def __init__(self, user, log=None): self.safeid = user.safeid self.req = user.req if log is None: self.log = Logging(user.username) else: self.log = log
def __init__(self, user, useType, sellType, log = None): self.safeid = user.safeid self.req = user.req self.useType = useType self.sellType = sellType if log is None: self.log = Logging(user.username) else: self.log = log
def __init__(self, username, password, log=None): self.loginStatus = False self._safeid = None self.username = username self.password = password self.req = KfReq() if log is None: self.log = Logging(username) else: self.log = log
def __init__(self, bebop): Logging.__init__(self) self.running = True self._tick_rate = 0.1 self.thread = None self.bebop = bebop self._movement_vector = Vector()
def __init__(self): """ Loads the types to block and allow from env. variables. Initialization fails if there are types listed both as blocked and allowed at the same time. """ self.block_types = self.load_types("BLOCK_TYPES") self.allow_types = self.load_types("ALLOW_TYPES") if len(list(set(self.block_types) & set(self.allow_types))) > 0: Logging.log( "Some types of requests are listed as allowed and also as blocked - choose one!", Logging.LEVEL_ERROR) exit()
def set_song_info(file_name, user, path='.'): try: song = eyed3.load(path + '/downloads/' + file_name + '.mp3') song_artist, song_title = file_name.split(' - ') song.tag.artist = song_artist # song.tag.album = "Free For All Comp LP" if song.tag.album_artist is None: song.tag.album_artist = song_artist song.tag.title = song_title # song.tag.track_num = 3 Logging('Complete changing of description of song: "{0}"'.format(file_name), user.logfile) except Exception as err: Logging("[ERROR] (Can't change song description) " + str(err), user.logfile)
class UserTask(object): run = True def __init__(self, username, password, openBoxType=[True, True, True, True], smeltEquipType=[True, True, True, False], useItemType=[True, True, True, True, True, True], sellItemType=[True, True, True, True, True, True], buyExp=True, log=None): self.username = username self.password = password self.openBoxType = openBoxType self.smeltEquipType = smeltEquipType self.useItemType = useItemType self.sellItemType = sellItemType if log is None or len(logfilePath) == 0: self.log = Logging(self.username) else: self.log = log self.buyExp = buyExp self.statistic = {"username": self.username} def init(self): self.user = User(self.username, self.password) self.user.login() self.attacker = Attacker(self.user, log=self.log) = Box(self.user, self.openBoxType) self.equip = Equip(self.user, self.smeltEquipType) self.item = Item(self.user, self.useItemType, self.sellItemType) = Shop(self.user) self.growup = Growup(self.user) self.card = Card(self.user) def task(self): stage = self.attacker.autoAttack() self.statistic['stage'] = stage self.equip.autoSmelt() self.item.autoItemCommand() # if self.buyExp is True: # self.growup.growup() # self.card.getCard()'============= END USER TASK ================')
class Shop(object): __SHOP_PAGE = constants.DOMAIN + '/kf_fw_ig_shop.php' __SHOP_ITEM = {'101': '等级经验药丸', '102': '等级经验药丸(蛋)'} def __init__(self, user, log=None): self.safeid = user.safeid self.req = user.req if log is None: self.log = Logging(user.username) else: self.log = log def getCurMoney(self): res = self.req.get(self.__SHOP_PAGE) htmlTree = etree.HTML(res) kfbStr = (''.join( htmlTree.xpath( '//*[@id="alldiv"]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/a[2]/text()'))) return int('^(\d*)KFB', kfbStr).group(1)) def buy(self, id): payload = dict(buy=id, safeid=self.safeid) res =, data=payload) return res def autoBuy(self):'--开始自动购买经验--') kfb = self.getCurMoney()'当前KFB: ' + str(kfb)) while True: buyId = -1 used = 0 if kfb >= 10000: buyId = '102' used = 10000 elif kfb >= 5000: buyId = '101' used = 5000 else: break str(kfb) + '\t' + self.__SHOP_ITEM[buyId] + '\tUSED' + str(used) + '\t' + str(kfb - used)) kfb = kfb - used'--自动购买经验结束--')
def download_song(infofile_name, user, path='.'): # function to download song by filename (data file), user (session) and path (song will save in this place) Logging('Try to download song: "{0}". Getting url'.format( infofile_name), user.logfile) with open('./data/{0}/Normal_Songs/{1}.json'.format(user.user_id, infofile_name), 'r') as info: song = json.load(info) Logging('Start download: "{0}"'.format(infofile_name), user.logfile) r = requests.get(song["url"]) if not os.path.exists(path + '/downloads'): os.mkdir(path + '/downloads') if r.status_code == 200: with open(path + '/downloads/{0} - {1}.mp3'.format(song["artist"], song["title"]), 'wb') as song_mp3: song_mp3.write(r.content) Logging('Download complete successfull. Starting description changing', user.logfile) set_song_info(infofile_name, user, path)
def authorization(self): login = self.inputLogin.text() password = self.inputPassword.text() try: self.user = auth.auth(login, password, True) self.user.session_start() Logging('Load main GUI', self.user.logfile) self.mainroot = mainroot.Root(self.user) self.mainroot.get_all_songs() Logging('Main file loading complete', self.user.logfile) self.close() except Exception as err: self.errors.setText(str(err)) self.errors.setFont(QFont('Arial', 12)) self.errors.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(255, 0, 0)")
def __init__(self): super(DataCollectUI, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) # sqlite self.sqlite = SqlLiteManage() # 日志 self.logger = Logging() # 摄像头 self.capture = cv2.VideoCapture() # 定时器 self.timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.update_frame) # 当前人脸ID self.faceID = 0 # 是否进行人脸采集 self.isCollect = False self.isContinueCollect = False # 是否打开摄像头 self.isOpenCapture = False # 自定义参数 self.count = 0 # 人脸采集计数 self.MaxCount = 50 # 采集人脸数量 self.scale_factor = 1.1 # 数值越大计算越快,太快会丢失人脸 self.minNeighbors = 3 # 控制着误检测 # 预处理选择 self.isGaussianBlur = False # 高斯 self.isBlur = False # 均值 self.isMedianBlur = False # 中值 self.isEqualizeHist = False # 直方图均衡 # 级联分类器 self.face_detector = cv2.CascadeClassifier( "E:\Opencv\opencv-master\data\haarcascades\haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" ) # 人脸数量 self.max_face_count = 1
def download(self): counter = 0 counter_broak = 0 max_counter = len(self.to_download) self.progress.setMinimum(counter) self.progress.setMaximum(max_counter) for i in self.to_download: try: music.download_song(i, self.user, self.path) counter += 1 except OSError: Logging("Can't download song: {0}".format(i[:-5:]), self.user.logfile) counter_broak += 1 self.progress.setValue(counter) self.progress.reset() text_info = '''Complete downloading. Total: {0}. Successful: {1}. Broak: {2}'''.format( max_counter, counter, counter_broak) Logging(text_info, self.user.logfile)
def __init__(self, username, password, openBoxType=[True, True, True, True], smeltEquipType=[True, True, True, False], useItemType=[True, True, True, True, True, True], sellItemType=[True, True, True, True, True, True], buyExp=True, log=None): self.username = username self.password = password self.openBoxType = openBoxType self.smeltEquipType = smeltEquipType self.useItemType = useItemType self.sellItemType = sellItemType if log is None or len(logfilePath) == 0: self.log = Logging(self.username) else: self.log = log self.buyExp = buyExp self.statistic = {"username": self.username}
def get_songs_info(user): ''' This function get all info about user music It put its into JSON-files (data files) If song has bad-decoding name or author (not-unicode), its put it in folder "Bad_Songs" with song ID as name Else its put it in folder "Normal_Songs" (Name = 'Author' - 'Title') ''' if not os.path.exists('./data/{0}'.format(user.user_id)): os.makedirs('./data/{0}'.format(user.user_id)) with open('./data/{0}/vk_audio_list.txt'.format(user.user_id), 'w') as f: bad_songs = 0 Logging('Looking for a user songs. It may take time if you have a lot of music', user.logfile) songs = Logging('Find {0} songs. Trying get info about it'.format( len(songs)), user.logfile) counter = 0 for i in songs: counter += 1 try: f.write(i["artist"] + ' - ' + i["title"] + '\n') if not os.path.exists('./data/{0}/Normal_Songs'.format(user.user_id)): os.makedirs('./data/{0}/Normal_Songs'.format(user.user_id)) normal_song = make_name_normal( str(i['artist'] + ' - ' + i['title'])) with open('./data/{0}/Normal_Songs/'.format(user.user_id) + normal_song + '.json', 'w') as good_file: json.dump(i, good_file, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) Logging('Get info about {0}/{1} songs. Current song: "{2} - {3}"'.format( counter, len(songs), i["artist"], i["title"]), user.logfile) except UnicodeEncodeError: bad_songs += 1 if not os.path.exists('./data/{0}/Broken_Songs'.format(user.user_id)): os.makedirs('./data/{0}/Broken_Songs'.format(user.user_id)) with open('./data/{0}/Broken_Songs/'.format(user.user_id) + str(i['id']) + '.json', 'w') as bad_file: json.dump(i, bad_file, indent=2, ensure_ascii=True) Logging('[WARNING]Get info about {0}/{1} songs. Bad decoding name error'.format( counter, len(songs)), user.logfile) if bad_songs: f.write("\nCan't write songs(bad name decoding): " + str(bad_songs)) Logging('Songs info received', user.logfile)
class EmailUI(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_Form): def __init__(self): super(EmailUI, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.logger = Logging() self.read_email_conf() # 保存邮箱配置 def save_email_conf(self): receiver_email = self.lineEdit.text() sender = self.lineEdit_2.text() receiver = self.lineEdit_3.text() if not (receiver_email and sender and receiver): QMessageBox.warning(self, '警告', '有字段为空') self.logger.log_error('email info save filed') return conf = { 'receiver_email': receiver_email, 'sender': sender, 'receiver': receiver } with open('email_conf/conf.yaml', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str(conf)) QMessageBox.about(self, 'info', '保存成功') self.logger.log_info('email info save success') # 读取邮箱配置 def read_email_conf(self): if os.path.exists('email_conf/conf.yaml'): with open('email_conf/conf.yaml', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: conf = eval( if conf: self.lineEdit.setText(conf['receiver_email']) self.lineEdit_2.setText(conf['sender']) self.lineEdit_3.setText(conf['receiver']) else: return else: return
def create_app(config): """AUTH app factory method.""" app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(config) app.config.from_envvar("CONFIG_ENV", silent=True) db = SQLAlchemy(app) Session(app) Autodoc(app) handler = RotatingFileHandler(app.config.get('FLASK_LOG_PATH', "{0}/{1}". \ format(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "authapp.log")), maxBytes=1024 * 1024 * 10, backupCount=13) app.config.setdefault('LOG_NAME', 'authapp') Logging(app, handler) return app, AppBuilder(app, db.session, security_manager_class=security_manager.SecurityManager, \ update_perms=app.config['AUTO_UPDATE_PERM'], indexview=security_manager.IndexView)
def session_start(self): self.session = vk_api.VkApi(login=self.login, password=self.password, auth_handler=two_factor_auth_handler, captcha_handler=captcha_handler, config_filename='vk_config.json') clear_last_log() self.set_logfile_name() Logging("Trying to start session", self.logfile) self.session.auth() Logging("Session started", self.logfile) Logging("Getting music api", self.logfile) self.api = self.session.get_api() = audio.VkAudio(self.session) Logging("Complete successfully", self.logfile) self.get_id() with open('user.json', 'w') as f: user_data = { 'login': self.login, 'password': tools.encode(self.password) } json.dump(user_data, f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) return (self)
class Mail: def __init__(self): self.mail_host = '' self.mail_pass = '' # 授权码 self.sender = '' # 发送人 self.receiver, self.sender_name, self.receiver_name = self.read_conf() self.logger = Logging() # 读取配置 def read_conf(self): with open('E:/Opencv/FaceRecognition_demo/email_conf/conf.yaml', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: conf = eval( return [conf['receiver_email']], conf['sender'], conf['receiver'] # 发邮件 def send(self, text): # 邮件内容 content = text message = MIMEText(content, 'plain', 'utf-8') # 寄件人和收件人 message['From'] = Header(self.sender_name, 'utf-8') message['To'] = Header(self.receiver_name, 'utf-8') subject = 'python_test' # 发送的主题,可自由填写 message['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8') try: smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(self.mail_host, 465) smtpObj.login(self.sender, self.mail_pass) smtpObj.sendmail(self.sender, self.receiver, message.as_string()) smtpObj.quit() self.logger.log_info('send mail success') except smtplib.SMTPException as e: self.logger.log_error('send mail failed')
class Growup(object): __GROWUP_PAGE = constants.DOMAIN + '/kf_growup.php' def __init__(self, user, log=None): self.user = user self.req = user.req if log is None: self.log = Logging(user.username) else: self.log = log def growup(self): self.user.reloadSafeid() self.safeid = self.user.safeid'--开始领取登录奖励--') growupUrl = self.__GROWUP_PAGE + '?ok=3&safeid=' + self.safeid res = self.req.get(growupUrl)'--领取登录奖励结束--')
import yaml from key_generator import KeyGenerating from log import Logging HOME_KEY_DIR = "/home/yauheni/PyCharmProjects/student/security/RSA/key_capacity" logger = Logging(name=__name__).get_logger() class RSA: def __init__(self): self.q = None self.p = None self.n = None self.e = None self.public_exponent = None self.private_exponent = None self.key_gen = KeyGenerating() @staticmethod def euclid_checker(number_1: int, number_2: int) -> int: while number_1 != 0: number_1, number_2 = number_2 % number_1, number_1 return number_2 @staticmethod def save_key(key: list, file_name: str) -> None: with open('{}/{}'.format(HOME_KEY_DIR, file_name), 'w') as file: yaml.dump({'key': key}, file, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False)
["ec.txt", "0", "gwy"], hierarchy="sub", subfolder_name="_data", ): l.log_p(10, ">>> No data files were not moved.") if not multiple_move( proc_dir, src_dir, ["png"], hierarchy="sub", subfolder_name="_png"): l.log_p(10, ">>> No images files were not moved.") if not multiple_move(proc_dir, src_dir, ["html"], hierarchy="parent"): l.log_p(10, ">>> No HTML report was moved.") elif prep.check_network_file(src_dir[0]): l.log_p(9, ">>> Move data and remove temporary folder") multiple_move(proc_dir, src_dir, ["png", "0", "ec.txt", "html"]) l.log_p(0, ">>> DONE <<<") if __name__ == "__main__": temp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="python_", suffix="_temp") l = Logging() try: src, fs, labj = prompt() pdir, proc = prepare(src, fs, temp) main(src, pdir, proc, labj) cleanup(src, pdir) l.save_log(src, config.log_f_name) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp)
from log import Logging import ConfigParser import importlib from os import walk import printer import re import utilities log = Logging() uf = utilities.Utilities() class Controller(object): def __init__(self): self.reloadClasses = False self.Printer = printer.Printer() #Controller has a Printer def start(self): log.header( " _____ _ ____ _ ___ ___ ___ ", False) log.header( "| __ \ | | |___ \ | | / _ \ |__ \ / _ \ ", False) log.header( "| |__) |___| |_ _ __ __) | __| | __ __| | | | ) | | | | |", False) log.header( "| _ // _ \ __| '__|__ < / _` | \ \ / /| | | | / / | | | |", False) log.header( "| | \ \ __/ |_| | ___) | (_| | \ V / | |_| |_ / /_ _| |_| |",
from cloudprovider import CloudProvider import cloudfiles import cloudfiles.errors from log import Logging _log = Logging().log class Swift(CloudProvider): def __init__(self, username=None, api_key=None, timeout=5, servicenet=False, useragent='com.whmcr.cloudsync', auth_url=cloudfiles.uk_authurl): """ Accepts keyword args for Swift Username and API Key @type username: str @param username: Swift Username @type api_key: str @param api_key: Swift API Key @type servicenet: bool @param servicenet: Use Service net - Rackspace Cloud files specific @type user_agent: str @param user_agent: A user agent string used for all requests @type timeout: int @param timeout: Timeout value in seconds for a request """ self.connection_pool = None self.username = username
class User: __LOGIN_PAGE = constants.DOMAIN + '/login.php' __INDEX_PAGE = constants.DOMAIN + '/' __SAFEID_PAGE = constants.DOMAIN + '/kf_fw_ig_index.php' __SM_PAGE = constants.DOMAIN + '/kf_growup.php' def __init__(self, username, password, log=None): self.loginStatus = False self._safeid = None self.username = username self.password = password self.req = KfReq() if log is None: self.log = Logging(username) else: self.log = log def login(self):'--开始登录--')'username:'******'password:'******'GBK'), pwpwd=self.password, submit='登录'.encode('GBK')) res =, data=payload) self._safeid = None if '您已经顺利登' in res:'登录成功')'Cookies: ')'') self.loginStatus = True return True else:'登录失败') self.loginStatus = False return False def getSafeid(self):'--开始获取safeid--') res = self.req.get(self.__SAFEID_PAGE) htmlTree = etree.HTML(res) jsCode = htmlTree.xpath( '//*[@id="alldiv"]/div[3]/div[2]/script[2]/text()')[0] _safeid ="\"safeid=(.*)\"", jsCode).group(1)'成功获取safeid: ' + _safeid) return _safeid def reloadSafeid(self): self._safeid = self.getSafeid() def getSM(self):'--开始获取神秘系数--') res = self.req.get(self.__SM_PAGE) htmlTree = etree.HTML(res) sm = ''.join( htmlTree.xpath( '//*[@id="alldiv"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/text()')) sm ='.*神秘系数\s(\d*).*', sm).group(1)'--成功获取神秘系数:' + sm + '--') return int(sm) @property def safeid(self, force=False): if self.loginStatus: if self._safeid == None or force: self._safeid = self.getSafeid() return self._safeid else: self.log.error('未登录账号')
class Box(object): __BOX_PAGE = constants.DOMAIN + '/kf_fw_ig_mybp.php' __BOX_OPEN_PAGE = constants.DOMAIN + '/kf_fw_ig_mybpdt.php' def __init__(self, user, boxType, log=None): self.safeid = user.safeid self.req = user.req self.boxType = boxType if log is None: self.log = Logging(user.username) else: self.log = log def getBoxQuantity(self): res = self.req.get(self.__BOX_PAGE) htmlTree = etree.HTML(res) print() return [ int(''.join(htmlTree.xpath('//*[@id="alldiv"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[3]/table/tr[2]/td[1]/span[2]/text()'))), int(''.join(htmlTree.xpath('//*[@id="alldiv"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[3]/table/tr[2]/td[2]/span[2]/text()'))), int(''.join(htmlTree.xpath('//*[@id="alldiv"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[3]/table/tr[2]/td[3]/span[2]/text()'))), int(''.join(htmlTree.xpath('//*[@id="alldiv"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[3]/table/tr[2]/td[4]/span[2]/text()'))) ] def openSingleBox(self, openBoxType): payload = dict( do=3, id=openBoxType, safeid=self.safeid ) openRes =, data=payload) return openRes def openBox(self): boxQuantity = self.getBoxQuantity() for i in range(0, 4): if self.boxType[i]: for n in range(0, boxQuantity[i]): openRes = self.openSingleBox(i+1)':\t'+openRes) time.sleep(1) def autoOpenBox(self):'--开始自动开盒--')'获取盒子数:') boxQuantity = self.getBoxQuantity()' '.join(map(str, boxQuantity)))'开始打开盒子') self.openBox()'--自动开盒结束--')
from log import Logging from tools import GlobalMap as Gl from manager.communication import Image from manager.communication import Container from manager.communication import System from etc.sys_set import WEB_RESPONSE_HOST, WEB_RESPONSE_PORT app = Flask(__name__) # 镜像操作实例 _image = Image() # 容器操作实例 _container = Container() # 系统信息获取实例 _system = System() # 日志操作实例 _logger = Logging('web_flask') _logger.set_file('web_flask.txt') @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return 'Hello World!' def get_node_num(cluster_id): """ 获取指定集群的节点个数 :param cluster_id: 集群IP :return: 集群个数(int) """ return Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_ALL_INFO_VAR',
class SHA1: def __init__(self): self.logging = Logging() def calcNodeID_Sha1(self, text): self.logging.setSection('discovery') self.logging.msg(LogMsg.RETURNING_SHA1_HASH) return hashlib.sha1(text).hexdigest() def calcDist(self, node_id_1, node_id_2): self.logging.msg(LogMsg.RETURNING_PEER_DISTANCE) return long(node_id_1.hexdigest(), 16) ^ long(node_id_2.hexdigest(), 16) def readTor(self, torrent_location): read_file = None try: read_file = open(torrent_location, 'r').read() self.logging.msg(LogMsg.OPENING_TORRENT_FILE) except IOError as e: self.logging.msg(LogMsg.ERROR_TORRENT_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST + str(e)) return read_file def getMetaD(self, torrent): self.logging.msg(LogMsg.CREATING_META_DATA_FROM_TORRENT) return bencode.bdecode(torrent) def createIHFrom(self, meta_data): hash_contents = bencode.bencode(meta_data['info']) self.logging.msg(LogMsg.CREATING_INFO_HASH_FROM_META_DATA) return self.calcNodeID_Sha1(hash_contents) def createMLFrom(self, info_hash): self.logging.setSection('calculation') self.logging.msg(LogMsg.CREATING_MAGNET_LINK_FROM_INFO_HASH) return 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' + info_hash def createServer(self): self.logging.msg(LogMsg.CREATING_KADEMLIA_SERVER) kademlia_server = return kademlia_server
def __init__(self): self.logging = Logging()
def an_packet(self): _ip = self.__get_netcard() _mysql_packet_op = mysql_packet(**dict({'_type':self._type},**{'_ip':_ip})) session_status = {} while 1: if not self.queue.empty(): buf,_cur_time = self.queue.get() eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf) if not isinstance(, dpkt.ip.IP): Logging(msg='Non IP Packet type not supported %s\n' %,level='error') continue ip = tcp = dpkt.tcp.TCP(str( if (tcp.dport == self.kwargs['port'] or == self.kwargs['port']) and len( > 0 \ and 'interface' not in and 'tbl_sessions' not in if len( > 5: session, packet_response, client_packet_text, packet_header, packet_seq_id,response_type,response_status=_mysql_packet_op.Unpacking(,srchost=self.inet_to_str(ip.src),,dsthost=self.inet_to_str(ip.dst),dstport=tcp.dport) else: continue if client_packet_text: session_status[session] = {'start_time':_cur_time,'request_text':client_packet_text, 'request_header':packet_header,'seq_id':packet_seq_id,'response_type':response_type} if packet_header == 0x16: session_status[session]['com_pre'] = True elif packet_header == 0x17 and 'com_pre' in session_status[session]: del session_status[session]['com_pre'] elif packet_response: if session in session_status and packet_response in session_status[session]['response_type']: if packet_seq_id - 1 == session_status[session]['seq_id'] and 'com_pre' not in session_status[session]: session_status[session]['end_time'] = _cur_time session_status[session]['status'] = self.check_packet_type(packet_response) session_status[session]['response_status'] = response_status del_session = [] for session in session_status: if 'status' in session_status[session]: execute_time = float('%.5f' % (session_status[session]['end_time'] - session_status[session]['start_time'])) if session_status[session]['request_header'] == 0x03: sql, values = self.sql_parser(session_status[session]['request_text']) else: sql, values = session_status[session]['request_text'],None _session = eval(session) Logging(msg= 'source_host: {} source_port: {} destination_host: {} destination_port: {} sql: {} values: {} ' 'execute_time:{} status:{}'.format(_session[0], _session[1], _session[2],_session[3], sql, values, execute_time, session_status[session]['response_status']),level='info') del_session.append(session) for session in del_session: del session_status[session] else: time.sleep(0.01)
class Attacker(object): __LOOT_PAGE = constants.DOMAIN + '/kf_fw_ig_index.php' __ATTACK_PAGE = constants.DOMAIN + '/kf_fw_ig_intel.php' def __init__(self, user, log=None): self.safeid = user.safeid self.req = user.req if log is None: self.log = Logging(user.username) else: self.log = log self.attackTime = None def checkOnlineBattleIsOver(self, htmlTree=None): if htmlTree is None: res = self.req.get(self.__LOOT_PAGE) htmlTree = etree.HTML(res) pk_log = ''.join(htmlTree.xpath('//*[@id="pk_text"]/li/text()')) attacked = (pk_log == '今日战斗已完成,请重置后再战。') return attacked def checkOffLineBattleIsOver(self): if self.attackTime is None: return None attacked = ( - == 0 return attacked def checkAttacked(self): offLineBattleIsOver = self.checkOffLineBattleIsOver()'检查线下争夺记录: ' + str(offLineBattleIsOver)) if offLineBattleIsOver is None: onLineBattleIsOver = self.checkOnlineBattleIsOver()'检查线上争夺记录: ' + str(onLineBattleIsOver)) return onLineBattleIsOver else: return offLineBattleIsOver def getServerStatus(self, htmlTree): status = ''.join( htmlTree.xpath( '//*[@id="alldiv"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[3]/table/tr[1]/td/span/text()' )) return status[-2:] def attack(self): res =, data=dict(safeid=self.safeid)) return res def attackToEnd(self): stage = '0' while True:'查询服务器状态') lootPage = self.req.get(self.__LOOT_PAGE) lootPageTree = etree.HTML(lootPage) serverStatus = self.getServerStatus(lootPageTree) if serverStatus in ['空闲', '正常']:'开始争夺') attackRes = self.attack() if attackRes == 'no': break m = re.finditer(r'<li((?!</li>).)*</li>', attackRes) for s in m: tmp = ''.join(etree.HTML('//text()')) if'.*\s(\d*)\s层.*', tmp) != None: stage ='.*\s(\d*)\s层.*', tmp).group(1) time.sleep(1) else:'等待服务器状态变化...') time.sleep(60 * 5) return stage def autoAttack(self):'--开始自动争夺--')'检查是否已争夺') attacked = self.checkAttacked() stage = '0' if attacked:'今日已进行争夺') else: stage = self.attackToEnd()'--自动争夺结束--') self.attackTime = return stage
import sys sys.path.insert(0, "./libs") sys.path.insert(1, "./libs/gui") import login from log import Logging from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtRemoveInputHook from logging import getLogger getLogger().setLevel('ERROR') pyqtRemoveInputHook() try: app = QApplication(sys.argv) ui = login.Log_root() sys.exit(app.exec_()) except KeyboardInterrupt: Logging("Stop programm by yourself", user.logfile) raise SystemExit except Exception as err: Logging('[ERROR]' + str(err), user.logfile) raise SystemExit
class Card(object): __CARD_PAGE = constants.DOMAIN + '/kf_fw_ig_mycard.php' def __init__(self, user, log=None): self.safeid = user.safeid self.req = user.req self.user = user if log is None: self.log = Logging(user.username) else: self.log = log def getNowCard(self):'--开始获取现有卡片信息--') res = self.req.get(self.__CARD_PAGE) cardHtml = etree.HTML(res) cardTable = cardHtml.xpath( '//*[@id="alldiv"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/table/tr') cardList = [] for card in cardTable: level = ''.join(card.xpath('td[1]/div/text()')) if len(level) == 0: continue level =".*等级上限\s(\d*).*", level).group(1) temp = ''.join(card.xpath('td[2]/text()')) skill ='.*技能位:(\d*).*卡片品质:(\d*)', temp).group(1) quality ='.*技能位:(\d*).*卡片品质:(\d*)', temp).group(2) cardId = ''.join(card.xpath('td[1]/div/a/@href')) cardId ='.*cardid=(.*)&.*', cardId).group(1) cardList.append({ "level": int(level), "skill": int(skill), "quality": int(quality), "cardid": cardId })'--获取现有卡片信息结束--') return cardList def deleteCard(self, cardId): deleteUrl = self.__CARD_PAGE + '?card=del&safeid=' + self.safeid + '&cardid=' + cardId res = self.req.get(deleteUrl) def getCard(self):'--开始领取卡片--') cardList = self.getNowCard() sm = self.user.getSM() if len(cardList) == 3: minCardId = None minCardVal = sys.maxsize hopeLevel = sm * 2 + 30 hopeSkill = 4 hopeQuality = 8 for card in cardList: val = int( (card['level'] / hopeLevel + card['skill'] / hopeLevel + card['quality'] / hopeQuality) * 1000) if val < minCardVal: minCardVal = val minCardId = card['cardid'] self.deleteCard(minCardId) growupUrl = self.__CARD_PAGE + '?card=new&safeid=' + self.safeid res = self.req.get(growupUrl)'--领取卡片结束--')
def main(): data_config_file = 'data_config.json' email_config_file = 'email_config.json' stored_posts_file = 'stored_posts.json' log_file ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') + '.log' global Log Log = Logging(log_file) data_config = LoadJson(data_config_file) email_config = LoadJson(email_config_file) if int(data_config['logging_enabled']): Log.start() cl_listings = [] if not IsEmpty(stored_posts_file): sp = LoadJson(stored_posts_file) [cl_listings.append(CL_Post(stored_post)) for stored_post in sp] Log.log('Imported ' + str(len(cl_listings)) + ' saved posts') socket.setdefaulttimeout(10) threads_required = 0 for _ in data_config['locations']: for __ in data_config['categories']: threads_required += 1 threads = [None] * threads_required results = [None] * threads_required index = 0 for location in data_config['locations']: for category in data_config['categories']: threads[index] = Thread(target=PullFeeds, args=(location, category, results, index)) threads[index].start() index += 1 [threads[i].join() for i in range(threads_required)] [ParseFeed(feed, data_config, cl_listings) for feed in results] if len(cl_listings) > 0: if CheckNotityInterval(data_config['notification_intervals']): email = CL_Email(email_config) email.write(cl_listings) email.send() Log.log('Email sent to ' + str(email.recipient)) if not IsEmpty(stored_posts_file): MakeEmpty(stored_posts_file) Log.log('Emptied contents of ' + str(stored_posts_file)) else: Log.log('Storing posts to ' + str(stored_posts_file)) WriteJson(stored_posts_file, cl_listings) Log.log('Successful write to ' + str(stored_posts_file)) else: Log.log('No new posts detected') data_config['notification_intervals'] = UpdateIntervals(data_config['notification_intervals']) WriteJson(data_config_file, data_config) Log.log('Updated contents of ' + str(data_config_file))