예제 #1
파일: blame.py 프로젝트: key4hep/spack
def dump_json(rows, last_mod, total_lines, emails):
    Dump the blame as a json object to the terminal.
    result = {}
    authors = []
    for author, nlines in rows:
            round(nlines / float(total_lines) * 100, 1),

    result['authors'] = authors
    result["totals"] = {
        "last_commit": pretty_date(max(last_mod.values())),
        "lines": total_lines,
        "percentage": "100.0"

    sjson.dump(result, sys.stdout)
예제 #2
파일: blame.py 프로젝트: key4hep/spack
def print_table(rows, last_mod, total_lines, emails):
    Given a set of rows with authors and lines, print a table.
    table = [['LAST_COMMIT', 'LINES', '%', 'AUTHOR', 'EMAIL']]
    for author, nlines in rows:
        table += [[
            pretty_date(last_mod[author]), nlines,
            round(nlines / float(total_lines) * 100, 1), author, emails[author]

    table += [[''] * 5]
    table += [[pretty_date(max(last_mod.values())), total_lines, '100.0'] +
              [''] * 3]

예제 #3
파일: blame.py 프로젝트: LLNL/spack
def blame(parser, args):
    # make sure this is a git repo
    if not spack_is_git_repo():
        tty.die("This spack is not a git clone. Can't use 'spack blame'")
    git = which('git', required=True)

    # Get name of file to blame
    blame_file = None
    if os.path.isfile(args.package_name):
        path = os.path.realpath(args.package_name)
        if path.startswith(spack.paths.prefix):
            blame_file = path

    if not blame_file:
        pkg = spack.repo.get(args.package_name)
        blame_file = pkg.module.__file__.rstrip('c')  # .pyc -> .py

    # get git blame for the package
    with working_dir(spack.paths.prefix):
        if args.view == 'git':
            git('blame', blame_file)
            output = git('blame', '--line-porcelain', blame_file, output=str)
            lines = output.split('\n')

    # Histogram authors
    counts = {}
    emails = {}
    last_mod = {}
    total_lines = 0
    for line in lines:
        match = re.match(r'^author (.*)', line)
        if match:
            author = match.group(1)

        match = re.match(r'^author-mail (.*)', line)
        if match:
            email = match.group(1)

        match = re.match(r'^author-time (.*)', line)
        if match:
            mod = int(match.group(1))
            last_mod[author] = max(last_mod.setdefault(author, 0), mod)

        # ignore comments
        if re.match(r'^\t[^#]', line):
            counts[author] = counts.setdefault(author, 0) + 1
            emails.setdefault(author, email)
            total_lines += 1

    if args.view == 'time':
        rows = sorted(
            counts.items(), key=lambda t: last_mod[t[0]], reverse=True)
    else:  # args.view == 'percent'
        rows = sorted(counts.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True)

    # Print a nice table with authors and emails
    table = [['LAST_COMMIT', 'LINES', '%', 'AUTHOR', 'EMAIL']]
    for author, nlines in rows:
        table += [[
            round(nlines / float(total_lines) * 100, 1),

    table += [[''] * 5]
    table += [[pretty_date(max(last_mod.values())), total_lines, '100.0'] +
              [''] * 3]

예제 #4
def test_pretty_date():
    """Make sure pretty_date prints the right dates."""
    now = datetime.now()

    just_now = now - timedelta(seconds=5)
    assert pretty_date(just_now, now) == "just now"

    seconds = now - timedelta(seconds=30)
    assert pretty_date(seconds, now) == "30 seconds ago"

    a_minute = now - timedelta(seconds=60)
    assert pretty_date(a_minute, now) == "a minute ago"

    minutes = now - timedelta(seconds=1800)
    assert pretty_date(minutes, now) == "30 minutes ago"

    an_hour = now - timedelta(hours=1)
    assert pretty_date(an_hour, now) == "an hour ago"

    hours = now - timedelta(hours=2)
    assert pretty_date(hours, now) == "2 hours ago"

    yesterday = now - timedelta(days=1)
    assert pretty_date(yesterday, now) == "yesterday"

    days = now - timedelta(days=3)
    assert pretty_date(days, now) == "3 days ago"

    a_week = now - timedelta(weeks=1)
    assert pretty_date(a_week, now) == "a week ago"

    weeks = now - timedelta(weeks=2)
    assert pretty_date(weeks, now) == "2 weeks ago"

    a_month = now - timedelta(days=30)
    assert pretty_date(a_month, now) == "a month ago"

    months = now - timedelta(days=60)
    assert pretty_date(months, now) == "2 months ago"

    a_year = now - timedelta(days=365)
    assert pretty_date(a_year, now) == "a year ago"

    years = now - timedelta(days=365 * 2)
    assert pretty_date(years, now) == "2 years ago"
예제 #5
def blame(parser, args):
    # make sure this is a git repo
    if not spack_is_git_repo():
        tty.die("This spack is not a git clone. Can't use 'spack blame'")
    git = which('git', required=True)

    # Get name of file to blame
    blame_file = None
    if os.path.isfile(args.package_or_file):
        path = os.path.realpath(args.package_or_file)
        if path.startswith(spack.paths.prefix):
            blame_file = path

    if not blame_file:
        pkg = spack.repo.get(args.package_or_file)
        blame_file = pkg.module.__file__.rstrip('c')  # .pyc -> .py

    # get git blame for the package
    with working_dir(spack.paths.prefix):
        if args.view == 'git':
            git('blame', blame_file)
            output = git('blame', '--line-porcelain', blame_file, output=str)
            lines = output.split('\n')

    # Histogram authors
    counts = {}
    emails = {}
    last_mod = {}
    total_lines = 0
    for line in lines:
        match = re.match(r'^author (.*)', line)
        if match:
            author = match.group(1)

        match = re.match(r'^author-mail (.*)', line)
        if match:
            email = match.group(1)

        match = re.match(r'^author-time (.*)', line)
        if match:
            mod = int(match.group(1))
            last_mod[author] = max(last_mod.setdefault(author, 0), mod)

        # ignore comments
        if re.match(r'^\t[^#]', line):
            counts[author] = counts.setdefault(author, 0) + 1
            emails.setdefault(author, email)
            total_lines += 1

    if args.view == 'time':
        rows = sorted(counts.items(),
                      key=lambda t: last_mod[t[0]],
    else:  # args.view == 'percent'
        rows = sorted(counts.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True)

    # Print a nice table with authors and emails
    table = [['LAST_COMMIT', 'LINES', '%', 'AUTHOR', 'EMAIL']]
    for author, nlines in rows:
        table += [[
            pretty_date(last_mod[author]), nlines,
            round(nlines / float(total_lines) * 100, 1), author, emails[author]

    table += [[''] * 5]
    table += [[pretty_date(max(last_mod.values())), total_lines, '100.0'] +
              [''] * 3]
