):
        result = self.launch_query()
        self.response.format_live_data(result, self.columns, self.aliases)
        return self.response.respond()

    def launch_query(self):
        """ Prepare the request object's filter stacks """

        # The Response object needs to access the Query

        # A minimal integrity check
        if not self.table:
            return []

        # Ask the cache if this request was already answered under the same
        # circumstances. (And f not, whether this query is cacheable at all)
        cacheable, cache_hit, cached_response = self.query_cache.get_cached_query(self.metainfo)
        if cache_hit:
            self.columns = cached_response['columns']
            self.response.columnheaders = cached_response['columnheaders']
            return cached_response['result']

        # Make columns unique
        self.filtercolumns = list(set(self.filtercolumns))
        self.prefiltercolumns = list(set(self.prefiltercolumns))
        self.stats_columns = list(set(self.stats_columns))

        if self.stats_query:
            if len(self.columns) > 0:
                # StatsGroupBy is deprecated. Columns: can be used instead
                self.stats_group_by = self.columns
            elif len(self.stats_group_by) > 0:
                self.columns = self.stats_group_by + self.stats_columns
            #if len(self.stats_columns) > 0 and len(self.columns) == 0:
            if len(self.stats_columns) > 0:
                self.columns = self.stats_columns + self.columns
            if len(self.columns) == 0:
                self.outputcolumns = list_livestatus_attributes(self.table)
                self.outputcolumns = self.columns

        # Make one big filter where the single filters are anded

        # Get the function which implements the Filter: statements
        filter_func = self.filter_stack.get_stack()
        without_filter = len(self.filtercolumns) == 0
        cs = LiveStatusConstraints(filter_func, without_filter, self.authuser)

            # Remember the number of stats filters. We need these numbers as columns later.
            # But we need to ask now, because get_live_data() will empty the stack
            num_stats_filters = self.stats_filter_stack.qsize()
            if self.table == 'log':
                result = self.get_live_data_log(cs)
                # If the pnpgraph_present column is involved, then check
                # with each request if the pnp perfdata path exists
                if 'pnpgraph_present' in self.columns + self.filtercolumns + self.prefiltercolumns and self.pnp_path and os.access(self.pnp_path, os.R_OK):
                    self.pnp_path_readable = True
                    self.pnp_path_readable = False
                # Apply the filters on the broker's host/service/etc elements

                result = self.get_live_data(cs)

            if self.stats_query:
                self.columns = range(num_stats_filters)
                if self.stats_group_by:
                    self.columns = tuple(list(self.stats_group_by) + list(self.columns))
                if len(self.aliases) == 0:
                    # If there were Stats: statements without "as", show no column headers at all
                    self.response.columnheaders = 'off'
                    self.response.columnheaders = 'on'

            if self.stats_query:
                result = self.statsify_result(result)
                # statsify_result returns a dict with column numbers as keys
            elif self.table == 'columns':
                # With stats_request set to True, format_output expects result
                # to be a list of dicts instead a list of objects
                self.stats_query = True

        except Exception, e:
            import traceback
            logger.error("[Livestatus Query] Error: %s" % e)
            result = []

        if cacheable and not cache_hit:
            # We cannot cache generators, so we must first read them into a list
            result = [r for r in result]
            # Especially for stats requests also the columns and headers
            # are modified, so we need to save them too.
            self.query_cache.cache_query(self.metainfo, {
                'result': result,
                'columns': self.columns,
                'columnheaders': self.response.columnheaders,

        return result