예제 #1
    def test_cp_r(self, tmp_path):
            "this test does not work on python3.7 due to an issue shutil used by cp_r"

        source = tmp_path / "source"
        target = tmp_path / "target"

        f1 = source / "f1.txt"
        f2 = source / "d1" / "f2.txt"
        f3 = source / "d1" / "d2" / "f3.txt"


        common.cp_r(source, target)

        assert (target / "f1.txt").is_file()
        assert (target / "d1" / "f2.txt").is_file()
        assert (target / "d1" / "f2.txt").is_file()
        assert (target / "d1" / "d2" / "f3.txt").is_file()
        assert (target / "d1" / "d2" / "f3.txt").read_text() == "f3"
예제 #2
    def get_lambda_code_param(params, _include_arch=False, **kwargs):
        code = params.get("Code", {})
        zip_file = code.get("ZipFile")
        if zip_file and not is_base64(zip_file) and not is_zip_file(
            tmp_dir = new_tmp_dir()
            handler_file = get_handler_file_from_name(
                params["Handler"], runtime=params["Runtime"])
            tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, handler_file)
            save_file(tmp_file, zip_file)

            # add 'cfn-response' module to archive - see:
            # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/cfn-lambda-function-code-cfnresponsemodule.html
            cfn_response_tmp_file = get_cfn_response_mod_file()
            cfn_response_mod_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "node_modules",
                os.path.join(cfn_response_mod_dir, "index.js"),

            # create zip file
            zip_file = create_zip_file(tmp_dir, get_content=True)
            code["ZipFile"] = zip_file
        if _include_arch and "Architectures" in params:
            code["Architectures"] = params.get("Architectures")
        return code
예제 #3
    def _execute(self, func_arn, func_details, event, context=None, version=None):
        lambda_cwd = func_details.cwd
        runtime = func_details.runtime
        handler = func_details.handler
        environment = func_details.envvars.copy()

        # configure USE_SSL in environment
        if config.USE_SSL:
            environment['USE_SSL'] = '1'

        # prepare event body
        if not event:
            LOG.warning('Empty event body specified for invocation of Lambda "%s"' % func_arn)
            event = {}
        event_body = json.dumps(json_safe(event))
        stdin = self.prepare_event(environment, event_body)

        docker_host = config.DOCKER_HOST_FROM_CONTAINER

        environment['HOSTNAME'] = docker_host
        environment['LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME'] = docker_host
        environment['_HANDLER'] = handler
        if func_details.timeout:
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_TIMEOUT'] = str(func_details.timeout)
        if context:
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME'] = context.function_name
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_VERSION'] = context.function_version
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_INVOKED_ARN'] = context.invoked_function_arn

        # custom command to execute in the container
        command = ''

        # if running a Java Lambda, set up classpath arguments
        if is_java_lambda(runtime):
            java_opts = Util.get_java_opts()
            stdin = None
            # copy executor jar into temp directory
            target_file = os.path.join(lambda_cwd, os.path.basename(LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR))
            if not os.path.exists(target_file):
                cp_r(LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR, target_file)
            # TODO cleanup once we have custom Java Docker image
            taskdir = '/var/task'
            save_file(os.path.join(lambda_cwd, LAMBDA_EVENT_FILE), event_body)
            classpath = Util.get_java_classpath(target_file)
            command = ("bash -c 'cd %s; java %s -cp \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"'" %
                (taskdir, java_opts, classpath, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, handler, LAMBDA_EVENT_FILE))

        # accept any self-signed certificates for outgoing calls from the Lambda
        if is_nodejs_runtime(runtime):
            environment['NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED'] = '0'

        # determine the command to be executed (implemented by subclasses)
        cmd = self.prepare_execution(func_arn, environment, runtime, command, handler, lambda_cwd)

        # lambci writes the Lambda result to stdout and logs to stderr, fetch it from there!
        LOG.info('Running lambda cmd: %s' % cmd)
        result = self.run_lambda_executor(cmd, stdin, env_vars=environment, func_details=func_details)

        return result
예제 #4
    def _execute(self, func_arn, func_details, event, context=None, version=None):

        lambda_cwd = func_details.cwd
        runtime = func_details.runtime
        handler = func_details.handler
        environment = func_details.envvars.copy()

        # configure USE_SSL in environment
        if config.USE_SSL:
            environment['USE_SSL'] = '1'

        # prepare event body
        if not event:
            LOG.warning('Empty event body specified for invocation of Lambda "%s"' % func_arn)
            event = {}
        event_body = json.dumps(json_safe(event))
        stdin = self.prepare_event(environment, event_body)

        docker_host = config.DOCKER_HOST_FROM_CONTAINER

        environment['HOSTNAME'] = docker_host
        environment['LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME'] = docker_host
        if context:
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME'] = context.function_name
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_VERSION'] = context.function_version
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_INVOKED_ARN'] = context.invoked_function_arn

        # custom command to execute in the container
        command = ''

        # if running a Java Lambda, set up classpath arguments
        if runtime == LAMBDA_RUNTIME_JAVA8:
            java_opts = Util.get_java_opts()
            stdin = None
            # copy executor jar into temp directory
            target_file = os.path.join(lambda_cwd, os.path.basename(LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR))
            if not os.path.exists(target_file):
                cp_r(LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR, target_file)
            # TODO cleanup once we have custom Java Docker image
            taskdir = '/var/task'
            save_file(os.path.join(lambda_cwd, LAMBDA_EVENT_FILE), event_body)
            classpath = Util.get_java_classpath(target_file)
            command = ("bash -c 'cd %s; java %s -cp \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"'" %
                (taskdir, java_opts, classpath, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, handler, LAMBDA_EVENT_FILE))

        # determine the command to be executed (implemented by subclasses)
        cmd = self.prepare_execution(func_arn, environment, runtime, command, handler, lambda_cwd)

        # lambci writes the Lambda result to stdout and logs to stderr, fetch it from there!
        LOG.debug('Running lambda cmd: %s' % cmd)
        result, log_output = self.run_lambda_executor(cmd, stdin, environment)
        log_formatted = log_output.strip().replace('\n', '\n> ')
        LOG.debug('Lambda %s result / log output:\n%s\n>%s' % (func_arn, result.strip(), log_formatted))
        return result, log_output
예제 #5
    def execute(self, func_arn, func_details, event, context=None, version=None, asynchronous=False):

        lambda_cwd = func_details.cwd
        runtime = func_details.runtime
        handler = func_details.handler
        environment = func_details.envvars.copy()

        # configure USE_SSL in environment
        if config.USE_SSL:
            environment['USE_SSL'] = '1'

        # prepare event body
        if not event:
            LOG.warning('Empty event body specified for invocation of Lambda "%s"' % func_arn)
            event = {}
        event_body = json.dumps(event)
        event_body_escaped = event_body.replace("'", "\\'")

        docker_host = config.DOCKER_HOST_FROM_CONTAINER

        # amend the environment variables for execution
        environment['AWS_LAMBDA_EVENT_BODY'] = event_body_escaped
        environment['HOSTNAME'] = docker_host
        environment['LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME'] = docker_host
        if context:
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME'] = context.function_name
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_VERSION'] = context.function_version
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_INVOKED_ARN'] = context.invoked_function_arn

        # custom command to execute in the container
        command = ''

        # if running a Java Lambda, set up classpath arguments
        if runtime == LAMBDA_RUNTIME_JAVA8:
            # copy executor jar into temp directory
            cp_r(LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR, lambda_cwd)
            # TODO cleanup once we have custom Java Docker image
            taskdir = '/var/task'
            save_file(os.path.join(lambda_cwd, LAMBDA_EVENT_FILE), event_body)
            command = ("bash -c 'cd %s; java -cp .:`ls *.jar | tr \"\\n\" \":\"` \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"'" %
                (taskdir, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, handler, LAMBDA_EVENT_FILE))

        # determine the command to be executed (implemented by subclasses)
        cmd = self.prepare_execution(func_arn, environment, runtime, command, handler, lambda_cwd)

        # lambci writes the Lambda result to stdout and logs to stderr, fetch it from there!
        LOG.debug('Running lambda cmd: %s' % cmd)
        result, log_output = self.run_lambda_executor(cmd, environment, asynchronous)
        LOG.debug('Lambda result / log output:\n%s\n>%s' % (result.strip(), log_output.strip().replace('\n', '\n> ')))
        return result, log_output
예제 #6
    def _execute(self, func_arn, func_details, event, context=None, version=None):
        lambda_cwd = func_details.cwd
        runtime = func_details.runtime
        handler = func_details.handler
        environment = self._prepare_environment(func_details)

        # configure USE_SSL in environment
        if config.USE_SSL:
            environment['USE_SSL'] = '1'

        # prepare event body
        if not event:
            LOG.warning('Empty event body specified for invocation of Lambda "%s"' % func_arn)
            event = {}
        event_body = json.dumps(json_safe(event))
        stdin = self.prepare_event(environment, event_body)

        main_endpoint = get_main_endpoint_from_container()

        environment['LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME'] = main_endpoint
        environment['EDGE_PORT'] = str(config.EDGE_PORT)
        environment['_HANDLER'] = handler
        if os.environ.get('HTTP_PROXY'):
            environment['HTTP_PROXY'] = os.environ['HTTP_PROXY']
        if func_details.timeout:
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_TIMEOUT'] = str(func_details.timeout)
        if context:
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME'] = context.function_name
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_VERSION'] = context.function_version
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_INVOKED_ARN'] = context.invoked_function_arn
            environment['AWS_LAMBDA_COGNITO_IDENTITY'] = json.dumps(context.cognito_identity or {})
            if context.client_context is not None:
                environment['AWS_LAMBDA_CLIENT_CONTEXT'] = json.dumps(to_str(

        # custom command to execute in the container
        command = ''
        events_file = ''

        if config.LAMBDA_JAVA_OPTS and is_java_lambda(runtime):
            # if running a Java Lambda with our custom executor, set up classpath arguments
            java_opts = Util.get_java_opts()
            stdin = None
            # copy executor jar into temp directory
            target_file = os.path.join(lambda_cwd, os.path.basename(LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR))
            if not os.path.exists(target_file):
                cp_r(LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR, target_file)
            # TODO cleanup once we have custom Java Docker image
            taskdir = '/var/task'
            events_file = '_lambda.events.%s.json' % short_uid()
            save_file(os.path.join(lambda_cwd, events_file), event_body)
            classpath = Util.get_java_classpath(target_file)
            command = ("bash -c 'cd %s; java %s -cp \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"'" %
                (taskdir, java_opts, classpath, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, handler, events_file))

        # accept any self-signed certificates for outgoing calls from the Lambda
        if is_nodejs_runtime(runtime):
            environment['NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED'] = '0'

        # determine the command to be executed (implemented by subclasses)
        cmd = self.prepare_execution(func_details, environment, command)

        # run Lambda executor and fetch invocation result
        LOG.info('Running lambda cmd: %s' % cmd)
        result = self.run_lambda_executor(cmd, stdin, env_vars=environment, func_details=func_details)

        # clean up events file
        events_file and os.path.exists(events_file) and rm_rf(events_file)

        return result
def run_lambda(func, event, context, func_arn, suppress_output=False):
    if suppress_output:
        stdout_ = sys.stdout
        stderr_ = sys.stderr
        stream = StringIO()
        sys.stdout = stream
        sys.stderr = stream
    lambda_cwd = arn_to_lambda.get(func_arn).cwd
    result = None
        runtime = arn_to_lambda.get(func_arn).runtime
        handler = arn_to_lambda.get(func_arn).handler
        environment = arn_to_lambda.get(func_arn).envvars
        if use_docker():
            handler_args = '"%s"' % handler
            entrypoint = ''

            # prepare event body
            if not event:
                LOG.warning('Empty event body specified for invocation of Lambda "%s"' % func_arn)
                event = {}
            event_body = json.dumps(event)

            # if running a Java Lambda, set up classpath arguments
            if runtime == LAMBDA_RUNTIME_JAVA8:
                # copy executor jar into temp directory
                cp_r(LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR, lambda_cwd)
                # TODO cleanup once we have custom Java Docker image
                taskdir = '/var/task'
                event_file = 'event_file.json'
                save_file(os.path.join(lambda_cwd, event_file), event_body)
                handler_args = ("bash -c 'cd %s; java -cp .:`ls *.jar | tr \"\\n\" \":\"` \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"'" %
                    (taskdir, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, handler, event_file))
                entrypoint = ' --entrypoint ""'

            env_vars = ' '.join(['-e {}={}'.format(k, cmd_quote(v)) for (k, v) in environment.items()])

            if config.LAMBDA_REMOTE_DOCKER:
                cmd = (
                    'CONTAINER_ID="$(docker create'
                    '%s -e AWS_LAMBDA_EVENT_BODY="$AWS_LAMBDA_EVENT_BODY"'
                    ' -e HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME"'
                    ' %s'
                    ' "lambci/lambda:%s" %s'
                    'docker cp "%s/." "$CONTAINER_ID:/var/task";'
                    'docker start -a "$CONTAINER_ID";'
                ) % (entrypoint, runtime, env_vars, handler_args, lambda_cwd)
                lambda_cwd_on_host = get_host_path_for_path_in_docker(lambda_cwd)
                cmd = (
                    'docker run'
                    '%s -v "%s":/var/task'
                    ' -e AWS_LAMBDA_EVENT_BODY="$AWS_LAMBDA_EVENT_BODY"'
                    ' -e HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME"'
                    ' %s'
                    ' --rm'
                    ' "lambci/lambda:%s" %s'
                ) % (entrypoint, lambda_cwd_on_host, env_vars, runtime, handler_args)

            event_body_escaped = event_body.replace("'", "\\'")
            docker_host = config.DOCKER_HOST_FROM_CONTAINER
            env_vars = {
                'AWS_LAMBDA_EVENT_BODY': event_body_escaped,
                'HOSTNAME': docker_host,
                'LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME': docker_host
            # lambci writes the Lambda result to stdout and logs to stderr, fetch it from there!
            result, log_output = run_lambda_executor(cmd, env_vars)
            LOG.debug('Lambda log output:\n%s' % log_output)
            # execute the Lambda function in a forked sub-process, sync result via queue
            queue = Queue()

            def do_execute():
                # now we're executing in the child process, safe to change CWD and ENV
                if lambda_cwd:
                if environment:
                result = func(event, context)

            process = Process(target=do_execute)
            result = queue.get()

    except Exception as e:
        return error_response('Error executing Lambda function: %s %s' % (e, traceback.format_exc()))
        if suppress_output:
            sys.stdout = stdout_
            sys.stderr = stderr_
    return result
예제 #8
        if use_docker():
            handler_args = '"%s"' % handler
            entrypoint = ''

            # prepare event body
            if not event:
                    'Empty event body specified for invocation of Lambda "%s"'
                    % func_arn)
                event = {}
            event_body = json.dumps(event)

            # if running a Java Lambda, set up classpath arguments
            if runtime == LAMBDA_RUNTIME_JAVA8:
                # copy executor jar into temp directory
                cp_r(LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR, lambda_cwd)
                # TODO cleanup once we have custom Java Docker image
                taskdir = '/var/task'
                event_file = 'event_file.json'
                save_file(os.path.join(lambda_cwd, event_file), event_body)
                handler_args = (
                    "bash -c 'cd %s; java -cp .:`ls *.jar | tr \"\\n\" \":\"` \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"'"
                    % (taskdir, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, handler, event_file))
                entrypoint = ' --entrypoint ""'

            env_vars = ' '.join([
                '-e {}={}'.format(k, cmd_quote(v))
                for (k, v) in environment.items()

            if config.LAMBDA_REMOTE_DOCKER:
예제 #9
    def _execute(self,
        lambda_cwd = func_details.cwd
        runtime = func_details.runtime
        handler = func_details.handler
        environment = self._prepare_environment(func_details)

        # configure USE_SSL in environment
        if config.USE_SSL:
            environment["USE_SSL"] = "1"

        # prepare event body
        if not event:
                'Empty event body specified for invocation of Lambda "%s"' %
            event = {}
        event_body = json.dumps(json_safe(event))
        stdin = self.prepare_event(environment, event_body)

        main_endpoint = get_main_endpoint_from_container()

        environment["LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME"] = main_endpoint
        environment["EDGE_PORT"] = str(config.EDGE_PORT)
        environment["_HANDLER"] = handler
        if os.environ.get("HTTP_PROXY"):
            environment["HTTP_PROXY"] = os.environ["HTTP_PROXY"]
        if func_details.timeout:
            environment["AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_TIMEOUT"] = str(
        if context:
            environment["AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME"] = context.function_name
                "AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_VERSION"] = context.function_version
                "AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_INVOKED_ARN"] = context.invoked_function_arn
            environment["AWS_LAMBDA_COGNITO_IDENTITY"] = json.dumps(
                context.cognito_identity or {})
            if context.client_context is not None:
                environment["AWS_LAMBDA_CLIENT_CONTEXT"] = json.dumps(

        # custom command to execute in the container
        command = ""
        events_file_path = ""

        if config.LAMBDA_JAVA_OPTS and is_java_lambda(runtime):
            # if running a Java Lambda with our custom executor, set up classpath arguments
            java_opts = Util.get_java_opts()
            stdin = None
            # copy executor jar into temp directory
            target_file = os.path.join(lambda_cwd,
            if not os.path.exists(target_file):
                cp_r(LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR, target_file)
            # TODO cleanup once we have custom Java Docker image
            events_file = "_lambda.events.%s.json" % short_uid()
            events_file_path = os.path.join(lambda_cwd, events_file)
            save_file(events_file_path, event_body)
            # construct Java command
            classpath = Util.get_java_classpath(target_file)
            command = 'bash -c \'cd %s; java %s -cp "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"\'' % (

        # accept any self-signed certificates for outgoing calls from the Lambda
        if is_nodejs_runtime(runtime):
            environment["NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED"] = "0"

        # determine the command to be executed (implemented by subclasses)
        cmd = self.prepare_execution(func_details, environment, command)

        # copy events file into container, if necessary
        if events_file_path:
            container_name = self.get_container_name(func_details.arn())
            self.copy_into_container(events_file_path, container_name,

        # run Lambda executor and fetch invocation result
        LOG.info("Running lambda cmd: %s" % cmd)
        result = self.run_lambda_executor(cmd,

        # clean up events file
        events_file_path and os.path.exists(events_file_path) and rm_rf(
        # TODO: delete events file from container!

        return result