def factor_perm_repn(self, nfgg=None): if 'artincoefs' in self._data: return self._data['artincoefs'] try: if nfgg is not None: self._data["nfgg"] = nfgg elif "nfgg" not in self._data: from lmfdb.artin_representations.math_classes import NumberFieldGaloisGroup nfgg = NumberFieldGaloisGroup(self._data['coeffs']) self._data["nfgg"] = nfgg else: nfgg = self._data["nfgg"] cc = nfgg.conjugacy_classes() # cc is list, each has methods group, size, order, representative ccreps = [x.representative() for x in cc] ccns = [int(x.size()) for x in cc] ccreps = [x.cycle_string() for x in ccreps] ccgen = '['+','.join(ccreps)+']' ar = nfgg.artin_representations() # list of artin reps from db arfull = nfgg.artin_representations_full_characters() # list of artin reps from db gap.set('fixed', 'function(a,b) if a*b=a then return 1; else return 0; fi; end;'); g = gap.Group(ccgen) h = g.Stabilizer('1') rc = g.RightCosets(h) # Permutation character for our field permchar = [gap.Sum(rc, 'j->fixed(j,'+x+')') for x in ccreps] charcoefs = [0 for x in arfull] # list of lists (inner are giving char values ar2 = [x[0] for x in arfull] for j in range(len(ar)): fieldchar = int(arfull[j][1]) zet = CyclotomicField(fieldchar).gen() ar2[j] = [psum(zet, x) for x in ar2[j]] for j in range(len(ar)): charcoefs[j] = 0 for k in range(len(ccns)): charcoefs[j] += int(permchar[k])*ccns[k]*ar2[j][k] charcoefs = [x/int(g.Size()) for x in charcoefs] self._data['artincoefs'] = charcoefs return charcoefs except AttributeError: return [] return []
def artin_reps(self, nfgg=None): if nfgg is not None: self._data["nfgg"] = nfgg else: if "nfgg" not in self._data: from lmfdb.artin_representations.math_classes import NumberFieldGaloisGroup nfgg = NumberFieldGaloisGroup.find_one({"label": self.label}) self._data["nfgg"] = nfgg else: nfgg = self._data["nfgg"] return nfgg.artin_representations()
def render_field_webpage(args): data = None info = {} bread = [('Global Number Fields', url_for(".number_field_render_webpage"))] # This function should not be called unless label is set. label = clean_input(args['label']) nf = WebNumberField(label) data = {} if nf.is_null(): bread.append(('Search Results', ' ')) info['err'] = 'There is no field with label %s in the database' % label info['label'] = args['label_orig'] if 'label_orig' in args else args[ 'label'] return search_input_error(info, bread) info['wnf'] = nf data['degree'] = data['class_number'] = nf.class_number_latex() ram_primes = nf.ramified_primes() t = nf.galois_t() n = data['is_galois'] = nf.is_galois() data['is_abelian'] = nf.is_abelian() if nf.is_abelian(): conductor = nf.conductor() data['conductor'] = conductor dirichlet_chars = nf.dirichlet_group() if len(dirichlet_chars) > 0: data['dirichlet_group'] = [ '<a href = "%s">$\chi_{%s}(%s,·)$</a>' % (url_for('characters.render_Dirichletwebpage', modulus=data['conductor'], number=j), data['conductor'], j) for j in dirichlet_chars ] data['dirichlet_group'] = r'$\lbrace$' + ', '.join( data['dirichlet_group']) + r'$\rbrace$' if data['conductor'].is_prime() or data['conductor'] == 1: data['conductor'] = "\(%s\)" % str(data['conductor']) else: factored_conductor = factor_base_factor(data['conductor'], ram_primes) factored_conductor = factor_base_factorization_latex( factored_conductor) data['conductor'] = "\(%s=%s\)" % (str( data['conductor']), factored_conductor) data['galois_group'] = group_display_knowl(n, t) data['cclasses'] = cclasses_display_knowl(n, t) data['character_table'] = character_table_display_knowl(n, t) data['class_group'] = nf.class_group() data['class_group_invs'] = nf.class_group_invariants() data['signature'] = nf.signature() data['coefficients'] = nf.coeffs() nf.make_code_snippets() D = nf.disc() data['disc_factor'] = nf.disc_factored_latex() if D.abs().is_prime() or D == 1: data['discriminant'] = "\(%s\)" % str(D) else: data['discriminant'] = "\(%s=%s\)" % (str(D), data['disc_factor']) data['frob_data'], data['seeram'] = frobs(nf) # Bad prime information npr = len(ram_primes) ramified_algebras_data = nf.ramified_algebras_data() if isinstance(ramified_algebras_data, str): loc_alg = '' else: # [label, latex, e, f, c, gal] loc_alg = '' for j in range(npr): if ramified_algebras_data[j] is None: loc_alg += '<tr><td>%s<td colspan="7">Data not computed' % str( ram_primes[j]) else: mydat = ramified_algebras_data[j] p = ram_primes[j] loc_alg += '<tr><td rowspan="%d">$%s$</td>' % (len(mydat), str(p)) mm = mydat[0] myurl = url_for('local_fields.by_label', label=mm[0]) lab = mm[0] if mm[3] * mm[2] == 1: lab = r'$\Q_{%s}$' % str(p) loc_alg += '<td><a href="%s">%s</a><td>$%s$<td>$%d$<td>$%d$<td>$%d$<td>%s<td>$%s$' % ( myurl, lab, mm[1], mm[2], mm[3], mm[4], mm[5], show_slope_content(mm[8], mm[6], mm[7])) for mm in mydat[1:]: lab = mm[0] if mm[3] * mm[2] == 1: lab = r'$\Q_{%s}$' % str(p) loc_alg += '<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a><td>$%s$<td>$%d$<td>$%d$<td>$%d$<td>%s<td>$%s$' % ( myurl, lab, mm[1], mm[2], mm[3], mm[4], mm[5], show_slope_content(mm[8], mm[6], mm[7])) loc_alg += '</tbody></table>' ram_primes = str(ram_primes)[1:-1] if ram_primes == '': ram_primes = r'\textrm{None}' data['phrase'] = group_phrase(n, t) zk = nf.zk() Ra = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'a') zk = [latex(Ra(x)) for x in zk] zk = ['$%s$' % x for x in zk] zk = ', '.join(zk) grh_label = '<small>(<a title="assuming GRH" knowl="nf.assuming_grh">assuming GRH</a>)</small>' if nf.used_grh( ) else '' # Short version for properties grh_lab = nf.short_grh_string() if 'Not' in str(data['class_number']): grh_lab = '' grh_label = '' pretty_label = field_pretty(label) if label != pretty_label: pretty_label = "%s: %s" % (label, pretty_label) info.update(data) if > 1: gpK = nf.gpK() rootof1coeff = gpK.nfrootsof1() rootofunityorder = int(rootof1coeff[1]) rootof1coeff = rootof1coeff[2] rootofunity = web_latex( Ra( str(pari("lift(%s)" % gpK.nfbasistoalg(rootof1coeff))).replace( 'x', 'a'))) rootofunity += ' (order $%d$)' % rootofunityorder else: rootofunity = web_latex(Ra('-1')) + ' (order $2$)' info.update({ 'label': pretty_label, 'label_raw': label, 'polynomial': web_latex_split_on_pm(nf.poly()), 'ram_primes': ram_primes, 'integral_basis': zk, 'regulator': web_latex(nf.regulator()), 'unit_rank': nf.unit_rank(), 'root_of_unity': rootofunity, 'fund_units': nf.units(), 'grh_label': grh_label, 'loc_alg': loc_alg }) bread.append(('%s' % info['label_raw'], ' ')) info['downloads_visible'] = True info['downloads'] = [('worksheet', '/')] info['friends'] = [] if nf.can_class_number(): # hide ones that take a lond time to compute on the fly # note that the first degree 4 number field missed the zero of the zeta function if abs(D**n) < 50000000: info['friends'].append(('L-function', "/L/NumberField/%s" % label)) info['friends'].append(('Galois group', "/GaloisGroup/%dT%d" % (n, t))) if 'dirichlet_group' in info: info['friends'].append(('Dirichlet character group', url_for("characters.dirichlet_group_table", modulus=int(conductor), char_number_list=','.join( [str(a) for a in dirichlet_chars]), poly=info['polynomial']))) resinfo = [] galois_closure = nf.galois_closure() if galois_closure[0] > 0: if len(galois_closure[1]) > 0: resinfo.append(('gc', galois_closure[1])) if len(galois_closure[2]) > 0: info['friends'].append(('Galois closure', url_for(".by_label", label=galois_closure[2][0]))) else: resinfo.append(('gc', [dnc])) sextic_twins = nf.sextic_twin() if sextic_twins[0] > 0: if len(sextic_twins[1]) > 0: resinfo.append(('sex', r' $\times$ '.join(sextic_twins[1]))) else: resinfo.append(('sex', dnc)) siblings = nf.siblings() # [degsib list, label list] # first is list of [deg, num expected, list of knowls] if len(siblings[0]) > 0: for sibdeg in siblings[0]: if len(sibdeg[2]) == 0: sibdeg[2] = dnc else: sibdeg[2] = ', '.join(sibdeg[2]) if len(sibdeg[2]) < sibdeg[1]: sibdeg[2] += ', some ' + dnc resinfo.append(('sib', siblings[0])) for lab in siblings[1]: if lab != '': labparts = lab.split('.') info['friends'].append(("Degree %s sibling" % labparts[0], url_for(".by_label", label=lab))) arith_equiv = nf.arith_equiv() if arith_equiv[0] > 0: if len(arith_equiv[1]) > 0: resinfo.append( ('ae', ', '.join(arith_equiv[1]), len(arith_equiv[1]))) for aelab in arith_equiv[2]: info['friends'].append(('Arithmetically equivalent sibling', url_for(".by_label", label=aelab))) else: resinfo.append(('ae', dnc, len(arith_equiv[1]))) info['resinfo'] = resinfo learnmore = learnmore_list() #if info['signature'] == [0,1]: # info['learnmore'].append(('Quadratic imaginary class groups', url_for(".render_class_group_data"))) # With Galois group labels, probably not needed here # info['learnmore'] = [('Global number field labels', # url_for(".render_labels_page")), ('Galois group # labels',url_for(".render_groups_page")), # (Completename,url_for(".render_discriminants_page"))] title = "Global Number Field %s" % info['label'] if npr == 1: primes = 'prime' else: primes = 'primes' properties2 = [('Label', label), ('Degree', '$%s$' % data['degree']), ('Signature', '$%s$' % data['signature']), ('Discriminant', '$%s$' % data['disc_factor']), ('Ramified ' + primes + '', '$%s$' % ram_primes), ('Class number', '%s %s' % (data['class_number'], grh_lab)), ('Class group', '%s %s' % (data['class_group_invs'], grh_lab)), ('Galois Group', group_display_short(data['degree'], t))] downloads = [] for lang in [["Magma", "magma"], ["SageMath", "sage"], ["Pari/GP", "gp"]]: downloads.append(('Download {} code'.format(lang[0]), url_for(".nf_code_download", nf=label, download_type=lang[1]))) from lmfdb.artin_representations.math_classes import NumberFieldGaloisGroup try: info["tim_number_field"] = NumberFieldGaloisGroup(nf._data['coeffs']) v = nf.factor_perm_repn(info["tim_number_field"]) def dopow(m): if m == 0: return '' if m == 1: return '*' return '*<sup>%d</sup>' % m info["mydecomp"] = [dopow(x) for x in v] except AttributeError: pass return render_template("number_field.html", properties2=properties2, credit=NF_credit, title=title, bread=bread, code=nf.code, friends=info.pop('friends'), downloads=downloads, learnmore=learnmore, info=info)
def render_field_webpage(args): data = None info = {} bread = bread_prefix() # This function should not be called unless label is set. label = clean_input(args['label']) nf = WebNumberField(label) data = {} if nf.is_null(): if re.match(r'^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$', label): flash_error("Number field %s was not found in the database.", label) else: flash_error("%s is not a valid label for a number field.", label) return redirect(url_for(".number_field_render_webpage")) info['wnf'] = nf data['degree'] = data['class_number'] = nf.class_number_latex() ram_primes = nf.ramified_primes() t = nf.galois_t() n = data['is_galois'] = nf.is_galois() data['autstring'] = r'\Gal' if data['is_galois'] else r'\Aut' data['is_abelian'] = nf.is_abelian() if nf.is_abelian(): conductor = nf.conductor() data['conductor'] = conductor dirichlet_chars = nf.dirichlet_group() if dirichlet_chars: data['dirichlet_group'] = [ r'<a href = "%s">$\chi_{%s}(%s,·)$</a>' % (url_for('characters.render_Dirichletwebpage', modulus=data['conductor'], number=j), data['conductor'], j) for j in dirichlet_chars ] if len(data['dirichlet_group']) == 1: data[ 'dirichlet_group'] = r'<span style="white-space:nowrap">$\lbrace$' + data[ 'dirichlet_group'][0] + r'$\rbrace$</span>' else: data['dirichlet_group'] = r'$\lbrace$' + ', '.join( data['dirichlet_group'] [:-1]) + '<span style="white-space:nowrap">' + data[ 'dirichlet_group'][-1] + r'$\rbrace$</span>' if data['conductor'].is_prime() or data['conductor'] == 1: data['conductor'] = r"\(%s\)" % str(data['conductor']) else: factored_conductor = factor_base_factor(data['conductor'], ram_primes) factored_conductor = factor_base_factorization_latex( factored_conductor) data['conductor'] = r"\(%s=%s\)" % (str( data['conductor']), factored_conductor) data['galois_group'] = group_pretty_and_nTj(n, t, True) data['auts'] = db.gps_transitive.lookup(r'{}T{}'.format(n, t))['auts'] data['cclasses'] = cclasses_display_knowl(n, t) data['character_table'] = character_table_display_knowl(n, t) data['class_group'] = nf.class_group() data['class_group_invs'] = nf.class_group_invariants() data['signature'] = nf.signature() data['coefficients'] = nf.coeffs() nf.make_code_snippets() D = nf.disc() data['disc_factor'] = nf.disc_factored_latex() if D.abs().is_prime() or D == 1: data['discriminant'] = bigint_knowl(D, cutoff=60, sides=3) else: data['discriminant'] = bigint_knowl( D, cutoff=60, sides=3) + r"\(\medspace = %s\)" % data['disc_factor'] if nf.frobs(): data['frob_data'], data['seeram'] = see_frobs(nf.frobs()) else: # fallback in case we haven't computed them in a case data['frob_data'], data['seeram'] = frobs(nf) # This could put commas in the rd, we don't want to trigger spaces data['rd'] = ('$%s$' % fixed_prec(nf.rd(), 2)).replace(',', '{,}') # Bad prime information npr = len(ram_primes) ramified_algebras_data = nf.ramified_algebras_data() if isinstance(ramified_algebras_data, str): loc_alg = '' else: # [label, latex, e, f, c, gal] loc_alg = '' for j in range(npr): if ramified_algebras_data[j] is None: loc_alg += '<tr><td>%s<td colspan="7">Data not computed' % str( ram_primes[j]).rstrip('L') else: from lmfdb.local_fields.main import show_slope_content mydat = ramified_algebras_data[j] p = ram_primes[j] loc_alg += '<tr><td rowspan="%d">$%s$</td>' % (len(mydat), str(p)) mm = mydat[0] myurl = url_for('local_fields.by_label', label=mm[0]) lab = mm[0] if mm[3] * mm[2] == 1: lab = r'$\Q_{%s}$' % str(p) loc_alg += '<td><a href="%s">%s</a><td>$%s$<td>$%d$<td>$%d$<td>$%d$<td>%s<td>$%s$' % ( myurl, lab, mm[1], mm[2], mm[3], mm[4], mm[5], show_slope_content(mm[8], mm[6], mm[7])) for mm in mydat[1:]: lab = mm[0] myurl = url_for('local_fields.by_label', label=lab) if mm[3] * mm[2] == 1: lab = r'$\Q_{%s}$' % str(p) loc_alg += '<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a><td>$%s$<td>$%d$<td>$%d$<td>$%d$<td>%s<td>$%s$' % ( myurl, lab, mm[1], mm[2], mm[3], mm[4], mm[5], show_slope_content(mm[8], mm[6], mm[7])) loc_alg += '</tbody></table>' ram_primes = str(ram_primes)[1:-1] # Get rid of python L for big numbers ram_primes = ram_primes.replace('L', '') if not ram_primes: ram_primes = r'\textrm{None}' data['phrase'] = group_phrase(n, t) zk = nf.zk() Ra = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'a') zk = [latex(Ra(x)) for x in zk] zk = ['$%s$' % x for x in zk] zk = ', '.join(zk) grh_label = '<small>(<a title="assuming GRH" knowl="nf.assuming_grh">assuming GRH</a>)</small>' if nf.used_grh( ) else '' # Short version for properties grh_lab = nf.short_grh_string() if 'computed' in str(data['class_number']): grh_lab = '' grh_label = '' pretty_label = field_pretty(label) if label != pretty_label: pretty_label = "%s: %s" % (label, pretty_label) info.update(data) rootofunity = '%s (order $%d$)' % (nf.root_of_1_gen(), nf.root_of_1_order()) info.update({ 'label': pretty_label, 'label_raw': label, 'polynomial': web_latex(nf.poly()), 'ram_primes': ram_primes, 'integral_basis': zk, 'regulator': web_latex(nf.regulator()), 'unit_rank': nf.unit_rank(), 'root_of_unity': rootofunity, 'fund_units': nf.units_safe(), 'cnf': nf.cnf(), 'grh_label': grh_label, 'loc_alg': loc_alg }) bread.append(('%s' % nf_label_pretty(info['label_raw']), ' ')) info['downloads_visible'] = True info['downloads'] = [('worksheet', '/')] info['friends'] = [] if nf.can_class_number(): # hide ones that take a lond time to compute on the fly # note that the first degree 4 number field missed the zero of the zeta function if abs(D**n) < 50000000: info['friends'].append(('L-function', "/L/NumberField/%s" % label)) info['friends'].append(('Galois group', "/GaloisGroup/%dT%d" % (n, t))) if 'dirichlet_group' in info: info['friends'].append(('Dirichlet character group', url_for("characters.dirichlet_group_table", modulus=int(conductor), char_number_list=','.join( str(a) for a in dirichlet_chars), poly=info['polynomial']))) resinfo = [] galois_closure = nf.galois_closure() if galois_closure[0] > 0: if galois_closure[1]: resinfo.append(('gc', galois_closure[1])) if galois_closure[2]: info['friends'].append(('Galois closure', url_for(".by_label", label=galois_closure[2][0]))) else: resinfo.append(('gc', [dnc])) sextic_twins = nf.sextic_twin() if sextic_twins[0] > 0: if sextic_twins[1]: resinfo.append(('sex', r' $\times$ '.join(sextic_twins[1]))) else: resinfo.append(('sex', dnc)) siblings = nf.siblings() # [degsib list, label list] # first is list of [deg, num expected, list of knowls] if siblings[0]: for sibdeg in siblings[0]: if not sibdeg[2]: sibdeg[2] = dnc else: nsibs = len(sibdeg[2]) sibdeg[2] = ', '.join(sibdeg[2]) if nsibs < sibdeg[1]: sibdeg[2] += ', some ' + dnc resinfo.append(('sib', siblings[0])) for lab in siblings[1]: if lab: labparts = lab.split('.') info['friends'].append(("Degree %s sibling" % labparts[0], url_for(".by_label", label=lab))) arith_equiv = nf.arith_equiv() if arith_equiv[0] > 0: if arith_equiv[1]: resinfo.append( ('ae', ', '.join(arith_equiv[1]), len(arith_equiv[1]))) for aelab in arith_equiv[2]: info['friends'].append(('Arithmetically equivalent sibling', url_for(".by_label", label=aelab))) else: resinfo.append(('ae', dnc, len(arith_equiv[1]))) info['resinfo'] = resinfo learnmore = learnmore_list() title = "Number field %s" % info['label'] if npr == 1: primes = 'prime' else: primes = 'primes' if len(ram_primes) > 30: ram_primes = 'see page' else: ram_primes = '$%s$' % ram_primes properties = [('Label', nf_label_pretty(label)), ('Degree', prop_int_pretty(data['degree'])), ('Signature', '$%s$' % data['signature']), ('Discriminant', prop_int_pretty(D)), ('Root discriminant', '%s' % data['rd']), ('Ramified ' + primes + '', ram_primes), ('Class number', '%s %s' % (data['class_number'], grh_lab)), ('Class group', '%s %s' % (data['class_group_invs'], grh_lab)), ('Galois group', group_pretty_and_nTj(data['degree'], t))] downloads = [('Stored data to gp', url_for('.nf_download', nf=label, download_type='data'))] for lang in [["Magma", "magma"], ["SageMath", "sage"], ["Pari/GP", "gp"]]: downloads.append(('Download {} code'.format(lang[0]), url_for(".nf_download", nf=label, download_type=lang[1]))) from lmfdb.artin_representations.math_classes import NumberFieldGaloisGroup from lmfdb.artin_representations.math_classes import artin_label_pretty try: info["tim_number_field"] = NumberFieldGaloisGroup(nf._data['coeffs']) arts = [ z.label() for z in info["tim_number_field"].artin_representations() ] #print arts for ar in arts: info['friends'].append(( 'Artin representation ' + artin_label_pretty(ar), url_for( "artin_representations.render_artin_representation_webpage", label=ar))) v = nf.factor_perm_repn(info["tim_number_field"]) def dopow(m): if m == 0: return '' if m == 1: return '*' return '*<sup>%d</sup>' % m info["mydecomp"] = [dopow(x) for x in v] except AttributeError: pass return render_template("nf-show-field.html", properties=properties, credit=NF_credit, title=title, bread=bread, code=nf.code, friends=info.pop('friends'), downloads=downloads, learnmore=learnmore, info=info, KNOWL_ID="nf.%s" % label)
sys.path.append(LMFDB_FOLDER) print "Importing sage in base" import lmfdb.base as base from lmfdb.artin_representations.math_classes import NumberFieldGaloisGroup as NF print "Sage loaded" print "getting connection" base._init(37010, "") print "I have it" base.getDBConnection() # Doing an iteration on degrees, so it is easier to stop the script and restart it again for degree in range(1,100): total = NF.collection().find({"TransitiveDegree":degree, "label": {"$exists": False}}).count() tmp = 0 for nf_dict in NF.collection().find({"TransitiveDegree":degree, "label": {"$exists": False}}).sort("QpRts-p", -1): tmp += 1 print tmp, " out of ", total, " at degree ", degree, " (with QpRts-p ", nf_dict["QpRts-p"], ")" from copy import deepcopy nf_dict2 = deepcopy(nf_dict) nf = NF(data=nf_dict) #if True: if int(nf.polynomial()[0]) != -45 and len(nf.polynomial()) != 9: # This is needed to avoid a bug that appears sometimes with pari(x^8-45).polredabs() # It looks like this bug was fixed upstream in an upcoming release of pari if nf.label(): print nf.polynomial(), nf.polredabs(), nf.label() nf_dict2["label"] = nf.label()
import lmfdb.base as base from lmfdb.artin_representations.math_classes import NumberFieldGaloisGroup as NF print("Sage loaded") print("getting connection") base._init(37010, "") print("I have it") base.getDBConnection() # Doing an iteration on degrees, so it is easier to stop the script and restart it again for degree in range(1, 100): total = NF.collection().find({ "TransitiveDegree": degree, "label": { "$exists": False } }).count() tmp = 0 for nf_dict in NF.collection().find({ "TransitiveDegree": degree, "label": { "$exists": False } }).sort("QpRts-p", -1): tmp += 1 print(tmp, " out of ", total, " at degree ", degree, " (with QpRts-p ", nf_dict["QpRts-p"], ")") from copy import deepcopy nf_dict2 = deepcopy(nf_dict)