def test_get_temp_schemas_works(test_db_env, conn):
    with patch("time.time", return_value=1234.1446786):
        schema = load_dataset.create_temp_schema_name("boop")
        with load_dataset.create_and_enter_temporary_schema(conn, schema):
            assert load_dataset.get_temp_schemas(conn,
                                                 "boop") == ["temp_boop_1234"]
        assert len(load_dataset.get_temp_schemas(conn, "boop")) == 0
예제 #2
def test_get_temp_schemas_works(test_db_env, conn):
    with patch('time.time', return_value=1234.1446786):
        schema = load_dataset.create_temp_schema_name('boop')
        with load_dataset.create_and_enter_temporary_schema(conn, schema):
            assert load_dataset.get_temp_schemas(conn,
                                                 'boop') == ['temp_boop_1234']
        assert len(load_dataset.get_temp_schemas(conn, 'boop')) == 0
예제 #3
def build(db_url: str):
    slack.sendmsg('Rebuilding Who Owns What tables...')

    cosmetic_dataset_name = 'wow'

    tables = [
        TableInfo(name=name, dataset=cosmetic_dataset_name)
        for name in parse_created_tables_in_dir(WOW_SQL_DIR, WOW_SCRIPTS)

    with psycopg2.connect(db_url) as conn:
        temp_schema = create_temp_schema_name(cosmetic_dataset_name)
        with create_and_enter_temporary_schema(conn, temp_schema):
            ensure_schema_exists(conn, WOW_SCHEMA)
            with save_and_reapply_permissions(conn, tables, WOW_SCHEMA):
                drop_tables_if_they_exist(conn, tables, WOW_SCHEMA)
                change_table_schemas(conn, tables, temp_schema, WOW_SCHEMA)

        # The WoW tables are now ready, but the functions defined by WoW were
        # in the temporary schema that just got destroyed. Let's re-run only
        # the function-creating SQL in the WoW schema now.
        # Note this means that any client which uses the functions will need
        # to set their search_path to "{WOW_SCHEMA}, public" or else the function
        # may not be found or might even crash!
            f"Re-running CREATE FUNCTION statements in the {WOW_SCHEMA} schema..."
        sql = get_all_create_function_sql(WOW_SQL_DIR, WOW_SCRIPTS)
            conn, sql, initial_sql=f'SET search_path TO {WOW_SCHEMA}, public')

    slack.sendmsg('Finished rebuilding Who Owns What tables.')
def test_temp_schema_naming_works():
    with patch("time.time", return_value=1545146760.1446786):
        name = load_dataset.create_temp_schema_name("boop")
        assert name == "temp_boop_1545146760"
        ts = load_dataset.get_friendly_temp_schema_creation_time(name)
        assert ts == "2018-12-18 15:26:00 UTC"