def findclearcell(inDir, currentDir, fileName): print "Opening", fileName file_path= os.path.join(currentDir, fileName) options = ImporterOptions() options.setId(file_path) options.setSplitChannels(True) imps = BF.openImagePlus(options) for imp in imps: if not imps: return IJ.selectWindow(fileName + " - C=2")"Close") IJ.selectWindow(fileName + " - C=1")"Close") IJ.selectWindow(fileName + " - C=0")"Close") IJ.selectWindow(fileName + " - C=3")"8-bit")"Options...", "iterations=1 count=1 black edm=8-bit") IJ.setThreshold(62, 255)"Convert to Mask", "method=Default backgorund=Dark black") Macro.setOptions("Stack position") for n in range(4,15): n+=1 IJ.setSlice(n), "Analyze Particles...", "size=7.2-9 circularity=0.7-0.95 display")
def createOutputData( jobs ): """ Reads out the meta data. """ failedImages = [] nJobs = len( jobs ) for n, j in enumerate( jobs ): print( "Job " + str(n+1) + "/" + str( nJobs ) ) # load every image metadata = [] nImages = len( j.sourceImages ) nChannels = -1 for m, img in enumerate( j.sourceImages ): print( "\tReading image " + str(m+1) + "/" + str( nImages ) ) imgPath = os.path.join( j.sourcePath, img ) options = ImporterOptions() options.setId( imgPath ) options.setSplitChannels( False ) options.setWindowless( True ) options.setVirtual( True ) imps = BF.openImagePlus( options ) if len(imps) == 0: failedImages.append( imgPath ) print("t\tCould not load image: " + imgPath) continue # get the meta data data = imps[0] if nChannels == -1: nChannels = data.getNChannels() imgInfo = Info(); info = imgInfo.getImageInfo( data, data.getChannelProcessor() ) metadata.append( imgPath ) metadata.append( info ) j.outputData = '\n\n>>> next source file >>>\n\n'.join( metadata ) j.numChannels = nChannels
def open_image(imgfile): options = ImporterOptions() options.setId(imgfile) options.setSplitChannels(False) options.setColorMode(ImporterOptions.COLOR_MODE_COMPOSITE) imps = BF.openImagePlus(options) splitimps = [ImagePlus("%s-C-%i" % (imps[0].getTitle(), i),imps[0].getStack().getProcessor(i)) for i in range(1,imps[0].getNChannels()+1)] for si in splitimps: si.setCalibration(imps[0].getCalibration().copy()) return imps[0], splitimps
def import_image(filename, color_mode='color', split_c=False, split_z=False, split_t=False): """Open an image file using the Bio-Formats importer. Parameters ---------- filename : str The full path to the file to be imported through Bio-Formats. color_mode : str, optional The color mode to be used for the resulting ImagePlus, one of 'color', 'composite', 'gray' and 'default'. split_c : bool, optional Whether to split the channels into separate ImagePlus objects. split_z : bool, optional Whether to split the z-slices into separate ImagePlus objects. split_t : bool, optional Whether to split the time points into separate ImagePlus objects. Returns ------- ij.ImagePlus[] A list of ImagePlus objects resulting from the import. """ options = ImporterOptions() mode = { 'color' : ImporterOptions.COLOR_MODE_COLORIZED, 'composite' : ImporterOptions.COLOR_MODE_COMPOSITE, 'gray' : ImporterOptions.COLOR_MODE_GRAYSCALE, 'default' : ImporterOptions.COLOR_MODE_DEFAULT, } options.setColorMode(mode[color_mode]) options.setSplitChannels(split_c) options.setSplitFocalPlanes(split_z) options.setSplitTimepoints(split_t) options.setId(filename)"Reading [%s]", filename) orig_imps = BF.openImagePlus(options) log.debug("Opened [%s] %s", filename, type(orig_imps)) return orig_imps
def saveMip(img, file_path): if mipPrefTIFF: FileSaver(img).saveAsTiff(file_path + ".tiff") if mipPrefJPG: FileSaver(img).saveAsJpeg(file_path + ".jpg") for root, dirs, files in os.walk(inDir): for file in files: if file.endswith(fileExt):'Starting image #%i (%s)', imageCount, str(file)) options = ImporterOptions() options.setAutoscale(True) options.setId(os.path.join(root, file)) options.setSplitChannels(True) imps = BF.openImagePlus(options) imageCount += 1 for imp in imps: reader = ImageReader() omeMeta = MetadataTools.createOMEXMLMetadata() reader.setMetadataStore(omeMeta) reader.setId(os.path.join(root, file)) filename = str(imp) channel_id = int(re.findall("C=(\d)", filename)[0]) channel_name = omeMeta.getChannelName(0, channel_id) out_name = filename.split('"')[1] out_name = out_name.split(fileExt)[0] + "_" + str(channel_name) out_name = out_name.replace(" ", "")
def main(): Interpreter.batchMode = True if (lambda_flat == 0) ^ (lambda_dark == 0): print ("ERROR: Both of lambda_flat and lambda_dark must be zero," " or both non-zero.") return lambda_estimate = "Automatic" if lambda_flat == 0 else "Manual" print "Loading images..." options = ImporterOptions() options.setId(str(filename)) options.setOpenAllSeries(True) options.setConcatenate(True) options.setSplitChannels(True) imps = BF.openImagePlus(options) num_channels = len(imps) w = imps[0].getWidth() h = imps[0].getHeight() ff_imp = IJ.createImage("Flat-field", w, h, num_channels, 32); df_imp = IJ.createImage("Dark-field", w, h, num_channels, 32); basic = Basic() Basic_noOfSlices = Basic.getDeclaredField('noOfSlices') Basic_noOfSlices.setAccessible(True) for channel, imp in enumerate(imps): title = imp.getTitle() print "Processing:", title x, y, c, z, t = imp.getDimensions() assert z == 1 and c == 1 imp.setDimensions(1, t, 1) WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(imp) Basic_noOfSlices.setInt(basic, t) basic.exec( imp, None, None, "Estimate shading profiles", "Estimate both flat-field and dark-field", lambda_estimate, lambda_flat, lambda_dark, "Ignore", "Compute shading only" ) ff_channel = WindowManager.getImage('Flat-field:' + title) ff_channel.copy() ff_imp.setSlice(channel + 1) ff_imp.paste() ff_channel.close() df_channel = WindowManager.getImage('Dark-field:' + title) df_channel.copy() df_imp.setSlice(channel + 1) df_imp.paste() df_channel.close() imp.close() # Setting the active slice back to 1 seems to fix an issue where # the last slice was empty in the saved TIFFs. Not sure why. ff_imp.setSlice(1) df_imp.setSlice(1) ff_filename = '%s/%s-ffp-basic.tif' % (output_dir, experiment_name) IJ.saveAsTiff(ff_imp, ff_filename) ff_imp.close() df_filename = '%s/%s-dfp-basic.tif' % (output_dir, experiment_name) IJ.saveAsTiff(df_imp, df_filename) df_imp.close() print "Done!"
def imageprojector(channels, timelist_unsorted, dirs): """ Projects .lif timepoints and saves in a common directory, as well as channel separated directories. """ # Defines in path path = str(Experiment) # BF Importer options = ImporterOptions() try: options.setId(path) except Exception(e): print str(e) options.setOpenAllSeries(True) options.setSplitTimepoints(True) options.setSplitChannels(True) imps = BF.openImagePlus(options) timelist = [x for item in timelist_unsorted for x in repeat(item, channels)] timelist, imps = zip(*sorted(zip(timelist, imps))) counter_C0 = -1 counter_C1 = -1 counter_C2 = -1 # Opens all images, splits channels, z-projects and saves to disk for imp in (imps): # Projection, Sum Intensity project = ZProjector() project.setMethod(ZProjector.SUM_METHOD) project.setImage(imp) project.doProjection() impout = project.getProjection() projection = impout.getTitle() try: # Saves channels to disk, # add more channels here if desired, # remember to define new counters. if "C=0" in projection: counter_C0 += 1 IJ.saveAs(impout, "TIFF", os.path.join(dirs["Projections"], "Scan" + str(counter_C0).zfill(3) + "C0")) IJ.saveAs(impout, "TIFF", os.path.join(dirs["Projections_C0"], "Scan" + str(counter_C0).zfill(3) + "C0")) elif "C=1" in projection: counter_C1 += 1 IJ.saveAs(impout, "TIFF", os.path.join(dirs["Projections"], "Scan" + str(counter_C1).zfill(3) + "C1")) IJ.saveAs(impout, "TIFF", os.path.join(dirs["Projections_C1"], "Scan" + str(counter_C1).zfill(3) + "C1")) elif "C=2" in projection: counter_C2 += 1 IJ.saveAs(impout, "TIFF", os.path.join(dirs["Projections"], "Scan" + str(counter_C2).zfill(3) + "C2")) IJ.saveAs(impout, "TIFF", os.path.join(dirs["Projections_C2"], "Scan" + str(counter_C2).zfill(3) + "C2")) except IOException: print "Directory does not exist" raise IJ.log("Images projected and saved to disk")