예제 #1
파일: web_BMF.py 프로젝트: jvoight/lmfdb
    def make_form(self):
        # To start with the data fields of self are just those from
        # the database.  We need to reformat these and compute some
        # further (easy) data about it.
        from lmfdb.ecnf.WebEllipticCurve import FIELD
        self.field = FIELD(self.field_label)
        pretty_field = field_pretty(self.field_label)
        self.field_knowl = nf_display_knowl(self.field_label, pretty_field)
            dims = db.bmf_dims.lucky({'field_label':self.field_label, 'level_label':self.level_label}, projection='gl2_dims')
            self.newspace_dimension = dims[str(self.weight)]['new_dim']
        except TypeError:
            self.newspace_dimension = 'not available'
        self.newspace_label = "-".join([self.field_label,self.level_label])
        self.newspace_url = url_for(".render_bmf_space_webpage", field_label=self.field_label, level_label=self.level_label)
        K = self.field.K()

        if self.dimension>1:
            Qx = PolynomialRing(QQ,'x')
            self.hecke_poly = Qx(str(self.hecke_poly))
            F = NumberField(self.hecke_poly,'z')
            self.hecke_poly = web_latex(self.hecke_poly)
            def conv(ap):
                if '?' in ap:
                    return 'not known'
                    return F(str(ap))
            self.hecke_eigs = [conv(str(ap)) for ap in self.hecke_eigs]

        self.nap = len(self.hecke_eigs)
        self.nap0 = min(50, self.nap)
        self.hecke_table = [[web_latex(p.norm()),
                             web_latex(ap)] for p,ap in zip(primes_iter(K), self.hecke_eigs[:self.nap0])]
        level = ideal_from_label(K,self.level_label)
        self.level_ideal2 = web_latex(level)
        badp = level.prime_factors()
        self.have_AL = self.AL_eigs[0]!='?'
        if self.have_AL:
            self.AL_table = [[web_latex(p.norm()),
                              web_latex(ap)] for p,ap in zip(badp, self.AL_eigs)]
        self.sign = 'not determined'
            if self.sfe == 1:
                self.sign = "+1"
            elif self.sfe == -1:
                self.sign = "-1"
        except AttributeError:
            self.sfe = '?'

        if self.Lratio == '?':
            self.Lratio = "not determined"
            self.anrank = "not determined"
            self.Lratio = QQ(self.Lratio)
            self.anrank = "\(0\)" if self.Lratio!=0 else "odd" if self.sfe==-1 else "\(\ge2\), even"

        self.properties2 = [('Base field', pretty_field),
                            ('Weight', str(self.weight)),
                            ('Level norm', str(self.level_norm)),
                            ('Level', self.level_ideal2),
                            ('Label', self.label),
                            ('Dimension', str(self.dimension))

            if self.CM == '?':
                self.CM = 'not determined'
            elif self.CM == 0:
                self.CM = 'no'
                if self.CM%4 in [2,3]:
                    self.CM = 4*self.CM
        except AttributeError:
            self.CM = 'not determined'
        self.properties2.append(('CM', str(self.CM)))

        self.bc_extra = ''
        self.bcd = 0
        self.bct = self.bc!='?' and self.bc!=0
        if self.bc == '?':
            self.bc = 'not determined'
        elif self.bc == 0:
            self.bc = 'no'
        elif self.bc == 1:
            self.bcd = self.bc
            self.bc = 'yes'
        elif self.bc >1:
            self.bcd = self.bc
            self.bc = 'yes'
            self.bc_extra = ', of a form over \(\mathbb{Q}\) with coefficients in \(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{'+str(self.bcd)+'})\)'
        elif self.bc == -1:
            self.bc = 'no'
            self.bc_extra = ', but is a twist of the base-change of a form over \(\mathbb{Q}\)'
        elif self.bc < -1:
            self.bcd = -self.bc
            self.bc = 'no'
            self.bc_extra = ', but is a twist of the base-change of a form over \(\mathbb{Q}\) with coefficients in \(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{'+str(self.bcd)+'})\)'
        self.properties2.append(('Base-change', str(self.bc)))

        curve_bc = db.ec_nfcurves.lucky({'class_label':self.label}, projection="base_change")
        if curve_bc is not None:
            self.ec_status = 'exists'
            self.ec_url = url_for("ecnf.show_ecnf_isoclass", nf=self.field_label, conductor_label=self.level_label, class_label=self.label_suffix)
            curve_bc_parts = [split_lmfdb_label(lab) for lab in curve_bc]
            bc_urls = [url_for("cmf.by_url_newform_label", level=cond, weight=2, char_orbit_label='a', hecke_orbit=iso) for cond, iso, num in curve_bc_parts]
            bc_labels = [".".join( [str(cond), str(2), 'a', iso] ) for cond,iso,_ in curve_bc_parts]
            bc_exists = [db.mf_newforms.label_exists(lab) for lab in bc_labels]
            self.bc_forms = [{'exists':ex, 'label':lab, 'url':url} for ex,lab,url in zip(bc_exists, bc_labels, bc_urls)]
            self.bc_forms = []
            if self.bct:
                self.ec_status = 'none'
                self.ec_status = 'missing'

        self.properties2.append(('Sign', self.sign))
        self.properties2.append(('Analytic rank', self.anrank))

        self.friends = []
        self.friends += [('Newspace {}'.format(self.newspace_label),self.newspace_url)]
        url = 'ModularForm/GL2/ImaginaryQuadratic/{}'.format(
                self.label.replace('-', '/'))
        Lfun = get_lfunction_by_url(url)
        if Lfun:
            # first by Lhash
            instances = get_instances_by_Lhash(Lfun['Lhash'])
            # then by trace_hash
            instances += get_instances_by_trace_hash(Lfun['degree'], Lfun['trace_hash'])

            # This will also add the EC/G2C, as this how the Lfun was computed
            self.friends = names_and_urls(instances)
            # remove itself
                    ('Bianchi modular form {}'.format(self.label), '/' + url))
            self.friends.append(('L-function', '/L/'+url))
            # old code
            if self.dimension == 1:
                if self.ec_status == 'exists':
                    self.friends += [('Isogeny class {}'.format(self.label), self.ec_url)]
                elif self.ec_status == 'missing':
                    self.friends += [('Isogeny class {} missing'.format(self.label), "")]
                    self.friends += [('No elliptic curve', "")]

            self.friends += [ ('L-function not available','')]
예제 #2
def check_curves(field_label='',
    r"""Go through all Bianchi Modular Forms with the given field label,
    assumed imaginary quadratic (i.e. '2.0.d.1' with d in
    {4,8,3,7,11}), check whether an elliptic curve exists with the
    same label.  If so, and if check_ap is True, check that the a_P agree.

    if field_label not in fields:
        print("No BMF data available for field {}".format(field_label))
        K = field_from_label(field_label)
    print("Checking forms over {}, norms from {} to {}".format(
        field_label, min_norm, max_norm))
    query = {}
    query['field_label'] = field_label
    query['dimension'] = 1  # only look at rational newforms
    if label:
        print("looking for {} only".format(label))
        query['short_label'] = label  # e.g. '91.1-a'
        query['level_norm'] = {'$gte': int(min_norm)}
        if max_norm:
            query['level_norm']['$lte'] = int(max_norm)
    cursor = forms.search(query, sort=['level_norm'])
    labels = [f['short_label'] for f in cursor]
    nforms = len(labels)
    print("found {} newforms".format(nforms))
    labels = [lab for lab in labels if lab not in false_curves[field_label]]
    nforms = len(labels)
        "  of which {} should have associated curves (not false ones)".format(
    nfound = 0
    nnotfound = 0
    nok = 0
    missing_curves = []
    mismatches = []

    primes = list(primes_iter(K, maxnorm=1000)) if check_ap else []
    curve_ap = {}  # curve_ap[conductor_label] will be a dict iso -> ap
    form_ap = {}  # form_ap[conductor_label]  will be a dict iso -> ap

    # Now look at all newforms, check that there is an elliptic
    # curve of the same label, and if so compare ap-lists.  The
    # dicts curve_ap and form_ap store these when there is
    # disagreement: e.g. curve_ap[conductor_label][iso_label] =
    # aplist.

    print("checking {} newforms".format(nforms))
    n = 0
    for curve_label in labels:
        n += 1
        if n % 100 == 0:
            perc = 100.0 * n / nforms
            print("{} forms checked ({}%)".format(n, perc))
        # We find the forms again since otherwise the cursor might timeout during the loop.
        label = "-".join([field_label, curve_label])
        if verbose:
            print("newform and isogeny class label {}".format(label))
        f = forms.lucky({'label': label})
        if f:
            if verbose:
                print("found newform with label {}".format(label))
            print("no newform in database has label {}!".format(label))
        ec = nfcurves.lucky({'class_label': label, 'number': 1})
        if ec:
            if verbose:
                print("curve with label %s found in the database" %
            nfound += 1
            if not check_ap:
            ainvsK = parse_ainvs(K, ec['ainvs'])
            if verbose:
                print("E = {}".format(ainvsK))
            E = EllipticCurve(ainvsK)
            if verbose:
                print("constructed elliptic curve {}".format(E.ainvs()))
            good_flags = [E.has_good_reduction(P) for P in primes]
            good_primes = [P for (P, flag) in zip(primes, good_flags) if flag]
            if verbose:
                print("{} good primes".format(len(good_primes)))
            f_aplist = f['hecke_eigs']
            f_aplist = [ap for ap, flag in zip(f_aplist, good_flags) if flag]
            nap = len(f_aplist)
            if verbose:
                print("recovered {} ap from BMF".format(nap))
            aplist = [
                E.reduction(P).trace_of_frobenius() for P in good_primes[:nap]
            if verbose:
                print("computed {} ap from elliptic curve".format(nap))
            if aplist[:nap] == f_aplist[:nap]:
                nok += 1
                if verbose:
                    print("Curve {} and newform agree! (checked {} ap)".format(
                        ec['short_label'], nap))
                print("Curve {} does NOT agree with newform".format(
                if verbose:
                    for P, aPf, aPc in zip(good_primes[:nap], f_aplist[:nap],
                        if aPf != aPc:
                            print("P = {} with norm {}".format(
                            print("ap from curve: %s" % aPc)
                            print("ap from  form: %s" % aPf)
                if not ec['conductor_label'] in curve_ap:
                    curve_ap[ec['conductor_label']] = {}
                    form_ap[ec['conductor_label']] = {}
                curve_ap[ec['conductor_label']][ec['iso_label']] = aplist
                form_ap[ec['conductor_label']][f['label_suffix']] = f_aplist
            if verbose:
                print("No curve with label %s found in the database!" %
            nnotfound += 1

    # Report progress:

    n = nfound + nnotfound
    if nnotfound:
            "Out of %s newforms, %s curves were found in the database and %s were not found"
            % (n, nfound, nnotfound))
            "Out of %s newforms, all %s had curves with the same label and ap"
            % (n, nfound))
    if nfound == nok:
        print("All curves agree with matching newforms")
        print("%s curves agree with matching newforms, %s do not" %
              (nok, nfound - nok))
    if nnotfound:
        print("%s missing curves" % len(missing_curves))
    if mismatches:
        print("{} form-curve pairs had inconsistent ap:".format(
예제 #3
파일: web_BMF.py 프로젝트: sanni85/lmfdb
    def make_form(self):
        # To start with the data fields of self are just those from
        # the database.  We need to reformat these and compute some
        # further (easy) data about it.
        from lmfdb.ecnf.WebEllipticCurve import FIELD
        self.field = FIELD(self.field_label)
        pretty_field = field_pretty(self.field_label)
        self.field_knowl = nf_display_knowl(self.field_label, pretty_field)
            dims = db.bmf_dims.lucky(
                    'field_label': self.field_label,
                    'level_label': self.level_label
            self.newspace_dimension = dims[str(self.weight)]['new_dim']
        except TypeError:
            self.newspace_dimension = 'not available'
        self.newspace_label = "-".join([self.field_label, self.level_label])
        self.newspace_url = url_for(".render_bmf_space_webpage",
        K = self.field.K()

        if self.dimension > 1:
            Qx = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')
            self.hecke_poly = Qx(str(self.hecke_poly))
            F = NumberField(self.hecke_poly, 'z')
            self.hecke_poly = web_latex(self.hecke_poly)

            def conv(ap):
                if '?' in ap:
                    return 'not known'
                    return F(str(ap))

            self.hecke_eigs = [conv(str(ap)) for ap in self.hecke_eigs]

        self.nap = len(self.hecke_eigs)
        self.nap0 = min(50, self.nap)
        self.hecke_table = [[
        ] for p, ap in zip(primes_iter(K), self.hecke_eigs[:self.nap0])]
        level = ideal_from_label(K, self.level_label)
        self.level_ideal2 = web_latex(level)
        badp = level.prime_factors()
        self.have_AL = self.AL_eigs[0] != '?'
        if self.have_AL:
            self.AL_table = [[
            ] for p, ap in zip(badp, self.AL_eigs)]
        self.sign = 'not determined'
        if self.sfe == 1:
            self.sign = "+1"
        elif self.sfe == -1:
            self.sign = "-1"

        if self.Lratio == '?':
            self.Lratio = "not determined"
            self.anrank = "not determined"
            self.Lratio = QQ(self.Lratio)
            self.anrank = "\(0\)" if self.Lratio != 0 else "odd" if self.sfe == -1 else "\(\ge2\), even"

        self.properties2 = [('Base field', pretty_field),
                            ('Weight', str(self.weight)),
                            ('Level norm', str(self.level_norm)),
                            ('Level', self.level_ideal2),
                            ('Label', self.label),
                            ('Dimension', str(self.dimension))]

        if self.CM == '?':
            self.CM = 'not determined'
        elif self.CM == 0:
            self.CM = 'no'
        self.properties2.append(('CM', str(self.CM)))

        self.bc_extra = ''
        self.bcd = 0
        self.bct = self.bc != '?' and self.bc != 0
        if self.bc == '?':
            self.bc = 'not determined'
        elif self.bc == 0:
            self.bc = 'no'
        elif self.bc == 1:
            self.bcd = self.bc
            self.bc = 'yes'
        elif self.bc > 1:
            self.bcd = self.bc
            self.bc = 'yes'
            self.bc_extra = ', of a form over \(\mathbb{Q}\) with coefficients in \(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{' + str(
                self.bcd) + '})\)'
        elif self.bc == -1:
            self.bc = 'no'
            self.bc_extra = ', but is a twist of the base-change of a form over \(\mathbb{Q}\)'
        elif self.bc < -1:
            self.bcd = -self.bc
            self.bc = 'no'
            self.bc_extra = ', but is a twist of the base-change of a form over \(\mathbb{Q}\) with coefficients in \(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{' + str(
                self.bcd) + '})\)'
        self.properties2.append(('Base-change', str(self.bc)))

        curve_bc = db.ec_nfcurves.lucky({'class_label': self.label},
        if curve_bc is not None:
            self.ec_status = 'exists'
            self.ec_url = url_for("ecnf.show_ecnf_isoclass",
            curve_bc_parts = [split_lmfdb_label(lab) for lab in curve_bc]
            bc_urls = [
                        label=iso) for cond, iso, num in curve_bc_parts
            bc_labels = [
                newform_label(cond, 2, 1, iso)
                for cond, iso, num in curve_bc_parts
            bc_exists = [is_newform_in_db(lab) for lab in bc_labels]
            self.bc_forms = [{
                'exists': ex,
                'label': lab,
                'url': url
            } for ex, lab, url in zip(bc_exists, bc_labels, bc_urls)]
            self.bc_forms = []
            if self.bct:
                self.ec_status = 'none'
                self.ec_status = 'missing'

        self.properties2.append(('Sign', self.sign))
        self.properties2.append(('Analytic rank', self.anrank))

        self.friends = []
        if self.dimension == 1:
            if self.ec_status == 'exists':
                self.friends += [
                    ('Elliptic curve isogeny class {}'.format(self.label),
            elif self.ec_status == 'missing':
                self.friends += [
                    ('Elliptic curve {} missing'.format(self.label), "")
                self.friends += [('No elliptic curve', "")]

        self.friends += [('Newspace {}'.format(self.newspace_label),
        self.friends += [('L-function not available', '')]
예제 #4
파일: web_BMF.py 프로젝트: alexjbest/lmfdb
    def make_form(self, nap0=50):
        # To start with the data fields of self are just those from
        # the database.  We need to reformat these and compute some
        # further (easy) data about it.
        from lmfdb.ecnf.WebEllipticCurve import FIELD
        self.field = FIELD(self.field_label)
        pretty_field = field_pretty(self.field_label)
        self.field_knowl = nf_display_knowl(self.field_label, pretty_field)
            dims = db.bmf_dims.lucky(
                    'field_label': self.field_label,
                    'level_label': self.level_label
            self.newspace_dimension = dims[str(self.weight)]['new_dim']
        except TypeError:
            self.newspace_dimension = 'not available'
        self.newspace_label = "-".join([self.field_label, self.level_label])
        self.newspace_url = url_for(".render_bmf_space_webpage",
        K = self.field.K()

        # 'hecke_poly_obj' is the non-LaTeX version of hecke_poly
        self.hecke_poly_obj = self.hecke_poly

        if self.dimension > 1:
            Qx = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')
            self.hecke_poly = Qx(str(self.hecke_poly))
            F = NumberField(self.hecke_poly, 'z')
            self.hecke_poly = web_latex(self.hecke_poly)

            def conv(ap):
                if '?' in ap:
                    return 'not known'
                    return F(str(ap))

            self.hecke_eigs = [conv(str(ap)) for ap in self.hecke_eigs]

        self.level = ideal_from_label(K, self.level_label)
        self.level_ideal2 = web_latex(self.level)
        badp = self.level.prime_factors()

        self.nap = len(self.hecke_eigs)
        self.nap0 = min(nap0, self.nap)
        self.neigs = self.nap0 + len(badp)
        self.hecke_table = [[
        ] for p, ap in zip(primes_iter(K), self.hecke_eigs[:self.neigs])
                            if not p in badp]
        self.have_AL = self.AL_eigs[0] != '?'
        if self.have_AL:
            self.AL_table = [[
            ] for p, ap in zip(badp, self.AL_eigs)]
            # The following helps to create Sage download data
            self.AL_table_data = [[p.gens_reduced(), ap]
                                  for p, ap in zip(badp, self.AL_eigs)]
        self.sign = 'not determined'

            if self.sfe == 1:
                self.sign = "$+1$"
            elif self.sfe == -1:
                self.sign = "$-1$"
        except AttributeError:
            self.sfe = '?'

        if self.Lratio == '?':
            self.Lratio = "not determined"
            self.anrank = "not determined"
            self.Lratio = QQ(self.Lratio)
            self.anrank = r"\(0\)" if self.Lratio != 0 else "odd" if self.sfe == -1 else r"\(\ge2\), even"

        self.properties = [('Label', self.label), ('Base field', pretty_field),
                           ('Weight', prop_int_pretty(self.weight)),
                           ('Level norm', prop_int_pretty(self.level_norm)),
                           ('Level', self.level_ideal2),
                           ('Dimension', prop_int_pretty(self.dimension))]

            if self.CM == '?':
                self.CM = 'not determined'
            elif self.CM == 0:
                self.CM = 'no'
                if int(self.CM) % 4 in [2, 3]:
                    self.CM = 4 * int(self.CM)
                self.CM = "$%s$" % self.CM
        except AttributeError:
            self.CM = 'not determined'
        self.properties.append(('CM', str(self.CM)))

        self.bc_extra = ''
        self.bcd = 0
        self.bct = self.bc != '?' and self.bc != 0
        if self.bc == '?':
            self.bc = 'not determined'
        elif self.bc == 0:
            self.bc = 'no'
        elif self.bc == 1:
            self.bcd = self.bc
            self.bc = 'yes'
        elif self.bc > 1:
            self.bcd = self.bc
            self.bc = 'yes'
            self.bc_extra = r', of a form over \(\mathbb{Q}\) with coefficients in \(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{' + str(
                self.bcd) + r'})\)'
        elif self.bc == -1:
            self.bc = 'no'
            self.bc_extra = r', but is a twist of the base change of a form over \(\mathbb{Q}\)'
        elif self.bc < -1:
            self.bcd = -self.bc
            self.bc = 'no'
            self.bc_extra = r', but is a twist of the base change of a form over \(\mathbb{Q}\) with coefficients in \(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{' + str(
                self.bcd) + r'})\)'
        self.properties.append(('Base change', str(self.bc)))

        curve_bc = db.ec_nfcurves.lucky({'class_label': self.label},
        if curve_bc is not None:
            if curve_bc and "." not in curve_bc[0]:
                curve_bc = [
                    cremona_label_to_lmfdb_label(lab) for lab in curve_bc
            self.ec_status = 'exists'
            self.ec_url = url_for("ecnf.show_ecnf_isoclass",
            curve_bc_parts = [split_lmfdb_label(lab) for lab in curve_bc]
            bc_urls = [
                        hecke_orbit=iso) for cond, iso, num in curve_bc_parts
            bc_labels = [
                ".".join([str(cond), str(2), 'a', iso])
                for cond, iso, _ in curve_bc_parts
            bc_exists = [db.mf_newforms.label_exists(lab) for lab in bc_labels]
            self.bc_forms = [{
                'exists': ex,
                'label': lab,
                'url': url
            } for ex, lab, url in zip(bc_exists, bc_labels, bc_urls)]
            self.bc_forms = []
            if self.bct or self.label in bmfs_with_no_curve:
                self.ec_status = 'none'
                self.ec_status = 'missing'

        self.properties.append(('Sign', self.sign))
        self.properties.append(('Analytic rank', self.anrank))

        self.friends = []
        self.friends += [('Newspace {}'.format(self.newspace_label),
        url = 'ModularForm/GL2/ImaginaryQuadratic/{}'.format(
            self.label.replace('-', '/'))
        Lfun = get_lfunction_by_url(url)
        if Lfun:
            instances = get_instances_by_Lhash_and_trace_hash(
                Lfun['Lhash'], Lfun['degree'], Lfun['trace_hash'])

            # This will also add the EC/G2C, as this how the Lfun was computed
            # and not add itself
            self.friends = names_and_urls(instances, exclude={url})
            self.friends.append(('L-function', '/L/' + url))
            # old code
            if self.dimension == 1:
                if self.ec_status == 'exists':
                    self.friends += [('Isogeny class {}'.format(self.label),
                elif self.ec_status == 'missing':
                    self.friends += [
                        ('Isogeny class {} missing'.format(self.label), "")
                    self.friends += [('No elliptic curve', "")]

            self.friends += [('L-function not available', '')]
예제 #5
    def make_form(self):
        # To start with the data fields of self are just those from
        # the database.  We need to reformat these and compute some
        # further (easy) data about it.
        from lmfdb.ecnf.WebEllipticCurve import FIELD
        self.field = FIELD(self.field_label)
        pretty_field = field_pretty(self.field_label)
        self.field_knowl = nf_display_knowl(self.field_label, getDBConnection(), pretty_field)
            dims = db_dims().find_one({'field_label':self.field_label, 'level_label':self.level_label})['gl2_dims']
            self.newspace_dimension = dims[str(self.weight)]['new_dim']
        except TypeError:
            self.newspace_dimension = 'not available'
        self.newspace_label = "-".join([self.field_label,self.level_label])
        self.newspace_url = url_for(".render_bmf_space_webpage", field_label=self.field_label, level_label=self.level_label)
        K = self.field.K()

        if self.dimension>1:
            Qx = PolynomialRing(QQ,'x')
            self.hecke_poly = Qx(str(self.hecke_poly))
            F = NumberField(self.hecke_poly,'z')
            self.hecke_poly = web_latex(self.hecke_poly)
            def conv(ap):
                if '?' in ap:
                    return 'not known'
                    return F(str(ap))
            self.hecke_eigs = [conv(str(ap)) for ap in self.hecke_eigs]

        self.nap = len(self.hecke_eigs)
        self.nap0 = min(50, self.nap)
        self.hecke_table = [[web_latex(p.norm()),
                             web_latex(ap)] for p,ap in zip(primes_iter(K), self.hecke_eigs[:self.nap0])]
        level = ideal_from_label(K,self.level_label)
        self.level_ideal2 = web_latex(level)
        badp = level.prime_factors()
        self.have_AL = self.AL_eigs[0]!='?'
        if self.have_AL:
            self.AL_table = [[web_latex(p.norm()),
                              web_latex(ap)] for p,ap in zip(badp, self.AL_eigs)]
        self.sign = 'not determined'
        if self.sfe == 1:
            self.sign = "+1"
        elif self.sfe == -1:
            self.sign = "-1"

        if self.Lratio == '?':
            self.Lratio = "not determined"
            self.anrank = "not determined"
            self.Lratio = QQ(self.Lratio)
            self.anrank = "\(0\)" if self.Lratio!=0 else "odd" if self.sfe==-1 else "\(\ge2\), even"

        self.properties2 = [('Base field', pretty_field),
                            ('Weight', str(self.weight)),
                            ('Level norm', str(self.level_norm)),
                            ('Level', self.level_ideal2),
                            ('Label', self.label),
                            ('Dimension', str(self.dimension))

        if self.CM == '?':
            self.CM = 'not determined'
        elif self.CM == 0:
            self.CM = 'no'
        self.properties2.append(('CM', str(self.CM)))

        self.bc_extra = ''
        self.bcd = 0
        self.bct = self.bc!='?' and self.bc!=0
        if self.bc == '?':
            self.bc = 'not determined'
        elif self.bc == 0:
            self.bc = 'no'
        elif self.bc == 1:
            self.bcd = self.bc
            self.bc = 'yes'
        elif self.bc >1:
            self.bcd = self.bc
            self.bc = 'yes'
            self.bc_extra = ', of a form over \(\mathbb{Q}\) with coefficients in \(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{'+str(self.bcd)+'})\)'
        elif self.bc == -1:
            self.bc = 'no'
            self.bc_extra = ', but is a twist of the base-change of a form over \(\mathbb{Q}\)'
        elif self.bc < -1:
            self.bcd = -self.bc
            self.bc = 'no'
            self.bc_extra = ', but is a twist of the base-change of a form over \(\mathbb{Q}\) with coefficients in \(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{'+str(self.bcd)+'})\)'
        self.properties2.append(('Base-change', str(self.bc)))

        curve = db_ecnf().find_one({'class_label':self.label})
        if curve:
            self.ec_status = 'exists'
            self.ec_url = url_for("ecnf.show_ecnf_isoclass", nf=self.field_label, conductor_label=self.level_label, class_label=self.label_suffix)
            curve_bc = curve['base_change']
            curve_bc_parts = [split_lmfdb_label(lab) for lab in curve_bc]
            bc_urls = [url_for("emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms", level=cond, weight=2, character=1, label=iso) for cond, iso, num in curve_bc_parts]
            bc_labels = [newform_label(cond,2,1,iso) for cond,iso,num in curve_bc_parts]
            bc_exists = [is_newform_in_db(lab) for lab in bc_labels]
            self.bc_forms = [{'exists':ex, 'label':lab, 'url':url} for ex,lab,url in zip(bc_exists, bc_labels, bc_urls)]
            self.bc_forms = []
            if self.bct:
                self.ec_status = 'none'
                self.ec_status = 'missing'

        self.properties2.append(('Sign', self.sign))
        self.properties2.append(('Analytic rank', self.anrank))

        self.friends = []
        if self.dimension==1:
            if self.ec_status == 'exists':
                self.friends += [('Elliptic curve isogeny class {}'.format(self.label), self.ec_url)]
            elif self.ec_status == 'missing':
                self.friends += [('Elliptic curve {} missing'.format(self.label), "")]
                self.friends += [('No elliptic curve', "")]

        self.friends += [ ('Newspace {}'.format(self.newspace_label),self.newspace_url)]
        self.friends += [ ('L-function not available','')]
예제 #6
def download_bmf_sage(**args):
    """Generates the sage code for the user to obtain the BMF eigenvalues.
    As in the HMF case, and unlike the website, we export *all* eigenvalues in
    the database, not just 50, and not just those away from the level."""

    label = "-".join([args['field_label'], args['level_label'], args['label_suffix']])

        f = WebBMF.by_label(label)
    except ValueError:
        return "Bianchi newform not found"

    hecke_pol  = f.hecke_poly_obj
    hecke_eigs = f.hecke_eigs

    F = WebNumberField(f.field_label)
    K = f.field.K()

    primes_in_K = [p for p,_ in zip(primes_iter(K),hecke_eigs)]
    prime_gens = [p.gens_reduced() for p in primes_in_K]

    outstr = '"""\n  This code can be loaded, or copied and paste using cpaste, into Sage.\n'
    outstr += '  It will load the data associated to the BMF, including\n'
    outstr += '  the field, level, and Hecke and Atkin-Lehner eigenvalue data (if known).\n'
    outstr += '"""\n\n'

    outstr += 'P = PolynomialRing(QQ, "x")\nx = P.gen()\n'
    outstr += 'g = P(' + str(F.coeffs()) + ')\n'
    outstr += 'F = NumberField(g, "{}")\n'.format(K.gen())
    outstr += '{} = F.gen()\n'.format(K.gen())
    outstr += 'ZF = F.ring_of_integers()\n\n'

    outstr += 'NN = ZF.ideal({})\n\n'.format(f.level.gens())

    outstr += 'primes_array = [\n' + ','.join([str(st).replace(' ', '') for st in prime_gens]).replace('],[',
                                                                                       '],\\\n[') + ']\n'
    outstr += 'primes = [ZF.ideal(I) for I in primes_array]\n\n'

    Qx = PolynomialRing(QQ,'x')

    if hecke_pol != 'x':
        outstr += 'heckePol = P({})\n'.format(str((Qx(hecke_pol)).list()))
        outstr += 'K = NumberField(heckePol, "z")\nz = K.gen()\n'
        outstr += 'heckePol = x\nK = QQ\ne = 1\n'

    hecke_eigs_processed = [str(st).replace(' ', '') if st != 'not known' else '"not known"' for st in hecke_eigs]
    outstr += '\nhecke_eigenvalues_array = [' + ', '.join(hecke_eigs_processed) + ']'
    outstr += '\nhecke_eigenvalues = {}\n'
    outstr += 'for i in range(len(hecke_eigenvalues_array)):\n    hecke_eigenvalues[primes[i]] = hecke_eigenvalues_array[i]\n\n'

    if f.have_AL:
        AL_eigs    = f.AL_table_data
        outstr += 'AL_eigenvalues = {}\n'
        for s in AL_eigs:
            outstr += 'AL_eigenvalues[ZF.ideal(%s)] = %s\n' % (s[0],s[1])
        outstr += 'AL_eigenvalues ="not known"\n'

    outstr += '\n# EXAMPLE:\n# pp = ZF.ideal(2).factor()[0][0]\n# hecke_eigenvalues[pp]\n'

    return outstr
예제 #7
def download_bmf_magma(**args):
    label = "-".join([args['field_label'], args['level_label'], args['label_suffix']])

        f = WebBMF.by_label(label)
    except ValueError:
        return "Bianchi newform not found"

    hecke_pol  = f.hecke_poly_obj
    hecke_eigs = f.hecke_eigs

    F = WebNumberField(f.field_label)
    K = f.field.K()

    primes_in_K = [p for p,_ in zip(primes_iter(K),hecke_eigs)]
    prime_gens = [list(p.gens()) for p in primes_in_K]

    outstr = '/*\n  This code can be loaded, or copied and pasted, into Magma.\n'
    outstr += '  It will load the data associated to the BMF, including\n'
    outstr += '  the field, level, and Hecke and Atkin-Lehner eigenvalue data.\n'
    outstr += '  At the *bottom* of the file, there is code to recreate the\n'
    outstr += '  Bianchi modular form in Magma, by creating the BMF space\n'
    outstr += '  and cutting out the corresponding Hecke irreducible subspace.\n'
    outstr += '  From there, you can ask for more eigenvalues or modify as desired.\n'
    outstr += '  It is commented out, as this computation may be lengthy.\n'
    outstr += '*/\n\n'

    outstr += 'P<x> := PolynomialRing(Rationals());\n'
    outstr += 'g := P!' + str(F.coeffs()) + ';\n'
    outstr += 'F<{}> := NumberField(g);\n'.format(K.gen())
    outstr += 'ZF := Integers(F);\n\n'

    outstr += 'NN := ideal<ZF | {}>;\n\n'.format(set(f.level.gens()))

    outstr += 'primesArray := [\n' + ','.join([str(st).replace(' ', '') for st in prime_gens]).replace('],[',
                                                                                       '],\n[') + '];\n'
    outstr += 'primes := [ideal<ZF | {F!x : x in I}> : I in primesArray];\n\n'

    if hecke_pol != 'x':
        outstr += 'heckePol := ' + hecke_pol + ';\n'
        outstr += 'K<z> := NumberField(heckePol);\n'
        outstr += 'heckePol := x;\nK := Rationals(); e := 1;\n'

    hecke_eigs_processed = [str(st).replace(' ', '') if st != 'not known' else '"not known"' for st in hecke_eigs]
    outstr += '\nheckeEigenvaluesList := [*\n'+ ',\n'.join(hecke_eigs_processed) + '\n*];\n'
    outstr += '\nheckeEigenvalues := AssociativeArray();\n'
    outstr += 'for i in [1..#heckeEigenvaluesList] do\n    heckeEigenvalues[primes[i]] := heckeEigenvaluesList[i];\nend for;\n'

    if f.have_AL:
        AL_eigs    = f.AL_table_data
        outstr += '\nALEigenvalues := AssociativeArray();\n'
        for s in AL_eigs:
            outstr += 'ALEigenvalues[ideal<ZF | {}>] := {};\n'.format(set(s[0]), s[1])
        outstr += '\nALEigenvalues := "not known";\n'

    outstr += '\n// EXAMPLE:\n// pp := Factorization(2*ZF)[1][1];\n// heckeEigenvalues[pp];\n\n'

    outstr += '\n'.join([
        'print "To reconstruct the Bianchi newform f, type',
        '  f, iso := Explode(make_newform());";',
        'function make_newform();',
        ' M := BianchiCuspForms(F, NN);',
        ' S := NewSubspace(M);',
        ' // SetVerbose("Bianchi", 1);',
        ' NFD := NewformDecomposition(S);',
        ' newforms := [* Eigenform(U) : U in NFD *];',
        ' if #newforms eq 0 then;',
        '  print "No Bianchi newforms at this level";',
        '  return 0;',
        ' end if;',
        ' print "Testing ", #newforms, " possible newforms";',
        ' newforms := [* f: f in newforms | IsIsomorphic(BaseField(f), K) *];',
        ' print #newforms, " newforms have the correct Hecke field";',
        ' if #newforms eq 0 then;',
        '  print "No Bianchi newform found with the correct Hecke field";',
        '  return 0;',
        ' end if;',
        ' autos := Automorphisms(K);',
        ' xnewforms := [* *];',
        ' for f in newforms do;',
        '  if K eq RationalField() then;',
        '   Append(~xnewforms, [* f, autos[1] *]);',
        '  else;',
        '   flag, iso := IsIsomorphic(K,BaseField(f));',
        '   for a in autos do;',
        '    Append(~xnewforms, [* f, a*iso *]);',
        '   end for;',
        '  end if;',
        ' end for;',
        ' newforms := xnewforms;',
        ' for P in primes do;',
        '  if Valuation(NN,P) eq 0 then;',
        '   xnewforms := [* *];',
        '   for f_iso in newforms do;',
        '    f, iso := Explode(f_iso);',
        '    if HeckeEigenvalue(f,P) eq iso(heckeEigenvalues[P]) then;',
        '     Append(~xnewforms, f_iso);',
        '    end if;',
        '   end for;',
        '   newforms := xnewforms;',
        '   if #newforms eq 0 then;',
        '    print "No Bianchi newform found which matches the Hecke eigenvalues";',
        '    return 0;',
        '   else if #newforms eq 1 then;',
        '    print "success: unique match";',
        '    return newforms[1];',
        '   end if;',
        '   end if;',
        '  end if;',
        ' end for;',
        ' print #newforms, "Bianchi newforms found which match the Hecke eigenvalues";',
        ' return newforms[1];',
        'end function;'])

    return outstr