예제 #1
def handle(irc, userlist, operlist, msg):
    Main function to deal with commands in PRIVMSGs
    logging.normal(f"handler.py: {msg}")
    splt = msg.split(" ")
    _uid = splt[0][1:]
    _data = ' '.join(splt[3:])[1:]
    _nick = userlist[_uid]
    irc.utx(f"PRIVMSG {config.log_chan} :{userlist[_uid]} {_data}")
    if _uid not in operlist:
            f"NOTICE {_uid} :You are not authorized to use {config.client_nick}."
        return True
    dsplit = _data.split(" ")
    if dsplit[0] == "spam":
        for i in range(int(dsplit[2])):
            ts = time.time()
            vuuid = "502" + random.choice(lttrs) + random.choice(
                lttrs) + random.choice(lttrs) + random.choice(
                    lttrs) + random.choice(lttrs) + random.choice(lttrs)
                f"UID {vuuid} {ts} VirtUser{str(i)} " +
                f" spec/virt{str(i)} virt{str(i)} spec/virt{str(i)} {ts} "
                + f"+i :SpecVirtUser{str(i)}")
            irc.stx(f"FJOIN {dsplit[1]} {str(int(time.time()))} + :+," + vuuid)
            irc.utx(f"NOTICE {_uid} :Finished spamming.")
        irc.utx(f"NOTICE {_uid} :Sent to uplink.")
    return True
예제 #2
파일: poll.py 프로젝트: wdouglascosta/cpppo
def run(via,
    """Perform polling loop 'til process.done (or forever), and process each poll result.

    On Exception, invoke the supplied poll failure method (if any), and apply exponential back-off
    between repeated attempts to run the polling loop.  The default backoff starts at the poll cycle
    (or 1.0) seconds, and defaults to increase up to 10 times that, at a default rate of 1.5x the
    current backoff.

    One or more instance of poll.run may be using the same 'via' EtherNet/IP CIP proxy instance;
    it is assumed that Thread blocking behaviour is performed within the I/O processing code to
    ensure that only one Thread is performing I/O.

    if backoff_min is None:
        backoff_min = kwds.get('cycle')
        if backoff_min is None:
            backoff_min = 1.0
    if backoff_max is None:
        backoff_max = backoff_min * 10
    if backoff_multiplier is None:
        backoff_multiplier = 1.5
    if latency is None:
        latency = .5

    backoff = None
    lst, dly = 0, 0
    beg = timer()
    while not hasattr(process, 'done') or not process.done:
        # Await expiry of 'dly', checking flags at least every 'latency' seconds
        ela = timer() - beg
        if ela < dly:
            time.sleep(min(latency, dly - ela))
        # Perform a poll.loop and/or increase exponential back-off.
            lst, dly, res = loop(via, last_poll=lst, **kwds)
            for p, v in res:
                process(p, v)
            backoff = None  # Signal a successfully completed poll!
        except Exception as exc:
            if backoff is None:
                backoff = backoff_min
                logging.normal("Polling failure: waiting %7.3fs; %s", backoff,
                backoff = min(backoff * backoff_multiplier, backoff_max)
                logging.detail("Polling backoff: waiting %7.3fs; %s", backoff,
            dly = backoff
            if failure is not None:
        beg = timer()
예제 #3
파일: poll.py 프로젝트: wdouglascosta/cpppo
def loop(via, cycle=None, last_poll=None, **kwds):
    """Monitor the desired cycle time (default: 1.0 seconds), perform a poll, and return the start of
    the poll cycle, the number of seconds to delay 'til the next poll cycle, and the list of
    parameter,value pairs polled:


    If the poll fails, an Exception is raised (and the powerflex proxy's gateway is closed in
    preparation for future poll attempts).  It is expected that the caller will re-attempt, after an
    appropriate delay (eg. one or more cycles).

    Call repeatedly (after waiting for the designated delay seconds to pass), passing the returned
    start of poll cycle in the 'last_poll' parameter.

    # Detect where we are in poll cycle, logging early/missed polls, and advance last_poll to the
    # start of the current poll cycle.  We retain cadence by only initializing last_poll to the
    # current timer() if this is the first poll; otherwise, we always advance by cycles.
    if not cycle:
        cycle = 1.0
    init_poll = timer()
    dt = init_poll - last_poll
    if dt < cycle:
        # An early poll; maybe just an out-of-cycle refresh...  Don't advance poll cycles
        logging.info("Premature poll at %7.3fs into %7.3fs poll cycle", dt,
        # We're into this poll cycle....
        missed = dt // cycle
        if last_poll:
            if missed > 1:
                    "Missed %3d polls, %7.3fs past %7.3fs poll cycle", missed,
                    dt - cycle, cycle)
            last_poll += cycle * missed
            last_poll = init_poll

    # last_poll has been advanced to indicate the start of the poll cycle we're within
    logging.info("Polling started   %7.3fs into %7.3fs poll cycle",
                 init_poll - last_poll, cycle)

    # Perform poll.  Whatever code "reifies" the powerflex.read generator must catch exceptions and
    # tell the (failed) powerflex instance to close its gateway.  This prepares the proxy's gateway
    # for subsequent I/O attempts (if any).
    with via:  # ensure via.close_gateway invoked on any Exception
        with contextlib.closing(execute(via, **kwds)) as executor:
            # PyPy compatibility; avoid deferred destruction of generators
            results = list(executor)

    done_poll = timer()
    duration = done_poll - init_poll
        "Polling finished  %7.3fs into %7.3fs poll cycle, taking %7.3fs (%5.1f TPS)",
        done_poll - last_poll, cycle, duration,
        (1.0 / duration) if duration else float('inf'))

    # Return this poll cycle time stamp, remaining time 'til next poll cycle (if any), and results
    return last_poll, max(0, last_poll + cycle - done_poll), results
예제 #4
def test_rs485_poll( simulated_modbus_rtu_ttyS0 ):
    """Multiple poller_modbus instances may be polling different slave RTUs at different unit IDs.

    command,address		= simulated_modbus_rtu_ttyS0
    Defaults.Timeout		= PORT_TIMEOUT
    client			= modbus_client_rtu( framer=modbus_rtu_framer_collecting,
        port=PORT_MASTER, stopbits=PORT_STOPBITS, bytesize=PORT_BYTESIZE,
        parity=PORT_PARITY, baudrate=PORT_BAUDRATE )

    unit			= 2
    plc				= poller_modbus( "RS485 unit %s" % ( unit ), client=client, unit=unit, rate=.25 )

    wfkw			= dict( timeout=1.0, intervals=10 )

        plc.write( 1, 0 )
        plc.write( 40001, 0 )

        plc.poll( 40001 )

        success,elapsed		= waitfor( lambda: plc.read( 40001 ) is not None, "40001 polled", **wfkw )
        assert success
        assert elapsed < 1.0
        assert plc.read( 40001 ) == 0
        assert plc.read(     1 ) == None
        assert plc.read( 40002 ) == None
        success,elapsed		= waitfor( lambda: plc.read( 40002 ) is not None, "40002 polled", **wfkw )
        assert success
        assert elapsed < 1.0
        assert plc.read( 40002 ) == 0
        success,elapsed		= waitfor( lambda: plc.read(     1 ) is not None, "00001 polled", **wfkw )
        assert success
        assert elapsed < 1.0
        assert plc.read(     1 ) == 0

        plc.write( 40001, 99 )
        success,elapsed		= waitfor( lambda: plc.read( 40001 ) == 99, "40001 polled", **wfkw )
        assert success
        assert elapsed < 1.0
        # See if we converge on our target poll time
        count			= plc.counter
        while plc.counter < count + 20:
            logging.normal( "%s at poll %d: Load: %s ", plc.description, plc.counter, plc.load )
            time.sleep( .5 )
        logging.normal( "%s at poll %d: Load: %s ", plc.description, plc.counter, plc.load )

    except Exception:
        logging.warning( "%s poller failed: %s", plc.description, traceback.format_exc() )
        logging.info( "Stopping plc polling" )
        plc.done		= True
        waitfor( lambda: not plc.is_alive(), "%s poller done" % ( plc.description ), timeout=1.0 )
예제 #5
파일: poll_test.py 프로젝트: wotori/cpppo
def start_powerflex_simulator( *options, **kwds ):
    """Start a simple EtherNet/IP CIP simulator (execute this file as __main__), optionally with
    Tag=<type>[<size>] (or other) positional arguments appended to the command-line.  Return the
    command-line used, and the detected (host,port) address bound.  Looks for something like:

        11-11 11:46:16.301     7fff7a619000 network  NORMAL   server_mai enip_srv server PID [ 7573] running on ('', 44818)

    containing a repr of the (<host>,<port>) tuple.  Recover this address using the safe
    ast.literal_eval.  Use the -A to provide this on stdout, or just -v if stderr is redirected to
    stdout (the default, w/o a stderr parameter to nonblocking_command)

    At least one positional parameter containing a Tag=<type>[<size>] must be provided.

    Note that the output of this file's interpreter is not *unbuffered* (above), so we can receive
    and parse the 'running on ...'!  We assume that server/network.py flushes stdout when printing
    the bindings.  We could use #!/usr/bin/env -S python3 -u instead to have all output unbuffered.

    command                     = nonblocking_command( [
        sys.executable, os.path.abspath( __file__ ),
        '-a', ':0', '-A', '-p', '-v', '--no-udp',
    ] + list( options ), stderr=None, bufsize=0, blocking=None )

    # For python 2/3 compatibility (can't mix positional wildcard, keyword parameters in Python 2)
    CMD_WAIT			= kwds.pop( 'CMD_WAIT', 10.0 )
    CMD_LATENCY			= kwds.pop( 'CMD_LATENCY', 0.1 )
    assert not kwds, "Unrecognized keyword parameter: %s" % ( ", ".join( kwds ))

    begun			= timer()
    address			= None
    data			= ''
    while address is None and timer() - begun < CMD_WAIT:
        # On Python2, socket will raise IOError/EAGAIN; on Python3 may return None 'til command started.
        raw			= None
            raw			= command.stdout.read()
            logging.debug( "Socket received: %r", raw)
            if raw:
                data  	       += raw.decode( 'utf-8', 'backslashreplace' )
        except IOError as exc:
            logging.debug( "Socket blocking...: {exc}".format( exc=exc ))
            assert exc.errno == errno.EAGAIN, "Expected only Non-blocking IOError"
        except Exception as exc:
            logging.warning("Socket read return Exception: %s", exc)
        if not raw: # got nothing; wait a bit
            time.sleep( CMD_LATENCY )
        while data.find( '\n' ) >= 0:
            line,data		= data.split( '\n', 1 )
            logging.info( "%s", line )
            m			= re.search( r"running on (\([^)]*\))", line )
            if m:
                address		= ast.literal_eval( m.group(1).strip() )
                logging.normal( "EtherNet/IP CIP Simulator started after %7.3fs on %s:%d",
                                    timer() - begun, address[0], address[1] )
    return command,address
예제 #6
def handle(irc, userlist, operlist, msg):
    Main function to deal with joins
    logging.normal(f"akick.py: {msg}")
    _chan = msg.split(" ")[2]
    _uid = msg.split(",")[-1]
    if _chan == "#bots":
        irc.utx(f"KICK {_chan} {_uid} :Disabled channel")
    return True
예제 #7
파일: poll.py 프로젝트: Felipeasg/cpppo
def loop( via, cycle=None, last_poll=None, **kwds ):
    """Monitor the desired cycle time (default: 1.0 seconds), perform a poll, and return the start of
    the poll cycle, the number of seconds to delay 'til the next poll cycle, and the list of
    parameter,value pairs polled:


    If the poll fails, an Exception is raised (and the powerflex proxy's gateway is closed in
    preparation for future poll attempts).  It is expected that the caller will re-attempt, after an
    appropriate delay (eg. one or more cycles).

    Call repeatedly (after waiting for the designated delay seconds to pass), passing the returned
    start of poll cycle in the 'last_poll' parameter.

    # Detect where we are in poll cycle, logging early/missed polls, and advance last_poll to the
    # start of the current poll cycle.  We retain cadence by only initializing last_poll to the
    # current timer() if this is the first poll; otherwise, we always advance by cycles.
    if not cycle:
        cycle			= 1.0
    init_poll			= timer()
    dt				= init_poll - last_poll
    if dt < cycle:
        # An early poll; maybe just an out-of-cycle refresh...  Don't advance poll cycles
        logging.info( "Premature poll at %7.3fs into %7.3fs poll cycle", dt, cycle )
        # We're into this poll cycle....
        missed			= dt // cycle
        if last_poll:
            if missed > 1:
                logging.normal( "Missed %3d polls, %7.3fs past %7.3fs poll cycle",
                                missed, dt-cycle, cycle )
            last_poll	       += cycle * missed
            last_poll		= init_poll

    # last_poll has been advanced to indicate the start of the poll cycle we're within
    logging.info( "Polling started   %7.3fs into %7.3fs poll cycle", init_poll - last_poll, cycle )

    # Perform poll.  Whatever code "reifies" the powerflex.read generator must catch exceptions and
    # tell the (failed) powerflex instance to close its gateway.  This prepares the proxy's gateway
    # for subsequent I/O attempts (if any).
    with via: # ensure via.close_gateway invoked on any Exception
        with contextlib.closing( execute( via, **kwds )) as executor:
            # PyPy compatibility; avoid deferred destruction of generators
            results		= list( executor )

    done_poll			= timer()
    duration			= done_poll - init_poll
    logging.info( "Polling finished  %7.3fs into %7.3fs poll cycle, taking %7.3fs (%5.1f TPS)",
                  done_poll - last_poll, cycle, duration, (1.0/duration) if duration else float('inf'))

    # Return this poll cycle time stamp, remaining time 'til next poll cycle (if any), and results
    return last_poll,max( 0, last_poll+cycle-done_poll ),results
예제 #8
파일: poll_test.py 프로젝트: srdgame/cpppo
def start_powerflex_simulator(*options, **kwds):
    """Start a simple EtherNet/IP CIP simulator (execute this file as __main__), optionally with
    Tag=<type>[<size>] (or other) positional arguments appended to the command-line.  Return the
    command-line used, and the detected (host,port) address bound.  Looks for something like:

        11-11 11:46:16.301     7fff7a619000 network  NORMAL   server_mai enip_srv server PID [ 7573] running on ('', 44818)

    containing a repr of the (<host>,<port>) tuple.  Recover this address using the safe ast.literal_eval.

    At least one positional parameter containing a Tag=<type>[<size>] must be provided.

    command = nonblocking_command([
    ] + list(options))

    # For python 2/3 compatibility (can't mix positional wildcard, keyword parameters in Python 2)
    CMD_WAIT = kwds.pop('CMD_WAIT', 10.0)
    CMD_LATENCY = kwds.pop('CMD_LATENCY', 0.1)
    assert not kwds, "Unrecognized keyword parameter: %s" % (", ".join(kwds))

    begun = timer()
    address = None
    data = ''
    while address is None and timer() - begun < CMD_WAIT:
        # On Python2, socket will raise IOError/EAGAIN; on Python3 may return None 'til command started.
            raw = command.stdout.read()
            logging.debug("Socket received: %r", raw)
            if raw:
                data += raw.decode('utf-8')
        except IOError as exc:
            logging.debug("Socket blocking...")
            assert exc.errno == errno.EAGAIN, "Expected only Non-blocking IOError"
        except Exception as exc:
            logging.warning("Socket read return Exception: %s", exc)
        if not data:
        while data.find('\n') >= 0:
            line, data = data.split('\n', 1)
            logging.info("%s", line)
            m = re.search(r"running on (\([^)]*\))", line)
            if m:
                address = ast.literal_eval(m.group(1).strip())
                    "EtherNet/IP CIP Simulator started after %7.3fs on %s:%d",
                    timer() - begun, address[0], address[1])
    return command, address
예제 #9
파일: poll.py 프로젝트: Felipeasg/cpppo
def run( via, process, failure=None, backoff_min=None, backoff_multiplier=None, backoff_max=None,
         latency=None, **kwds ):
    """Perform polling loop 'til process.done (or forever), and process each poll result.

    On Exception, invoke the supplied poll failure method (if any), and apply exponential back-off
    between repeated attempts to run the polling loop.  The default backoff starts at the poll cycle
    (or 1.0) seconds, and defaults to increase up to 10 times that, at a default rate of 1.5x the
    current backoff.

    One or more instance of poll.run may be using the same 'via' EtherNet/IP CIP proxy instance;
    it is assumed that Thread blocking behaviour is performed within the I/O processing code to
    ensure that only one Thread is performing I/O.

    if backoff_min is None:
        backoff_min		= kwds.get( 'cycle' )
        if backoff_min is None:
            backoff_min		= 1.0
    if backoff_max is None:
        backoff_max		= backoff_min * 10
    if backoff_multiplier is None:
        backoff_multiplier	= 1.5
    if latency is None:
        latency			= .5

    backoff			= None
    lst,dly			= 0,0
    beg				= timer()
    while not hasattr( process, 'done' ) or not process.done:
        # Await expiry of 'dly', checking flags at least every 'latency' seconds
        ela			= timer() - beg
        if ela < dly:
            time.sleep( min( latency, dly - ela ))
        # Perform a poll.loop and/or increase exponential back-off.
            lst,dly,res		= loop( via, last_poll=lst, **kwds )
            for p,v in res:
                process( p, v )
            backoff		= None # Signal a successfully completed poll!
        except Exception as exc:
            if backoff is None:
                backoff		= backoff_min
                logging.normal( "Polling failure: waiting %7.3fs; %s", backoff, exc )
                backoff		= min( backoff * backoff_multiplier, backoff_max )
                logging.detail(  "Polling backoff: waiting %7.3fs; %s", backoff, exc )
            dly			= backoff
            if failure is not None:
                failure( exc )
        beg			= timer()
예제 #10
def start_modbus_simulator(options):
    """Start bin/modbus_sim.py; assumes it flushes stdout when printing bindings so we can parse it

    command = nonblocking_command([
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'bin',
    ] + list(options),

    begun = misc.timer()
    address = None
    data = ''
    while address is None and misc.timer() - begun < RTU_WAIT:
        # On Python2, socket will raise IOError/EAGAIN; on Python3 may return None 'til command started.
        raw = None
            raw = command.stdout.read()
            logging.debug("Socket received: %r", raw)
            if raw:
                data += raw.decode('utf-8', 'backslashreplace')
        except IOError as exc:
            logging.debug("Socket blocking...")
            assert exc.errno == errno.EAGAIN, "Expected only Non-blocking IOError"
        except Exception as exc:
            logging.warning("Socket read return Exception: %s", exc)
        if not raw:
        while data.find('\n') >= 0:
            line, data = data.split('\n', 1)
            logging.info("%s", line)
            m = re.search("address = (.*)", line)
            if m:
                    host, port = m.group(1).split(':')
                    address = host, int(port)
                        "Modbus/TCP Simulator started after %7.3fs on %s:%d",
                        misc.timer() - begun, address[0], address[1])
                    assert m.group(1).startswith('/')
                    address = m.group(1)
                        "Modbus/RTU Simulator started after %7.3fs on %s",
                        misc.timer() - begun, address)
    return command, address
예제 #11
def start_powerflex_simulator( *options, **kwds ):
    """Start a simple EtherNet/IP CIP simulator (execute this file as __main__), optionally with
    Tag=<type>[<size>] (or other) positional arguments appended to the command-line.  Return the
    command-line used, and the detected (host,port) address bound.  Looks for something like:

        11-11 11:46:16.301     7fff7a619000 network  NORMAL   server_mai enip_srv server PID [ 7573] running on ('', 44818)

    containing a repr of the (<host>,<port>) tuple.  Recover this address using the safe ast.literal_eval.

    At least one positional parameter containing a Tag=<type>[<size>] must be provided.

    command                     = nonblocking_command( [
        os.path.abspath( __file__ ),
    ] + list( options ))

    # For python 2/3 compatibility (can't mix positional wildcard, keyword parameters in Python 2)
    CMD_WAIT			= kwds.pop( 'CMD_WAIT', 10.0 )
    CMD_LATENCY			= kwds.pop( 'CMD_LATENCY', 0.1 )
    assert not kwds, "Unrecognized keyword parameter: %s" % ( ", ".join( kwds ))

    begun			= timer()
    address			= None
    data			= ''
    while address is None and timer() - begun < CMD_WAIT:
        # On Python2, socket will raise IOError/EAGAIN; on Python3 may return None 'til command started.
            raw			= command.stdout.read()
            logging.debug( "Socket received: %r", raw)
            if raw:
                data  	       += raw.decode( 'utf-8' )
        except IOError as exc:
            logging.debug( "Socket blocking...")
            assert exc.errno == errno.EAGAIN, "Expected only Non-blocking IOError"
        except Exception as exc:
            logging.warning("Socket read return Exception: %s", exc)
        if not data:
            time.sleep( CMD_LATENCY )
        while data.find( '\n' ) >= 0:
            line,data		= data.split( '\n', 1 )
            logging.info( "%s", line )
            m			= re.search( "running on (\([^)]*\))", line )
            if m:
                address		= ast.literal_eval( m.group(1).strip() )
                logging.normal( "EtherNet/IP CIP Simulator started after %7.3fs on %s:%d",
                                    timer() - begun, address[0], address[1] )
    return command,address
예제 #12
def connect(host=config.link_host, port=config.link_port):
    Connects to a server, using config.link_host and config.link_port by default
    logging.normal(f"link.py: Connecting to {host} {port}")
    sock = socket.create_connection((host, port))
    logging.good("link.py: Connection seems to have established")
    if config.link_ssl:
        ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context()
        conn = ssl_context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=host)
        conn = sock
    cfile = conn.makefile(errors="repalce")
    global connection
    connection = (conn, cfile)
예제 #13
파일: poll_test.py 프로젝트: wotori/cpppo
    def null_server( conn, addr, server=None ):
        """Fake up an EtherNet/IP server that just sends a canned EtherNet/IP CIP Register and Identity
        string response, to fake the poll client into sending a poll request into a closed socket.
        Immediately does a shutdown of the incoming half of the socket, and then closes the
        connection after sending the fake replies, usually resulting in an excellent EPIPE/SIGPIPE
        on the client.  Use port 44819, to avoid interference by (possibly slow-to-exit) simulators
        running on port 44818.

        logging.normal( "null_server on %s starting" % ( addr, ))
        conn.shutdown( socket.SHUT_RD )
        time.sleep( 0.1 )
        conn.send( b'e\x00\x04\x00\xc9wH\x81\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00' )
        conn.send( b'c\x00;\x00\xd4/\x9dm\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x0c\x005\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\xaf\x12\n\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x0e\x006\x00\x14\x0b`1\x1a\x06l\x00\x13PowerFlex/20-COMM-E\xff' )
        while server and not server.control.done:
            time.sleep( .1 )
        logging.normal( "null_server on %s done" % ( addr, ))
예제 #14
    def null_server( conn, addr, server=None ):
        """Fake up an EtherNet/IP server that just sends a canned EtherNet/IP CIP Register and Identity
        string response, to fake the poll client into sending a poll request into a closed socket.
        Immediately does a shutdown of the incoming half of the socket, and then closes the
        connection after sending the fake replies, usually resulting in an excellent EPIPE/SIGPIPE
        on the client.  Use port 44819, to avoid interference by (possibly slow-to-exit) simulators
        running on port 44818.

        logging.normal( "null_server on %s starting" % ( addr, ))
        conn.shutdown( socket.SHUT_RD )
        time.sleep( 0.1 )
        conn.send( b'e\x00\x04\x00\xc9wH\x81\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00' )
        conn.send( b'c\x00;\x00\xd4/\x9dm\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x0c\x005\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\xaf\x12\n\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x0e\x006\x00\x14\x0b`1\x1a\x06l\x00\x13PowerFlex/20-COMM-E\xff' )
        while server and not server.control.done:
            time.sleep( .1 )
        logging.normal( "null_server on %s done" % ( addr, ))
예제 #15
def run():

        opers = []
        users = {}
        plugins = []

        logging.normal("ulined.py: Loading plugins")
        for _plugin in config.plugins_enabled:
            exec(f"import {_plugin}")
        logging.good("ulined.py: Plugins loaded")

        while True:
            line = irc.rx()
            if line is None:
                logging.error("uline.py: Dead socket")
                raise Exception("Dead socket")
            done = False
            splt = line.split(" ")
            for plugin in plugins:
                if eval(plugin.trigger):
                    done = plugin.handle(irc, users, opers, line)
                    if done:
            if done:
            if len(splt) == 4 and splt[1] == "PING":
                irc.stx("PONG " + splt[3] + " " + splt[2])
            elif len(splt) > 4 and splt[1] == "UID" and splt[4] == config.client_nick:
                irc.stx("KILL " + splt[2] + " :%s" % text_kill_nickresv)
            elif len(splt) >= 10 and splt[1] == "UID":
                users[splt[2]] = splt[4]
            elif len(splt) == 3 and splt[1] == "OPERTYPE" and splt[2] == config.oper_type:
#                irc.utx(f"NOTICE {splt[0][1:]} :{config.text_operup}")
    except Exception as e:
        #logging.error(f"ulined.py: Unexpected error: {type(e)} {str(e)}")
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        logging.bad("ulined.py: Got SIGINT, quitting")
예제 #16
def init():
    Initializes the server connection, does handshakes and such
    logging.normal("irc.py: Initializing IRC")
    logging.normal("irc.py: Negotiating capabilities")
    link.tx("CAPAB START 1202")
    link.tx("CAPAB END")
    link.tx(f"SERVER {config.irc_server} {config.irc_sendpass} 0 {config.irc_sid} :{config.irc_desc}")
    while True:
        line = link.rx()
        if line == "CAPAB END":
            logging.normal("irc.py: Done with capabilities")
    line = link.rx()
    if line[:6] != "SERVER":
        logging.error("irc.py: Protocol violation: did not get SERVER after CAPAB END")
        logging.good("irc.py: Got remote SERVER reply")
        splt = line.split(' ')
        _r_name = splt[1]
        _r_pass = splt[2]
        if _r_pass != config.irc_recvpass:
            logging.error(f"irc.py: {_r_name} is not sending correct password, got {_r_pass}")
            del _r_name
            del _r_pass
            del splt
            logging.good("irc.py: Password is good")
            if not status['bursted']:
                ts = str(int(time.time()))
                link.stx(f"UID {config.client_uid} {ts} {config.client_nick} {config.client_connaddr} " +
                         f"{config.client_host} {config.client_ident} {config.client_connaddr} {ts} " +
                         f"{config.client_umode} :{config.client_realname}")
                status['bursted'] = True
                ts = str(int(time.time()))
                link.utx(f"PRIVMSG NickServ :identify {config.client_nick} {config.client_nspass}")
                link.stx(f"FJOIN {config.log_chan} {str(int(time.time()))} + :{config.client_chmode}," +
                link.stx(f"FJOIN #chat {str(int(time.time()))} + :{config.client_chmode}," +
                link.stx(f"FJOIN #test {str(int(time.time()))} + :{config.client_chmode}," +
                link.stx(f"MODE {config.log_chan} +{config.client_chmode} {config.client_nick}")
            logging.normal("irc.py: IRC initialized")
예제 #17
def start_modbus_simulator( options ):
    command                     = nonblocking_command( [
        os.path.join( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( __file__ )), 'bin', 'modbus_sim.py' ),
    ] + list( options ))

    begun			= misc.timer()
    address			= None
    data			= ''
    while address is None and misc.timer() - begun < RTU_WAIT:
        # On Python2, socket will raise IOError/EAGAIN; on Python3 may return None 'til command started.
            raw			= command.stdout.read()
            logging.debug( "Socket received: %r", raw)
            if raw:
                data  	       += raw.decode( 'utf-8' )
        except IOError as exc:
            logging.debug( "Socket blocking...")
            assert exc.errno == errno.EAGAIN, "Expected only Non-blocking IOError"
        except Exception as exc:
            logging.warning("Socket read return Exception: %s", exc)
        if not data:
            time.sleep( RTU_LATENCY )
        while data.find( '\n' ) >= 0:
            line,data		= data.split( '\n', 1 )
            logging.info( "%s", line )
            m			= re.search( "address = (.*)", line )
            if m:
                    host,port	= m.group(1).split( ':' )
                    address	= host,int(port)
                    logging.normal( "Modbus/TCP Simulator started after %7.3fs on %s:%d",
                                    misc.timer() - begun, address[0], address[1] )
                    assert m.group(1).startswith( '/' )
                    address	= m.group(1)
                    logging.normal( "Modbus/RTU Simulator started after %7.3fs on %s",
                                    misc.timer() - begun, address )
    return command,address
예제 #18
    def request(self, data, addr=None):
        """Any exception should result in a reply being generated with a non-zero status."""
        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DETAIL):
            log.detail("%s Request: %s", self, enip.enip_format(data))

        # Pick out our services added at this level.  We only accept ANC-120e DF1.  If unrecognized,
        # return a non-zero STS. Normal or Priority CMD codes are accepted.
        data.DF1.sts = 0x10  # Illegal command or format
        if data.DF1.get('cmd') in (0x06, 0x26) and data.DF1.get('fnc') == 0x03:
            log.warning("DF1: Diagnostic Status: %s", enip.enip_format(data))
            # eg. Status Request/Reply:
            # b'\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00J\n\x03'
            # b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x46\x00J\n\x00\xee1[#5/04       V\x00\x9e$\x05D \xfc'
            data.DF1.sts = 0
            data.DF1.data = array.array(
                b'\xee1[#5/04       V\x00\x9e$\x05D \xfc')
        elif data.DF1.get('cmd') in (0x0F,
                                     0x2F) and data.DF1.get('fnc') == 0xA2:
                "DF1: Protected typed Logical Read w/ 3 Address Fields: %s",
            # eg. Read Request/Reply:
            # b'\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0f\x00K\n\xa2D\x00\x01\x00\x00'
            # b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x4f\x00K\nFX PLC P\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00!\x00\x000\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05D\x01\x00#\x00\x04\x00\x02\x00e\x00\x03\x00\xa2\x00\xa7\x00V\x01j\x01t\x01m\x03'
            data.DF1.sts = 0
            data.DF1.data = array.array(
                b'FX PLC P\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00!\x00\x000\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05D\x01\x00#\x00\x04\x00\x02\x00e\x00\x03\x00\xa2\x00\xa7\x00V\x01j\x01t\x01m\x03'
            logging.normal("DF1: Unrecognized: %s", enip.enip_format(data))

        # Convert DF1 request into a response.  Assume DF1.sts is 0 (for success), !0 for failure,
        # and DF1.data contains the response payload.  Swap src/dst.
        data.DF1.cmd |= 0x40
        data.DF1.src, data.DF1.dst = data.DF1.dst, data.DF1.src
        data.input = bytearray(self.produce(data))
        return True
예제 #19
파일: modbus_poll.py 프로젝트: ekw/cpppo
def main():
    parser			= argparse.ArgumentParser(
        epilog = """\

    Register range(s) and value(s) must be supplied:
      modbus_poll --address localhost:7502 40001-40100
    """ )
    parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose',
                         default=0, action="count", help="Display logging information." )
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', 
                        type=str, default=None, help="Direct log output to the specified file" )
    parser.add_argument( '-a', '--address', default="",
                         help="Default [interface][:port] to bind to (default: any, port 502)" )
    parser.add_argument( '-r', '--reach',	default=1,
                         help="Merge polls within <reach> registers of each-other" )
    parser.add_argument( '-R', '--rate',	default=1.0,
                         help="Target poll rate" )
    parser.add_argument( 'registers', nargs="+" )
    args			= parser.parse_args()
    # Deduce logging level and target file (if any)
    levelmap 			= {
        0: logging.WARNING,
        1: logging.NORMAL,
        2: logging.DETAIL,
        3: logging.INFO,
        4: logging.DEBUG,
    cpppo.log_cfg['level']	= ( levelmap[args.verbose] 
                                    if args.verbose in levelmap
                                    else logging.DEBUG )
    if args.log:
        cpppo.log_cfg['filename'] = args.log
    logging.basicConfig( **cpppo.log_cfg )

    # (INADDR_ANY) if only :port is supplied.  Port defaults to 502 if only
    # interface is supplied.  After this block, 'address' is always a tuple
    # like ("interface",502)
    address			= None
    if args.address:
        address			= args.address.split(':')
        assert 1 <= len( address ) <= 2
        address			= (
            str( address[0] ),
            int( address[1] ) if len( address ) > 1 else Defaults.Port )
        log.info( "--address '%s' produces address=%r" % ( args.address, address ))

    # Start the PLC poller

    poller			= poller_modbus(
        "Modbus/TCP", host=address[0], port=address[1], reach=int( args.reach ), rate=float( args.rate ))

    for r in args.registers:
        rng			= r.split('-')
        beg,cnt			= int(rng[0]), int(rng[1])-int(rng[0])+1 if len(rng) else 1
        for reg in range( beg, beg+cnt ):
            poller.poll( reg )
    load			= ''
    fail			= ''
    poll			= ''
    regs			= {}
    while True:
        loadcur			= "%.2f" % ( poller.load[0] if poller.load[0] else 0 )
        if loadcur != load:
            load		= loadcur
            logging.detail( "load: %s", loadcur )
        failcur			= ", ".join( [ ("%d-%d" % (b,b+c-1)) for b,c in poller.failing ] )
        pollcur			= ", ".join( [ ("%d-%d" % (b,b+c-1)) for b,c in poller.polling ] )
        if ( failcur != fail or pollcur != poll ):
            fail, poll		= failcur, pollcur
            logging.normal( "failing: %s, polling: %s", fail, poll )
        # log data changes
        for beg,cnt in poller.polling:
            for reg in range( beg, beg+cnt ):
                val		= poller.read( reg )
                old		= regs.get( reg ) # may be None
                if val != old:
                    logging.warning( "%5d == %5d (was: %s)" %( reg, val, old ))
                    regs[reg]	= val

        time.sleep( 1 )
예제 #20
    def position( self, actuator=1, timeout=TIMEOUT, home=True, noop=False, svoff=False, **kwds ):
        """Begin position operation on 'actuator' w/in 'timeout'.  

        :param home: Return to home position before any other movement
        :param noop: Do not perform final activation

        Running with specified data

        1   - Set internal flag Y30 (input invalid flag)
        2   - Write 1 to internal flag Y19 (SVON)
        2a  -   and confirm internal flag X49 (SVRE) has become "1"
        3   - Write 1 to internal flag Y1C (SETUP)
        3a  -   and confirm internal flag X4A (SETON) has become "1"
        4   - Write data to D9102-D9110
        5   - Write Operation Start instruction "1" to D9100 (returns to 0 after processed)

        If no positioning kwds are provided, then no new position is configured.  If 'noop' is True,
        everything except the final activation is performed.

        begin			= cpppo.timer()
        if timeout is None:
            timeout		= self.TIMEOUT
        assert self.complete( actuator=actuator, svoff=svoff, timeout=timeout ), \
            "Previous actuator position incomplete within timeout %r" % timeout
        status			= self.status( actuator=actuator )
        if not kwds:
            return status

        # Previous positioning complete, and possibly new position keywords provided.
        logging.detail( "Position: actuator %3d setdata: %r", actuator, kwds )
        unit			= self.unit( uid=actuator )

        # 1: set INPUT_INVALID
        unit.write( data.Y30_INPUT_INVALID.addr, 1 )

        # 2: set SVON, check SVRE
        if timeout:
            assert cpppo.timer() <= begin + timeout, \
                "Failed to complete positioning SVON/SVRE within timeout"
        unit.write( data.Y19_SVON.addr, 1 )
        svre			= self.check(
            predicate=lambda: unit.read( data.Y19_SVON.addr ) and unit.read( data.X49_SVRE.addr ),
            deadline=None if timeout is None else begin + timeout )
        assert svre, \
            "Failed to set SVON True and read SVRE True"

        # 3: Return to home? set SETUP, check SETON.  Otherwise, clear SETUP.  It is very unclear
        #    whether we need to do this, and/or whether we need to clear it afterwards.
        if home:
            if timeout:
                assert cpppo.timer() <= begin + timeout, \
                    "Failed to complete positioning SETUP/SETON within timeout"
            unit.write( data.Y1C_SETUP.addr, 1 )
            seton			= self.check(
                predicate=lambda: unit.read( data.Y1C_SETUP.addr ) and unit.read( data.X4A_SETON.addr ),
                deadline=None if timeout is None else begin + timeout )
            if not seton:
                logging.warning( "Failed to set SETUP True and read SETON True" )
            # assert seton, \
            #    "Failed to set SETUP True and read SETON True"
            unit.write( data.Y1C_SETUP.addr, 0 )
        # 4: Write any changed position data.  The actuator doesn't accept individual register
        # writes, so we use multiple register writes for each value.
        for k,v in kwds.items():
            assert k in data, \
                "Unrecognized positioning keyword: %s == %v" % ( k, v )
            assert STEP_DATA_BEG <= data[k].addr <= STEP_DATA_END, \
                "Invalid positioning keyword: %s == %v; not within position data address range" % ( k, v )
            format		= data[k].get( 'format' )
            if format:
                # Create a big-endian buffer.  This will be some multiple of register size.  Then,
                # unpack it into some number of 16-bit big-endian registers (this will be a tuple).
                buf		= struct.pack( '>'+format, v )
                values		= [ struct.unpack_from( '>H', buf[o:] )[0] for o in range( 0, len( buf ), 2 ) ]
                values		= [ v ]
            if timeout:
                assert cpppo.timer() <= begin + timeout, \
                    "Failed to complete positioning data update within timeout"
            logging.normal( "Position: actuator %3d updated: %16s: %8s (== %s)", actuator, k, v, values )
            unit.write( data[k].addr, values )

        # 5: set operation_start to 0x0100 (1 in high-order bytes) unless 'noop'
        if not noop:
            unit.write( data.operation_start.addr, 0x0100 )
            started			= self.check(
                predicate=lambda: unit.read( data.operation_start.addr ) == 0x0100,
                deadline=None if timeout is None else begin + timeout )
            assert started, \
                "Failed to detect positioning start within timeout"

        return self.status( actuator=actuator )
예제 #21
def run_plc_modbus_polls( plc ):
    # Initial conditions (in case PLC is persistent between tests)
    plc.write(     1, 0 )
    plc.write( 40001, 0 )

    rate			= 1.0
    timeout			= 2 * rate 	# Nyquist
    intervals			= timeout / .05	#  w/ fixed .05s intervals
    wfkw			= dict( timeout=timeout, intervals=intervals )

    plc.poll( 40001, rate=rate )
    success,elapsed		= waitfor( lambda: plc.read( 40001 ) is not None, "40001 polled", **wfkw )
    assert success
    assert elapsed < 1.0
    assert plc.read( 40001 ) == 0
    assert plc.read(     1 ) == None
    assert plc.read( 40002 ) == None
    success,elapsed		= waitfor( lambda: plc.read( 40002 ) is not None, "40002 polled", **wfkw )
    assert success
    assert elapsed < 1.0
    assert plc.read( 40002 ) == 0
    success,elapsed		= waitfor( lambda: plc.read(     1 ) is not None, "00001 polled", **wfkw )
    assert success
    assert elapsed < 1.0
    assert plc.read(     1 ) == 0

    # Now add a bunch of new stuff to poll, and ensure polling occurs.  As we add registers the
    # number of distinct poll ranges will increase, and then decrease as we in-fill and the
    # inter-register range drops below the merge reach 10, allowing the polling to merge ranges.
    # Thus, keep track of the number of registers added, and allow
    # avg. 
    # poll
    # time
    #   |
    #   |
    # 4s|         ..
    # 3s|        .  .
    # 2s|     ...    ...
    # 1s|.....          .......
    #  -+----------------------------------
    #   |  10  20  30  40   regs

    # We'll be overwhelming the poller, so it won't be able to poll w/in the target rate, so we'll
    # need to more than double the Nyquist-rate timeout
    wfkw['timeout']	       *= 2.5
    wfkw['intervals']	       *= 2.5
    regs			= {}
    extent			= 100 # how many each of coil/holding registers
    total			= extent*2 # total registers in play
    elapsed			= None
    rolling			= None
    rolling_factor		= 1.0/5	# Rolling exponential moving average over last ~8 samples

    # Keep increasing the number of registers polled, up to 1/2 of all registers
    while len( regs ) < total * 50 // 100:
        # Always select a previously unpolled register; however, it might
        # have already been in a merge range; if so, get its current value
        # so we mutate it (forcing it to be re-polled)
        base			= 40001 if random.randint( 0, 1 ) else 1
        r			= None
        while r is None or r in regs:
            r			= random.randint( base, base + extent )
        v			= plc.read( r )
        if v is not None:
            logging.detail( "New reg %5d was already polled due to reach=%d", r, plc.reach )
            regs[r]		= v
        regs[r]			= ( regs[r] ^ 1 if r in regs
                                else random.randint( 0, 65535 ) if base > 40000
                                else random.randint( 0, 1 ) )

        plc.write( r, regs[r] )
        plc.poll( r )
        if len( regs ) > total * 10 // 100:
            # skip to the good parts...  After 10% of all registers are being polled, start
            # calculating.  See how long it takes, on average, to get the newly written register
            # value polled back.
            success,elapsed	= waitfor( lambda: plc.read( r ) == regs[r], "polled %5d == %5d" % ( r, regs[r] ), **wfkw )
            assert success
            rolling		= misc.exponential_moving_average( rolling, elapsed, rolling_factor )

        logging.normal( "%3d/%3d regs: polled %3d ranges w/in %7.3fs. Polled %5d == %5d w/in %7.3fs: avg. %7.3fs (load %3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f)",
                         len( regs ), total, len( plc.polling ), plc.duration,
                         r, regs[r], elapsed or 0.0, rolling or 0.0, *[misc.nan if load is None else load for load in plc.load] )

        if len( regs ) > total * 20 // 100:
            # after 20%, start looking for the exit (ranges should merge, poll rate fall )
            if rolling < plc.rate:

    assert rolling < plc.rate, \
        "Rolling average poll cycle %7.3fs should have fallen below target poll rate %7.3fs" % ( rolling, plc.rate )

    for r,v in regs.items():
        assert plc.read( r ) == v
예제 #22
 def process( p, v ):
     logging.normal( "process: %16s == %s", p, v )
     values[p]		= v
예제 #23
파일: main.py 프로젝트: ekw/cpppo
def main( argv=None, attribute_class=device.Attribute, identity_class=None, idle_service=None,
          **kwds ):
    """Pass the desired argv (excluding the program name in sys.arg[0]; typically pass argv=None, which
    is equivalent to argv=sys.argv[1:], the default for argparse.  Requires at least one tag to be

    If a cpppo.apidict() is passed for kwds['server']['control'], we'll use it to transmit server
    control signals via its .done, .disable, .timeout and .latency attributes.

    Uses the provided attribute_class (default: device.Attribute) to process all EtherNet/IP
    attribute I/O (eg. Read/Write Tag [Fragmented]) requests.  By default, device.Attribute stores
    and retrieves the supplied data.  To perform other actions (ie. forward the data to your own
    application), derive from device.Attribute, and override the __getitem__ and __setitem__

    If an idle_service function is provided, it will be called after a period of latency between
    incoming requests.

    global address
    global options
    global tags
    global srv_ctl
    global latency
    global timeout

    ap				= argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description = "Provide an EtherNet/IP Server",
        epilog = "" )

    ap.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose',
                     default=0, action="count",
                     help="Display logging information." )
    ap.add_argument( '-a', '--address',
                     default=( "%s:%d" % address ),
                     help="EtherNet/IP interface[:port] to bind to (default: %s:%d)" % (
                         address[0], address[1] ))
    ap.add_argument( '-p', '--print', default=False, action='store_true',
                     help="Print a summary of operations to stdout" )
    ap.add_argument( '-l', '--log',
                     help="Log file, if desired" )
    ap.add_argument( '-w', '--web',
                     help="Web API [interface]:[port] to bind to (default: %s, port 80)" % (
                         address[0] ))
    ap.add_argument( '-d', '--delay',
                     help="Delay response to each request by a certain number of seconds (default: 0.0)",
                     default="0.0" )
    ap.add_argument( '-s', '--size',
                     help="Limit EtherNet/IP encapsulated request size to the specified number of bytes (default: None)",
                     default=None )
    ap.add_argument( '-P', '--profile',
                     help="Output profiling data to a file (default: None)",
                     default=None )
    ap.add_argument( 'tags', nargs="+",
                     help="Any tags, their type (default: INT), and number (default: 1), eg: tag=INT[1000]")

    args			= ap.parse_args( argv )

    # Deduce interface:port address to bind, and correct types (default is address, above)
    bind			= args.address.split(':')
    assert 1 <= len( bind ) <= 2, "Invalid --address [<interface>]:[<port>}: %s" % args.address
    bind			= ( str( bind[0] ) if bind[0] else address[0],
                                    int( bind[1] ) if len( bind ) > 1 and bind[1] else address[1] )

    # Set up logging level (-v...) and --log <file>
    levelmap 			= {
        0: logging.WARNING,
        1: logging.NORMAL,
        2: logging.DETAIL,
        3: logging.INFO,
        4: logging.DEBUG,
    cpppo.log_cfg['level']	= ( levelmap[args.verbose] 
                                    if args.verbose in levelmap
                                    else logging.DEBUG )

    # Chain any provided idle_service function with log rotation; these may (also) consult global
    # signal flags such as logrotate_request, so execute supplied functions before logrotate_perform
    idle_service		= [ idle_service ] if idle_service else []
    if args.log:
        # Output logging to a file, and handle UNIX-y log file rotation via 'logrotate', which sends
        # signals to indicate that a service's log file has been moved/renamed and it should re-open
        cpppo.log_cfg['filename']= args.log
        signal.signal( signal.SIGHUP, logrotate_request )
        idle_service.append( logrotate_perform )

    logging.basicConfig( **cpppo.log_cfg )

    # Pull out a 'server.control...' supplied in the keywords, and make certain it's a
    # cpppo.apidict.  We'll use this to transmit control signals to the server thread.  Set the
    # current values to sane initial defaults/conditions.
    if 'server' in kwds:
        assert 'control' in kwds['server'], "A 'server' keyword provided without a 'control' attribute"
        srv_ctl			= cpppo.dotdict( kwds.pop( 'server' ))
        assert isinstance( srv_ctl['control'], cpppo.apidict ), "The server.control... must be a cpppo.apidict"
        srv_ctl.control		= cpppo.apidict( timeout=timeout )

    srv_ctl.control['done']	= False
    srv_ctl.control['disable']	= False
    srv_ctl.control.setdefault( 'latency', latency )

    # Global options data.  Copy any remaining keyword args supplied to main().  This could
    # include an alternative enip_process, for example, instead of defaulting to logix.process.
    options.update( kwds )

    # Specify a response delay.  The options.delay is another dotdict() layer, so it's attributes
    # (eg. .value, .range) are available to the web API for manipulation.  Therefore, they can be
    # set to arbitrary values at random times!  However, the type will be retained.
    def delay_range( *args, **kwds ):
        """If a delay.range like ".1-.9" is specified, then change the delay.value every second to something
        in that range."""
        assert 'delay' in kwds and 'range' in kwds['delay'] and '-' in kwds['delay']['range'], \
            "No delay=#-# specified"
        log.normal( "Delaying all responses by %s seconds", kwds['delay']['range'] )
        while True:
            # Once we start, changes to delay.range will be re-evaluated each loop
            time.sleep( 1 )
                lo,hi		= map( float, kwds['delay']['range'].split( '-' ))
                kwds['delay']['value'] = random.uniform( lo, hi )
                log.info( "Mutated delay == %g", kwds['delay']['value'] )
            except Exception as exc:
                log.warning( "No delay=#[.#]-#[.#] range specified: %s", exc )

    options.delay		= cpppo.dotdict()
        options.delay.value	= float( args.delay )
        log.normal( "Delaying all responses by %r seconds" , options.delay.value )
        assert '-' in args.delay, \
            "Unrecognized --delay=%r option" % args.delay
        # A range #-#; set up a thread to mutate the option.delay.value over the .range
        options.delay.range	= args.delay
        options.delay.value	= 0.0
        mutator			= threading.Thread( target=delay_range, kwargs=options )
        mutator.daemon		= True

    # Create all the specified tags/Attributes.  The enip_process function will (somehow) assign the
    # given tag name to reference the specified Attribute.  We'll define an Attribute to print
    # I/O if args.print is specified; reads will only be logged at logging.NORMAL and above.
    class Attribute_print( attribute_class ):
        def __getitem__( self, key ):
            value		= super( Attribute_print, self ).__getitem__( key )
            if log.isEnabledFor( logging.NORMAL ):
                print( "%20s[%5s-%-5s] == %s" % (
                    key.indices( len( self ))[0]   if isinstance( key, slice ) else key,
                    key.indices( len( self ))[1]-1 if isinstance( key, slice ) else key,
                    value ))
            return value

        def __setitem__( self, key, value ):
            super( Attribute_print, self ).__setitem__( key, value )
            print( "%20s[%5s-%-5s] <= %s" % (
                key.indices( len( self ))[0]   if isinstance( key, slice ) else key,
                key.indices( len( self ))[1]-1 if isinstance( key, slice ) else key,
                value ))

    for t in args.tags:
        tag_name, rest		= t, ''
        if '=' in tag_name:
            tag_name, rest	= tag_name.split( '=', 1 )
        tag_type, rest		= rest or 'INT', ''
        tag_size		= 1
        if '[' in tag_type:
            tag_type, rest	= tag_type.split( '[', 1 )
            assert ']' in rest, "Invalid tag; mis-matched [...]"
            tag_size, rest	= rest.split( ']', 1 )
        assert not rest, "Invalid tag specified; expected tag=<type>[<size>]: %r" % t
        tag_type		= str( tag_type ).upper()
        typenames		= {"INT": parser.INT, "DINT": parser.DINT, "SINT": parser.SINT, "REAL": parser.REAL }
        assert tag_type in typenames, "Invalid tag type; must be one of %r" % list( typenames.keys() )
        tag_default		= 0.0 if tag_type == "REAL" else 0
            tag_size		= int( tag_size )
            raise AssertionError( "Invalid tag size: %r" % tag_size )

        # Ready to create the tag and its Attribute (and error code to return, if any).  If tag_size
        # is 1, it will be a scalar Attribute.  Since the tag_name may contain '.', we don't want
        # the normal dotdict.__setitem__ resolution to parse it; use plain dict.__setitem__.
        log.normal( "Creating tag: %s=%s[%d]", tag_name, tag_type, tag_size )
        tag_entry		= cpppo.dotdict()
        tag_entry.attribute	= ( Attribute_print if args.print else attribute_class )(
            tag_name, typenames[tag_type], default=( tag_default if tag_size == 1 else [tag_default] * tag_size ))
        tag_entry.error		= 0x00
        dict.__setitem__( tags, tag_name, tag_entry )

    # Use the Logix simulator by default (unless some other one was supplied as a keyword options to
    # main(), loaded above into 'options').  This key indexes an immutable value (not another
    # dotdict layer), so is not available for the web API to report/manipulate.
    options.setdefault( 'enip_process', logix.process )
    options.setdefault( 'identity_class', identity_class )

    # The Web API

    # Deduce web interface:port address to bind, and correct types (default is address, above).
    # Default to the same interface as we're bound to, port 80.  We'll only start if non-empty --web
    # was provided, though (even if it's just ':', to get all defaults).  Usually you'll want to
    # specify at least --web :[<port>].
    http			= args.web.split(':')
    assert 1 <= len( http ) <= 2, "Invalid --web [<interface>]:[<port>}: %s" % args.web
    http			= ( str( http[0] ) if http[0] else bind[0],
                                    int( http[1] ) if len( http ) > 1 and http[1] else 80 )

    if args.web:
        assert 'web' in sys.modules, "Failed to import web API module; --web option not available.  Run 'pip install web.py'"
        logging.normal( "EtherNet/IP Simulator Web API Server: %r" % ( http, ))
        webserver		= threading.Thread( target=web_api, kwargs={'http': http} )
        webserver.daemon	= True

    # The EtherNet/IP Simulator.  Pass all the top-level options keys/values as keywords, and pass
    # the entire tags dotdict as a tags=... keyword.  The server_main server.control signals (.done,
    # .disable) are also passed as the server= keyword.  We are using an cpppo.apidict with a long
    # timeout; this will block the web API for several seconds to allow all threads to respond to
    # the signals delivered via the web API.
    logging.normal( "EtherNet/IP Simulator: %r" % ( bind, ))
    kwargs			= dict( options, latency=latency, size=args.size, tags=tags, server=srv_ctl )

    tf				= network.server_thread
    tf_kwds			= dict()
    if args.profile:
        tf			= network.server_thread_profiling
        tf_kwds['filename']	= args.profile

    disabled			= False	# Recognize toggling between en/disabled
    while not srv_ctl.control.done:
        if not srv_ctl.control.disable:
            if disabled:
                logging.detail( "EtherNet/IP Server enabled" )
                disabled= False
            network.server_main( address=bind, target=enip_srv, kwargs=kwargs,
                                 idle_service=lambda: map( lambda f: f(), idle_service ),
                                 thread_factory=tf, **tf_kwds )
            if not disabled:
                logging.detail( "EtherNet/IP Server disabled" )
                disabled= True
            time.sleep( latency )            # Still disabled; wait a bit

    return 0
예제 #24
파일: history_test.py 프로젝트: ekw/cpppo
def test_history_performance():

    for _ in range( 3 ):
        path		= "/tmp/test_performance_%d" % random.randint( 100000, 999999 )
        if os.path.exists( path ):
    assert not os.path.exists( path ), "Couldn't find an unused name: %s" % path 

    files		= []
        day		= 24*60*60
        dur		= 3*day		# a few days worth of data
        regstps		= 0.0,5.0	# 0-5secs between updates
        numfiles	= dur//day+1	# ~1 file/day, but at least 2
        values		= {}		# Initial register values
        regscount	= 1000		# Number of different registers
        regschanged	= 1,10		# From 1-25 registers per row
        regsbase	= 40001

        start		= timer()

        now = beg	= start - dur
        linecnt		= 0
        for e in reversed( range( numfiles )):
            f		= path + (( '.%d' % e ) if e else '') # 0'th file has no extension
            files.append( f )
            with logger( f ) as l:
                if values:
                    l.write( values, now=now ); linecnt += 1
                while now < beg + len(files) * dur/numfiles:
                    lst	= now
                    now += random.uniform( *regstps )
                    assert now >= lst
                    assert timestamp( now ) >= timestamp( lst ), "now: %s, timestamp(now): %s" % ( now, timestamp( now ))
                    updates = {}
                    for _ in range( random.randint( *regschanged )):
                        updates[random.randint( regsbase, regsbase + regscount - 1 )] = random.randint( 0, 1<<16 - 1 )
                    values.update( updates )
                    l.write( updates, now=now ); linecnt += 1
                lst 	= now
                now    += random.uniform( *regstps )
                assert now >= lst
                assert timestamp( now ) >= timestamp( lst )
            if e:
                # Compress .1 onward using a random format; randomly delete origin uncompressed file
                # so sometimes both files exist
                if random.choice( (True, False, False, False) ):
                    continue # Don't make a compressed version of some files
                fz	 = f + '.%s' % random.choice( ('gz', 'bz2', 'xz') )
                files.append( fz )
                with opener( fz, mode='wb' ) as fd:
                    fd.write( open( f, 'rb' ).read() )
                if random.choice( (True, False, False) ):
                    continue # Don't remove some of the uncompressed files
                os.unlink( f )
                files.pop( files.index( f ))

        logging.warning( "Generated data in %.3fs; lines: %d", timer() - start, linecnt )

        # Start somewhere within 0-1% the dur of the beg, forcing the load the look back to
        # find the first file.  Try to do it all in the next 'playback' second (just to push it to
        # the max), in 'chunks' pieces.
        historical	= timestamp( random.uniform( beg + dur*0/100, beg + dur*1/100 ))
        basis		= timer()
        playback	= 2.0 * dur/day # Can sustain ~2 seconds / day of history on a single CPU
        chunks		= 1000
        factor		= dur / playback
        lookahead	= 60.0
        duration	= None
        if random.choice( (True,False) ):
            duration	= random.uniform( dur * 98/100, dur * 102/100 )

        begoff		= historical.value - beg
        endoff		= 0 if duration is None else (( historical.value + duration ) - ( beg + dur ))
        logging.warning( "Playback starts at beginning %s %s, duration %s, ends at ending %s %s",
                         timestamp( beg ), format_offset( begoff, ms=False ),
                         None if duration is None else format_offset( duration, ms=False, symbols='-+' ),
                         timestamp( beg + dur ), format_offset( endoff, ms=False ))

        ld		= loader(
            path, historical=historical, basis=basis, factor=factor, lookahead=lookahead, duration=duration )
        eventcnt	= 0
        slept		= 0
        cur		= None
        while ld:
            once	= False
            while ld.state < ld.AWAITING or not once:
                once		= True
                upcoming	= None
                limit		= random.randint( 0, 250 )
                if random.choice( (True,False) ):
                    upcoming	= ld.advance()
                    if random.choice( (True,False) ) and cur:
                        # ~25% of the time, provide an 'upcoming' timestamp that is between the
                        # current advancing historical time and the last load time.
                        upcoming-= random.uniform( 0, upcoming.value - cur.value )
                cur,events	= ld.load( upcoming=upcoming, limit=limit )
                eventcnt       += len( events )
                advance		= ld.advance()
                offset		= advance.value - cur.value
                logging.detail( "%s loaded up to %s (%s w/ upcoming %14s); %4d future, %4d values: %4d events / %4d limit" ,
                                ld, cur, format_offset( offset ),
                                format_offset( upcoming.value - advance.value ) if upcoming is not None else None,
                                len( ld.future ), len( ld.values ), len( events ), limit )

            logging.warning( "%s loaded up to %s; %3d future, %4d values: %6d events total",
                                ld, cur, len( ld.future ), len( ld.values ), eventcnt )
                snapshot	= tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
                display_top( snapshot, limit=10 )

            time.sleep( playback/chunks )
            slept	       += playback/chunks

        elapsed		= timer() - basis
        eventtps	= eventcnt // ( elapsed - slept )
        logging.error( "Playback in %.3fs (slept %.3fs); events: %d ==> %d historical records/sec",
                       elapsed, slept, eventcnt, eventtps )
        if not logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor( logging.NORMAL ):
            # Ludicrously low threshold, to pass tests on very slow machines
            assert eventtps >= 1000, \
                "Historical event processing performance low: %d records/sec" % eventtps

    except Exception as exc:
        logging.normal( "Test failed: %s", exc )
        for f in files:
            logging.normal( "%s:\n    %s", f, "    ".join( l for l in open( f )))

        for f in files:
            logging.detail( "unlinking %s", f )
                os.unlink( f )
예제 #25
    def request(self, data, addr=None):
        """Any exception should result in a reply being generated with a non-zero status."""

        # See if this request is for us; if not, route to the correct Object, and return its result.
        # If the resolution/lookup fails (eg. bad symbolic Tag); ignore it (return False on error)
        # and continue processing, so we can return a proper .status error code from the actual
        # request, below.
        target = self.route(data, fail=Message_Router.ROUTE_FALSE)
        if target:
            if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DETAIL):
                log.detail("%s Routing to %s: %s", self, target,
            return target.request(data, addr=addr)

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DETAIL):
            log.detail("%s Request: %s", self, enip_format(data))
        # This request is for this Object.

        # Pick out our services added at this level.  If not recognized, let superclass try; it'll
        # return an appropriate error code if not recognized.
        if (data.get('service') == self.RD_VAR_REQ
                or self.RD_VAR_CTX in data and data.setdefault(
                    'service', self.RD_VAR_REQ) == self.RD_VAR_REQ):
            # Read Dynamic Variable --> Read Dynamic Variable Reply.
        elif (data.get('service') == self.RD_STS_REQ
              or self.RD_STS_CTX in data and data.setdefault(
                  'service', self.RD_STS_REQ) == self.RD_STS_REQ):
            # Read Additional Status --> Read Additional Status Reply.
        elif (data.get('service') == self.RD_INF_REQ
              or self.RD_INF_CTX in data and data.setdefault(
                  'service', self.RD_INF_REQ) == self.RD_INF_REQ):
            # Get Device Info --> Get Device Info Reply.
        elif (data.get('service') == self.PT_INI_REQ
              or self.PT_INI_CTX in data and data.setdefault(
                  'service', self.PT_INI_REQ) == self.PT_INI_REQ):
            # Pass-thru Init --> Pass-thru Init Reply.
        elif (data.get('service') == self.PT_QRY_REQ
              or self.PT_QRY_CTX in data and data.setdefault(
                  'service', self.PT_QRY_REQ) == self.PT_QRY_REQ):
            # Pass-thru Query --> Pass-thru Query Reply.
        elif (data.get('service') == self.PT_FLQ_REQ
              or self.PT_FLQ_CTX in data and data.setdefault(
                  'service', self.PT_FLQ_REQ) == self.PT_FLQ_REQ):
            # Pass-thru Flush Queue --> Pass-thru Flush Queue Reply.
            # Not recognized; more generic command?
            return super(HART, self).request(data, addr=addr)

        # It is a recognized HART Object request.  Set the data.status to the appropriate error
        # code, should a failure occur at that location during processing.  We will be returning a
        # reply beyond this point; any exceptions generated will be captured, logged and an
        # appropriate reply .status error code returned.

        if not hasattr(self, 'hart_command'):
            self.hart_command = None  # Any HART Pass-thru command in process: None or (<command>,<command_data)

        def fldnam_attribute(typ, fldnam, dfl):
            insnam = "HART_{channel}_Data".format(channel=self.instance_id - 1)
            tag = '.'.join((insnam, fldnam))
            res = resolve_tag(tag)
            if not res:
                # Not found; create one.  Use Class ID 0xF35D, same Instance ID as self.
                # No one else should be creating Instances of this Class ID...
                clsid = HART_Data.class_id
                insid = self.instance_id
                obj = lookup(clsid, insid)
                if not obj:
                    obj = HART_Data(insnam, instance_id=insid)
                att = Attribute_print(name=tag, type_cls=typ,
                                      default=dfl)  # eg. 'PV', REAL
                attid = 0
                if obj.attribute:
                    attid = int(sorted(obj.attribute, key=misc.natural)[-1])
                attid += 1
                obj.attribute[str(attid)] \
                                = att
                    "%-24s Instance %3d, Attribute %3d added: %s (Tag: %s)",
                    obj, insid, attid, att, tag)
                res = redirect_tag(tag, {
                    'class': clsid,
                    'instance': insid,
                    'attribute': attid
                assert resolve_tag( tag ) == res, \
                    "Failed to create '{tag}' Tag pointing to {res!r}; found: {out!r}".format(
                        tag=tag, res=res, out=resolve_tag( tag ))
            # res is a (clsid,insid,attid) of an Attribute containing this fldnam's data.
            attribute = lookup(*res)
            return attribute

        data.service |= 0x80
        data.status = 0x08  # Service not supported, if not recognized or fail to access
            if data.service == self.RD_VAR_RPY:
                data.read_var = dotdict()
                for typ, fldnam, dfl in self.RD_VAR_RPY_FLD:
                    attribute = fldnam_attribute(typ, fldnam, dfl)
                    data.read_var[fldnam] = attribute[0]
                    logging.detail("%s <-- %s == %s", fldnam, attribute,
                data.read_var.status = 0x00
                data.status = 0
            elif data.service == self.PT_INI_RPY:
                # Actually store the command, return a proper handle.  The status is actually a HART
                # command result code where 33 means initiated.  Unlike a real HART I/O card, we'll
                # just discard any previous HART pass-thru command (we don't have a stack).
                data.init.handle = 99
                data.init.queue_space = 200
                if self.hart_command:
                    data.init.status = random.choice(
                        (32, 33))  # 32 busy, 33 initiated, 35 device offline
                    if data.init.status == 33:
                        self.hart_command = None
                    data.init.status = random.choice((33, 35))
                if self.hart_command is None and data.init.status == 33:
                    self.hart_command = data.init.command, data.init.get(
                        'command_data', [])
                    "%s: HART Pass-thru Init Command %r: %s", self,
                    self.hart_command, "busy" if data.init.status == 33 else
                    "initiated" if data.init.status == 32 else "unknown: %s" %
                logging.detail("%s HART Pass-thru Init: %r", self, data)
                data.status = 0
            elif data.service == self.PT_QRY_RPY:
                # TODO: just return a single network byte ordered real, for now, as if its a HART
                # Read Primary Variable request.  We're returning the Input Tag version of the
                # pass-thru command (not the CIP version)
                data.query.reply_status = 0
                data.query.fld_dev_status = 0
                data.query.reply_data = []

                if self.hart_command is not None:
                    data.query.status = random.choice((0, 34, 34, 34))
                    data.query.command = self.hart_command[
                        0]  # ignore command_data
                    data.query.status = 35  # 0 success, 34 running, 35 dead
                    data.query.command = 0

                if self.hart_command and self.hart_command[
                        0] == 1 and data.query.status == 0:
                    # PV units code (unknown? not in Input Tag type command) + 4-byte PV REAL (network order)
                    attribute = fldnam_attribute(REAL, 'PV', 1.234)
                    val = attribute[0]
                    data.query.reply_data += [
                        b for b in bytearray(REAL_network.produce(val))
                elif self.hart_command and self.hart_command[
                        0] == 2 and data.query.status == 0:
                    # current and percent of range.
                    attribute = fldnam_attribute(REAL, 'loop_current',
                                                 random.uniform(4, 20))
                    cur = attribute[0]
                    pct = 0.0 if cur < 4 else 100.0 if cur > 20 else (
                        cur - 4) / (20 - 4) * 100
                    data.query.reply_data += [
                        b for b in bytearray(REAL_network.produce(cur))
                    data.query.reply_data += [
                        b for b in bytearray(REAL_network.produce(pct))
                elif self.hart_command and self.hart_command[
                        0] == 3 and data.query.status == 0:
                    insnam = "HART_{channel}_Data".format(
                        channel=self.instance_id - 1)
                    for v in ('PV', 'SV', 'TV', 'FV'):
                        attribute = fldnam_attribute(REAL, v,
                                                     random.uniform(0, 1))
                        val = attribute[0]
                        data.query.reply_data += [
                            b for b in bytearray(REAL_network.produce(val))
                data.query.reply_size = len(data.query.reply_data)
                    "%s: HART Pass-thru Query Command %r: %s", self,
                    self.hart_command, "success" if data.query.status == 0 else
                    "running" if data.query.status == 34 else
                    "dead" if data.query.status == 35 else "unknown: %s" %

                if data.query.status in (0, 35):
                    self.hart_command = None
                logging.detail("%s HART Pass-thru Query: %r", self, data)
                data.status = 0
                assert False, "Not Implemented: {data!r}".format(data=data)

            # Success (data.status == 0x00), or failure w/ non-zero data.status

        except Exception as exc:
            # On Exception, if we haven't specified a more detailed error code, return General
            # Error.  Remember: 0x06 (Insufficent Packet Space) is a NORMAL response to a successful
            # Read Tag Fragmented that returns a subset of the requested data.
                "%r Service 0x%02x %s failed with Exception: %s\nRequest: %s\n%s",
                self, data.service if 'service' in data else 0,
                (self.service[data.service] if 'service' in data
                 and data.service in self.service else "(Unknown)"), exc,
                ('' if log.getEffectiveLevel() >= logging.NORMAL else ''.join(
            assert data.status, \
                "Implementation error: must specify .status before raising Exception!"

        # Always produce a response payload; if a failure occurred, will contain an error status
        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DETAIL):
            log.detail("%s Response: Service 0x%02x %s %s", self,
                       data.service if 'service' in data else 0,
                       (self.service[data.service] if 'service' in data
                        and data.service in self.service else "(Unknown)"),
        data.input = bytearray(self.produce(data))
        return True
예제 #26
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    Begin polling the designated register range(s), optionally writing initial values to them.

    Register range(s) and value(s) must be supplied:
      modbus_poll --address localhost:7502 40001-40100
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", default=0, action="count", help="Display logging information.")
    parser.add_argument("-l", "--log", type=str, default=None, help="Direct log output to the specified file")
        "-a", "--address", default="", help="Default [interface][:port] to bind to (default: any, port 502)"
    parser.add_argument("-r", "--reach", default=1, help="Merge polls within <reach> registers of each-other")
    parser.add_argument("-R", "--rate", default=1.0, help="Target poll rate")
        "-t", "--timeout", default=Defaults.Timeout, help="I/O Timeout (default: %s)" % (Defaults.Timeout)
    parser.add_argument("registers", nargs="+")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Deduce logging level and target file (if any)
    levelmap = {0: logging.WARNING, 1: logging.NORMAL, 2: logging.DETAIL, 3: logging.INFO, 4: logging.DEBUG}
    cpppo.log_cfg["level"] = levelmap[args.verbose] if args.verbose in levelmap else logging.DEBUG
    if args.log:
        cpppo.log_cfg["filename"] = args.log

    # (INADDR_ANY) if only :port is supplied.  Port defaults to 502 if only
    # interface is supplied.  After this block, 'address' is always a tuple
    # like ("interface",502)
    address = None
    if args.address:
        address = args.address.split(":")
        assert 1 <= len(address) <= 2
        address = (str(address[0]), int(address[1]) if len(address) > 1 else Defaults.Port)
        log.info("--address '%s' produces address=%r" % (args.address, address))

    # Set up the Modbus/TCP I/O timeout to use, for all connect and read/write transactions
    Defaults.Timeout = float(args.timeout)

    # Start the PLC poller (and perform any initial writes indicated)
    poller = poller_modbus("Modbus/TCP", host=address[0], port=address[1], reach=int(args.reach), rate=float(args.rate))

    for txt in args.registers:
        beg, end, val = register_decode(txt)  # beg-end is inclusive
        for reg in range(beg, end + 1):
        if val:
            # Value(s) were supplied for the register(s) range; write 'em.  This results in a
            # WriteMultipleRegistersRequest if val is an iterable, or a WriteSingle...  if not.
            # We'll need to shatter/merge the register range into appropriate sized chunks for a
            # valid Modbus/TCP request, and then take the appropriate number of values for each.
            for base, length in merge([(beg, end - beg + 1)]):
                poller.write(base, val[0] if length == 1 else val[:length])
                val = val[length:]

    load = ""
    fail = ""
    poll = ""
    regs = {}
    while True:
        loadcur = "%.2f" % (poller.load[0] if poller.load[0] else 0)
        if loadcur != load:
            load = loadcur
            logging.detail("load: %s", loadcur)
        failcur = ", ".join([("%d-%d" % (b, b + c - 1)) for b, c in poller.failing])
        pollcur = ", ".join([("%d-%d" % (b, b + c - 1)) for b, c in poller.polling])
        if failcur != fail or pollcur != poll:
            fail, poll = failcur, pollcur
            logging.normal("failing: %s, polling: %s", fail, poll)
        # log data changes
        for beg, cnt in poller.polling:
            for reg in range(beg, beg + cnt):
                val = poller.read(reg)
                old = regs.get(reg)  # may be None
                if val != old:
                    logging.warning("%5d == %5d (was: %s)" % (reg, val, old))
                    regs[reg] = val

예제 #27
def test_history_unparsable():
    """Test history files rendered unparsable due to dropouts.  This should be handled with no problem
    except if the initial frame of register data on the first file is missing.

    for _ in range( 3 ):
        path		= "/tmp/test_unparsable_%d" % random.randint( 100000, 999999 )
        if os.path.exists( path ):
    assert not os.path.exists( path ), "Couldn't find an unused name: %s" % path 

    files		= []
        # Create a series of history files with decreasing timestamps as the numeric extension
        # increases, containing records that are invalid.
        now		= timer()
        v		= 10000
        secs		= 10
        secs_ext	=  1.0  # adjust range of history to target out by this +/-
        basisext	=   .5  # adjust start basis time from now by this +/-
        minfactor	=   .25
        maxfactor	=  2.0
        maxlatency	=   .25
        # 1/N file lines corrupted (kills 2 records; the current and following).  0 --> no errors
        maxerror	= random.choice( [ None, 3, 10, 100 ] )
        oldest		= None
        newest		= None
        logging.normal( "Corrupting %s of all history lines", None if not maxerror else "1/%d" % maxerror )
        for e in range( secs ):
            f		= path + (( '.%d' % e ) if e else '') # 0'th file has no extension
            files.append( f )
            with logger( f ) as l:
                ssend	= 100
                for ss in range( 0, ssend ): # subseconds up to but not including ssend...
                    js	= json.dumps( { 40001: v + e * 1000 + (ss * 1000 // ssend) } ) + '\n'
                    if maxerror and not random.randint( 0, maxerror ):
                        # Truncate some of the records (as would occur in a filesystem full or halt)
                        js = js[:random.randint( 0, len( js ) - 1)]
                    ts	= timestamp( now - e + ss/ssend )
                    if oldest is None or ts < oldest:
                        oldest = ts
                    if newest is None or ts > newest:
                        newest = ts
                    l._append( '\t'.join( (str( ts ),json.dumps( None ),js) ) )

        # Load the historical records.  This will be robust against all errors except if the first
        # line of the first history file opened is corrupt, and we therefore cannot get the initial
        # frame of register data.
        historical	= timestamp( now - random.uniform( -secs_ext, secs + secs_ext ))
        basisdelay	= random.uniform( -basisext, +basisext )
        basis		= now + basisdelay
        factor		= random.uniform( minfactor, maxfactor )
        lookahead	= 1.0
        on_bad_iframe	= random.choice( (loader.RAISE, loader.FAIL, loader.SUPPRESS, loader.SUPPRESS, loader.SUPPRESS) )
        on_bad_data	= random.choice( (loader.RAISE, loader.FAIL, loader.SUPPRESS, loader.SUPPRESS, loader.SUPPRESS) )
        logging.normal( "Playback starts %s (%.1f%%) of history %s-%s, in %.3fs, at x %.2f rate w/%.1fs lookahead, on_bad_iframe=%s, on_bad_data=%s",
                        historical, ( historical.value - oldest.value ) * 100 / ( newest.value - oldest.value ),
                        oldest, newest, basisdelay, factor, lookahead,
                        "SUPPRESS" if on_bad_iframe == loader.SUPPRESS else "FAIL" if on_bad_iframe  == loader.FAIL else "RAISE",
                        "SUPPRESS" if on_bad_data   == loader.SUPPRESS else "FAIL" if on_bad_data    == loader.FAIL else "RAISE" )

        ld		= loader( path,
                                historical=historical, basis=basis, factor=factor, lookahead=lookahead )
        dur		= basisext + ( secs_ext + secs + secs_ext ) / factor + basisext + 2*maxlatency # Don't be tooo strict
        beg		= timer()
        count		= 0

        while ld:
            assert timer() - beg < dur, "The loader should have ended"
            cur,events	= ld.load( on_bad_iframe=on_bad_iframe, on_bad_data=on_bad_data )
            count      += len( events )
            logging.normal( "%s loaded up to %s; %d future, %d values: %d events: %s",
                            ld, cur, len( ld.future ), len( ld.values ), len( events ), 
                            repr( events ) if logging.root.isEnabledFor( logging.DEBUG ) else reprlib.repr( events ))
            time.sleep( random.uniform( 0.0, maxlatency ))

        if on_bad_data == ld.FAIL or on_bad_iframe == ld.FAIL:
            assert ld.state in (ld.COMPLETE, ld.FAILED)
            assert ld.state == ld.COMPLETE

    except IframeError as exc:
        logging.warning( "Detected error on initial frame of registers in first history file; failure expected: %s", exc )
        assert ld.state == ld.FAILED and count == 0, "Shouldn't have loaded any events -- only iframe failures expected"

    except DataError as exc:
        logging.warning( "Detected error on registers data in a history file; failure expected: %s", exc )
        assert ld.state == ld.FAILED

    except Exception as exc:
        logging.normal( "Test failed: %s", exc )
        for f in files:
            if os.path.exists( f ):
                logging.normal( "%s:\n    %s", f, "    ".join( l for l in open( f )))
                logging.warning( "%s: Couldn't find file", f )

        for f in files:
            logging.detail( "unlinking %s", f )
                os.unlink( f )
예제 #28
def main( argv=None ):
    """Get Attribute(s) Single/All the specified Instance or Attribute level address(es)

    ap				= argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description = "An EtherNet/IP Get Attribute Single/All and Set Attribute Single client",
        formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
        epilog = """\

One or more EtherNet/IP CIP Object/Instance Attributes may be read or
written.  The full format for specifying a tag and an operation is:


The default Send Path is '@6/1', and the default Route Path is [{"link": 0,
"port":1}].  This should work with a device that can route requests to links
(eg. a *Logix Controller), with the Processor is slot 1 of the chassis.  If you
have a simpler device (ie. something that does not route requests, such as an AB
PowerFlex for example), then you may want to specify:

    --send-path='' --route-path=false

to eliminate the *Logix-style Unconnected Send (service 0x52) encapsulation
which is required to carry this Send/Route Path data. """ )

    ap.add_argument( '-a', '--address',
                     default=( "%s:%d" % enip.address ),
                     help="EtherNet/IP interface[:port] to connect to (default: %s:%d)" % (
                         enip.address[0], enip.address[1] ))
    ap.add_argument( '-m', '--multiple', action='store_true',
                     help="Use Multiple Service Packet request targeting ~500 bytes (default: False)" )
    ap.add_argument( '-d', '--depth',
                     help="Pipelining depth" )
    ap.add_argument( '-t', '--timeout',
                     help="EtherNet/IP timeout (default: 5s)" )
    ap.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action="count",
                     help="Display logging information." )
    ap.add_argument( '-l', '--log',
                     help="Log file, if desired" )
    ap.add_argument( '--route-path',
                     help="Route Path, in JSON (default: %r); 0/false to specify no/empty route_path" % (
                         str( json.dumps( client.connector.route_path_default ))))
    ap.add_argument( '--send-path',
                     help="Send Path to UCMM (default: @6/1); Specify an empty string '' for no Send Path" )
    ap.add_argument( '-P', '--profile', action='store_true',
                     help="Activate profiling (default: False)" )
    ap.add_argument( 'tags', nargs="+",
                     help="Class/Instance[/Attribute] to get (- to read from stdin), eg: @2/1 @2/1/1" )

    args			= ap.parse_args( argv )

    # Set up logging level (-v...) and --log <file>
    levelmap 			= {
        0: logging.WARNING,
        1: logging.NORMAL,
        2: logging.DETAIL,
        3: logging.INFO,
        4: logging.DEBUG,
    cpppo.log_cfg['level']	= ( levelmap[args.verbose] 
                                    if args.verbose in levelmap
                                    else logging.DEBUG )
    if args.log:
        cpppo.log_cfg['filename'] = args.log

    logging.basicConfig( **cpppo.log_cfg )

    addr			= args.address.split(':')
    assert 1 <= len( addr ) <= 2, "Invalid --address [<interface>]:[<port>}: %s" % args.address
    addr			= ( str( addr[0] ) if addr[0] else enip.address[0],
                                    int( addr[1] ) if len( addr ) > 1 and addr[1] else enip.address[1] )
    timeout			= float( args.timeout )
    depth			= int( args.depth )
    multiple			= 500 if args.multiple else 0
    route_path			= json.loads( args.route_path ) if args.route_path else None # may be None/0/False
    send_path			= args.send_path

    if '-' in args.tags:
        # Collect tags from sys.stdin 'til EOF, at position of '-' in argument list
        minus			= args.tags.index( '-' )
        tags			= itertools.chain( args.tags[:minus], sys.stdin, args.tags[minus+1:] )
        tags			= args.tags

    profiler			= None
    if args.profile:
        import cProfile as profile
        import pstats
        import StringIO
        profiler		= profile.Profile()

    failures			= 0
    with client.connector( host=addr[0], port=addr[1], timeout=timeout, profiler=profiler ) as connection:
        idx			= -1
        start			= cpppo.timer()
        operations		= attribute_operations( tags, route_path=route_path, send_path=send_path )
        for idx,dsc,op,rpy,sts,val in connection.pipeline(
                operations=operations, depth=depth, multiple=multiple, timeout=timeout ):
            print( "%s: %3d: %s == %s" % ( time.ctime(), idx, dsc, val ))
            failures	       += 1 if sts else 0
        elapsed			= cpppo.timer() - start
        logging.normal( "%3d requests in %7.3fs at pipeline depth %2s; %7.3f TPS" % (
            idx+1, elapsed, args.depth, (idx+1) / elapsed ))

    if profiler:
        s			= StringIO.StringIO()
        ps			= pstats.Stats( profiler, stream=s )
        for sortby in [ 'cumulative', 'time' ]:
            ps.sort_stats( sortby )
            ps.print_stats( 25 )
        print( s.getvalue() )

    return 1 if failures else 0
예제 #29
def test_client_api_simple():
    taglen = 100  # able to fit request for Attribute into 1 packet
    server_addr = ('localhost', 12398)
    server_kwds = dotdict({
        'argv': [
            '%s:%d' % server_addr,
            'Int@0x99/1/1=INT[%d]' % (taglen),
            'Real@0x99/1/2=REAL[%d]' % (taglen),
            'DInt@0x99/1/3=DINT[%d]' % (taglen),
        'server': {
            'control': apidict(enip.timeout, {'done': False}),
    server_func = enip_main

    Process = threading.Thread  # multiprocessing.Process
    server = Process(target=server_func, kwargs=server_kwds)
    server.daemon = True

    client_timeout = 15.0

        connection = None
        while not connection:
                connection = enip.client.implicit(*server_addr,
            except socket.error as exc:
                logging.warning("enip.client.connector socket.error: %r", exc)
                if exc.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED:
            except Exception as exc:
                logging.warning("enip.client.connector Exception: %r", exc)

        with connection:
            # Get Attribute Single's payload is an EPATH
            req = connection.service_code(code=enip.Object.GA_SNG_REQ,
            assert 'service_code' in req and req.service_code is True  # no payload
            assert connection.readable(timeout=10.0)  # receive reply
            rpy = next(connection)
            assert rpy and 'enip.CIP' in rpy and 'send_data.CPF.item[1].connection_data.request.get_attribute_single' in rpy.enip.CIP

            # Set Attribute Single's payload is an EPATH + USINT data
            req = connection.service_code(
                        #enip.EPATH.produce( enip.parse_path( '@0x99/1/2' )) +
                            {'data': list(map(float, range(taglen)))},
            assert 'service_code' in req and isinstance(
                req.service_code, dict) and 'data' in req.service_code
            assert connection.readable(timeout=10.0)  # receive reply
            rpy = next(connection)
            assert rpy and 'enip.CIP' in rpy and 'send_data.CPF.item[1].connection_data.request.set_attribute_single' in rpy.enip.CIP
            # Try to send some PCCC I/O
            req		= connection.connected_send( b'\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x4a\x0a\x03',
                                                     connection=0x8dee0016, sequence=1 )
            logging.normal("PCCC Request: %s", enip.enip_format( req ))
            #assert 'service_code' in req and req.service_code is True # no payload
            assert connection.readable( timeout=10.0 ) # receive reply
            rpy			= next( connection )
            logging.normal("PCCC Response: %s", enip.enip_format( rpy )) # will be EtherNet/IP status 8; nothing implemented

        if not random.randint(0, 9):  # 10% of the time...
            # Try a clean shutdown, closing the outgoing half of the socket, leading to an EOF on
            # the server.  This will cause the subsequent Forward Close to fail w/ an EPIPE
            logging.normal("Skip Forward Close; send EOF")
            assert connection.readable(timeout=1.0)  # receive EOF
            except socket.error as exc:
                if exc.errno != errno.EPIPE:
            # Normal close procedure; send Forward Close + EOF, receive Forward Close + EOF.
            logging.normal("Send Forward Close; then EOF")
            del connection
        control = server_kwds.get('server', {}).get('control',
                                                    {}) if server_kwds else {}
        if 'done' in control:
            log.normal("Server %r done signalled",
                'done'] = True  # only useful for threading.Thread; Process cannot see this
        if hasattr(server, 'terminate'):
            log.normal("Server %r done via .terminate()",
            )  # only if using multiprocessing.Process(); Thread doesn't have
예제 #30
 def failure( exc ):
     logging.normal( "failed: %s", exc )
     elapsed		= int(( timer() - failure.start ) * 1000 ) # ms.
     failed[elapsed]	= str( exc )
예제 #31
def test_rs485_poll(simulated_modbus_rtu_ttyS0):
    """Multiple poller_modbus instances may be polling different slave RTUs at different unit IDs.

    command, address = simulated_modbus_rtu_ttyS0
    Defaults.Timeout = PORT_TIMEOUT
    client = modbus_client_rtu(framer=modbus_rtu_framer_collecting,

    unit = 2
    plc = poller_modbus("RS485 unit %s" % (unit),

    wfkw = dict(timeout=1.0, intervals=10)

        plc.write(1, 0)
        plc.write(40001, 0)


        success, elapsed = waitfor(lambda: plc.read(40001) is not None,
                                   "40001 polled", **wfkw)
        assert success
        assert elapsed < 1.0
        assert plc.read(40001) == 0

        assert plc.read(1) == None
        assert plc.read(40002) == None
        success, elapsed = waitfor(lambda: plc.read(40002) is not None,
                                   "40002 polled", **wfkw)
        assert success
        assert elapsed < 1.0
        assert plc.read(40002) == 0
        success, elapsed = waitfor(lambda: plc.read(1) is not None,
                                   "00001 polled", **wfkw)
        assert success
        assert elapsed < 1.0
        assert plc.read(1) == 0

        plc.write(40001, 99)
        success, elapsed = waitfor(lambda: plc.read(40001) == 99,
                                   "40001 polled", **wfkw)
        assert success
        assert elapsed < 1.0

        # See if we converge on our target poll time
        count = plc.counter
        while plc.counter < count + 20:
            logging.normal("%s at poll %d: Load: %s ", plc.description,
                           plc.counter, plc.load)
        logging.normal("%s at poll %d: Load: %s ", plc.description,
                       plc.counter, plc.load)

    except Exception:
        logging.warning("%s poller failed: %s", plc.description,
        logging.info("Stopping plc polling")
        plc.done = True
        waitfor(lambda: not plc.is_alive(),
                "%s poller done" % (plc.description),
예제 #32
파일: history_test.py 프로젝트: ekw/cpppo
def test_history_sequential():
    for _ in range( 3 ):
        path		= "/tmp/test_sequential_%d" % random.randint( 100000, 999999 )
        if os.path.exists( path ):
    assert not os.path.exists( path ), "Couldn't find an unused name: %s" % path 

    files		= []
        # Create a series of history files with decreasing timestamps as the numeric extension
        # increases.  Note: times are truncated to milliseconds, so timestamps saved out will
        # probably evaluate as < the original value when read back in!  Since each file contains
        # only one record, we must be careful to use 'strict', to ensure we open the next file
        # strictly greater than the last timestamp (or we'll open the same file again!)
        now		= timer()
        count		= 10
        for e in range( count ):
            f		= path + (( '.%d' % e ) if e else '') # 0'th file has 0 extension
            files.append( f )
            with logger( f ) as l:
                l.write( { 40001: count - e }, now=now - e )
            if e:
                # Compress .1 onward using a random format; randomly delete origin uncompressed file
                # so sometimes both files exist
                if random.choice( (True, False, False, False) ):
                    continue # Don't make a compressed version of  some files
                fz	 = f + '.%s' % random.choice( ('gz', 'bz2', 'xz') )
                files.append( fz )
                with opener( fz, mode='wb' ) as fd:
                    fd.write( open( f, 'rb' ).read() )
                if random.choice( (True, False, False) ):
                    continue # Don't remove some of the uncompressed files
                os.unlink( f )
                files.pop( files.index( f ))

        # Attempt to begin loading history around the middle of the recording
        rdr		= reader( path,
                                          historical=now - random.uniform( 3.0, 9.0 ),
                                          basis=now + random.uniform( -.5, +.5 ),
                                          factor=3 )

        # Begin with the first historical file before our computed advancing historical time (we
        # could provide a specific timestamp here, if we wanted).  No lookahead.
        ts_l		= None
        f_l		= None
        after		= False # only first open is "before"; rest are "after"
        strict		= False # only goes false when timestamp increases in the same file
        deadline	= now + count
        while timer() <= deadline:
            # open next file beginning after the last ts
            o		= rdr.open( target=ts_l, after=after, strict=strict ) # Generator; doesn't do much here...
            after	= True
            strict	= True
            for (f,l,cur),(ts,js) in o: # raises HistoryExhausted on open() generator failure
                assert ts_l is None or ts >= ts_l, \
                    "Historical record out of sequence; %s isn't >= %s" % ( ts, ts_l )
                ts_l	= ts
                if js is None:
                    logging.info( "@%s: not yet available", ts )
                    assert ts > cur, "Next record should have been returned; not in future"
                    time.sleep( .1 )
                    logging.normal( "@%s: %r", ts, js )
                    assert ts <= cur, "Next record shouldn't have been returned; yet future"
                    if f == f_l and ts > ts_l:
                        strict = False
                f_l,ts_l= f,ts
        assert False, "Should have raised HistoryExhausted by now"
    except HistoryExhausted as exc:
        logging.normal( "History exhausted: %s", exc )

    except Exception as exc:
        logging.normal( "Test failed: %s", exc )

        for f in files:
            logging.detail( "unlinking %s", f )
                os.unlink( f )
예제 #33
def test_rs485_multi(simulated_modbus_rtu_ttyS0, simulated_modbus_rtu_ttyS2):

    command, address = simulated_modbus_rtu_ttyS0
    command, address = simulated_modbus_rtu_ttyS2
    Defaults.Timeout = PORT_TIMEOUT
    client = modbus_client_rtu(framer=modbus_rtu_framer_collecting,

    # 4 poller_modbus instances sharing the same RTU Master 'client'.  They will all block on I/O
    # access via the same RS485 media interface.
    slaves = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    plc = {}
    for unit in slaves:
        plc[unit] = poller_modbus("RS485 unit %s" % (unit),

    wfkw = dict(timeout=1.0, intervals=10)

        for unit in slaves:
            plc[unit].write(1, 0)
            plc[unit].write(40001, 0)

        # See if we converge on our target poll time
        count = plc[slaves[0]].counter
        while any(plc[unit].counter < count + 20 for unit in slaves):
            for unit in slaves:
                logging.normal("%s at poll %d: Load: %s ",
                               plc[unit].description, plc[unit].counter,
        for unit in slaves:
            logging.normal("%s at poll %d: Load: %s ", plc[unit].description,
                           plc[unit].counter, plc[unit].load)

        for unit in slaves:
            success, elapsed = waitfor(
                lambda: plc[unit].read(40001) is not None,
                "%d/40001 polled" % (unit), **wfkw)
            assert success
            assert elapsed < 1.0
            assert plc[unit].read(40001) == 0

        # Haven't polled 1 or 40002 yet
        for unit in slaves:
            assert plc[unit].read(1) == None
            assert plc[unit].read(40002) == None
        for unit in slaves:
            success, elapsed = waitfor(
                lambda: plc[unit].read(40002) is not None,
                "%d/40002 polled" % (unit), **wfkw)
            assert success
            assert elapsed < 1.0
            assert plc[unit].read(40002) == 0

            success, elapsed = waitfor(lambda: plc[unit].read(1) is not None,
                                       "%d/00001 polled" % (unit), **wfkw)
            assert success
            assert elapsed < 1.0
            assert plc[unit].read(1) == 0

        for unit in slaves:
            plc[unit].write(40001, 99)
            success, elapsed = waitfor(lambda: plc[unit].read(40001) == 99,
                                       "%d/40001 polled" % (unit), **wfkw)
            assert success
            assert elapsed < 1.0

    except Exception:
        logging.warning("poller failed: %s", traceback.format_exc())
        logging.info("Stopping plc polling")
        for unit in slaves:
            plc[unit].done = True
        for unit in slaves:
            waitfor(lambda: not plc[unit].is_alive(),
                    "%s poller done" % (plc[unit].description),
예제 #34
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

    Register range(s) and value(s) must be supplied:
      modbus_poll --address localhost:7502 40001-40100
                        help="Display logging information.")
                        help="Direct log output to the specified file")
        help="Default [interface][:port] to bind to (default: any, port 502)")
        help="Merge polls within <reach> registers of each-other")
    parser.add_argument('-R', '--rate', default=1.0, help="Target poll rate")
    parser.add_argument('registers', nargs="+")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Deduce logging level and target file (if any)
    levelmap = {
        0: logging.WARNING,
        1: logging.NORMAL,
        2: logging.DETAIL,
        3: logging.INFO,
        4: logging.DEBUG,
    cpppo.log_cfg['level'] = (levelmap[args.verbose]
                              if args.verbose in levelmap else logging.DEBUG)
    if args.log:
        cpppo.log_cfg['filename'] = args.log

    # (INADDR_ANY) if only :port is supplied.  Port defaults to 502 if only
    # interface is supplied.  After this block, 'address' is always a tuple
    # like ("interface",502)
    address = None
    if args.address:
        address = args.address.split(':')
        assert 1 <= len(address) <= 2
        address = (str(address[0]),
                   int(address[1]) if len(address) > 1 else Defaults.Port)
        log.info("--address '%s' produces address=%r" %
                 (args.address, address))

    # Start the PLC poller

    poller = poller_modbus("Modbus/TCP",

    for r in args.registers:
        rng = r.split('-')
        beg, cnt = int(
            rng[0]), int(rng[1]) - int(rng[0]) + 1 if len(rng) else 1
        for reg in range(beg, beg + cnt):

    load = ''
    fail = ''
    poll = ''
    regs = {}
    while True:
        loadcur = "%.2f" % (poller.load[0] if poller.load[0] else 0)
        if loadcur != load:
            load = loadcur
            logging.detail("load: %s", loadcur)
        failcur = ", ".join([("%d-%d" % (b, b + c - 1))
                             for b, c in poller.failing])
        pollcur = ", ".join([("%d-%d" % (b, b + c - 1))
                             for b, c in poller.polling])
        if (failcur != fail or pollcur != poll):
            fail, poll = failcur, pollcur
            logging.normal("failing: %s, polling: %s", fail, poll)
        # log data changes
        for beg, cnt in poller.polling:
            for reg in range(beg, beg + cnt):
                val = poller.read(reg)
                old = regs.get(reg)  # may be None
                if val != old:
                    logging.warning("%5d == %5d (was: %s)" % (reg, val, old))
                    regs[reg] = val

예제 #35
파일: modbus_poll.py 프로젝트: ywong3/cpppo
def main():
    parser			= argparse.ArgumentParser(
        epilog = """\
    Begin polling the designated register range(s), optionally writing initial values to them.

    Register range(s) and value(s) must be supplied:
      modbus_poll --address localhost:7502 40001-40100
    """ )
    parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose',
                         default=0, action="count", help="Display logging information." )
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', 
                        type=str, default=None, help="Direct log output to the specified file" )
    parser.add_argument( '-a', '--address', default="",
                         help="Default [interface][:port] to bind to (default: any, port 502)" )
    parser.add_argument( '-r', '--reach',	default=1,
                         help="Merge polls within <reach> registers of each-other" )
    parser.add_argument( '-R', '--rate',	default=1.0,
                         help="Target poll rate" )
    parser.add_argument( '-t', '--timeout',	default=Defaults.Timeout,
                         help="I/O Timeout (default: %s)" % ( Defaults.Timeout ))
    parser.add_argument( 'registers', nargs="+" )
    args			= parser.parse_args()
    # Deduce logging level and target file (if any)
    levelmap 			= {
        0: logging.WARNING,
        1: logging.NORMAL,
        2: logging.DETAIL,
        3: logging.INFO,
        4: logging.DEBUG,
    cpppo.log_cfg['level']	= ( levelmap[args.verbose] 
                                    if args.verbose in levelmap
                                    else logging.DEBUG )
    if args.log:
        cpppo.log_cfg['filename'] = args.log
    logging.basicConfig( **cpppo.log_cfg )

    # (INADDR_ANY) if only :port is supplied.  Port defaults to 502 if only
    # interface is supplied.  After this block, 'address' is always a tuple
    # like ("interface",502)
    address			= None
    if args.address:
        address			= args.address.split(':')
        assert 1 <= len( address ) <= 2
        address			= (
            str( address[0] ),
            int( address[1] ) if len( address ) > 1 else Defaults.Port )
        log.info( "--address '%s' produces address=%r" % ( args.address, address ))

    # Set up the Modbus/TCP I/O timeout to use, for all connect and read/write transactions
    Defaults.Timeout		= float( args.timeout )

    # Start the PLC poller (and perform any initial writes indicated)
    poller			= poller_modbus(
        "Modbus/TCP", host=address[0], port=address[1], reach=int( args.reach ), rate=float( args.rate ))

    for txt in args.registers:
        beg,end,val		= register_decode( txt ) # beg-end is inclusive
        for reg in range( beg, end+1 ):
            poller.poll( reg )
        if val:
            # Value(s) were supplied for the register(s) range; write 'em.  This results in a
            # WriteMultipleRegistersRequest if val is an iterable, or a WriteSingle...  if not.
            # We'll need to shatter/merge the register range into appropriate sized chunks for a
            # valid Modbus/TCP request, and then take the appropriate number of values for each.
            for base,length in merge( [ (beg,end-beg+1) ] ):
                poller.write( base, val[0] if length == 1 else val[:length] )
                val		= val[length:]
    load			= ''
    fail			= ''
    poll			= ''
    regs			= {}
    while True:
        loadcur			= "%.2f" % ( poller.load[0] if poller.load[0] else 0 )
        if loadcur != load:
            load		= loadcur
            logging.detail( "load: %s", loadcur )
        failcur			= ", ".join( [ ("%d-%d" % (b,b+c-1)) for b,c in poller.failing ] )
        pollcur			= ", ".join( [ ("%d-%d" % (b,b+c-1)) for b,c in poller.polling ] )
        if ( failcur != fail or pollcur != poll ):
            fail, poll		= failcur, pollcur
            logging.normal( "failing: %s, polling: %s", fail, poll )
        # log data changes
        for beg,cnt in poller.polling:
            for reg in range( beg, beg+cnt ):
                val		= poller.read( reg )
                old		= regs.get( reg ) # may be None
                if val != old:
                    logging.warning( "%5d == %5d (was: %s)" %( reg, val, old ))
                    regs[reg]	= val

        time.sleep( 1 )
예제 #36
    def position(self,
        """Begin position operation on 'actuator' w/in 'timeout'.  

        :param home: Return to home position before any other movement
        :param noop: Do not perform final activation

        Running with specified data

        1   - Set internal flag Y30 (input invalid flag)
        2   - Write 1 to internal flag Y19 (SVON)
        2a  -   and confirm internal flag X49 (SVRE) has become "1"
        3   - Write 1 to internal flag Y1C (SETUP)
        3a  -   and confirm internal flag X4A (SETON) has become "1"
        4   - Write data to D9102-D9110
        5   - Write Operation Start instruction "1" to D9100 (returns to 0 after processed)

        If no positioning kwds are provided, then no new position is configured.  If 'noop' is True,
        everything except the final activation is performed.

        begin = cpppo.timer()
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = self.TIMEOUT
        assert self.complete( actuator=actuator, svoff=svoff, timeout=timeout ), \
            "Previous actuator position incomplete within timeout %r" % timeout
        status = self.status(actuator=actuator)
        if not kwds:
            return status

        # Previous positioning complete, and possibly new position keywords provided.
        logging.detail("Position: actuator %3d setdata: %r", actuator, kwds)
        unit = self.unit(uid=actuator)

        # 1: set INPUT_INVALID
        unit.write(data.Y30_INPUT_INVALID.addr, 1)

        # 2: set SVON, check SVRE
        if timeout:
            assert cpppo.timer() <= begin + timeout, \
                "Failed to complete positioning SVON/SVRE within timeout"
        unit.write(data.Y19_SVON.addr, 1)
        svre = self.check(predicate=lambda: unit.read(
            data.Y19_SVON.addr) and unit.read(data.X49_SVRE.addr),
                          deadline=None if timeout is None else begin +
        assert svre, \
            "Failed to set SVON True and read SVRE True"

        # 3: Return to home? set SETUP, check SETON.  Otherwise, clear SETUP.  It is very unclear
        #    whether we need to do this, and/or whether we need to clear it afterwards.
        if home:
            if timeout:
                assert cpppo.timer() <= begin + timeout, \
                    "Failed to complete positioning SETUP/SETON within timeout"
            unit.write(data.Y1C_SETUP.addr, 1)
            seton = self.check(predicate=lambda: unit.read(
                data.Y1C_SETUP.addr) and unit.read(data.X4A_SETON.addr),
                               deadline=None if timeout is None else begin +
            if not seton:
                logging.warning("Failed to set SETUP True and read SETON True")
            # assert seton, \
            #    "Failed to set SETUP True and read SETON True"
            unit.write(data.Y1C_SETUP.addr, 0)

        # 4: Write any changed position data.  The actuator doesn't accept individual register
        # writes, so we use multiple register writes for each value.
        for k, v in kwds.items():
            assert k in data, \
                "Unrecognized positioning keyword: %s == %v" % ( k, v )
            assert STEP_DATA_BEG <= data[k].addr <= STEP_DATA_END, \
                "Invalid positioning keyword: %s == %v; not within position data address range" % ( k, v )
            format = data[k].get('format')
            if format:
                # Create a big-endian buffer.  This will be some multiple of register size.  Then,
                # unpack it into some number of 16-bit big-endian registers (this will be a tuple).
                buf = struct.pack('>' + format, v)
                values = [
                    struct.unpack_from('>H', buf[o:])[0]
                    for o in range(0, len(buf), 2)
                values = [v]
            if timeout:
                assert cpppo.timer() <= begin + timeout, \
                    "Failed to complete positioning data update within timeout"
            logging.normal("Position: actuator %3d updated: %16s: %8s (== %s)",
                           actuator, k, v, values)
            unit.write(data[k].addr, values)

        # 5: set operation_start to 0x0100 (1 in high-order bytes) unless 'noop'
        if not noop:
            unit.write(data.operation_start.addr, 0x0100)
            started = self.check(predicate=lambda: unit.read(
                data.operation_start.addr) == 0x0100,
                                 deadline=None if timeout is None else begin +
            assert started, \
                "Failed to detect positioning start within timeout"

        return self.status(actuator=actuator)
예제 #37
def main(argv=None,
    """Pass the desired argv (excluding the program name in sys.arg[0]; typically pass argv=None, which
    is equivalent to argv=sys.argv[1:], the default for argparse.  Requires at least one tag to be

    If a cpppo.apidict() is passed for kwds['server']['control'], we'll use it to transmit server
    control signals via its .done, .disable, .timeout and .latency attributes.

    Uses the provided attribute_class (default: device.Attribute) to process all EtherNet/IP
    attribute I/O (eg. Read/Write Tag [Fragmented]) requests.  By default, device.Attribute stores
    and retrieves the supplied data.  To perform other actions (ie. forward the data to your own
    application), derive from device.Attribute, and override the __getitem__ and __setitem__

    If an idle_service function is provided, it will be called after a period of latency between
    incoming requests.

    global address
    global options
    global tags
    global srv_ctl
    global latency
    global timeout

    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Provide an EtherNet/IP Server",

                    help="Display logging information.")
        default=("%s:%d" % address),
        help="EtherNet/IP interface[:port] to bind to (default: %s:%d)" %
        (address[0], address[1]))
                    help="Print a summary of operations to stdout")
    ap.add_argument('-l', '--log', help="Log file, if desired")
        help="Web API [interface]:[port] to bind to (default: %s, port 80)" %
        "Delay response to each request by a certain number of seconds (default: 0.0)"
        "Limit EtherNet/IP encapsulated request size to the specified number of bytes (default: None)",
        "Route Path, in JSON, eg. %r (default: None); 0/false to accept only empty route_path"
        % (str(json.dumps(route_path_default))))
                    help="Output profiling data to a file (default: None)")
        "Any tags, their type (default: INT), and number (default: 1), eg: tag=INT[1000]"

    args = ap.parse_args(argv)

    # Deduce interface:port address to bind, and correct types (default is address, above)
    bind = args.address.split(':')
    assert 1 <= len(
    ) <= 2, "Invalid --address [<interface>]:[<port>}: %s" % args.address
    bind = (str(bind[0]) if bind[0] else address[0],
            int(bind[1]) if len(bind) > 1 and bind[1] else address[1])

    # Set up logging level (-v...) and --log <file>
    levelmap = {
        0: logging.WARNING,
        1: logging.NORMAL,
        2: logging.DETAIL,
        3: logging.INFO,
        4: logging.DEBUG,
    cpppo.log_cfg['level'] = (levelmap[args.verbose]
                              if args.verbose in levelmap else logging.DEBUG)

    # Chain any provided idle_service function with log rotation; these may (also) consult global
    # signal flags such as logrotate_request, so execute supplied functions before logrotate_perform
    idle_service = [idle_service] if idle_service else []
    if args.log:
        # Output logging to a file, and handle UNIX-y log file rotation via 'logrotate', which sends
        # signals to indicate that a service's log file has been moved/renamed and it should re-open
        cpppo.log_cfg['filename'] = args.log
        signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, logrotate_request)


    # Pull out a 'server.control...' supplied in the keywords, and make certain it's a
    # cpppo.apidict.  We'll use this to transmit control signals to the server thread.  Set the
    # current values to sane initial defaults/conditions.
    if 'server' in kwds:
        assert 'control' in kwds[
            'server'], "A 'server' keyword provided without a 'control' attribute"
        srv_ctl = cpppo.dotdict(kwds.pop('server'))
        assert isinstance(
            cpppo.apidict), "The server.control... must be a cpppo.apidict"
        srv_ctl.control = cpppo.apidict(timeout=timeout)

    srv_ctl.control['done'] = False
    srv_ctl.control['disable'] = False
    srv_ctl.control.setdefault('latency', latency)

    # Global options data.  Copy any remaining keyword args supplied to main().  This could
    # include an alternative enip_process, for example, instead of defaulting to logix.process.

    # Specify a response delay.  The options.delay is another dotdict() layer, so it's attributes
    # (eg. .value, .range) are available to the web API for manipulation.  Therefore, they can be
    # set to arbitrary values at random times!  However, the type will be retained.
    def delay_range(*args, **kwds):
        """If a delay.range like ".1-.9" is specified, then change the delay.value every second to something
        in that range."""
        assert 'delay' in kwds and 'range' in kwds['delay'] and '-' in kwds['delay']['range'], \
            "No delay=#-# specified"
        log.normal("Delaying all responses by %s seconds",
        while True:
            # Once we start, changes to delay.range will be re-evaluated each loop
                lo, hi = map(float, kwds['delay']['range'].split('-'))
                kwds['delay']['value'] = random.uniform(lo, hi)
                log.info("Mutated delay == %g", kwds['delay']['value'])
            except Exception as exc:
                log.warning("No delay=#[.#]-#[.#] range specified: %s", exc)

    options.delay = cpppo.dotdict()
        options.delay.value = float(args.delay)
        log.normal("Delaying all responses by %r seconds", options.delay.value)
        assert '-' in args.delay, \
            "Unrecognized --delay=%r option" % args.delay
        # A range #-#; set up a thread to mutate the option.delay.value over the .range
        options.delay.range = args.delay
        options.delay.value = 0.0
        mutator = threading.Thread(target=delay_range, kwargs=options)
        mutator.daemon = True

    # Create all the specified tags/Attributes.  The enip_process function will (somehow) assign the
    # given tag name to reference the specified Attribute.  We'll define an Attribute to print
    # I/O if args.print is specified; reads will only be logged at logging.NORMAL and above.
    class Attribute_print(attribute_class):
        def __getitem__(self, key):
            value = super(Attribute_print, self).__getitem__(key)
            if log.isEnabledFor(logging.NORMAL):
                print("%20s[%5s-%-5s] == %s" %
                      (self.name, key.indices(len(self))[0] if isinstance(
                          key, slice) else key, key.indices(len(self))[1] -
                       1 if isinstance(key, slice) else key, value))
            return value

        def __setitem__(self, key, value):
            super(Attribute_print, self).__setitem__(key, value)
            print("%20s[%5s-%-5s] <= %s" %
                  (self.name, key.indices(len(self))[0] if isinstance(
                      key, slice) else key, key.indices(len(self))[1] -
                   1 if isinstance(key, slice) else key, value))

    for t in args.tags:
        tag_name, rest = t, ''
        if '=' in tag_name:
            tag_name, rest = tag_name.split('=', 1)
        tag_type, rest = rest or 'INT', ''
        tag_size = 1
        if '[' in tag_type:
            tag_type, rest = tag_type.split('[', 1)
            assert ']' in rest, "Invalid tag; mis-matched [...]"
            tag_size, rest = rest.split(']', 1)
        assert not rest, "Invalid tag specified; expected tag=<type>[<size>]: %r" % t
        tag_type = str(tag_type).upper()
        typenames = {
            "BOOL": (parser.BOOL, 0),
            "INT": (parser.INT, 0),
            "DINT": (parser.DINT, 0),
            "SINT": (parser.SINT, 0),
            "REAL": (parser.REAL, 0.0),
            "SSTRING": (parser.SSTRING, ''),
        assert tag_type in typenames, "Invalid tag type; must be one of %r" % list(
        tag_class, tag_default = typenames[tag_type]
            tag_size = int(tag_size)
            raise AssertionError("Invalid tag size: %r" % tag_size)

        # Ready to create the tag and its Attribute (and error code to return, if any).  If tag_size
        # is 1, it will be a scalar Attribute.  Since the tag_name may contain '.', we don't want
        # the normal dotdict.__setitem__ resolution to parse it; use plain dict.__setitem__.
        log.normal("Creating tag: %s=%s[%d]", tag_name, tag_type, tag_size)
        tag_entry = cpppo.dotdict()
        tag_entry.attribute = (
            Attribute_print if args.print else attribute_class)(
                default=(tag_default if tag_size == 1 else [tag_default] *
        tag_entry.error = 0x00
        dict.__setitem__(tags, tag_name, tag_entry)

    # Use the Logix simulator and all the basic required default CIP message processing classes by
    # default (unless some other one was supplied as a keyword options to main(), loaded above into
    # 'options').  This key indexes an immutable value (not another dotdict layer), so is not
    # available for the web API to report/manipulate.  By default, we'll specify no route_path, so
    # any request route_path will be accepted.  Otherwise, we'll create a UCMM-derived class with
    # the specified route_path, which will filter only requests w/ the correct route_path.
    options.setdefault('enip_process', logix.process)
    if identity_class:
        options.setdefault('identity_class', identity_class)
    assert not UCMM_class or not args.route_path, \
        "Specify either a route-path, or a custom UCMM_class; not both"
    if args.route_path is not None:
        # Must be JSON, eg. '[{"link"...}]', or '0'/'false' to explicitly specify no route_path
        # accepted (must be empty in request)
        class UCMM_class_with_route(device.UCMM):
            route_path = json.loads(args.route_path)

        UCMM_class = UCMM_class_with_route
    if UCMM_class:
        options.setdefault('UCMM_class', UCMM_class)
    if message_router_class:
        options.setdefault('message_router_class', message_router_class)
    if connection_manager_class:

    # The Web API

    # Deduce web interface:port address to bind, and correct types (default is address, above).
    # Default to the same interface as we're bound to, port 80.  We'll only start if non-empty --web
    # was provided, though (even if it's just ':', to get all defaults).  Usually you'll want to
    # specify at least --web :[<port>].
    http = args.web.split(':')
    assert 1 <= len(
        http) <= 2, "Invalid --web [<interface>]:[<port>}: %s" % args.web
    http = (str(http[0]) if http[0] else bind[0],
            int(http[1]) if len(http) > 1 and http[1] else 80)

    if args.web:
        assert 'web' in sys.modules, "Failed to import web API module; --web option not available.  Run 'pip install web.py'"
        logging.normal("EtherNet/IP Simulator Web API Server: %r" % (http, ))
        webserver = threading.Thread(target=web_api, kwargs={'http': http})
        webserver.daemon = True

    # The EtherNet/IP Simulator.  Pass all the top-level options keys/values as keywords, and pass
    # the entire tags dotdict as a tags=... keyword.  The server_main server.control signals (.done,
    # .disable) are also passed as the server= keyword.  We are using an cpppo.apidict with a long
    # timeout; this will block the web API for several seconds to allow all threads to respond to
    # the signals delivered via the web API.
    logging.normal("EtherNet/IP Simulator: %r" % (bind, ))
    kwargs = dict(options,

    tf = network.server_thread
    tf_kwds = dict()
    if args.profile:
        tf = network.server_thread_profiling
        tf_kwds['filename'] = args.profile

    disabled = False  # Recognize toggling between en/disabled
    while not srv_ctl.control.done:
        if not srv_ctl.control.disable:
            if disabled:
                logging.detail("EtherNet/IP Server enabled")
                disabled = False
                idle_service=lambda: map(lambda f: f(), idle_service),
            if not disabled:
                logging.detail("EtherNet/IP Server disabled")
                disabled = True
            time.sleep(latency)  # Still disabled; wait a bit

    return 0
예제 #38
        1: logging.NORMAL,
        2: logging.DETAIL,
        3: logging.INFO,
        4: logging.DEBUG,
    cpppo.log_cfg['level']	= ( levelmap[args.verbose] 
                                    if args.verbose in levelmap
                                    else logging.DEBUG )
    if args.log:
        cpppo.log_cfg['filename'] = args.log
    logging.basicConfig( **cpppo.log_cfg )

    def attribute_operations( paths ):
        for op in client.parse_operations( paths ):
            if 'attribute' in op['path'][-1]:
                op['method'] = 'get_attribute_single'
                op['method'] = 'get_attributes_all'
            yield op

    with client.connector( host=args.address, timeout=timeout ) as conn:
        idx			= -1
        start			= cpppo.timer()
        for idx,dsc,op,rpy,sts,val in conn.pipeline(
                operations=attribute_operations( tags ), depth=depth,
                multiple=False, timeout=timeout ):
            print( "%s: %3d: %s == %s" % ( timestamp(), idx, dsc, val ))
        elapsed			= cpppo.timer() - start
        logging.normal( "%3d requests in %7.2fs at pipeline depth %2s; %5.1f TPS" % (
            idx+1, elapsed, args.depth, idx / elapsed ))
예제 #39
파일: history_test.py 프로젝트: ekw/cpppo
def test_history_unparsable():
    """Test history files rendered unparsable due to dropouts.  This should be handled with no problem
    except if the initial frame of register data on the first file is missing.

    for _ in range( 3 ):
        path		= "/tmp/test_unparsable_%d" % random.randint( 100000, 999999 )
        if os.path.exists( path ):
    assert not os.path.exists( path ), "Couldn't find an unused name: %s" % path 

    files		= []
        # Create a series of history files with decreasing timestamps as the numeric extension
        # increases, containing records that are invalid.
        now		= timer()
        v		= 10000
        secs		= 10
        secs_ext	=  1.0  # adjust range of history to target out by this +/-
        basisext	=   .5  # adjust start basis time from now by this +/-
        minfactor	=   .25
        maxfactor	=  2.0
        maxlatency	=   .25
        # 1/N file lines corrupted (kills 2 records; the current and following).  0 --> no errors
        maxerror	= random.choice( [ None, 3, 10, 100 ] )
        oldest		= None
        newest		= None
        logging.normal( "Corrupting %s of all history lines", None if not maxerror else "1/%d" % maxerror )
        for e in range( secs ):
            f		= path + (( '.%d' % e ) if e else '') # 0'th file has no extension
            files.append( f )
            with logger( f ) as l:
                ssend	= 100
                for ss in range( 0, ssend ): # subseconds up to but not including ssend...
                    js	= json.dumps( { 40001: v + e * 1000 + (ss * 1000 // ssend) } ) + '\n'
                    if maxerror and not random.randint( 0, maxerror ):
                        # Truncate some of the records (as would occur in a filesystem full or halt)
                        js = js[:random.randint( 0, len( js ) - 1)]
                    ts	= timestamp( now - e + ss/ssend )
                    if oldest is None or ts < oldest:
                        oldest = ts
                    if newest is None or ts > newest:
                        newest = ts
                    l._append( '\t'.join( (str( ts ),json.dumps( None ),js) ) )

        # Load the historical records.  This will be robust against all errors except if the first
        # line of the first history file opened is corrupt, and we therefore cannot get the initial
        # frame of register data.
        historical	= timestamp( now - random.uniform( -secs_ext, secs + secs_ext ))
        basisdelay	= random.uniform( -basisext, +basisext )
        basis		= now + basisdelay
        factor		= random.uniform( minfactor, maxfactor )
        lookahead	= 1.0
        on_bad_iframe	= random.choice( (loader.RAISE, loader.FAIL, loader.SUPPRESS, loader.SUPPRESS, loader.SUPPRESS) )
        on_bad_data	= random.choice( (loader.RAISE, loader.FAIL, loader.SUPPRESS, loader.SUPPRESS, loader.SUPPRESS) )
        logging.normal( "Playback starts %s (%.1f%%) of history %s-%s, in %.3fs, at x %.2f rate w/%.1fs lookahead, on_bad_iframe=%s, on_bad_data=%s",
                        historical, ( historical.value - oldest.value ) * 100 / ( newest.value - oldest.value ),
                        oldest, newest, basisdelay, factor, lookahead,
                        "SUPPRESS" if on_bad_iframe == loader.SUPPRESS else "FAIL" if on_bad_iframe  == loader.FAIL else "RAISE",
                        "SUPPRESS" if on_bad_data   == loader.SUPPRESS else "FAIL" if on_bad_data    == loader.FAIL else "RAISE" )

        ld		= loader( path,
                                historical=historical, basis=basis, factor=factor, lookahead=lookahead )
        dur		= basisext + ( secs_ext + secs + secs_ext ) / factor + basisext + 2*maxlatency # Don't be tooo strict
        beg		= timer()
        count		= 0

        while ld:
            assert timer() - beg < dur, "The loader should have ended"
            cur,events	= ld.load( on_bad_iframe=on_bad_iframe, on_bad_data=on_bad_data )
            count      += len( events )
            logging.normal( "%s loaded up to %s; %d future, %d values: %d events: %s",
                            ld, cur, len( ld.future ), len( ld.values ), len( events ), 
                            repr( events ) if logging.root.isEnabledFor( logging.DEBUG ) else reprlib.repr( events ))
            time.sleep( random.uniform( 0.0, maxlatency ))

        if on_bad_data == ld.FAIL or on_bad_iframe == ld.FAIL:
            assert ld.state in (ld.COMPLETE, ld.FAILED)
            assert ld.state == ld.COMPLETE

    except IframeError as exc:
        logging.warning( "Detected error on initial frame of registers in first history file; failure expected: %s", exc )
        assert ld.state == ld.FAILED and count == 0, "Shouldn't have loaded any events -- only iframe failures expected"

    except DataError as exc:
        logging.warning( "Detected error on registers data in a history file; failure expected: %s", exc )
        assert ld.state == ld.FAILED

    except Exception as exc:
        logging.normal( "Test failed: %s", exc )
        for f in files:
            if os.path.exists( f ):
                logging.normal( "%s:\n    %s", f, "    ".join( l for l in open( f )))
                logging.warning( "%s: Couldn't find file", f )

        for f in files:
            logging.detail( "unlinking %s", f )
                os.unlink( f )
예제 #40
파일: poll_test.py 프로젝트: wotori/cpppo
 def process( p, v ):
     logging.normal( "process: %16s == %s", p, v )
     values[p]		= v
예제 #41
def main(argv=None):
    """Get Attribute(s) Single/All the specified Instance or Attribute level address(es)

    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        "An EtherNet/IP Get Attribute Single/All and Set Attribute Single client",

One or more EtherNet/IP CIP Object/Instance Attributes may be read or
written.  The full format for specifying a tag and an operation is:


The default Send Path is '@6/1', and the default Route Path is [{"link": 0,
"port":1}].  This should work with a device that can route requests to links
(eg. a *Logix Controller), with the Processor is slot 1 of the chassis.  If you
have a simpler device (ie. something that does not route requests, such as an AB
PowerFlex for example), then you may want to specify:

    --send-path='' --route-path=false

to eliminate the *Logix-style Unconnected Send (service 0x52) encapsulation
which is required to carry this Send/Route Path data. """)

        default=("%s:%d" % enip.address),
        help="EtherNet/IP interface[:port] to connect to (default: %s:%d)" %
        (enip.address[0], enip.address[1]))
        "Use Multiple Service Packet request targeting ~500 bytes (default: False)"
    ap.add_argument('-d', '--depth', default=0, help="Pipelining depth")
                    help="EtherNet/IP timeout (default: 5s)")
                    help="Display logging information.")
    ap.add_argument('-l', '--log', help="Log file, if desired")
        "Route Path, in JSON (default: %r); 0/false to specify no/empty route_path"
        % (str(json.dumps(client.connector.route_path_default))))
        "Send Path to UCMM (default: @6/1); Specify an empty string '' for no Send Path"
                    help="Activate profiling (default: False)")
        "Class/Instance[/Attribute] to get (- to read from stdin), eg: @2/1 @2/1/1"

    args = ap.parse_args(argv)

    # Set up logging level (-v...) and --log <file>
    levelmap = {
        0: logging.WARNING,
        1: logging.NORMAL,
        2: logging.DETAIL,
        3: logging.INFO,
        4: logging.DEBUG,
    cpppo.log_cfg['level'] = (levelmap[args.verbose]
                              if args.verbose in levelmap else logging.DEBUG)
    if args.log:
        cpppo.log_cfg['filename'] = args.log


    addr = args.address.split(':')
    assert 1 <= len(
    ) <= 2, "Invalid --address [<interface>]:[<port>}: %s" % args.address
    addr = (str(addr[0]) if addr[0] else enip.address[0],
            int(addr[1]) if len(addr) > 1 and addr[1] else enip.address[1])
    timeout = float(args.timeout)
    depth = int(args.depth)
    multiple = 500 if args.multiple else 0
    route_path = json.loads(
        args.route_path) if args.route_path else None  # may be None/0/False
    send_path = args.send_path

    if '-' in args.tags:
        # Collect tags from sys.stdin 'til EOF, at position of '-' in argument list
        minus = args.tags.index('-')
        tags = itertools.chain(args.tags[:minus], sys.stdin,
                               args.tags[minus + 1:])
        tags = args.tags

    profiler = None
    if args.profile:
        import cProfile as profile
        import pstats
        import StringIO
        profiler = profile.Profile()

    failures = 0
    with client.connector(host=addr[0],
                          profiler=profiler) as connection:
        idx = -1
        start = cpppo.timer()
        operations = attribute_operations(tags,
        for idx, dsc, op, rpy, sts, val in connection.pipeline(
            print("%s: %3d: %s == %s" % (time.ctime(), idx, dsc, val))
            failures += 1 if sts else 0
        elapsed = cpppo.timer() - start
            "%3d requests in %7.3fs at pipeline depth %2s; %7.3f TPS" %
            (idx + 1, elapsed, args.depth, (idx + 1) / elapsed))

    if profiler:
        s = StringIO.StringIO()
        ps = pstats.Stats(profiler, stream=s)
        for sortby in ['cumulative', 'time']:

    return 1 if failures else 0
예제 #42
파일: poll_test.py 프로젝트: wotori/cpppo
 def failure( exc ):
     logging.normal( "failed: %s", exc )
     elapsed		= int(( timer() - failure.start ) * 1000 ) # ms.
     failed[elapsed]	= str( exc )
예제 #43
def test_history_sequential():
    for _ in range( 3 ):
        path		= "/tmp/test_sequential_%d" % random.randint( 100000, 999999 )
        if os.path.exists( path ):
    assert not os.path.exists( path ), "Couldn't find an unused name: %s" % path 

    files		= []
        # Create a series of history files with decreasing timestamps as the numeric extension
        # increases.  Note: times are truncated to milliseconds, so timestamps saved out will
        # probably evaluate as < the original value when read back in!  Since each file contains
        # only one record, we must be careful to use 'strict', to ensure we open the next file
        # strictly greater than the last timestamp (or we'll open the same file again!)
        now		= timer()
        count		= 10
        for e in range( count ):
            f		= path + (( '.%d' % e ) if e else '') # 0'th file has 0 extension
            files.append( f )
            with logger( f ) as l:
                l.write( { 40001: count - e }, now=now - e )
            if e:
                # Compress .1 onward using a random format; randomly delete origin uncompressed file
                # so sometimes both files exist
                if random.choice( (True, False, False, False) ):
                    continue # Don't make a compressed version of  some files
                fz	 = f + '.%s' % random.choice( ('gz', 'bz2', 'xz') )
                files.append( fz )
                with opener( fz, mode='wb' ) as fd:
                    with open( f, 'rb' ) as rd:
                        fd.write( rd.read() )
                if random.choice( (True, False, False) ):
                    continue # Don't remove some of the uncompressed files
                os.unlink( f )
                files.pop( files.index( f ))

        # Attempt to begin loading history around the middle of the recording
        rdr		= reader( path,
                                  historical=now - random.uniform( 3.0, 9.0 ),
                                  basis=now + random.uniform( -.5, +.5 ),
                                  factor=3 )

        # Begin with the first historical file before our computed advancing historical time (we
        # could provide a specific timestamp here, if we wanted).  No lookahead.
        ts_l		= None
        f_l		= None
        after		= False # only first open is "before"; rest are "after"
        strict		= False # only goes false when timestamp increases in the same file
        deadline	= now + count
        while timer() <= deadline:
            # open next file beginning after the last ts
            o		= rdr.open( target=ts_l, after=after, strict=strict ) # Generator; doesn't do much here...
            after	= True
            strict	= True
            for (f,l,cur),(ts,js) in o: # raises HistoryExhausted on open() generator failure
                assert ts_l is None or ts >= ts_l, \
                    "Historical record out of sequence; %s isn't >= %s" % ( ts, ts_l )
                ts_l	= ts
                if js is None:
                    logging.info( "@%s: not yet available", ts )
                    assert ts > cur, "Next record should have been returned; not in future"
                    time.sleep( .1 )
                    logging.normal( "@%s: %r", ts, js )
                    assert ts <= cur, "Next record shouldn't have been returned; yet future"
                    if f == f_l and ts > ts_l:
                        strict = False
                f_l,ts_l= f,ts
        assert False, "Should have raised HistoryExhausted by now"
    except HistoryExhausted as exc:
        logging.normal( "History exhausted: %s", exc )

    except Exception as exc:
        logging.normal( "Test failed: %s", exc )

        for f in files:
            logging.detail( "unlinking %s", f )
                os.unlink( f )
예제 #44
def test_powerflex_poll_failure():
    """No PowerFlex simulator alive; should see exponential back-off.  Test that the poll.poll API can
    withstand gateway failures, and robustly continue polling.

    #logging.getLogger().setLevel( logging.NORMAL )

    def null_server( conn, addr, server=None ):
        """Fake up an EtherNet/IP server that just sends a canned EtherNet/IP CIP Register and Identity
        string response, to fake the poll client into sending a poll request into a closed socket.
        Immediately does a shutdown of the incoming half of the socket, and then closes the
        connection after sending the fake replies, usually resulting in an excellent EPIPE/SIGPIPE
        on the client.  Use port 44819, to avoid interference by (possibly slow-to-exit) simulators
        running on port 44818.

        logging.normal( "null_server on %s starting" % ( addr, ))
        conn.shutdown( socket.SHUT_RD )
        time.sleep( 0.1 )
        conn.send( b'e\x00\x04\x00\xc9wH\x81\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00' )
        conn.send( b'c\x00;\x00\xd4/\x9dm\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x0c\x005\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\xaf\x12\n\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x0e\x006\x00\x14\x0b`1\x1a\x06l\x00\x13PowerFlex/20-COMM-E\xff' )
        while server and not server.control.done:
            time.sleep( .1 )
        logging.normal( "null_server on %s done" % ( addr, ))

        values			= {} # { <parameter>: <value> }
        failed			= {} # { <time>: <exc> }

        control			= dotdict()
        control.done		= False

        for _ in range( 3 ):
            server		= threading.Thread(
                target=network.server_main, kwargs={
                    'address': 	('',44819),
                    'target':	null_server,
                    'kwargs': {
                        'server': dotdict({
                            'control': control
                    'udp':	False, # no UDP server in this test
            server.daemon		= True
            if server.is_alive:
        assert server.is_alive, "Unable to start null_server on INADDR_ANY"

        def process( p, v ):
            logging.normal( "process: %16s == %s", p, v )
            values[p]		= v
        process.done		= False

        def failure( exc ):
            logging.normal( "failed: %s", exc )
            elapsed		= int(( timer() - failure.start ) * 1000 ) # ms.
            failed[elapsed]	= str( exc )
        failure.start		= timer()
        backoff_min		= 0.5
        backoff_max		= 4.0
        backoff_multiplier	= 2.0 # --> backoff == .5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0
        poller			= threading.Thread(
            target=poll.poll, kwargs={ 
                'gateway_class':powerflex_750_series, # deprecated; use proxy_class instead
                'address': 	('localhost',44819),
                'cycle':	1.0,
                'timeout':	0.5,
                'backoff_min':	backoff_min,
                'backoff_max':	backoff_max,
                'backoff_multiplier': backoff_multiplier,
                'process':	process,
                'failure':	failure,
        poller.deamon		= True

            # Polling starts immediately, but the first poll occurs after an attempt to get the
            # Identity string, hence two timeouts for the first poll failure.
            while len( failed ) < 3 and timer() - failure.start < 10.0:
            process.done	= True
            control.done	= True
        poller.join( backoff_max + 1.0 ) # allow for backoff_max before loop check
        assert not poller.is_alive(), "Poller Thread failed to terminate"
        server.join( 1.0 )
        assert not server.is_alive(), "Server Thread failed to terminate"

        # Check that each failure is (at least) the expected backoff from the last
        assert len( failed ) > 0
        k_last			= None
        backoff			= backoff_min
        for k in sorted( failed ):
            logging.normal( "Poll failure at %4dms (next backoff: %7.3fs): %s", k, backoff, failed[k] )
            if k_last is not None:
                assert k - k_last >= backoff
            backoff		= min( backoff_max, backoff * backoff_multiplier )
            k_last		= k

        assert len( values ) == 0

    except Exception as exc:
        logging.warning( "Test terminated with exception: %s", exc )
예제 #45
def test_history_performance():

    for _ in range( 3 ):
        path		= "/tmp/test_performance_%d" % random.randint( 100000, 999999 )
        if os.path.exists( path ):
    assert not os.path.exists( path ), "Couldn't find an unused name: %s" % path 

    files		= []
        day		= 24*60*60
        dur		= 3*day		# a few days worth of data
        regstps		= 0.0,5.0	# 0-5secs between updates
        numfiles	= dur//day+1	# ~1 file/day, but at least 2
        values		= {}		# Initial register values
        regscount	= 1000		# Number of different registers
        regschanged	= 1,10		# From 1-25 registers per row
        regsbase	= 40001

        start		= timer()

        now = beg	= start - dur
        linecnt		= 0
        for e in reversed( range( numfiles )):
            f		= path + (( '.%d' % e ) if e else '') # 0'th file has no extension
            files.append( f )
            with logger( f ) as l:
                if values:
                    l.write( values, now=now ); linecnt += 1
                while now < beg + len(files) * dur/numfiles:
                    lst	= now
                    now += random.uniform( *regstps )
                    assert now >= lst
                    assert timestamp( now ) >= timestamp( lst ), "now: %s, timestamp(now): %s" % ( now, timestamp( now ))
                    updates = {}
                    for _ in range( random.randint( *regschanged )):
                        updates[random.randint( regsbase, regsbase + regscount - 1 )] = random.randint( 0, 1<<16 - 1 )
                    values.update( updates )
                    l.write( updates, now=now ); linecnt += 1
                lst 	= now
                now    += random.uniform( *regstps )
                assert now >= lst
                assert timestamp( now ) >= timestamp( lst )
            if e:
                # Compress .1 onward using a random format; randomly delete origin uncompressed file
                # so sometimes both files exist
                if random.choice( (True, False, False, False) ):
                    continue # Don't make a compressed version of some files
                fz	 = f + '.%s' % random.choice( ('gz', 'bz2', 'xz') )
                files.append( fz )
                with opener( fz, mode='wb' ) as fd:
                    with open( f, 'rb' ) as rd:
                        fd.write( rd.read() )
                if random.choice( (True, False, False) ):
                    continue # Don't remove some of the uncompressed files
                os.unlink( f )
                files.pop( files.index( f ))

        logging.warning( "Generated data in %.3fs; lines: %d", timer() - start, linecnt )

        # Start somewhere within 0-1% the dur of the beg, forcing the load the look back to
        # find the first file.  Try to do it all in the next 'playback' second (just to push it to
        # the max), in 'chunks' pieces.
        historical	= timestamp( random.uniform( beg + dur*0/100, beg + dur*1/100 ))
        basis		= timer()
        playback	= 2.0 * dur/day # Can sustain ~2 seconds / day of history on a single CPU
        chunks		= 1000
        factor		= dur / playback
        lookahead	= 60.0
        duration	= None
        if random.choice( (True,False) ):
            duration	= random.uniform( dur * 98/100, dur * 102/100 )

        begoff		= historical.value - beg
        endoff		= 0 if duration is None else (( historical.value + duration ) - ( beg + dur ))
        logging.warning( "Playback starts at beginning %s %s, duration %s, ends at ending %s %s",
                         timestamp( beg ), format_offset( begoff, ms=False ),
                         None if duration is None else format_offset( duration, ms=False, symbols='-+' ),
                         timestamp( beg + dur ), format_offset( endoff, ms=False ))

        ld		= loader(
            path, historical=historical, basis=basis, factor=factor, lookahead=lookahead, duration=duration )
        eventcnt	= 0
        slept		= 0
        cur		= None
        while ld:
            once	= False
            while ld.state < ld.AWAITING or not once:
                once		= True
                upcoming	= None
                limit		= random.randint( 0, 250 )
                if random.choice( (True,False) ):
                    upcoming	= ld.advance()
                    if random.choice( (True,False) ) and cur:
                        # ~25% of the time, provide an 'upcoming' timestamp that is between the
                        # current advancing historical time and the last load time.
                        upcoming-= random.uniform( 0, upcoming.value - cur.value )
                cur,events	= ld.load( upcoming=upcoming, limit=limit )
                eventcnt       += len( events )
                advance		= ld.advance()
                offset		= advance.value - cur.value
                logging.detail( "%s loaded up to %s (%s w/ upcoming %14s); %4d future, %4d values: %4d events / %4d limit" ,
                                ld, cur, format_offset( offset ),
                                format_offset( upcoming.value - advance.value ) if upcoming is not None else None,
                                len( ld.future ), len( ld.values ), len( events ), limit )

            logging.warning( "%s loaded up to %s; %3d future, %4d values: %6d events total",
                                ld, cur, len( ld.future ), len( ld.values ), eventcnt )
                snapshot	= tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
                display_top( snapshot, limit=10 )

            time.sleep( playback/chunks )
            slept	       += playback/chunks

        elapsed		= timer() - basis
        eventtps	= eventcnt // ( elapsed - slept )
        logging.error( "Playback in %.3fs (slept %.3fs); events: %d ==> %d historical records/sec",
                       elapsed, slept, eventcnt, eventtps )
        if not logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor( logging.NORMAL ):
            # Ludicrously low threshold, to pass tests on very slow machines
            assert eventtps >= 1000, \
                "Historical event processing performance low: %d records/sec" % eventtps

    except Exception as exc:
        logging.normal( "Test failed: %s", exc )
        for f in files:
            logging.normal( "%s:\n    %s", f, "    ".join( l for l in open( f )))

        for f in files:
            logging.detail( "unlinking %s", f )
                os.unlink( f )
예제 #46
파일: main.py 프로젝트: gregwjacobs/cpppo
def main(argv=None, **kwds):
    """Pass the desired argv (excluding the program name in sys.arg[0]; typically
    pass argv=None, which is equivalent to argv=sys.argv[1:], the default for
    argparse.  Requires at least one tag to be defined.

    If a cpppo.apidict() is passed for kwds['server']['control'], we'll use it
    to transmit server control signals via its .done, .disable, .timeout and
    .latency attributes.

    global address
    global options
    global tags
    global srv_ctl
    global latency
    global timeout

    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Provide an EtherNet/IP Server",

                    help="Display logging information.")
        default=("%s:%d" % address),
        help="EtherNet/IP interface[:port] to bind to (default: %s:%d)" %
        (address[0], address[1]))
    ap.add_argument('-l', '--log', help="Log file, if desired")
        help="Web API [interface]:[port] to bind to (default: %s, port 80)" %
        "Delay response to each request by a certain number of seconds (default: 0.0)",
                    help="Output profiling data to a file (default: None)",
        "Any tags, their type (default: INT), and number (default: 1), eg: tag=INT[1000]"

    args = ap.parse_args(argv)

    # Deduce interface:port address to bind, and correct types (default is address, above)
    bind = args.address.split(':')
    assert 1 <= len(
    ) <= 2, "Invalid --address [<interface>]:[<port>}: %s" % args.address
    bind = (str(bind[0]) if bind[0] else address[0],
            int(bind[1]) if len(bind) > 1 and bind[1] else address[1])

    # Set up logging level (-v...) and --log <file>
    levelmap = {
        0: logging.WARNING,
        1: logging.NORMAL,
        2: logging.DETAIL,
        3: logging.INFO,
        4: logging.DEBUG,
    cpppo.log_cfg['level'] = (levelmap[args.verbose]
                              if args.verbose in levelmap else logging.DEBUG)

    idle_service = None
    if args.log:
        # Output logging to a file, and handle UNIX-y log file rotation via 'logrotate', which sends
        # signals to indicate that a service's log file has been moved/renamed and it should re-open
        cpppo.log_cfg['filename'] = args.log
        signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, logrotate_request)
        idle_service = logrotate_perform


    # Pull out a 'server.control...' supplied in the keywords, and make certain it's a
    # cpppo.apidict.  We'll use this to transmit control signals to the server thread.  Set the
    # current values to sane initial defaults/conditions.
    if 'server' in kwds:
        assert 'control' in kwds[
            'server'], "A 'server' keyword provided without a 'control' attribute"
        srv_ctl = cpppo.dotdict(kwds.pop('server'))
        assert isinstance(
            cpppo.apidict), "The server.control... must be a cpppo.apidict"
        srv_ctl.control = cpppo.apidict(timeout=timeout)

    srv_ctl.control['done'] = False
    srv_ctl.control['disable'] = False
    srv_ctl.control.setdefault('latency', latency)

    # Global options data.  Copy any remaining keyword args supplied to main().  This could
    # include an alternative enip_process, for example, instead of defaulting to logix.process.

    # Specify a response delay.  The options.delay is another dotdict() layer, so it's attributes
    # (eg. .value, .range) are available to the web API for manipulation.  Therefore, they can be
    # set to arbitrary values at random times!  However, the type will be retained.
    def delay_range(*args, **kwds):
        """If a delay.range like ".1-.9" is specified, then change the delay.value every second to something
        in that range."""
        assert 'delay' in kwds and 'range' in kwds['delay'] and '-' in kwds['delay']['range'], \
            "No delay=#-# specified"
        log.normal("Delaying all responses by %s seconds",
        while True:
            # Once we start, changes to delay.range will be re-evaluated each loop
                lo, hi = map(float, kwds['delay']['range'].split('-'))
                kwds['delay']['value'] = random.uniform(lo, hi)
                log.info("Mutated delay == %g", kwds['delay']['value'])
            except Exception as exc:
                log.warning("No delay=#[.#]-#[.#] range specified: %s", exc)

    options.delay = cpppo.dotdict()
        options.delay.value = float(args.delay)
        log.normal("Delaying all responses by %r seconds", options.delay.value)
        assert '-' in args.delay, \
            "Unrecognized --delay=%r option" % args.delay
        # A range #-#; set up a thread to mutate the option.delay.value over the .range
        options.delay.range = args.delay
        options.delay.value = 0.0
        mutator = threading.Thread(target=delay_range, kwargs=options)
        mutator.daemon = True

    # Create all the specified tags/Attributes.  The enip_process function will (somehow) assign the
    # given tag name to reference the specified Attribute.
    for t in args.tags:
        tag_name, rest = t, ''
        if '=' in tag_name:
            tag_name, rest = tag_name.split('=', 1)
        tag_type, rest = rest or 'INT', ''
        tag_size = 1
        if '[' in tag_type:
            tag_type, rest = tag_type.split('[', 1)
            assert ']' in rest, "Invalid tag; mis-matched [...]"
            tag_size, rest = rest.split(']', 1)
        assert not rest, "Invalid tag specified; expected tag=<type>[<size>]: %r" % t
        tag_type = str(tag_type).upper()
        typenames = {
            "INT": parser.INT,
            "DINT": parser.DINT,
            "SINT": parser.SINT,
            "REAL": parser.REAL
        assert tag_type in typenames, "Invalid tag type; must be one of %r" % list(
            tag_size = int(tag_size)
            raise AssertionError("Invalid tag size: %r" % tag_size)

        # Ready to create the tag and its Attribute (and error code to return, if any).  If tag_size
        # is 1, it will be a scalar Attribute.
        log.normal("Creating tag: %s=%s[%d]", tag_name, tag_type, tag_size)
        tags[tag_name] = cpppo.dotdict()
        tags[tag_name].attribute = device.Attribute(
            default=(0 if tag_size == 1 else [0] * tag_size))
        tags[tag_name].error = 0x00

    # Use the Logix simulator by default (unless some other one was supplied as a keyword options to
    # main(), loaded above into 'options').  This key indexes an immutable value (not another dotdict
    # layer), so is not available for the web API to report/manipulate.
    options.setdefault('enip_process', logix.process)

    # The Web API

    # Deduce web interface:port address to bind, and correct types (default is address, above).
    # Default to the same interface as we're bound to, port 80.  We'll only start if non-empty --web
    # was provided, though (even if it's just ':', to get all defaults).  Usually you'll want to
    # specify at least --web :[<port>].
    http = args.web.split(':')
    assert 1 <= len(
        http) <= 2, "Invalid --web [<interface>]:[<port>}: %s" % args.web
    http = (str(http[0]) if http[0] else bind[0],
            int(http[1]) if len(http) > 1 and http[1] else 80)

    if args.web:
        assert 'web' in sys.modules, "Failed to import web API module; --web option not available.  Run 'pip install web.py'"
        logging.normal("EtherNet/IP Simulator Web API Server: %r" % (http, ))
        webserver = threading.Thread(target=web_api, kwargs={'http': http})
        webserver.daemon = True

    # The EtherNet/IP Simulator.  Pass all the top-level options keys/values as keywords, and pass
    # the entire tags dotdict as a tags=... keyword.  The server_main server.control signals (.done,
    # .disable) are also passed as the server= keyword.  We are using an cpppo.apidict with a long
    # timeout; this will block the web API for several seconds to allow all threads to respond to
    # the signals delivered via the web API.
    logging.normal("EtherNet/IP Simulator: %r" % (bind, ))
    kwargs = dict(options, latency=latency, tags=tags, server=srv_ctl)

    tf = network.server_thread
    tf_kwds = dict()
    if args.profile:
        tf = network.server_thread_profiling
        tf_kwds['filename'] = args.profile

    disabled = False  # Recognize toggling between en/disabled
    while not srv_ctl.control.done:
        if not srv_ctl.control.disable:
            if disabled:
                logging.detail("EtherNet/IP Server enabled")
                disabled = False
            if not disabled:
                logging.detail("EtherNet/IP Server disabled")
                disabled = True
            time.sleep(latency)  # Still disabled; wait a bit

    return 0
예제 #47
def run_plc_modbus_polls(plc):
    # Initial conditions (in case PLC is persistent between tests)
    plc.write(1, 0)
    plc.write(40001, 0)

    rate = 1.0
    timeout = 2 * rate  # Nyquist
    intervals = timeout / .05  #  w/ fixed .05s intervals
    wfkw = dict(timeout=timeout, intervals=intervals)

    plc.poll(40001, rate=rate)

    success, elapsed = waitfor(lambda: plc.read(40001) is not None,
                               "40001 polled", **wfkw)
    assert success
    assert elapsed < 1.0
    assert plc.read(40001) == 0

    assert plc.read(1) == None
    assert plc.read(40002) == None
    success, elapsed = waitfor(lambda: plc.read(40002) is not None,
                               "40002 polled", **wfkw)
    assert success
    assert elapsed < 1.0
    assert plc.read(40002) == 0
    success, elapsed = waitfor(lambda: plc.read(1) is not None, "00001 polled",
    assert success
    assert elapsed < 1.0
    assert plc.read(1) == 0

    # Now add a bunch of new stuff to poll, and ensure polling occurs.  As we add registers the
    # number of distinct poll ranges will increase, and then decrease as we in-fill and the
    # inter-register range drops below the merge reach 10, allowing the polling to merge ranges.
    # Thus, keep track of the number of registers added, and allow
    # avg.
    # poll
    # time
    #   |
    #   |
    # 4s|         ..
    # 3s|        .  .
    # 2s|     ...    ...
    # 1s|.....          .......
    #  -+----------------------------------
    #   |  10  20  30  40   regs

    # We'll be overwhelming the poller, so it won't be able to poll w/in the target rate, so we'll
    # need to more than double the Nyquist-rate timeout
    wfkw['timeout'] *= 2.5
    wfkw['intervals'] *= 2.5

    regs = {}
    extent = 100  # how many each of coil/holding registers
    total = extent * 2  # total registers in play
    elapsed = None
    rolling = None
    rolling_factor = 1.0 / 5  # Rolling exponential moving average over last ~8 samples

    # Keep increasing the number of registers polled, up to 1/2 of all registers
    while len(regs) < total * 50 // 100:
        # Always select a previously unpolled register; however, it might
        # have already been in a merge range; if so, get its current value
        # so we mutate it (forcing it to be re-polled)
        base = 40001 if random.randint(0, 1) else 1
        r = None
        while r is None or r in regs:
            r = random.randint(base, base + extent)
        v = plc.read(r)
        if v is not None:
            logging.detail("New reg %5d was already polled due to reach=%d", r,
            regs[r] = v
        regs[r] = (regs[r] ^ 1 if r in regs else random.randint(0, 65535)
                   if base > 40000 else random.randint(0, 1))

        plc.write(r, regs[r])
        if len(regs) > total * 10 // 100:
            # skip to the good parts...  After 10% of all registers are being polled, start
            # calculating.  See how long it takes, on average, to get the newly written register
            # value polled back.
            success, elapsed = waitfor(lambda: plc.read(r) == regs[r],
                                       "polled %5d == %5d" % (r, regs[r]),
            assert success
            rolling = misc.exponential_moving_average(rolling, elapsed,

            "%3d/%3d regs: polled %3d ranges w/in %7.3fs. Polled %5d == %5d w/in %7.3fs: avg. %7.3fs (load %3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f)",
            len(regs), total, len(plc.polling), plc.duration, r, regs[r],
            elapsed or 0.0, rolling or 0.0,
            *[misc.nan if load is None else load for load in plc.load])

        if len(regs) > total * 20 // 100:
            # after 20%, start looking for the exit (ranges should merge, poll rate fall )
            if rolling < plc.rate:

    assert rolling < plc.rate, \
        "Rolling average poll cycle %7.3fs should have fallen below target poll rate %7.3fs" % ( rolling, plc.rate )

    for r, v in regs.items():
        assert plc.read(r) == v
예제 #48
파일: poll_test.py 프로젝트: wotori/cpppo
def test_powerflex_poll_failure():
    """No PowerFlex simulator alive; should see exponential back-off.  Test that the poll.poll API can
    withstand gateway failures, and robustly continue polling.

    #logging.getLogger().setLevel( logging.INFO )
    def null_server( conn, addr, server=None ):
        """Fake up an EtherNet/IP server that just sends a canned EtherNet/IP CIP Register and Identity
        string response, to fake the poll client into sending a poll request into a closed socket.
        Immediately does a shutdown of the incoming half of the socket, and then closes the
        connection after sending the fake replies, usually resulting in an excellent EPIPE/SIGPIPE
        on the client.  Use port 44819, to avoid interference by (possibly slow-to-exit) simulators
        running on port 44818.

        logging.normal( "null_server on %s starting" % ( addr, ))
        conn.shutdown( socket.SHUT_RD )
        time.sleep( 0.1 )
        conn.send( b'e\x00\x04\x00\xc9wH\x81\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00' )
        conn.send( b'c\x00;\x00\xd4/\x9dm\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x0c\x005\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\xaf\x12\n\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x0e\x006\x00\x14\x0b`1\x1a\x06l\x00\x13PowerFlex/20-COMM-E\xff' )
        while server and not server.control.done:
            time.sleep( .1 )
        logging.normal( "null_server on %s done" % ( addr, ))

        values			= {} # { <parameter>: <value> }
        failed			= {} # { <time>: <exc> }

        control			= dotdict()
        control.done		= False

        for _ in range( 3 ):
            server		= threading.Thread(
                target=network.server_main, kwargs={
                    'address': 	('',44819),
                    'target':	null_server,
                    'kwargs': {
                        'server': dotdict({
                            'control': control
                    'udp':	False, # no UDP server in this test
            server.daemon		= True
            if server.is_alive:
        assert server.is_alive, "Unable to start null_server on INADDR_ANY"

        def process( p, v ):
            logging.normal( "process: %16s == %s", p, v )
            values[p]		= v
        process.done		= False

        def failure( exc ):
            logging.normal( "failed: %s", exc )
            elapsed		= int(( timer() - failure.start ) * 1000 ) # ms.
            failed[elapsed]	= str( exc )
        failure.start		= timer()
        backoff_min		= 0.5
        backoff_max		= 4.0
        backoff_multiplier	= 2.0 # --> backoff == .5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0
        poller			= threading.Thread(
            target=poll.poll, kwargs={ 
                'proxy_class':	powerflex_750_series,
                'address': 	('localhost',44819),
                'cycle':	1.0,
                'timeout':	0.5,
                'backoff_min':	backoff_min,
                'backoff_max':	backoff_max,
                'backoff_multiplier': backoff_multiplier,
                'process':	process,
                'failure':	failure,
        poller.deamon		= True

            # Polling starts immediately, but the first poll occurs after an attempt to get the
            # Identity string, hence two timeouts for the first poll failure.
            while len( failed ) < 3 and timer() - failure.start < 10.0:
            process.done	= True
            control.done	= True
        poller.join( backoff_max + 1.0 ) # allow for backoff_max before loop check
        assert not poller.is_alive(), "Poller Thread failed to terminate"
        server.join( 1.0 )
        assert not server.is_alive(), "Server Thread failed to terminate"

        # Check that each failure is (at least) the expected backoff from the last
        assert len( failed ) > 0
        k_last			= None
        backoff			= backoff_min
        for k in sorted( failed ):
            logging.normal( "Poll failure at %4dms (next backoff: %7.3fs): %s", k, backoff, failed[k] )
            if k_last is not None:
                assert k - k_last >= backoff
            backoff		= min( backoff_max, backoff * backoff_multiplier )
            k_last		= k

        assert len( values ) == 0

    except Exception as exc:
        logging.warning( "Test terminated with exception: %s", exc )
예제 #49
def test_rs485_multi( simulated_modbus_rtu_ttyS0,  simulated_modbus_rtu_ttyS2 ):

    command,address		= simulated_modbus_rtu_ttyS0
    command,address		= simulated_modbus_rtu_ttyS2
    Defaults.Timeout		= PORT_TIMEOUT
    client			= modbus_client_rtu( framer=modbus_rtu_framer_collecting,
        port=PORT_MASTER, stopbits=PORT_STOPBITS, bytesize=PORT_BYTESIZE,
        parity=PORT_PARITY, baudrate=PORT_BAUDRATE )

    # 4 poller_modbus instances sharing the same RTU Master 'client'.  They will all block on I/O
    # access via the same RS485 media interface.
    slaves			= [1,2,3,4]
    plc				= {}
    for unit in slaves:
        plc[unit]		= poller_modbus( "RS485 unit %s" % ( unit ), client=client, unit=unit, rate=.25 )

    wfkw			= dict( timeout=1.0, intervals=10 )

        for unit in slaves:
            plc[unit].write(     1,  0 )
            plc[unit].write( 40001,  0 )
            plc[unit].poll(  40001 )

        # See if we converge on our target poll time
        count			= plc[slaves[0]].counter
        while any( plc[unit].counter < count + 20 for unit in slaves ):
            for unit in slaves:
                logging.normal( "%s at poll %d: Load: %s ", plc[unit].description, plc[unit].counter, plc[unit].load )
            time.sleep( .5 )
        for unit in slaves:
            logging.normal( "%s at poll %d: Load: %s ", plc[unit].description, plc[unit].counter, plc[unit].load )

        for unit in slaves:
            success,elapsed	= waitfor( lambda: plc[unit].read( 40001 ) is not None, "%d/40001 polled" % ( unit ), **wfkw )
            assert success
            assert elapsed < 1.0
            assert plc[unit].read( 40001 ) == 0

        # Haven't polled 1 or 40002 yet
        for unit in slaves:
            assert plc[unit].read(     1 ) == None
            assert plc[unit].read( 40002 ) == None
        for unit in slaves:
            success, elapsed	= waitfor( lambda: plc[unit].read( 40002 ) is not None, "%d/40002 polled" % ( unit ), **wfkw )
            assert success
            assert elapsed < 1.0
            assert plc[unit].read( 40002 ) == 0

            success,elapsed	= waitfor( lambda: plc[unit].read(     1 ) is not None, "%d/00001 polled" % ( unit ), **wfkw )
            assert success
            assert elapsed < 1.0
            assert plc[unit].read(     1 ) == 0

        for unit in slaves:
            plc[unit].write( 40001,   99 )
            success,elapsed	= waitfor( lambda: plc[unit].read( 40001 ) == 99, "%d/40001 polled" % ( unit ), **wfkw )
            assert success
            assert elapsed < 1.0

    except Exception:
        logging.warning( "poller failed: %s", traceback.format_exc() )
        logging.info( "Stopping plc polling" )
        for unit in slaves:
            plc[unit].done	= True
        for unit in slaves:
            waitfor( lambda: not plc[unit].is_alive(), "%s poller done" % ( plc[unit].description ), timeout=1.0 )
예제 #50
def main( argv=None, idle_service=None, **kwds ):
    """Pass the desired argv (excluding the program name in sys.arg[0]; typically pass argv=None, which
    is equivalent to argv=sys.argv[1:], the default for argparse.  Requires at least one tag to be

    Takes a sequence of blocks of actuator position information (in JSON format), either from the
    command-line, or (if '-' provided) from stdin.

    ap				= argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description = "Transmit position to actuators.",
        epilog = "" )

    ap.add_argument( '-g', '--gateway', default='smc.smc_modbus',
                     help="Gateway module.class for positioning actuator (default: smc.smc_modbus)" )
    ap.add_argument( '-c', '--config', default=None,
                     help="Gateway module.class configuration JSON (default: None)" )
    ap.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', default=0, action="count",
                     help="Display logging information." )
    ap.add_argument( '-a', '--address', default=address,
                     help="Address of actuator gateway to connect to (default: %s)" % ( address ))
    ap.add_argument( '-l', '--log',
                     help="Log file, if desired" )
    ap.add_argument( '-t', '--timeout', default=5,
                     help="Gateway I/O timeout" )

    ap.add_argument( 'position', nargs="+",
                     help="Any JSON position dictionaries, or numeric delays (in seconds)")

    args			= ap.parse_args( argv )

    # Set up logging level (-v...) and --log <file>
    cpppo.log_cfg['level']	= ( logging_levelmap[args.verbose] 
                                    if args.verbose in logging_levelmap
                                    else logging.DEBUG )

    # Chain any provided idle_service function with log rotation; these may (also) consult global
    # signal flags such as logrotate_request, so execute supplied functions before logrotate_perform
    idle_service		= [ idle_service ] if idle_service else []
    if args.log:
        # Output logging to a file, and handle UNIX-y log file rotation via 'logrotate', which sends
        # signals to indicate that a service's log file has been moved/renamed and it should re-open
        cpppo.log_cfg['filename']= args.log
        signal.signal( signal.SIGHUP, logrotate_request )

    logging.basicConfig( **cpppo.log_cfg )

    signal.signal( signal.SIGTERM, shutdown_request )
    if hasattr( signal, 'SIGUSR1' ):
        signal.signal( signal.SIGUSR1, loglevelup_request )
    if hasattr( signal, 'SIGUSR2' ):
        signal.signal( signal.SIGUSR2, logleveldn_request )
    if hasattr( signal, 'SIGURG' ):
        signal.signal( signal.SIGURG,  uptime_request )

    idle_service.append( signal_service )

    # Load the specified Gateway module.class, and ensure class is present; include the module's own
    # directory to get the locally specified ones.
    sys.path.append( os.path.dirname( __file__ ))
    mod,cls			= args.gateway.split('.')
    __import__( mod, globals(), locals(), [], 0 )
    gateway_module		= sys.modules[mod]
    assert hasattr( gateway_module, cls ), "Gateway module %s missing target class: %s" % ( mod, cls )
    gateway_class		= getattr( gateway_module, cls )

    # Parse any Gateway configuration JSON supplied
    gateway_config		= {}
    if args.config:
            gateway_config	= json.loads( args.config )
            assert isinstance( gateway_config, dict ), \
                "Gateway configuration JSON must produce a dictionary"
        except Exception as exc:
            logging.warning( "Invalid Gateway config: %s; %s", args.config, exc )

    # Read and process JSON position and delay inputs; '-' means read from sys.stdin 'til EOF.  Can be mixed, eg:
    #     '{ <initial position> }' '# a comment, followed by a delay' 1.5 - '{ <final position> }'

    if '-' in args.position:
        # Collect input from sys.stdin 'til EOF, at position of '-' in argument list
        minus			= args.position.index('-')
        positer			= itertools.chain( args.position[:minus], sys.stdin, args.position[minus+1:] )
        positer			= iter( args.position )

    start			= cpppo.timer()
    count,success		= 0,0
    gateway			= None # None --> never, False --> failed, truthy --> connected
    while not shutdown_signalled:
        # Perform all idle_services, and get next position, terminate loop when done
        map( lambda f: f(), idle_service )
            pos			= next( positer )
        except StopIteration:

        # Ignore whitespace and comments
        inp			= pos.strip()
        if inp.startswith( '#' ):
            inp			= ''
        if not inp:
        # A non-empty non-comment input in 'inp'; parse it as JSON into 'dat'; allow numeric and dict

        if gateway and logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor( logging.NORMAL ):
            logging.normal( "%r", gateway )

            dat			= json.loads( inp )
        except Exception as exc:
            logging.warning( "Invalid position data: %s; %s", inp, exc )
        if isinstance( dat, cpppo.natural.num_types ):
            logging.normal( "Delaying: %7.3fs", dat )
            time.sleep( dat )
        elif isinstance( dat, dict ):
            # A position dict in 'dat'; attempt to position to it.  We'll wait forever to establish a
            # connection to the gateway, and then attempt each positioning command until it succeeds.
            logging.normal( "Position: actuator %3s parsed ; params: %r", dat.get( 'actuator', 'N/A' ), dat )
        elif isinstance( dat, list ) and dat and isinstance( dat[0], int ):
            # An [ <actuator>, "FLAG", "flag", ... ] 
            logging.normal( "Outputs : actuator %3s parsed ; params: %r", dat[0], dat[1:] )
            logging.warning( "Unknown command: %s: %r", type( dat ), dat )

        count		       += 1
        while success < count:
            if not gateway:
                    gateway	= gateway_class( address=args.address, timeout=args.timeout, **gateway_config )
                    logging.normal( "Gateway:  %s connected", address )
                except Exception as exc:
                    logging.warning("Gateway:  %s connection failed: %s; %s", address,
                                    exc, traceback.format_exc() if gateway is None else "" )
                    gateway	= False
                    time.sleep( 1 ) # avoid tight loop on connection failures

            # Have a gateway; issue the set/position command, discarding the Gateway on failure and
            # looping; otherwise, fall thru after success (gateway is Truthy) and get next command.
            # A positioning command with no position data (eg. only actuator and/or timeout) should
            # just confirm that the previous positioning operation is complete.
                if isinstance( dat, list ):
                    status	= gateway.outputs( *dat )
                    status	= gateway.position( **dat )
                success	       += 1
                logging.normal(  "Success : actuator %3s status: %r\n%r", 
                                 dat[0] if isinstance( dat, list ) else dat.get( 'actuator', 'N/A' ),
                                 status, gateway )
            except Exception as exc:
                logging.warning( "Failure : actuator %3s raised : %s\n%r\n%s\n%r",
                                 dat[0] if isinstance( dat, list ) else dat.get( 'actuator', 'N/A' ),
                                 exc, dat, traceback.format_exc(), gateway )
                gateway		= None

    logging.normal( "Completed %d/%d actuator commands in %7.3fs", success, count, cpppo.timer() - start )
    return 0 if success == count else 1