예제 #1
#dummy = False
dummy = True

# This script is also used to test the DC2512 in production. Test pattern is
# an 18-bit counter applied to the data bus. Linduino / QuikEval header must
# have a 32-bit delay between MOSI and MISO - an LTC2668 demo board (DC2025)
# can be used for this purpose.

# MUX selection bitfields
ADC_DATA = 0x00000000
FILTERED_ADC_DATA = 0x00000001
RAMP_DATA = 0x00000004

start_time = time.time()
print('Starting client')
client = MemClient(host=HOST)

#Read FPGA type and revision. This inherently checks the reg_read function
# (see type_rev_check function definition)
# Arguments are client (of course), expected FPGA load type, and minimum revision
if demo_board == 2512:
    type_rev_check(client, 0x0001, 0x0104)
elif demo_board == 2390:
    type_rev_check(client, 0xABCD, 0x1246)
    # If we're using a DC2390, need to configure clocks
    # And configure sample rate.
    client.reg_write(SYSTEM_CLOCK_BASE, 99)  # 50MHz / (99 + 1) = 500ksps

print('Okay, now lets blink some lights and run some tests!!')
# Main program

print "\n/////////////////////////////////////"
print "// LTC2512 Trace Filter Shape Demo //"
print "/////////////////////////////////////"

raw_input("\nPlease set jumper 10 and 11 to 1, \nthen hit enter")

# Get the host from the command line argument. Can be numeric or hostname.
HOST = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else ''

print '\nStarting client'
client = MemClient(host=HOST)

#Read FPGA type and revision
rev_id = client.reg_read(REV_ID_BASE)
type_id = rev_id & 0x0000FFFF
rev = (rev_id >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF
print 'FPGA load type ID: %04X' % type_id
print 'FPGA load revision: %04X' % rev

start_time = time.time()

print("Setting up system parameters.\n")
                 ((LUT_NCO_DIVIDER << 16) | SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER))
예제 #3

N = 7  #Number of samples to average (LTC2380-24)

nco_word_width = 32
master_clock = 50000000
bin_number = 522  # Number of cycles over the time record
sample_rate = master_clock / (SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER + 1
                              )  # 250ksps for 50M clock, 200 clocks per sample
cycles_per_sample = float(bin_number) / float(NUM_SAMPLES)
cycles_per_dac_sample = cycles_per_sample / (SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER + 1)
tuning_word = int(cycles_per_dac_sample * 2**nco_word_width)
print("Tuning Word:" + str(tuning_word))

print('Starting client')
client = MemClient(host=HOST)
#First thing's First!! Configure clocks...
#Read FPGA type and revision
rev_id = client.reg_read(REV_ID_BASE)
type_id = rev_id & 0x0000FFFF
rev = (rev_id >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF
print('FPGA load type ID: %04X' % type_id)
print('FPGA load revision: %04X' % rev)

print("Setting up system parameters.\n")
                 (LUT_NCO_DIVIDER << 16 | SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER))
client.reg_write(PID_KP_BASE, PID_KP)
예제 #4
        filter_str = "SSINC 4096"
        filt = DC2390.LTC2500_SSINC_FILT
        df = DC2390.LTC2500_DF_4096
        filter_str = "SINC 2048"
        filt = DC2390.LTC2500_SINC_FILT
        df = DC2390.LTC2500_DF_2048

    # Keep track of start time
    start_time = time.time()

    # Get the host from the command line argument. Can be numeric or hostname.
    HOST = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else ''

    # Connect to the SoC
    client = MemClient(host=HOST)

    # Verify the FPGA bistream
    #Read FPGA type and revision
    rev_id = client.reg_read(DC2390.REV_ID_BASE)
    type_id = rev_id & 0x0000FFFF
    rev = (rev_id >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF

    if (type_id != 0xABCD) or (rev != 0x1238):
        print "Wrong FPGA bitstream on the FPGA"
        print 'FPGA load type ID: %04X' % type_id
        print 'FPGA load revision: %04X' % rev
        print "Correct bitstream file found !!"
예제 #5
# Get the host from the command line argument. Can be numeric or hostname.
# If no host given, assume local machine (such as the SoCkit board itself)
HOST = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else ''

# For example, if you're using the default fixed address that the SoCkit assigns
# itself if DHCP fails, you would run:
# python DC2390_hello_world.py ""

# If you're running this script ON the sockit board itself, you would run:
# python DC2390_hello_world.py

# Now we create an instance of MemClient, called "client", pointing it at
# the SoCkit's IP address. This is the "pipeline" that allows us to communicate.
print('Starting client')
client = MemClient(host=HOST)

# First thing's First!! Unfortunately we can't even blink a light without first
# Configuring the clocks, which are provided from a crystal oscillator and
# LTC6954 clock distribution divider / driver

#Read FPGA type and revision
rev_id = client.reg_read(REV_ID_BASE)
type_id = rev_id & 0x0000FFFF
rev = (rev_id >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF
print ('FPGA load type ID: %04X' % type_id)
print ('FPGA load revision: %04X' % rev)

LUT_DIVIDER = 0xC000 # Let's start with half-depth...
    "4", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048", "4096",
    "8192", "16384"
DF_VALS = [4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384]

GAIN = "18"

# Main program

# Get the host from the command line argument. Can be numeric or hostname.
HOST = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else ''

print '\nStarting client'
client = MemClient(host=HOST)

#Read FPGA type and revision
rev_id = client.reg_read(REV_ID_BASE)
type_id = rev_id & 0x0000FFFF
rev = (rev_id >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF
print 'FPGA load type ID: %04X' % type_id
print 'FPGA load revision: %04X' % rev

start_time = time.time()

print("Setting up system parameters.\n")
                 ((LUT_NCO_DIVIDER << 16) | SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER))
예제 #7
    # Limit the range
    if code < 0.0:
        code = 0.0
    if code > 262143.0:
        code = 262143.0

    return int(code)  # Convert to integer

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Get the host from the command line argument. Can be numeric or hostname.
    HOST = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else ''

    # Connect to the SoC
    client = MemClient(host=HOST)

    # Verify the FPGA bistream
    #Read FPGA type and revision
    rev_id = client.reg_read(DC2390.REV_ID_BASE)
    type_id = rev_id & 0x0000FFFF
    rev = (rev_id >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF

    if (type_id != 0xABCD) or (rev != 0x1238):
        print "Wrong FPGA bitstream on the FPGA"
        print 'FPGA load type ID: %04X' % type_id
        print 'FPGA load revision: %04X' % rev
        print "Correct bitstream file found !!"

    # Set the LTC695 to 50 MHz
# Get the host from the command line argument. Can be numeric or hostname.
# If no host given, assume local machine (such as the SoCkit board itself)
HOST = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else ''

# For example, if you're using the default fixed address that the SoCkit assigns
# itself if DHCP fails, you would run:
# python DC2390_hello_world.py ""

# If you're running this script ON the sockit board itself, you would run:
# python DC2390_hello_world.py

# Now we create an instance of MemClient, called "client", pointing it at
# the SoCkit's IP address. This is the "pipeline" that allows us to communicate.
print('Starting client')
client = MemClient(host=HOST)

# First thing's First!! Unfortunately we can't even blink a light without first
# Configuring the clocks, which are provided from a crystal oscillator and
# LTC6954 clock distribution divider / driver

# The following routines read and write registers in the FPGA. These can be
# either read or write (or both), depending on the exact design.
# But fundamentally, when reading or writing a register from a script such as
# this one, you are reading or setting the state of a signal in the FPGA design.
# The addresses of the registers we will be talking to are defined in
# DC2390_functions.py, imported above. If you open it up, you will see these lines:
REV_ID_BASE = 0x10
LED_BASE = 0x40
# Example application for running tests on the Arrow SoCkit board
# using the LT_soc_framework

# This script tests all the dummy functions

import sys

from llt.common.mem_func_client_2 import MemClient

# Get the host from the command line argument. Can be numeric or hostname.
#HOST = sys.argv.pop() if len(sys.argv) == 2 else ''
HOST = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else ''

print('Starting client\n')
client = MemClient(host=HOST)

# no need for any configuration
verbose = True
dummy = False
error = 0

reg_address = 0x60
reg_value = 0xB7
mem_address = 0x88
mem_value = 0xB5
number_of_writes = 3
number_of_reads = 50
starting_address = reg_address

reg_values = []
예제 #10
N = 7  #Number of samples to average (LTC2380-24)

vfs = 10.0  # Full-scale voltage, VREF * 2 for LTC25xx family

nco_word_width = 32  # A property of the NCO in the FPGA design
master_clock = 50000000  # Relies on proper configuration of LTC6954 divider
bin_number = 50  # Number of cycles over the time record for sine signal
sample_rate = master_clock / (SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER + 1
                              )  # 250ksps for 50M clock, 200 clocks per sample
cycles_per_sample = float(bin_number) / float(NUM_SAMPLES)
cycles_per_dac_sample = cycles_per_sample / (SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER + 1)
tuning_word = int(cycles_per_dac_sample * 2**nco_word_width)
print("Tuning Word:" + str(tuning_word))

print('Starting client')
client = MemClient(host=HOST)
#First thing's First!! Configure clocks...
LTC6954_configure(client, 0x04)
#Read FPGA type and revision
type_rev_check(client, 0xABCD, 0x1246)

print("Setting up system parameters.\n")
                 (LUT_NCO_DIVIDER << 16 | SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER))
client.reg_write(PID_KP_BASE, PID_KP)
client.reg_write(PID_KI_BASE, PID_KI)
client.reg_write(PID_KD_BASE, PID_KD)
client.reg_write(PULSE_LOW_BASE, PULSE_LOW)
client.reg_write(PULSE_HIGH_BASE, PULSE_HIGH)
예제 #11
    save_pscope_data = False
    grab_filtered_data = False
    mem_bw_test = False
    bit_counter = False
    plot_data = False
    numbits = 16
    NUM_SAMPLES = 2**17 # Twice through all 16 bits

# MUX selection
ADC_DATA       = 0x00000000
FILTERED_ADC_DATA = 0x00000001
RAMP_DATA  = 0x00000004

start_time = time.time();
print('Starting client')
client = MemClient(host=HOST)
#Read FPGA type and revision
rev_id = client.reg_read(REV_ID_BASE)
type_id = rev_id & 0x0000FFFF
rev = (rev_id >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF
print ('FPGA load type ID: %04X' % type_id)
print ('FPGA load revision: %04X' % rev)
if type_id != 0x0001:
    print("FPGA type is NOT 0x0001! Make sure you know what you're doing!")

print ('Okay, now lets blink some lights and run some tests!!')

client.reg_write(LED_BASE, 0x01)
client.reg_write(LED_BASE, 0x00)
예제 #12
if ADC == 2512:
    if DF == 4:
        raw_input("\nPlease set SEL1, SEL0 jumpers to 0, 0 \nthen hit enter")
    elif DF == 8:
        raw_input("\nPlease set SEL1, SEL0 jumpers to 0, 1 \nthen hit enter")
    elif DF == 16:
        raw_input("\n\nPlease set SEL1, SEL0 jumpers to 1, 0 \nthen hit enter")
        raw_input("\n\nPlease set SEL1, SEL0 jumpers to 1, 1 \nthen hit enter")

# Get the host from the command line argument. Can be numeric or hostname.
HOST = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else ''

print '\nStarting client'
client = MemClient(host=HOST)

# Read FPGA type and revision
rev_id = client.reg_read(REV_ID_BASE)
type_id = rev_id & 0x0000FFFF
rev = (rev_id >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF
print 'FPGA load type ID: %04X' % type_id
print 'FPGA load revision: %04X' % rev

start_time = time.time()

print("Setting up system parameters.\n")
                 ((LUT_NCO_DIVIDER << 16) | SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER))
예제 #13
N = 7  #Number of samples to average (LTC2380-24)

vfs = 10.0  # Full-scale voltage, VREF * 2 for LTC25xx family

nco_word_width = 32  # A property of the NCO in the FPGA design
master_clock = 50000000  # Relies on proper configuration of LTC6954 divider
bin_number = 50  # Number of cycles over the time record for sine signal
sample_rate = master_clock / (SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER + 1
                              )  # 250ksps for 50M clock, 200 clocks per sample
cycles_per_sample = float(bin_number) / float(NUM_SAMPLES)
cycles_per_dac_sample = cycles_per_sample / (SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER + 1)
tuning_word = int(cycles_per_dac_sample * 2**nco_word_width)
print("Tuning Word:" + str(tuning_word))

print('Starting client')
client = MemClient(host=HOST)
#First thing's First!! Configure clocks...
LTC6954_configure(client, 0x04)
#Read FPGA type and revision
type_rev_check(client, 0xABCD, 0x1246)

print("Setting up system parameters.\n")
                 (LUT_NCO_DIVIDER << 16 | SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER))

#datapath fields: lut_addr_select, dac_a_select, dac_b_select[1:0], fifo_data_select
#lut addresses: 0=lut_addr_counter, 1=dac_a_data_signed, 2=0x4000, 3=0xC000
# DAC A:
#	.data0x ( nco_sin_out ),
예제 #14
PULSE_LOW = 20000
PULSE_HIGH = 100000
PULSE_VAL = 50000

nco_word_width = 32
master_clock = 50000000
bin_number = 23  # Number of cycles over the time record
sample_rate = master_clock / (SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER + 1
                              )  # 250ksps for 50M clock, 200 clocks per sample
cycles_per_sample = float(bin_number) / float(NUM_SAMPLES)
cycles_per_dac_sample = cycles_per_sample / (SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER + 1)
tuning_word = int(cycles_per_dac_sample * 2**nco_word_width)
print("Tuning Word:" + str(tuning_word))

print('Starting client')
client = MemClient(host=HOST)
#First thing's First!! Configure clocks...
#Check FPGA type and revision
type_rev_check(client, 0xABCD, 0x1246)

print("Setting up system parameters.\n")
                 (LUT_NCO_DIVIDER << 16 | SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER))

pll_locked = client.reg_read(DATA_READY_BASE)  # Check data ready signal
if ((pll_locked & 0x02) == 0x02):
    print("PLL is LOCKED!")
예제 #15
# Get the host from the command line argument. Can be numeric or hostname.
# If no host given, assume local machine (such as the SoCkit board itself)
HOST = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else ''

# For example, if you're using the default fixed address that the SoCkit assigns
# itself if DHCP fails, you would run:
# python DC2390_hello_world.py ""

# If you're running this script ON the sockit board itself, you would run:
# python DC2390_hello_world.py

# Now we create an instance of MemClient, called "client", pointing it at
# the SoCkit's IP address. This is the "pipeline" that allows us to communicate.
print('Starting client')
client = MemClient(host=HOST)

# First thing's First!! Unfortunately we can't even blink a light without first
# Configuring the clocks, which are provided from a crystal oscillator and
# LTC6954 clock distribution divider / driver

LTC6954_configure(client)  # Look in DC2390_functions.py for details...

# The following routines read and write registers in the FPGA. These can be
# either read or write (or both), depending on the exact design.
# But fundamentally, when reading or writing a register from a script such as
# this one, you are reading or setting the state of a signal in the FPGA design.
# The addresses of the registers we will be talking to are defined in
# DC2390_functions.py, imported above. If you open it up, you will see these lines:
# REV_ID_BASE = 0x10