def test_lock_checks_group(tmpdir): """Ensure lock checks work with a self-owned, non-self-group repo.""" uid = os.getuid() gid = next((g for g in group_ids() if g != uid), None) if not gid: pytest.skip("user has no group with gid != uid") # self-owned, another group tmpdir.chown(uid, gid) # safe path = str(tmpdir) tmpdir.chmod(0o744) lk.check_lock_safety(path) # unsafe tmpdir.chmod(0o774) with pytest.raises(spack.error.SpackError): lk.check_lock_safety(path) # unsafe tmpdir.chmod(0o777) with pytest.raises(spack.error.SpackError): lk.check_lock_safety(path) # safe tmpdir.chmod(0o474) lk.check_lock_safety(path) # safe tmpdir.chmod(0o477) lk.check_lock_safety(path)
def test_lock_checks_user(tmpdir): """Ensure lock checks work with a self-owned, self-group repo.""" uid = os.getuid() if uid not in group_ids(): pytest.skip("user has no group with gid == uid") # self-owned, own group tmpdir.chown(uid, uid) # safe path = str(tmpdir) tmpdir.chmod(0o744) lk.check_lock_safety(path) # safe tmpdir.chmod(0o774) lk.check_lock_safety(path) # unsafe tmpdir.chmod(0o777) with pytest.raises(spack.error.SpackError): lk.check_lock_safety(path) # safe tmpdir.chmod(0o474) lk.check_lock_safety(path) # safe tmpdir.chmod(0o477) lk.check_lock_safety(path)