def multi_date_number_servers():
    ## given a list of gdb's, return number of servers by group and total
    ## output will be a dictionary (date as key) of dictionaries
    ##    per-date dictionaries will have keys of groups and total

    ## input is two environmental variables: GDBPATH, DATELIST
    ##    GDBPATH is path to graphdb directory
    ##    DATELIST is ascii text of python list of dates of form

    ## initialize from env
    gdbpath = get_gdbpath()
    datelist = get_datelist()

    ## init output dict
    data = {}

    ## validate all the files exist
    ##    so don't waste time processing a bunch to then have die
    filelist = [(d, gdbpath + d + ".gdb") for d in datelist]
    validate_file_access([f for (d, f) in filelist])

    ## now process each file
    for (d, filename) in filelist:
        one_day_graph = load_graph(filename)

        ## init the day in output dictionary
        data[d] = {}
        data[d]['total'] = 0
        for g in get_groups(one_day_graph):
            data[d][g] = 0

        ## loop thru all the servers
        for svr in one_day_graph.neighbors("type_server"):
            data[d]['total'] += 1
            ## find group and inc
            g = intermediate(one_day_graph, 'type_group', svr)
            data[d][g] += 1
    return (data)
예제 #2
   outfilename = sys.argv[1]

## validate all the files exist
##    so don't waste time processing a bunch to then have die
filelist = [ (d, gdbpath + d + ".gdb") for d in datelist ]
validate_file_access([f for (d,f) in filelist])

## dict to hold the data
cvebins = {}

## now process each file
for (d,filename) in filelist:
  cvebins[d] = {}
  graphdata = load_graph(filename)

  ## First make a list of all cve nodes
  ##    i.e. all nodes connected to "type_cve"
  cves = graphdata.neighbors("type_cve")

  ## bin cve's by cvss score
  cve10 = [] # CVE's with cvss=10
  cve7 = []  # CVE's with cvss<10,>=7
  cve5 = []  # CVE's with cvss<7,>=5
  cve0 = []  # CVE's with cvss<5,>=0

  for cve in cves:
      ## put cve in bin
      cvss = graphdata.nodes[cve]['cvss']
      if(cvss == 10.0):
예제 #3
## Copyright (c) 2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.

import sys
from load_db import load_graph
from load_db import get_groups
from load_db import server_by_group
from sbom_helpers import get_gdbpath
from sbom_helpers import mypprint
from sbom_helpers import validate_file_access

if( len(sys.argv) != 2 ):
   print("There should be one argument, date eg 2019.03.16")
   d = sys.argv[1]

gfile = get_gdbpath() + d + '.gdb'
#validate gdb file exists

graphdata = load_graph(gfile)

groups = get_groups(graphdata)

svr_list = graphdata.neighbors('type_server')

svr_grp_dict = server_by_group(svr_list, groups, graphdata)
