def migrate_vm(): vm_id = request.args[0] vm_details = get_migrate_vm_details(vm_id) if len(request.args) > 1: params={} if request.args[1] == 'migrate_vm_hosts': params['destination_host'] = request.vars['selected_host'] params['live_migration'] = request.vars['live_migration'] add_vm_task_to_queue(vm_id, VM_TASK_MIGRATE_HOST, params) elif request.args[1] == 'migrate_vm_datastores': params['destination_ds'] = request.vars['selected_datastore'] params['live_migration'] = request.vars['live_migration'] add_vm_task_to_queue(vm_id, VM_TASK_MIGRATE_DS, params) session.flash = 'Your task has been queued. Please check your task list for status.' redirect(URL(c = 'admin', f = 'hosts_vms')) logger.debug("vm_details[affinity flag] : " + str(vm_details['affinity_flag'])) if vm_details['affinity_flag'] != 0: host_details = get_host_details(vm_details['vm_name']) logger.debug("available_hosts : " + str(host_details['available_hosts'])) vm_details['available_hosts'] = host_details['available_hosts'] return dict(vm_details=vm_details)
def paste_remote_file(machine_ip, user_name, remotepath, localpath, password=None, ret_list=False): """ Executes command on remote machine using paramiko SSHClient """ #logger.debug("executing remote command %s on %s with %s:" %(command, machine_ip, user_name)) if machine_ip == 'localhost': logger.debug("TODO") else: #logger.debug("executing remote command %s on %s with %s:" %(command, machine_ip, user_name)) try: sftp = None ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(machine_ip, username=user_name, password=password) #logger.debug("Connected to host %s " % machine_ip) sftp = ssh.open_sftp() if not os.path.exists(localpath): raise paramiko.SSHException('filepath: ' + localpath + 'not found') sftp.put(localpath, remotepath) except paramiko.SSHException as e: #log_exception() print(e) finally: if sftp: sftp.close() if ssh: ssh.close()
def vm_utilization_rrd(host_ip,m_type=None): """ Handles periodic collection of VM and Host utilization data and updation of respective RRD file.""""ENTERING RRD UPDATION/CREATION........on host: %s" % host_ip) try: rrd_logger.debug("Starting RRD Processing for Host: %s" % host_ip) rrd_logger.debug(host_ip) if is_pingable(host_ip): if m_type is None: update_rrd(host_ip) else: update_rrd(host_ip,m_type) else: rrd_logger.error("UNABLE TO UPDATE RRDs for host : %s" % host_ip) except Exception as e: rrd_logger.debug("ERROR OCCURED: %s" % e) finally: rrd_logger.debug("Completing RRD Processing for Host: %s" % host_ip) logger.debug("EXITING RRD UPDATION/CREATION........on host: %s" % host_ip)
def get_host_hdd(host_ip): command = "fdisk -l | egrep 'Disk.*bytes' | awk '{ sub(/,/,\"\"); sum +=$3;} END {print sum}'" ret = execute_remote_cmd(host_ip, 'root',command)#Returns e.g. 500.1 kB logger.debug("Host HDD is %s" %ret) hdd_in_gb = int(math.ceil(float(ret))) return hdd_in_gb
def migrate_vm(): vm_id = request.args[0] vm_details = get_migrate_vm_details(vm_id) if len(request.args) > 1: params = {} if request.args[1] == 'migrate_vm_hosts': params['destination_host'] = request.vars['selected_host'] params['live_migration'] = request.vars['live_migration'] add_vm_task_to_queue(vm_id, VM_TASK_MIGRATE_HOST, params) elif request.args[1] == 'migrate_vm_datastores': params['destination_ds'] = request.vars['selected_datastore'] params['live_migration'] = request.vars['live_migration'] add_vm_task_to_queue(vm_id, VM_TASK_MIGRATE_DS, params) session.flash = 'Your task has been queued. Please check your task list for status.' redirect(URL(c='admin', f='hosts_vms')) logger.debug("vm_details[affinity flag] : " + str(vm_details['affinity_flag'])) if vm_details['affinity_flag'] != 0: host_details = get_host_details(vm_details['vm_name']) logger.debug("available_hosts : " + str(host_details['available_hosts'])) vm_details['available_hosts'] = host_details['available_hosts'] return dict(vm_details=vm_details)
def vm_utilization_rrd(host_ip, m_type=None): """ Handles periodic collection of VM and Host utilization data and updates of respective RRD file. """"ENTERING RRD UPDATION/CREATION........on host: %s" % host_ip) try: rrd_logger.debug("Starting RRD Processing for Host: %s" % host_ip) rrd_logger.debug(host_ip) if is_pingable(host_ip): update_rrd(host_ip, m_type) else: rrd_logger.error("UNABLE TO UPDATE RRDs for host : %s" % host_ip) except Exception as e: rrd_logger.debug("ERROR OCCURED: %s" % e) finally: rrd_logger.debug("Completing RRD Processing for Host: %s" % host_ip) logger.debug("EXITING RRD UPDATION/CREATION........on host: %s" % host_ip)
def find_host_and_guest_list(): """ Returns host list in descending order of available memory and guest list. """ logger.debug("Entering into find_host_and_guest_list") host_usage = {} host_ram_usage_map = {} hosts = current.db( > 0 and == HOST_STATUS_UP).select( for host in hosts: logger.debug("host_private_ip is " + str(host.host_ip.private_ip)) host_usage = get_host_resources_usage(host.host_ip.private_ip) memhog_usage = get_memhog_usage(host.host_ip.private_ip) logger.debug("memhog_usage and host_usage are:" + str(memhog_usage) + "::" + str(host_usage)) host_ram_usage_map[host] = (( (host['RAM'] * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) - host_usage['ram']) + memhog_usage) sorted_host_list = sorted(host_ram_usage_map.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) guest_list = current.db( > 0).select( current.db.vm_data.ALL) logger.debug("Guest_list is :" + str(guest_list)) logger.debug("sorted list is :" + str(sorted_host_list)) return (map(itemgetter(0), sorted_host_list), guest_list)
def execute_remote_cmd(machine_ip, user_name, command, password = None, ret_list = False): """ Executes command on remote machine using paramiko SSHClient """ logger.debug("executing remote command %s on %s with %s:" %(command, machine_ip, user_name)) output = None if machine_ip == 'localhost': output=os.popen(command).readline() #logger.debug(output) else: #logger.debug("executing remote command %s on %s with %s:" %(command, machine_ip, user_name)) try: ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(machine_ip, username = user_name, password = password) #logger.debug("Connected to host %s " % machine_ip) stdin,stdout,stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) # @UnusedVariable output = stdout.readlines() if ret_list else "".join(stdout.readlines()) error = "".join(stderr.readlines()) if ( != 0: raise Exception("Exception while executing remote command %s on %s: %s" %(command, machine_ip, error)) except paramiko.SSHException: #log_exception() raise finally: if ssh: ssh.close() return output
def configure_host_by_mac(mac_addr): avl_private_ip = None ip_info = db.private_ip_pool(mac_addr=mac_addr) if ip_info: avl_private_ip = ip_info.private_ip else: avl_ip = db(( & (db.private_ip_pool.vlan == HOST_VLAN_ID)).select(db.private_ip_pool.private_ip) if avl_ip.first(): ip_info = avl_ip.first() avl_private_ip = ip_info['private_ip'] if avl_private_ip: logger.debug('Available IP for mac address %s is %s'%(mac_addr, avl_private_ip)) host_name = 'host'+str(avl_private_ip.split('.')[3]) create_dhcp_entry(host_name, mac_addr, avl_private_ip)[0] = dict(host_ip=ip_info['id'], host_name=host_name, mac_addr=mac_addr, status=HOST_STATUS_DOWN) return 'Host configured. Proceed for PXE boot.' else: logger.error('Available Private IPs for host are exhausted.') return 'Available Private IPs for host are exhausted.'
def execute_remote_bulk_cmd(machine_ip, user_name, command, password=None): logger.debug("executing remote command %s on %s:" %(command, machine_ip)) output = None try: ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(machine_ip, username=user_name) channel = ssh.invoke_shell() stdin = channel.makefile('wb') stdout = channel.makefile('rb') stdin.write(command) if ( != 0: raise Exception("Exception while executing remote command %s on %s" %(command, machine_ip)) output = stdout.close() stdin.close() except paramiko.SSHException: log_exception() finally: if ssh: ssh.close() return output
def execute_remote_cmd(machine_ip, user_name, command, password=None, ret_list=False): logger.debug("executing remote command %s on %s with %s:" % (command, machine_ip, user_name)) output = None try: ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(machine_ip, username=user_name, password=password) logger.debug("Connected to host %s " % machine_ip) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) # @UnusedVariable output = stdout.readlines() if ret_list else "".join( stdout.readlines()) #logger.debug("Output : %s " % output) error = "".join(stderr.readlines()) if ( != 0: raise Exception( "Exception while executing remote command %s on %s: %s" % (command, machine_ip, error)) except paramiko.SSHException: log_exception() raise finally: if ssh: ssh.close() return output
def update_host_status(host_id, status): host_data =[host_id] host_ip = host_data.host_ip.private_ip logger.debug(host_ip) host_info=host_data.host_type logger.debug(host_info) if status == HOST_STATUS_UP: if is_host_available(host_ip): if host_data.CPUs == 0: cpu_num = get_host_cpu(host_ip) ram_gb = get_host_ram(host_ip) hdd_gb = get_host_hdd(host_ip) host_data.update_record(CPUs=cpu_num, RAM=ram_gb, HDD=hdd_gb) else: host_power_up(host_data) host_data.update_record(status = HOST_STATUS_UP) elif status == HOST_STATUS_MAINTENANCE: migrate_all_vms_from_host(host_ip) host_data.update_record(status=HOST_STATUS_MAINTENANCE) elif status == HOST_STATUS_DOWN: host_power_down(host_data) host_data.update_record(status = HOST_STATUS_DOWN ) return True
def save_template(self,message,author,changes,tag,repository): #docker commit will used. Data in volumes will not be saved.Only changes in applications will be reflected. logger.debug(repository); if (not repository) : repository =['ImageName']; response = Container.client.commit(,tag=tag,message=message,author = author ,changes = changes , repository = repository); return response;
def revert_and_resume(vm_id, vm_identity): try: sys_snapshot = current.db.snapshot(vm_id=vm_id, type=SNAPSHOT_SYSTEM) if sys_snapshot: revert({'vm_id': vm_id, 'snapshot_id':}) logger.debug('Snapshot of %s reverted from %s successfully' % (vm_identity, sys_snapshot.snapshot_name)) delete_snapshot({'vm_id': vm_id, 'snapshot_id':}) logger.debug('Snapshot %s deleted successfully' % (sys_snapshot.snapshot_name)) event_data = current.db.vm_event_log(vm_id=vm_id, new_value='System Shutdown') # event_data = current.db((current.db.vm_event_log.vm_id == vm_id) & (current.db.vm_event_log.new_value == 'System Shutdown')).select(current.db.vm_event_log.ALL) print event_data if event_data: start({'vm_id': vm_id}) if int(event_data.old_value) == current.VM_STATUS_SUSPENDED: suspend({'vm_id': vm_id}) del current.db.vm_event_log[] current.db.commit() except: log_exception() pass
def addipbyconf(self, updatetc=False): ipaddress =['IPAddress'] name =['Name'] domainname = proxieddomain(name) nginx_server = get_nginx_server_address() fulladdress ='ConnectionPath') if (not fulladdress): return logger.debug(fulladdress) filepath = "/etc/nginx/conf.d/" +['Name'] + ".conf" reverser = manageproxy('') reverser.add(reverser.render({ 'x': domainname, 'y': fulladdress })) print(reverser.filedit) reverser.filedit = reverser.filedit.replace('$', '\$') cmd = 'echo -e "' + reverser.filedit + '" > ' + filepath out2 = remote_machine.execute_remote_cmd(nginx_server[0], nginx_server[1], cmd, nginx_server[2]) print("Output : " + out2) cmd = '/etc/init.d/nginx reload' output = remote_machine.execute_remote_cmd(nginx_server[0], nginx_server[1], cmd, nginx_server[2]) print(output)
def check_affinity(vm_details,host): try: logger.debug("Entering into check_affinity") return True except: logger.exception('Exception in check_affinity') return False
def check_snapshot_limit(vm_id): snapshots = db((db.snapshot.vm_id == vm_id) & (db.snapshot.type == SNAPSHOT_USER)).count() logger.debug("No of snapshots are " + str(snapshots)) if snapshots < SNAPSHOTTING_LIMIT: return True else: return False
def process_purge_shutdownvm():"ENTERING PURGE SHUTDOWN VM ........") vmShutDownDays = config.get("GENERAL_CONF", "shutdown_vm_days") try: # Fetch all the VM's which are locked and whose delete warning date is not null. for vm_data in db(db.vm_data.locked == True and db.vm_data.delete_warning_date!=None).select(db.vm_data.ALL): daysDiff=0 daysDiff=(get_datetime()-vm_data.delete_warning_date).days if(daysDiff >=0 ): for vm_details in db(,orderby =,limitby=(0,1)): daysDiff=(get_datetime()-vm_details.timestamp).days if(vm_details.new_value == "Shutdown" and int(daysDiff)>=int(vmShutDownDays)):"Need to delete the VM ID:"+str( add_vm_task_to_queue(,VM_TASK_DELETE) # make an entry in task queue so that scheduler can pick up and delete the VM. else:"No need to delete the VM ID:"+str(" as it is in use now. ") db( == vm_details.vm_id).update(locked='F',delete_warning_date=None) else:"No need to process shutdown VM :"+str( except: log_exception() pass finally: db.commit() logger.debug("EXITING PURGE SHUTDOWN VM ........")
def schedule_vm(vm_details, host, live_migration): """ Migrate a vm on host if affinity is correct and migration is possible. """ try: logger.debug("Entering into scheduleVM") retVal = True retVal = is_same_host(vm_details, host) if (retVal == False): logger.debug("VM is on the same host") return False if (live_migration == 1): retVal = is_migration_possible(vm_details, host) if (retVal == True): logger.debug("Going to migrate VM:" + vm_details.vm_name + " on host: " + str(host['host_ip'].private_ip)) ret = migrate_domain(,, live_migration) #ret=(TASK_QUEUE_STATUS_SUCCESS,'msg') #when uncomment this, comment the line above logger.debug("Value returned from migrate_domain is:" + str(ret[0])) if (ret[0] == TASK_QUEUE_STATUS_SUCCESS): return True else: return False else: logger.debug("VM:" + vm_details.vm_name + " cannot be migrated to host:" + str(host['host_ip'].private_ip)) return False except: logger.exception('Exception in scheduleVM') return False
def schedule_vm(vm_details,host,live_migration): try: logger.debug("Entering into scheduleVM") retVal=True retVal=is_same_host(vm_details,host) if (retVal == False): logger.debug("VM is on the same host") return False if (live_migration == 1): retVal=is_migration_possible(vm_details,host) if (retVal == True): logger.debug("Going to migrate VM:"+vm_details.vm_name+ " on host: "+ str(host['host_ip'].private_ip)) ret=migrate_domain(,,live_migration) #ret=(TASK_QUEUE_STATUS_SUCCESS,'msg') #when uncomment this, comment the line above logger.debug("Value returned from migrate_domain is:"+str(ret[0])) if(ret[0] == TASK_QUEUE_STATUS_SUCCESS): return True else: return False else: logger.debug("VM:"+vm_details.vm_name+" cannot be migrated to host:"+str(host['host_ip'].private_ip)) return False except: logger.exception('Exception in scheduleVM') return False
def request_vpn(): user_info = get_vpn_user_details() logger.debug(type(user_info)) user_name = user_info['username'] cmd = "./ " + str(user_name) #vpn_ip="" vpn_ip = config.get("VPN_CONF", "vpn_server_ip") vpn_key_path = config.get("VPN_CONF", "vpn_key_path") #passwd="" # password=config.get("VPN_CONF","passwd") try: var = execute_remote_cmd(vpn_ip, 'root', cmd, ret_list=True) filepath = vpn_key_path + str(user_name) + "_baadalVPN.tar" localpath = os.path.join( get_context_path(), 'private/VPN/' + str(user_name) + "_baadalVPN.tar") sftp_files(vpn_ip, 'root', filepath, localpath) if "false" in str(var): return 1 elif "true" in str(var): return 3 #transfer_vpn_files(user_name,vpn_ip,password) except Exception: return 2
def paste_remote_file(machine_ip, user_name, remotepath,localpath, password = None, ret_list = False): """ Executes command on remote machine using paramiko SSHClient """ #logger.debug("executing remote command %s on %s with %s:" %(command, machine_ip, user_name)) output = None if machine_ip == 'localhost': # output=os.popen(command).readline() #logger.debug(output) logger.debug("TODO") else: #logger.debug("executing remote command %s on %s with %s:" %(command, machine_ip, user_name)) try : sftp = None ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(machine_ip, username=user_name, password=password) #logger.debug("Connected to host %s " % machine_ip) sftp = ssh.open_sftp() if not os.path.exists(localpath): raise paramiko.SSHException('filepath: ' + localpath +'not found'); sftp.put(localpath, remotepath) except paramiko.SSHException as e: #log_exception() print (e) finally: if sftp: sftp.close() if ssh: ssh.close()
def execute_remote_bulk_cmd(machine_ip, user_name, command, password=None): """ Executes multiple commands on remote machine using paramiko SSHClient """ logger.debug("executing remote command %s on %s:" %(command, machine_ip)) output = None try: ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(machine_ip, username=user_name) channel = ssh.invoke_shell() stdin = channel.makefile('wb') stdout = channel.makefile('rb') stdin.write(command) if ( != 0: raise Exception("Exception while executing remote command %s on %s" %(command, machine_ip)) output = stdout.close() stdin.close() except paramiko.SSHException: log_exception() finally: if ssh: ssh.close() return output
def delete_snapshot_info(snapshot_id): """ Deletes undefined snapshot info of the VM from database. These are checkpoints of VM that is present in database but not on VM. """ logger.debug('Deleting snapshot info for ' + str(snapshot_id)) del db.snapshot[snapshot_id] logger.debug('Snapshot info deleted')
def get_vpn_user_details(): user_info=db(( logger.debug("userinfo"+ str(user_info)) for info in user_info: user_details={'username':info['username'], 'first_name':info['first_name'], 'last_name':info['last_name']} return user_details
def backup(self, user): logger.debug(user) self.save_template(message='backup_at', author=user, changes={}, tag="backup",['Name'][1:]) return None
def getExecResize_cont(): cont_id = request.args[0] cont_uuid = get_container_uuid(cont_id) cont_session = request.vars['execid']; height = request.vars.get('height','80') width = request.vars.get('width','100') logger.debug(" In container Resize" + height + width ); get_container_execresize(cont_uuid,cont_session,height,width); return response.json(dict(cont_id = cont_id));
def get_memhog_usage(host_ip): logger.debug("Entering into getmemhog_usage") cmd = "output=`ps -ef --sort=start_time | grep 'memhog' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`;smem -c 'pid pss'| grep $output | awk '{print $2}'" output = execute_remote_cmd(host_ip, "root", cmd, None, True) if not output : return 0 else: #logger.debug("For host:"+str(host_ip)+" PSS Value from memhog="+str(output)) return (int(output[0])*1024)
def get_host_details(vm_name): host_data = db(db.host_affinity.vm_name == vm_name).select().first() host_details = {} logger.debug("host data is : " + str(host_data)) if host_data != None : host_details['current_host'] = "%s" %(host_data.current_host) host_details['available_hosts'] = dict((, "%s"%(host.affinity_host)) for host in db((db.host_affinity.vm_name == host_data.vm_name)).select()) return host_details
def check_vm_snapshot_sanity(vm_id): """ Checks if the snapshot information of VM is in sync with actual snapshots of the VM. """ vm_data = db.vm_data[vm_id] snapshot_check = [] try: conn = libvirt.openReadOnly('qemu+ssh://root@' + vm_data.host_id.host_ip.private_ip + '/system') domain = conn.lookupByName(vm_data.vm_identity) dom_snapshot_names = domain.snapshotListNames(0) logger.debug(dom_snapshot_names) conn.close() snapshots = db(db.snapshot.vm_id == vm_id).select() for snapshot in snapshots: if snapshot.snapshot_name in dom_snapshot_names: snapshot_check.append({ 'snapshot_name': snapshot.snapshot_name, 'snapshot_type': get_snapshot_type(snapshot.type), 'message': 'Snapshot present', 'operation': 'None' }) dom_snapshot_names.remove(snapshot.snapshot_name) else: snapshot_check.append({ 'snapshot_id':, 'snapshot_name': snapshot.snapshot_name, 'snapshot_type': get_snapshot_type(snapshot.type), 'message': 'Snapshot not present', 'operation': 'Undefined' }) for dom_snapshot_name in dom_snapshot_names: snapshot_check.append({ 'vm_name': vm_data.vm_identity, 'snapshot_name': dom_snapshot_name, 'snapshot_type': 'Unknown', 'message': 'Orphan Snapshot', 'operation': 'Orphan' }) except Exception: log_exception() logger.debug(snapshot_check) return (, vm_data.vm_name, snapshot_check)
def check_vnc(vm_id): logger.debug("checking vnc port") details = db((db.vnc_access.vm_id == vm_id) & ( == & (db.vnc_access.host_id == db.private_ip_pool.private_ip, db.vnc_access.vnc_source_port) logger.debug(details) return details
def launch_vm_image(): form = get_launch_vm_image_form() if form.accepts(request.vars, session, onvalidation=launch_vm_image_validation): exec_launch_vm_image(, form.vars.collaborators, form.vars.extra_disk_list) logger.debug('VM image launched successfully') redirect(URL(c='default', f='index')) return dict(form=form)
def host_status_sanity_check(): for host in current.db().select( if host.status != HOST_STATUS_MAINTENANCE: host_status=check_host_status(host.host_ip.private_ip) if(host_status != host.status): logger.debug("Changing status of " + host.host_name +" to " + str(host_status)) host.update_record(status=host_status) current.db.commit() if host_status == HOST_STATUS_DOWN: respawn_dangling_vms(
def check_host_status(host_ip): out=commands.getstatusoutput("ping -c 2 -W 1 " + host_ip)[0] logger.debug("Host Check command response for %s: %s" %(host_ip, str(out))) if(out == 0): if check_host_service_status(host_ip): return HOST_STATUS_UP else: return HOST_STATUS_DOWN else: return HOST_STATUS_DOWN
def check_affinity(vm_details,host): try: logger.debug("Entering into check_affinity for vm:"+str(vm_details.vm_name)) if(vm_details.vm_name in ('superopt','largevm','NeuroImaging2','sniper-big','csl788-1','NeuroImaging','sniper-large', 'mooc_6')): return False else: return True except: logger.exception('Exception in check_affinity') return False
def process_loadbalancer():"ENTERING PROCESS LOADBALANCER VM ........") try: (host_list, vm_list) = find_host_and_guest_list() loadbalance_vm(host_list, vm_list) except: log_exception() pass finally: logger.debug("EXITING PROCESS LOADBALANCER VM......")
def get_vm_host_details(vm_id): vm_data = db.vm_data[vm_id] vm_details = {} vm_details['vm_id'] = vm_id vm_details['vm_name'] = vm_data.vm_identity vm_details['current_host'] = "%s (%s)" %(vm_data.host_id.host_name, vm_data.host_id.host_ip.private_ip) vm_details['available_hosts'] = dict((, "%s (%s)"%(host.host_name, host.host_ip.private_ip)) for host in db( == 1).select()) logger.debug("vm_details is : " + str(vm_details)) return vm_details
def process_loadbalancer():"ENTERING PROCESS LOADBALANCER VM ........") try: (host_list,vm_list)=find_host_and_guest_list() loadbalance_vm(host_list,vm_list) except: log_exception() pass finally: logger.debug("EXITING PROCESS LOADBALANCER VM......")
def process_container_queue(task_event_id): """ Invoked when scheduler runs task of type 'Container_Task' For every task, function calls the corresponding handler and updates the database on the basis of the response """"\n ENTERING Container_Task........") task_event_data = db.task_queue_event[task_event_id] task_queue_data = db.task_queue[task_event_data.task_id] container_data = db.container_data[ task_event_data.cont_id] if task_event_data.cont_id != None else None try: #Update attention_time for task in the event table task_event_data.update_record(attention_time=get_datetime(), status=TASK_QUEUE_STATUS_PROCESSING) #Call the corresponding function from vm_helper logger.debug("Starting Container_Task processing...") ret = task[task_queue_data.task_type](task_queue_data.parameters) logger.debug("Completed Container_Task processing...") #On return, update the status and end time in task event table task_event_data.update_record(status=ret[0], message=ret[1], end_time=get_datetime()) if ret[0] == TASK_QUEUE_STATUS_FAILED: logger.debug("Container_Task FAILED") logger.debug("Container_Task Error Message: %s" % ret[1]) task_queue_data.update_record(status=TASK_QUEUE_STATUS_FAILED) elif ret[0] == TASK_QUEUE_STATUS_SUCCESS: # Create log event for the task logger.debug("Container_Task SUCCESSFUL") if container_data: _log_vm_event(container_data, task_queue_data) # For successful task, delete the task from queue if db.task_queue[]: del db.task_queue[] if 'request_id' in task_queue_data.parameters: del db.request_queue[task_queue_data.parameters['request_id']] if task_event_data.task_type not in (VM_TASK_MIGRATE_HOST, VM_TASK_MIGRATE_DS): _send_cont_task_complete_mail(task_event_data) except: msg = log_exception() task_event_data.update_record(status=TASK_QUEUE_STATUS_FAILED, message=msg) finally: db.commit()"EXITING Container_Task........\n")
def download_sample_obect_program(): file_name = 's3_object_key.txt' file_path = os.path.join(get_context_path(), 'private/Object_keys/' + file_name) logger.debug(file_path+"\n") response.headers['Content-Type'] = "text" response.headers['Content-Disposition']="attachment; filename=" +file_name try: return,chunk_size=4096) except Exception: session.flash = "Unable to download your Keys." redirect(URL(r = request, c = 'user', f = 'list_my_object_store'))
def process_unusedvm():"ENTERING PROCESS UNUSED VM ........") try: process_shutdown_unusedvm() process_purge_shutdownvm() except: log_exception() pass finally: db.commit() logger.debug("EXITING PROCESS UNUSED VM......")
def request_user_vpn(): var = request_vpn() logger.debug("request user vpn var value "+str(var)) if var== 1 : session.flash = "Get your baadalVPN key's tar file from the Download link given below " elif var == 2 : session.flash = "Unable to process your Request. Please contact Baadal Team" else : session.flash = "You already have VPN files you can download it from given link " redirect(URL(r = request, c = 'user', f = 'vpn'))
def show_host_performance(): host_id = request.args(0) host_info = get_host_config(host_id) host_identity = str(host_info.host_ip.private_ip).replace('.','_') host_cpu=host_info.CPUs host_ram=host_info.RAM logger.debug(host_cpu) logger.debug(type(host_cpu)) m_type="host" return dict(host_id=host_id, host_identity=host_identity ,host_ram=host_ram, m_type=m_type,host_cpu=host_cpu)
def sync_snapshot(): task = request.vars['action_type'] vm_id = request.vars['vm_id'] logger.debug(request.args) if task == 'Delete_Orphan': vm_name = request.vars['vm_name'] snapshot_name = request.vars['snapshot_name'] delete_orphan_snapshot(vm_name, snapshot_name) elif task == 'Delete_Snapshot_Info': snapshot_id = request.vars['snapshot_id'] delete_snapshot_info(snapshot_id) redirect(URL(r=request,c='admin',f='snapshot_sanity_check', args = vm_id))
def get_vm_groupby_organisations() : organisations = get_all_organisations() orgvmlist = [] for org in organisations: # for each organisations get all the vm's that runs on it and add them to list vmlist = get_all_vm_oforg(org['id']) logger.debug("organisations info............" + str(org)) orgvms = {'org_id':org['id'], 'org_name':org['name'], 'details':vmlist} orgvmlist.append(orgvms) logger.debug("organisations list" + str(orgvmlist)) return (orgvmlist)
def sync_snapshot(): task = request.vars['action_type'] vm_id = request.vars['vm_id'] logger.debug(request.args) if task == 'Delete_Orphan': vm_name = request.vars['vm_name'] snapshot_name = request.vars['snapshot_name'] delete_orphan_snapshot(vm_name, snapshot_name) elif task == 'Delete_Snapshot_Info': snapshot_id = request.vars['snapshot_id'] delete_snapshot_info(snapshot_id) redirect(URL(r=request, c='admin', f='snapshot_sanity_check', args=vm_id))
def get_memhog_usage(host_ip): """ Returns memory used by memhog process so that it can be added to available memory. """ logger.debug("Entering into getmemhog_usage") cmd = "output=`ps -ef --sort=start_time | grep 'memhog' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`;smem -c 'pid pss'| grep $output | awk '{print $2}'" output = execute_remote_cmd(host_ip, "root", cmd, None, True) if not output: return 0 else: #logger.debug("For host:"+str(host_ip)+" PSS Value from memhog="+str(output)) return (int(output[0]) * 1024)