예제 #1
 def testZeroDist(self):
     """ These points should be zero distance apart """
     loc = LocationGlobalRelative(-36.37485, 24.23846, 32.6545)
         abs(location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(loc, loc)) < ERROR)
     loc = LocationGlobalRelative(72.4564, 26.23422, 0.0)
         abs(location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(loc, loc)) < ERROR)
     loc = LocationGlobalRelative(-75.23453, -12.21835, 14.234873)
         abs(location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(loc, loc)) < ERROR)
예제 #2
    def isNearHome(self):
        if self.homeLocation is None:
            return True

        mydist = location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(
            self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame, self.homeLocation)
        return (mydist < REWIND_MIN_HOME_DISTANCE)
예제 #3
    def _checkTetherLocation(self):
        Check if the copter has reached the target location, if so, put the copter back to FLY

        if self.tetherLocation is None or self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame is None:
                "[GeoFenceManager]: something is not set, tetherLoc:%s vehicleLoc:%s"
                % (self.tetherLocation,

        distance = location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(
            self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame, self.tetherLocation)
        # If vehicle is within 1 meter of destination or if vehicle is already within the shrunk polygon
        if distance < 1.0:
            self.tetherState = _GeoFenceManagerTetherState.notActive
            self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("LOITER")
            self.tetherLocation = None
            logger.log("[GeoFenceManager]: Deactivating GeoFence")
            # Re-enforce tether location in case user hit FLY
            if self.tetherLocation is not None and self.vehicle.mode != VehicleMode(
예제 #4
파일: orbit.py 프로젝트: afcarl/shotmanager
    def addLocation(self, loc):
        '''Adds a new or overwrites the current orbit ROI'''
        self.roi = loc

        # tell the app about the new ROI
        packet = struct.pack('<IIddf', app_packet.SOLO_MESSAGE_LOCATION, 20,
                             self.roi.lat, self.roi.lon, self.roi.alt)

        # should we init the Orbit state machine
        if self.pathHandler is None:

        # Initialize the location of the vehicle
        startRadius = location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(
            self.roi, self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame)
        startAz = location_helpers.calcAzimuthFromPoints(
            self.roi, self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame)
        startAlt = self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt

        logger.log("[Orbit]: Add Location for Orbit controller.")
        logger.log("[Orbit]: -->radius: %f, azimuth: %f" %
                   (startRadius, startAz))
        logger.log("[Orbit]: -->lat: %f, lon: %f, alt: %f" %
                   (self.roi.lat, self.roi.lon, self.roi.alt))

        # Initialize the open-loop orbit controller
        self.pathController = orbitController.OrbitController(
            self.roi, startRadius, startAz, startAlt)
예제 #5
 def testSmallDist(self):
     """ These points are a known distance apart """
     loc = LocationGlobalRelative(-45.23462, -22.2384)
     loc2 = LocationGlobalRelative(-45.2673, -22.123512)
     dist = location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(loc, loc2)
     # Google Earth Pro Answer: 9724
     delta = abs(dist - 9702.4)
     self.assertTrue(delta < ERROR)
예제 #6
 def testLargeDist(self):
     """ These points are a known distance apart """
     loc = LocationGlobalRelative(50.2356, 5.2835723)
     loc2 = LocationGlobalRelative(50.7837, 3.444)
     dist = location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(loc, loc2)
     # Google Earth Pro Answer: 144022
     delta = abs(dist - 144336)
     self.assertTrue(delta < ERROR)
예제 #7
 def coneOfAwesomeness(self, _rtlAlt):
     ''' creates a cone above home that prevents massive altitude changes during RTL '''
     homeDistance = location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(
         self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame, self.homeLocation)
     coneLimit = max(
         homeDistance * RTL_CONE_SLOPE,
         self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt + RTL_MIN_RISE)
     return min(coneLimit, _rtlAlt)
예제 #8
    def calcPhoto(self):
        '''determins when to shoot photo based on distance'''
        # calc distance from home
        self.dist = location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(self.pathHandler.pt1, self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame)

        # find a slot
        index =  math.floor(self.dist / self.triggerDist)

        if self.lastShot != index:
            self.lastShot = index
            self.shotmgr.goproManager.handleRecordCommand(self.shotmgr.goproManager.captureMode, RECORD_COMMAND_TOGGLE)
예제 #9
    def initLeashController(self):
        '''Resets the controller'''
        # reset leash
        resetRadius = location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(self.filteredROI, self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame)
        resetAz     = location_helpers.calcAzimuthFromPoints(self.filteredROI, self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame)
        # Initialize the feed-forward orbit controller
        self.pathController = LeashController(self.filteredROI, resetRadius, resetAz, self.followControllerAltOffset)
        # set controller options

        self.pathController.setOptions(maxClimbRate = self.maxClimbRate, maxAlt = self.maxAlt)
예제 #10
    def handleSpotLock(self, channels):
        '''handle spot lock'''
        # we rotate this value for re-pointing
        dist = location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(
            self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame, self.roi)

        # rotate the ROI point
        if abs(channels[YAW]) > 0:
            self.needsUpdate = True
            tmp = self.roi.alt
            az = location_helpers.calcAzimuthFromPoints(
                self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame, self.roi)
            az += (channels[YAW] * YAW_NUDGE_SPEED * UPDATE_TIME)
            newRoi = location_helpers.newLocationFromAzimuthAndDistance(
                self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame, az, dist)
            newRoi.alt = tmp


        # nothing to do if no user interaction
        if not self.needsUpdate:

        # clear update flag
        self.needsUpdate = False

        # Tell Gimbal ROI Location
        msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.command_int_encode(
            1,  # target system, target component
            mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT,  #frame
            mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI,  #command
            0,  #current
            0,  #autocontinue
            0,  #params 1-4
            self.roi.lat * 1.E7,
            self.roi.lon * 1.E7,

예제 #11
    def activateGeoFenceIfNecessary(self):
        Test if GeoFence is about to be breached, if so, put copter into GUIDED and guide the copter to the best
        location. If not, do nothing.

        if not self.vehicle.armed:

        if self.vehicle.system_status in ['CRITICAL', 'EMERGENCY']:
            # Not enforcing Geofence in emergency

        if self.tetherState is _GeoFenceManagerTetherState.active:
            # Still guiding to edge

        vehicleLocation = self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame
        velocity = self.vehicle.velocity

        if vehicleLocation is None or vehicleLocation.lat is None or vehicleLocation.lon is None or vehicleLocation.alt is None:
            logger.log("[GeoFenceManager]: GeoFence: vehicle location not set")
        if velocity is None:
            logger.log("[GeoFenceManager]: GeoFence: velocity is not set")

        if len(self.polygons) == 0:
            # If GeoFence not set

        velocityDirection = Vector2(velocity[0], velocity[1])

        collidingPoint = (-1, -1, float("inf"), None)

        # TODO: We are only supporting a single GeoFence right now, but it's subject to change in the future
        fence = self.polygons[0]
        if fence is None or fence.origin is None or fence.vertices is None:
            logger.log("[GeoFenceManager]: something is not right, fence:%s" %

        polygon = map(lambda coord: Vector2(coord.x, coord.y), fence.vertices)
        subPolygon = map(lambda coord: Vector2(coord.x, coord.y),
        v0_3d = location_helpers.getVectorFromPoints(fence.origin,
        v0 = Vector2(v0_3d.x, v0_3d.y)
        v1 = Vector2(v0.x + velocityDirection.x, v0.y + velocityDirection.y)

        # If not in fence, pull copter back into fence and return
        if GeoFenceHelper.isPointInPolygon(v0, polygon) == 0:
            logger.log("[GeoFenceManager]: Not in Fence!! v:%s poly: %s" %
                       (v0, polygon))
            stopPoint2D = GeoFenceHelper.closestPointToPolygon(v0, subPolygon)
            if stopPoint2D is not None:
                # stopPoint2D can be None if an illegal polygon is passed
                stopPoint3D = Vector3(stopPoint2D.x, stopPoint2D.y, 0)
                stopCoordinate = location_helpers.addVectorToLocation(
                    fence.origin, stopPoint3D)
                stopCoordinate.alt = vehicleLocation.alt

        # Test if is going to collide
        currentCollidingPoint = GeoFenceHelper.closestCollisionVectorToPolygon(
            ray=(v0, v1), polygon=polygon)
        if currentCollidingPoint is not None and currentCollidingPoint[
                2] < collidingPoint[2]:
            collidingPoint = (0, currentCollidingPoint[0],

        if collidingPoint[0] != -1 and collidingPoint[1] != -1:
            fence = self.polygons[collidingPoint[0]]
            scalarSpeed = sqrt(velocity[0] * velocity[0] +
                               velocity[1] * velocity[1])  # TODO: m/s ??
            currentCollidingPoint3D = Vector3(collidingPoint[3].x,
                                              collidingPoint[3].y, 0)
            collidingPointCoord = location_helpers.addVectorToLocation(
                fence.origin, currentCollidingPoint3D)
            scalarDistance = location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(
                vehicleLocation, collidingPointCoord)
            # Compensate for the latency
            scalarDistance -= scalarSpeed * GEO_FENCE_LATENCY_COEFF
            scalarDistance = max(scalarDistance, 0.0)
            maximumStoppingSpeed = self._stoppingSpeed(scalarDistance,

            if scalarDistance < 0 or scalarSpeed >= maximumStoppingSpeed:
                # If collision is None, that means copter has breached the subPolygon, tether to closest point on subpolygon,
                # otherwise, tether to the collision point on subpolygon
                collision = GeoFenceHelper.closestCollisionVectorToPolygon(
                    ray=(v0, v1), polygon=subPolygon)
                if collision is None:
                    targetStopPoint2D = GeoFenceHelper.closestPointToPolygon(
                        v0, subPolygon)
                    targetStopPoint2D = collision[2]

                if targetStopPoint2D is None:
                        "[GeoFenceManager]: Failed to activate geofence")
                    "[GeoFenceManager]: Activating geofence, speed: %s max_speed:%s"
                    % (scalarSpeed, maximumStoppingSpeed))
                    "[GeoFenceManager]: copterLoc: %s will collide with %s, tether to %s"
                    % (v0, collidingPoint[3], targetStopPoint2D))
                # If currently in a shot, end shot
                if self.shotMgr.currentShot != shots.APP_SHOT_NONE:

                targetStopPoint3D = Vector3(targetStopPoint2D.x,
                                            targetStopPoint2D.y, 0)
                targetStopCoordinate = location_helpers.addVectorToLocation(
                    fence.origin, targetStopPoint3D)
                targetStopCoordinate.alt = vehicleLocation.alt
예제 #12
    def move(self, channels, newroi=None, roiVel=None):
        '''Handles RC channels to return a position and velocity command
        location: location object, lat (deg), lon (deg), alt (meters)
        velocity: vector3 object, x, y, z (m/s) command'''

        # If we are inside of the circle, we overide the radius
        # with our position to prevent sudden flight to or away from pilot
        if self.approachSpeed != 0 and self.distance < self.radius:
            self.radius = self.distance

        if roiVel is None:
            roiVel = Vector3(0, 0, 0)

        # Approach
        approachVel = self._approach(-channels[PITCH])

        # Climb
        climbVel = self._climb(channels[THROTTLE])

        # ROI heading is calculated and flipped 180deg to determine leash angle
        roiHeading = location_helpers.calcAzimuthFromPoints(self.roi, newroi)
        roiHeading += 180
        roiHeading = location_helpers.wrapTo360(roiHeading)

        # roiSpeed is used to determine if we apply crosstrack error correction
        roiSpeed = location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(self.roi,
                                                          newroi) / UPDATE_TIME

        if roiSpeed < CROSSTRACK_MINSPEED or self.approachSpeed != 0:
            # we are not moving very fast, don't crosstrack
            # prevents swinging while we are still.
            crosstrackGain = 0
            crosstrackGain = CROSSTRACK_GAIN

        # Used to test are we inside the radius or on it?
        # we use old ROI because current location is not set yet
        # and wont be for the test function
        self.distance = location_helpers.getDistanceFromPoints(
            self.roi, self.currentLoc)

        # overwrite old ROI with new
        self.roi = newroi

        # new Az from ROI to current position
        self.azimuth = location_helpers.calcAzimuthFromPoints(
            self.roi, self.currentLoc)

        # angle error of ROI Heading vs Azimuth
        headingError = roiHeading - self.azimuth
        headingError = location_helpers.wrapTo180(headingError)

        # used to determine if the copter in front of us or behind
        angleErrorTest = abs(headingError)

        # limit error
        if headingError > 90:
            headingError = 90
        elif headingError < -90:
            headingError = -90

        if self.distance < (self.radius - 1) and self.approachSpeed == 0:
            # we are inside the circle with a margin of error to prevent small jerks
            # -1 on z is used as a dataflag for no desired velocity
            currentVel = Vector3(0, 0, 0)

        elif angleErrorTest > 90 and self.approachSpeed == 0:
            # We are outside the circle
            # We are walking toward copter
            currentVel = Vector3(0, 0, 0)

            # Follow leash and manage crosstrack
            # bring in the Az to match the ROI heading
            crosstrack = headingError * crosstrackGain * UPDATE_TIME
            crosstrack = min(crosstrack, CROSSTRACK_MAX)

            # scale down the crosstracking with the distance (min 1m to avoid div/0)
            self.azimuth += crosstrack / max(self.distance - 1, 1)

            # for calculating velocity vector (unpack and then pack object to copy the values not the reference)
            oldPos = LocationGlobalRelative(self.currentLoc.lat,

            # get new location from Az and radius
            self.currentLoc = location_helpers.newLocationFromAzimuthAndDistance(
                self.roi, self.azimuth, self.radius)

            # calc velocity to new position
            currentVel = location_helpers.getVectorFromPoints(
                oldPos, self.currentLoc)

            # convert to speed
            currentVel = (currentVel * UPDATE_TIME) + approachVel + roiVel

        # Climb/descend in all cases, even if holding still translationally
        currentVel += climbVel

        # set altitude
        self.currentLoc.alt = self.roi.alt + self.zOffset

        # check altitude limit
        if self.maxAlt is not None:
            self.currentLoc.alt = min(self.currentLoc.alt, self.maxAlt)

        return self.currentLoc, currentVel