def getPorbeHisto(PlotBaseObj, sample, xVarBase, selection, probeselection, tagselection, isMC): logging.subinfo("Making tag histo for sample: {0}".format( if isMC: weight = "{0} * {1}".format(sample.getSampleWeight(), sample.weight) else: weight = "1" logging.subdebug("Probe Selection: {0}".format(tagselection)) sel = "{0} && {1} && {2}".format(selection, probeselection, tagselection) return modules.plotting.getHistoFromTree(sample.tree, xVarBase, PlotBaseObj.binning, sel, weight=weight)
def efficiencies(loglev, run, doMC, doData, doCSV, doDeepCSV, CSVWPs, DeepCSVWPs, ptordered, csvordered, doinclusive, nInclusiveIter, dosplit, nSplitIter, doCross, compWPs, looseSel): import ROOT import modules.classes import modules.effPlots setup_logging(loglevel=loglev, logname="efficiencyoutput", errname="efficiencyerror") logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Starting shape comparison") t0 = time.time() if not (doMC or doData): if __name__ == "__main__": logging.warning( "At least on of the flags --mc and --data should to be set") logging.warning("Falling back the only mc") else: logging.warning( "At least on of the paramters doMC and doData should to be set" ) logging.warning("Falling back the only mc") doMC = True if not (ptordered or csvordered): if __name__ == "__main__": logging.warning( "At least on of the flags --ptorderd and --csvordered should to be set" ) logging.warning("Falling back to pt ordered") else: logging.warning( "At least on of the paramters ptordered and ptordered should to be set" ) logging.warning("Falling back to pt ordered") ptordered = True if loglev > 0: ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kBreak # kPrint, kInfo, kWarning, kError, kBreak, kSysError, kFatal; if run == "CD": DataInput = "/mnt/t3nfs01/data01/shome/koschwei/scratch/HLTBTagging/DiLepton_v8/MuonEG/MuonEG_RunCD_phase1_0p9970p996_mod_mod_mod.root" basepaths = "v8nTuples/Efficiencies/RunCD/" fileprefix = "RunCD_" if run == "E": DataInput = "/mnt/t3nfs01/data01/shome/koschwei/scratch/HLTBTagging/DiLepton_v8/MuonEG/RunE/phase1/MuonEG_RunE_phase1_mod_mod_mod.root" basepaths = "v8nTuples/Efficiencies/RunE/" fileprefix = "RunE_EmilSel_" if run == "F": DataInput = "/mnt/t3nfs01/data01/shome/koschwei/scratch/HLTBTagging/DiLepton_v8/MuonEG/RunF/phase1/MuonEG_RunF_phase1_mod_mod_mod.root" basepaths = "v8nTuples/Efficiencies/RunF/" fileprefix = "RunF_" if run == "Test": DataInput = "/mnt/t3nfs01/data01/shome/koschwei/trigger/onlineBTV/CMSSW_9_2_12_patch1/src/HLTBTagging/nTuples/tree_phase1.root" basepaths = "testing/emilComp3K/" fileprefix = "Tesing_" #MCInput = "/mnt/t3nfs01/data01/shome/koschwei/scratch/HLTBTagging/DiLepton_v3/ttbar/ttbar_v3.root" MCInput = "/mnt/t3nfs01/data01/shome/koschwei/scratch/HLTBTagging/DiLepton_v8/ttbar/phase1/ttbar_0p85_mod_mod_mod.root" MCSelection = "1" VarSelection = "1" DeepCSVSelWP = "0.8958" if looseSel: TriggerSelection = "1" LeptonSelection = "1" offlineSelection = "1" CSVSelection = "1" else: TriggerSelection = "HLT_Mu12_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_v4 > 0 || HLT_Mu23_TrkIsoVVL_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_v4 > 0" LeptonSelection = "Sum$((abs(offTightElectrons_superClusterEta) <= 1.4442 || abs(offTightElectrons_superClusterEta) >= 1.5660) && offTightElectrons_pt > 30 && abs(offTightElectrons_eta) < 2.4) > 0 && Sum$(offTightMuons_iso < 0.25 && offTightMuons_pt > 20 && abs(offTightMuons_eta) < 2.4) > 0" offlineSelection = "Sum$(cleanJets_pt > 30 && abs(cleanJets_eta) < 2.4) > 2" CSVSelection = "Sum$(cleanJets_deepcsv > {0}) >= 1".format( DeepCSVSelWP) "Using: doMC: {0} | doData: {1} | doCSV: {2} | doDeepCSV: {3}".format( doMC, doData, doCSV, doDeepCSV)) samples = [] if doMC: eventSelection = "({0}) && ({1}) && ({2}) && ({3})".format( VarSelection, TriggerSelection, LeptonSelection, MCSelection) samples.append( (modules.classes.Sample("ttbar", MCInput, eventSelection, 831.76, 4591.622871124, ROOT.kRed, 9937324, legendText="Dataset: t#bar{t}"), "MC", getLabel("Dataset: t#bar{t}", 0.7))) if doData: eventSelection = "({0}) && ({1}) && ({2})".format( VarSelection, TriggerSelection, LeptonSelection) samples.append( (modules.classes.Sample("data", DataInput, eventSelection, legendText="Dataset: MuonEG"), "MuonEG", getLabel("Dataset: MuonEG", 0.7))) CSVSelWP = "0.9535" WPColors = [ ROOT.kRed, ROOT.kBlue, ROOT.kGreen + 2, ROOT.kPink + 7, ROOT.kViolet, ROOT.kCyan ] #CSVSelection = "Sum$(cleanJets_csv > {0}) >= 1".format(CSVSelWP) refbyCSVRank = { 0: "cleanJets_ileadingCSV", 1: "cleanJets_isecondCSV", 2: "cleanJets_ithirdCSV", 3: "cleanJets_ifourthCSV" } refbyDeepCSVRank = { 0: "cleanJets_ileadingDeepCSV", 1: "cleanJets_isecondDeepCSV", 2: "cleanJets_ithirdDeepCSV", 3: "cleanJets_ifourthDeepCSV" } if doCSV:"Processing plots for CSV") CSVPlotBaseObjs = {} collections = [] if ptordered: #collections.append( ("pT", "cleanJets") ) collections.append(("pT", "offJets")) logging.debug("Adding {1} to collecton as ordered by {0}".format( "ptOrdered", "offJets")) if csvordered: collections.append(("CSV", "cleanCSVJets")) logging.debug("Adding {1} to collecton as ordered by {0}".format( "csvOrdered", "cleanCSVJets")) for WP in CSVWPs: WPLabel = getLabel("PF WP: {0}".format(WP), 0.7, "under") CaloWPLabel = getLabel("Calo WP: {0}".format(WP), 0.7, "under")"Using WP: {0}".format(WP)) for collectionName, collection in collections: if dosplit: for i in range(nSplitIter): if looseSel: JetSelection = "abs({1}_eta[{0}]) < 2.4 && {1}_pt[{0}] > 30".format( i, collection) else: JetSelection = "abs({1}_eta[{0}]) < 2.4 && {1}_pt[{0}] > 30 && {1}_passesTightLeptVetoID[{0}] > 0".format( i, collection) "Making effciency for Jet {0} ordered by {1} w/ CSV as tagger" .format(i, collectionName)) logging.subinfo( "Using collection: {0}".format(collection)) CSVPlotBaseObjs[i] = modules.classes.PlotBase( "{1}_csv[{0}]".format(i, collection), "{0} && {1} && ({2})".format( CSVSelection, offlineSelection, JetSelection), "1", [20, 0, 1], modules.utils.getAxisTitle("csv", i, collectionName.lower()), LegendPosition=[0.1, 0.6, 0.4, 0.76]) CSVPlotBaseObjs[i].color = WPColors[i] onlysamples = [] for sampleStuff in samples: sample, name, label = sampleStuff onlysamples.append(sample) if not (doMC and doData): modules.effPlots.makeEffPlot( CSVPlotBaseObjs[i], sample, "pfJets_csv[{2}_matchPF[{1}]] >= {0}". format(WP, i, collection), basepaths + "CSV/{3}/{4}Eff_{2}_Jet{0}_pfWP_{1}_CSV_order{3}" .format(i, WP, name, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchPF[{0}] >= 0".format( i, collection), label=[label, WPLabel]) modules.effPlots.makeEffPlot( CSVPlotBaseObjs[i], sample, "caloJets_csv[{2}_matchCalo[{1}]] >= {0}". format(WP, i, collection), basepaths + "CSV/{3}/{4}Eff_{2}_Jet{0}_caloWP_{1}_CSV_order{3}" .format(i, WP, name, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchCalo[{0}] >= 0".format( i, collection), label=[label, CaloWPLabel]) if doMC and doData: modules.effPlots.makeEffSCompPlot( CSVPlotBaseObjs[i], onlysamples, "pfJets_csv[{2}_matchPF[{1}]] >= {0}".format( WP, i, collection), basepaths + "CSV/{2}/{3}Eff_DataMC_Jet{0}_pfWP_{1}_CSV_order{2}" .format(i, WP, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchPF[{0}] >= 0".format( i, collection), label=WPLabel) modules.effPlots.makeEffSCompPlot( CSVPlotBaseObjs[i], onlysamples, "caloJets_csv[{2}_matchCalo[{1}]] >= {0}". format(WP, i, collection), basepaths + "CSV/{2}/{3}Eff_DataMC_Jet{0}_caloWP_{1}_CSV_order{2}" .format(i, WP, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchCalo[{0}] >= 0".format( i, collection), label=CaloWPLabel) if doinclusive: JetSelectionIter = "abs({1}_eta[{0}]) < 2.4 && {1}_pt[{0}] > 30 && {1}_passesTightLeptVetoID[{0}] > 0".format( "?", collection) "Making inclusive effciency ordered by {0} w/ CSV as tagger" .format(collectionName)) logging.subinfo("Using collection: {0}".format(collection)) CSVPlotBaseObjIter = modules.classes.PlotBase( "{1}_csv[{0}]".format("?", collection), "{0} && {1} && ({2})".format(CSVSelection, offlineSelection, JetSelectionIter), "1", [20, 0, 1], modules.utils.getAxisTitle("csv", 0, collectionName.lower(), inclusive=True), LegendPosition=[0.1, 0.6, 0.4, 0.76]) #CSVPlotBaseObjIter.color = WPColors[0] onlysamples = [] for sampleStuff in samples: sample, name, label = sampleStuff onlysamples.append(sample) if not (doMC and doData): modules.effPlots.makeEffSumPlot( CSVPlotBaseObjIter, sample, "pfJets_csv[{2}_matchPF[{1}]] >= {0}".format( WP, "?", collection), nInclusiveIter, basepaths + "CSV/{3}/{4}Eff_{2}_Jet{0}_pfWP_{1}_CSV_order{3}" .format("incl", WP, name, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchPF[{0}] >= 0".format( "?", collection), label=[label, WPLabel]) modules.effPlots.makeEffSumPlot( CSVPlotBaseObjIter, sample, "caloJets_csv[{2}_matchCalo[{1}]] >= {0}". format(WP, "?", collection), nInclusiveIter, basepaths + "CSV/{3}/{4}Eff_{2}_Jet{0}_caloWP_{1}_CSV_order{3}" .format("incl", WP, name, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchCalo[{0}] >= 0".format( "?", collection), label=[label, CaloWPLabel]) if doMC and doData: modules.effPlots.makeEffSummSCompPlot( CSVPlotBaseObjIter, onlysamples, "pfJets_csv[{2}_matchPF[{1}]] >= {0}".format( WP, "?", collection), nInclusiveIter, basepaths + "CSV/{2}/{3}Eff_DataMC_Jet{0}_pfWP_{1}_CSV_order{2}" .format("incl", WP, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchPF[{0}] >= 0".format( "?", collection), label=WPLabel) modules.effPlots.makeEffSummSCompPlot( CSVPlotBaseObjIter, onlysamples, "caloJets_csv[{2}_matchCalo[{1}]] >= {0}".format( WP, "?", collection), nInclusiveIter, basepaths + "CSV/{2}/{3}Eff_DataMC_Jet{0}_caloWP_{1}_CSV_order{2}" .format("incl", WP, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchCalo[{0}] >= 0".format( "?", collection), label=CaloWPLabel) if doCross: if dosplit: pass if doinclusive: if looseSel: JetSelectionIter = "{1}_deepcsv[{0}] >= 0 && abs({1}_eta[{0}]) < 2.4 && {1}_pt[{0}] > 30".format( "?", collection) else: JetSelectionIter = "{1}_deepcsv[{0}] >= 0 && abs({1}_eta[{0}]) < 2.4 && {1}_pt[{0}] > 30 && {1}_passesTightLeptVetoID[{0}] > 0".format( "?", collection) "Making inclusive effciency ordered by {0} w/ DeepCSV as tagger" .format(collectionName)) logging.subinfo( "Using collection: {0}".format(collection)) DeepCSVPlotBaseIter = modules.classes.PlotBase( "{1}_deepcsv[{0}]".format("?", collection), "{0} && {1} && ({2})".format( CSVSelection, offlineSelection, JetSelectionIter), "1", [20, 0, 1], modules.utils.getAxisTitle("deepcsv", 0, collectionName.lower(), inclusive=True), LegendPosition=[0.1, 0.6, 0.4, 0.76]) onlysamples = [] for sampleStuff in samples: sample, name, label = sampleStuff onlysamples.append(sample) if doMC and doData: modules.effPlots.makeEffSummSCompPlot( DeepCSVPlotBaseIter, onlysamples, "pfJets_csv[{2}_matchPF[{1}]] >= {0}".format( WP, "?", collection), nInclusiveIter, basepaths + "CSV/{2}/{3}Eff_DataMC_Jet{0}_pfWP_{1}_CSV_order{2}" .format("cross", WP, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchPF[{0}] >= 0".format( "?", collection), label=WPLabel) modules.effPlots.makeEffSummSCompPlot( DeepCSVPlotBaseIter, onlysamples, "caloJets_csv[{2}_matchCalo[{1}]] >= {0}". format(WP, "?", collection), nInclusiveIter, basepaths + "CSV/{2}/{3}Eff_DataMC_Jet{0}_caloWP_{1}_CSV_order{2}" .format("cross", WP, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchCalo[{0}] >= 0".format( "?", collection), label=CaloWPLabel) if compWPs:"Makeing CSV WP comparison") for collectionName, collection in collections: #JetSelectionIter = "abs({1}_eta[{0}]) < 2.4 && {1}_pt[{0}] > 30".format("?", collection) if looseSel: JetSelectionIter = "abs({1}_eta[{0}]) < 2.4 && {1}_pt[{0}] > 30".format( "?", collection) else: JetSelectionIter = "abs({1}_eta[{0}]) < 2.4 && {1}_pt[{0}] > 30 && {1}_passesTightLeptVetoID[{0}] > 0".format( "?", collection) "Making inclusive WP comparison ordered by {0} w/ CSV as tagger" .format(collectionName)) logging.subinfo("Using collection: {0}".format(collection)) CSVPlotBaseObjIter = modules.classes.PlotBase( "{1}_csv[{0}]".format("?", collection), "{0} && {1} && ({2})".format(CSVSelection, offlineSelection, JetSelectionIter), "1", [20, 0, 1], modules.utils.getAxisTitle("csv", 0, collectionName.lower(), inclusive=True), LegendPosition=[0.1, 0.6, 0.4, 0.76]) for sampleStuff in samples: sample, name, label = sampleStuff"Plotting sample {0}".format(name)) modules.effPlots.makeSumWPComp( CSVPlotBaseObjIter, sample, "pfJets_csv[{1}_matchPF[{0}]]".format("?", collection), nInclusiveIter, CSVWPs, basepaths + "CSV/{3}/{4}Eff_{2}_Jet{0}_pfWPComp_{1}_CSV_order{3}". format("incl", WP, name, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchPF[{0}] >= 0".format("?", collection)) modules.effPlots.makeSumWPComp( CSVPlotBaseObjIter, sample, "caloJets_csv[{1}_matchCalo[{0}]]".format( "?", collection), nInclusiveIter, CSVWPs, basepaths + "CSV/{3}/{4}Eff_{2}_Jet{0}_caloWPComp_{1}_CSV_order{3}" .format("incl", WP, name, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchCalo[{0}] >= 0".format( "?", collection)) if doDeepCSV:"Processing plots for DeepCSV") DeepCSVPlotBaseObjs = {} collections = [] if ptordered: collections.append(("pT", "offJets")) logging.debug("Adding {1} to collecton as ordered by {0}".format( "ptOrdered", "cleanJets")) if csvordered: collections.append(("DeepCSV", "cleanDeepCSVJets")) logging.debug("Adding {1} to collecton as ordered by {0}".format( "csvOrdered", "cleanDeepCSVJets")) for WP in DeepCSVWPs: WPLabel = getLabel("PF WP: {0}".format(WP), 0.7, "under") CaloWPLabel = getLabel("Calo WP: {0}".format(WP), 0.7, "under")"Using WP: {0}".format(WP)) for collectionName, collection in collections: if dosplit: for i in range(nSplitIter): if looseSel: JetSelection = "{1}_deepcsv[{0}] >= 0 && abs({1}_eta[{0}]) < 2.4 && {1}_pt[{0}] > 30".format( i, collection) else: JetSelection = "{1}_deepcsv[{0}] >= 0 && abs({1}_eta[{0}]) < 2.4 && {1}_pt[{0}] > 30 && {1}_passesTightLeptVetoID[{0}] > 0".format( i, collection) "Making effciency for Jet {0} ordered by {1} w/ DeepCSV as tagger" .format(i, collectionName)) logging.subinfo( "Using collection: {0}".format(collection)) DeepCSVPlotBaseObjs[i] = modules.classes.PlotBase( "{1}_deepcsv[{0}]".format(i, collection), "{0} && {1} && ({2})".format( CSVSelection, offlineSelection, JetSelection), "1", [20, 0, 1], modules.utils.getAxisTitle("deepcsv", i, collectionName.lower()), LegendPosition=[0.1, 0.6, 0.4, 0.76]) DeepCSVPlotBaseObjs[i].color = WPColors[i] onlysamples = [] for sampleStuff in samples: sample, name, label = sampleStuff onlysamples.append(sample) if not (doMC and doData): modules.effPlots.makeEffPlot( DeepCSVPlotBaseObjs[i], sample, "(pfJets_deepcsv[{2}_matchPF[{1}]]) >= {0}" .format(WP, i, collection), basepaths + "DeepCSV/{3}/{4}Eff_{2}_Jet{0}_pfWP_{1}_DeepCSV_order{3}" .format(i, WP, name, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchPF[{0}] >= 0".format( i, collection), label=[label, WPLabel]) modules.effPlots.makeEffPlot( DeepCSVPlotBaseObjs[i], sample, "(caloJets_deepcsv[{2}_matchCalo[{1}]]) >= {0}" .format(WP, i, collection), basepaths + "DeepCSV/{3}/{4}Eff_{2}_Jet{0}_caloWP_{1}_DeepCSV_order{3}" .format(i, WP, name, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchCalo[{0}] >= 0".format( i, collection), label=[label, CaloWPLabel]) if doMC and doData: modules.effPlots.makeEffSCompPlot( DeepCSVPlotBaseObjs[i], onlysamples, "(pfJets_deepcsv[{2}_matchPF[{1}]]) >= {0}". format(WP, i, collection), basepaths + "DeepCSV/{2}/{3}Eff_DataMC_Jet{0}_pfWP_{1}_DeepCSV_order{2}" .format(i, WP, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchPF[{0}] >= 0".format( i, collection), label=WPLabel) modules.effPlots.makeEffSCompPlot( DeepCSVPlotBaseObjs[i], onlysamples, "(caloJets_deepcsv[{2}_matchCalo[{1}]]) >= {0}" .format(WP, i, collection), basepaths + "DeepCSV/{2}/{3}Eff_DataMC_Jet{0}_caloWP_{1}_DeepCSV_order{2}" .format(i, WP, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchCalo[{0}] >= 0".format( i, collection), label=CaloWPLabel) if doinclusive: if looseSel: JetSelectionIter = "{1}_deepcsv[{0}] >= 0 && abs({1}_eta[{0}]) < 2.4 && {1}_pt[{0}] > 30".format( "?", collection) else: JetSelectionIter = "{1}_deepcsv[{0}] >= 0 && abs({1}_eta[{0}]) < 2.4 && {1}_pt[{0}] > 30 && {1}_passesTightLeptVetoID[{0}] > 0".format( "?", collection) "Making inclusive effciency ordered by {0} w/ DeepCSV as tagger" .format(collectionName)) logging.subinfo("Using collection: {0}".format(collection)) DeepCSVPlotBaseIter = modules.classes.PlotBase( "{1}_deepcsv[{0}]".format("?", collection), "{0} && {1} && ({2})".format(CSVSelection, offlineSelection, JetSelectionIter), "1", [20, 0, 1], modules.utils.getAxisTitle("deepcsv", 0, collectionName.lower(), inclusive=True), LegendPosition=[0.1, 0.6, 0.4, 0.76]) onlysamples = [] for sampleStuff in samples: sample, name, label = sampleStuff onlysamples.append(sample) if not (doMC and doData): modules.effPlots.makeEffSumPlot( DeepCSVPlotBaseIter, sample, "(pfJets_deepcsv[{2}_matchPF[{1}]]) >= {0}". format(WP, "?", collection), nInclusiveIter, basepaths + "DeepCSV/{3}/{4}Eff_{2}_Jet{0}_pfWP_{1}_DeepCSV_order{3}" .format("incl", WP, name, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchPF[{0}] >= 0".format( "?", collection), label=[label, WPLabel]) modules.effPlots.makeEffSumPlot( DeepCSVPlotBaseIter, sample, "(caloJets_deepcsv[{2}_matchCalo[{1}]]) >= {0}" .format(WP, "?", collection), nInclusiveIter, basepaths + "DeepCSV/{3}/{4}Eff_{2}_Jet{0}_caloWP_{1}_DeepCSV_order{3}" .format("incl", WP, name, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchCalo[{0}] >= 0".format( "?", collection), label=[label, CaloWPLabel]) if doMC and doData: modules.effPlots.makeEffSummSCompPlot( DeepCSVPlotBaseIter, onlysamples, "(pfJets_deepcsv[{2}_matchPF[{1}]]) >= {0} && {2}_matchPF[{1}] >= 0" .format(WP, "?", collection), nInclusiveIter, basepaths + "DeepCSV/{2}/{3}Eff_DataMC_Jet{0}_pfWP_{1}_DeepCSV_order{2}" .format("incl", WP, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchPF[{0}] >= 0".format( "?", collection), label=WPLabel) modules.effPlots.makeEffSummSCompPlot( DeepCSVPlotBaseIter, onlysamples, "(caloJets_deepcsv[{2}_matchCalo[{1}]]) >= {0}". format(WP, "?", collection), nInclusiveIter, basepaths + "DeepCSV/{2}/{3}Eff_DataMC_Jet{0}_caloWP_{1}_DeepCSV_order{2}" .format("incl", WP, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel="{1}_matchCalo[{0}] >= 0".format( "?", collection), label=CaloWPLabel) if compWPs:"Makeing DeepCSV WP comparison") for collectionName, collection in collections: if looseSel: #JetSelectionIter = "abs({1}_eta[{0}]) < 2.4 && {1}_pt[{0}] > 30".format("?", collection) JetSelectionIter = "{1}_pt[{0}] > 0".format( "?", collection) else: JetSelectionIter = "{1}_deepcsv[{0}] >= 0 && abs({1}_eta[{0}]) < 2.4 && {1}_pt[{0}] > 30 && {1}_passesTightLeptVetoID[{0}] > 0".format( "?", collection) "Making inclusive WP comparison ordered by {0} w/ DeepCSV as tagger" .format(collectionName)) logging.subinfo("Using collection: {0}".format(collection)) DeepCSVPlotBaseIter = modules.classes.PlotBase( "{1}_deepcsv[{0}]".format("?", collection), "{0} && {1} && ({2})".format(CSVSelection, offlineSelection, JetSelectionIter), "1", [25, 0, 1], modules.utils.getAxisTitle("deepcsv", 0, collectionName.lower(), inclusive=True), LegendPosition=[0.1, 0.6, 0.4, 0.76]) for sampleStuff in samples: sample, name, label = sampleStuff"Plotting sample {0}".format(name)) modules.effPlots.makeSumWPComp( DeepCSVPlotBaseIter, sample, "pfJets_deepcsv[{1}_matchPF[{0}]]".format( "?", collection), nInclusiveIter, DeepCSVWPs, basepaths + "DeepCSV/{3}/{4}Eff_{2}_Jet{0}_pfWPComp_{1}_DeepCSV_order{3}" .format("incl", WP, name, collectionName, fileprefix), #addSel = "pfJets_deepcsv[{1}_matchPF[{0}]] >= 0 && {1}_matchPF[{0}] >= 0 && pfJets_pt[{1}_matchPF[{0}]] > 30 && abs(pfJets_eta[{1}_matchPF[{0}]]) < 2.4".format("?", collection) addSel="{1}_matchPF[{0}] >= 0 && emilSourceValid == 1". format("?", collection), saveGraph=True) """ modules.effPlots.makeSumWPComp(DeepCSVPlotBaseIter, sample, "caloJets_deepcsv[{1}_matchCalo[{0}]]".format("?", collection), nInclusiveIter, DeepCSVWPs, basepaths+"DeepCSV/{3}/{4}Eff_{2}_Jet{0}_caloWPComp_{1}_DeepCSV_order{3}".format("incl", WP, name, collectionName, fileprefix), addSel = "caloJets_deepcsv[{1}_matchCalo[{0}]] >= 0 && {1}_matchCalo[{0}] >= 0 && pfJets_pt[{1}_matchCalo[{0}]] > 30 && abs(pfJets_eta[{1}_matchCalo[{0}]]) < 2.4".format("?", collection), #addSel = "caloJets_deepcsv[{1}_matchCalo[{0}]] >= 0".format("?", collection), ) """"Runtime: {0:8f}s".format(time.time() - t0))"Closing efficiency turnon calc")
def makeSumWPComp(PlotBaseObj, Sample, numSelectionVarIter, nIter, WPs, outname=None, outputformat="pdf", label=None, drawHistos=False, addSel="1", saveGraph=False): styleconfig = SafeConfigParser()"config/plotting.cfg") binning = PlotBaseObj.binning if label is not None and isinstance(label, list): for l in label: if not isinstance(l, ROOT.TLatex): logging.error( "All labels are required to be of type ROOT.TLatex") label.remove(l) elif label is not None and not isinstance(label, ROOT.TLatex): logging.warning("The label param should be of type ROOT.TLatex") logging.warning("Ignoring additional label") label = None elif (label is not None and isinstance(label, ROOT.TLatex)) or label is None: pass else: logging.error("Something is happening here... :(") graphs = [] forlegend = [] colors = [ ROOT.kRed, ROOT.kBlue, ROOT.kGreen - 2, ROOT.kOrange, ROOT.kPink, ROOT.kTeal ] if len(colors) < len(WPs): logging.warning( "less colors defined than WP. Will repeat colors for additional WPs" ) while not len(colors) >= len(WPs): colors += colors for iWP, WP in enumerate(WPs): logging.subinfo("Making plot for WP: {0}".format(WP)) numSelection = "{0} >= {1}".format(numSelectionVarIter, WP) logging.debug("Passing numSelection {0} to makeEffSumPlot()".format( numSelection)) graphs.append( makeEffSumPlot(PlotBaseObj, Sample, numSelection, nIter, addSel=addSel, forceColor=colors[iWP], drawHistos=True, drawEff=False, outname=outname + "_" + str(WP))) forlegend.append((graphs[iWP], "WP: {0}".format(WP), "p")) canvas = modules.plotting.getCanvas() logging.debug("Drawing graph 0") graphs[0].Draw("AP") graphs[0].GetHistogram().SetMaximum( styleconfig.getfloat("Efficiency", "yMax")) graphs[0].GetHistogram().SetMinimum(0.0) graphs[0].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(binning[1], binning[2]) graphs[0].Draw("AP") for i in range(1, len(graphs)): logging.debug("Drawing graph {0}".format(i)) graphs[i].Draw("PSame") if label is not None: if isinstance(label, list): for l in label: l.Draw("same") else: label.Draw("same") CMSL1, CMSL2 = modules.utils.getCMStext() CMSL1.Draw("same") CMSL2.Draw("same") logging.debug("Making Legend") xstart = PlotBaseObj.LegendPosition[0] ystart = PlotBaseObj.LegendPosition[1] xend = PlotBaseObj.LegendPosition[2] yend = PlotBaseObj.LegendPosition[3] leg = modules.utils.getLegend(forlegend, xstart, ystart, xend, yend, usingPlotBase=False) leg.Draw("") if outname is not None: modules.utils.savePlot(canvas, outname, outputformat) if saveGraph: rout = ROOT.TFile(outname + ".root", "RECREATE") graphs[0].Write() rout.Close()
def LeadingProbe(PlotBaseObj, Samples2Stack, probeSelection, tagSelection, plottag=False, convertIterSelection=True, probeIndex=0, tagIndex=1, data=None, normalized=False, drawRatio=True, outname=None, outputformat="pdf", label=None, skipPlots=False): """ Function for plotting a distribution of a porbe jet depending on a probe jet selection. Calls modules.DataMC.StackDMCPlotBase for plotting. Parameters ---------- PlotBaseObj : Samples2Stack : list modules.classes.sample objects probeSelection : string Selection of the probe jets. I index of jet not fixed, use convertIterSelection = True and the probeIndex to replace ? with the index tagSelection : string Selection of the tag jets. I index of jet not fixed, use convertIterSelection = True and the tagIndex to replace ? with the index convertIterSelection : bool If true, selections are expected to have [?] instead of [index] which will be replaced with probeIndex or tagIndex. probeIndex : int Index of the probe Jet in the jet array tagIndex Index of the tag Jet in the jet array data : modules.classes.sample object If None is provide the sum of all stacked histograms (passed in Samples2Stack will be used as "data" """ StackHistos = [] StackSum = None if convertIterSelection: probeSelection = probeSelection.replace("?", str(probeIndex)) tagSelection = tagSelection.replace("?", str(tagIndex)) if plottag: xVarBase = PlotBaseObj.variable.replace("?", str(tagIndex)) else: xVarBase = PlotBaseObj.variable.replace("?", str(probeIndex)) else: xVarBase = PlotBaseObj.variable for isample, sample in enumerate(Samples2Stack): selection = "{0} && {1}".format(PlotBaseObj.selection, sample.selection).replace( "?", str(probeIndex)) StackHistos.append( getPorbeHisto(PlotBaseObj, sample, xVarBase, selection, probeSelection, tagSelection, isMC=True)) if isample == 0: logging.debug("Creating stacksum" + " with name " + str( StackSum = StackHistos[0].Clone() StackSum.SetName("Stacksum_" + StackSum.GetName()) StackSum.SetTitle("Stacksum_" + StackSum.GetTitle()) else: logging.debug("Adding histo to stacksum " + str(isample) + " with name " + str( StackSum.Add(StackHistos[isample]) logging.subinfo("Stack histos finished") if data is None: logging.warning("No data set -> Setting data to Stacksum") hData = StackSum.Clone() hData.SetName("Data_" + StackSum.GetName()) else: selection = "{0} && {1}".format(PlotBaseObj.selection, data.selection).replace( "?", str(probeIndex)) hData = getPorbeHisto(PlotBaseObj, data, xVarBase, selection, probeSelection, tagSelection, isMC=False) if not skipPlots: modules.DataMC.StackDMCPlotBase(StackSum, StackHistos, hData, PlotBaseObj, Samples2Stack, data, normalized, drawRatio, outname, outputformat, label) return StackSum, StackHistos, hData
def LeadingProbe(PlotBaseObj, Samples2Stack, probeSelection, tagSelection, plottag=False, convertIterSelection=True, probeIndex=0, tagIndex=1, probeWeight="1", tagWeight="1", data=None, normalized=False, drawRatio=True, outname=None, outputformat="pdf", label=None, skipPlots=False): """ Function for plotting a distribution of a porbe jet depending on a probe jet selection. Calls modules.DataMC.StackDMCPlotBase for plotting. Parameters ---------- PlotBaseObj : Samples2Stack : list modules.classes.sample objects probeSelection : string Selection of the probe jets. I index of jet not fixed, use convertIterSelection = True and the probeIndex to replace ? with the index tagSelection : string Selection of the tag jets. I index of jet not fixed, use convertIterSelection = True and the tagIndex to replace ? with the index convertIterSelection : bool If true, selections are expected to have [?] instead of [index] which will be replaced with probeIndex or tagIndex. probeIndex : int Index of the probe Jet in the jet array tagIndex Index of the tag Jet in the jet array probeWeight : str Special weight applyied for the probe Jet. If not [?] in string, "1" will be uesd. Genera lweights are expected to be set in the sample definition tagWeight : str Special weight applyied for the tag Jet. If not [?] in string, "1" will be uesd. Genera lweights are expected to be set in the sample definition data : modules.classes.sample object If None is provide the sum of all stacked histograms (passed in Samples2Stack will be used as "data" """ StackHistos = [] StackSum = None if convertIterSelection: probeSelection = probeSelection.replace("?", str(probeIndex)) tagSelection = tagSelection.replace("?", str(tagIndex)) if plottag: xVarBase = PlotBaseObj.variable.replace("?", str(tagIndex)) else: xVarBase = PlotBaseObj.variable.replace("?", str(probeIndex)) else: xVarBase = PlotBaseObj.variable if "[?]" in probeWeight: probeWeight = probeWeight.replace("?", str(probeIndex)) else: probeWeight = "1" if "[?]" in tagWeight: tagWeight = tagWeight.replace("?", str(tagIndex)) else: tagWeight = "1""Will use {0} as tag and {1} as probe weight".format( tagWeight, probeWeight)) for isample, sample in enumerate(Samples2Stack): selection = "{0} && {1}".format(PlotBaseObj.selection, sample.selection).replace( "?", str(probeIndex)) StackHistos.append( getPorbeHisto(PlotBaseObj, sample, xVarBase, selection, probeSelection, tagSelection, isMC=True, addWeight="({0} * {1})".format( probeWeight, tagWeight))) #for isample, sample in enumerate(Samples2Stack): # print, StackHistos[isample], StackHistos[isample].Integral()# #raw_input(".........................") """ Merge all sample that end with the same string after _ """ #print Samples2Stack mergedStackHistos = [] samples2Merge = OrderedDict( ) # Dict with sample name postfix as key and list of indices as Samples2StackResorted = [] for isample, sample in enumerate(Samples2Stack): print sample,, sample.color postfix ="_")[-1] if not postfix in samples2Merge: samples2Merge[postfix] = [] samples2Merge[postfix].append(isample) Samples2StackResorted.append(sample) logging.debug("Merging sampes with same postfix") for merge in samples2Merge: #Loop over gourps #print "-----------------" for iIndex, index in enumerate(samples2Merge[merge]): #iIndex: Number of histos in the current merge #index: index in the total list of samples #print merge, StackHistos[index].Integral() if iIndex == 0:"Creating merged histos" + " with postfix " + str(merge)) mergedHisto = StackHistos[index].Clone() mergedHisto.SetName("Merge_" + str(merge)) mergedHisto.SetTitle("Merge_" + str(merge)) else: logging.debug("Adding sample to merge") mergedHisto.Add(StackHistos[index]) #print "--------",mergedHisto.Integral() mergedStackHistos.append(mergedHisto) # mergedStackHistos : Has len() of different sample name postfixes #print mergedStackHistos StackSum = None for imergedHisto, mergedHisto in enumerate(mergedStackHistos): if imergedHisto == 0: logging.debug("Creating stacksum" + " with name " + str( StackSum = mergedHisto.Clone() StackSum.SetName("Stacksum_" + StackSum.GetName()) StackSum.SetTitle("Stacksum_" + StackSum.GetTitle()) else: logging.debug("Adding histo to stacksum " + str(isample) + " with name " + str( StackSum.Add(mergedHisto) #print "++++++++++++++++****",StackSum.Integral() logging.subinfo("Stack histos finished") #print "StackSum:",StackSum.Integral() if data is None: logging.warning("No data set -> Setting data to Stacksum") hData = StackSum.Clone() hData.SetName("Data_" + StackSum.GetName()) else: selection = "{0} && {1}".format(PlotBaseObj.selection, data.selection).replace( "?", str(probeIndex)) hData = getPorbeHisto(PlotBaseObj, data, xVarBase, selection, probeSelection, tagSelection, isMC=False) print "StackSum:", StackSum.Integral() print "hData:", hData.Integral() if not skipPlots:"Will Start printing here") modules.DataMC.StackDMCPlotBase(StackSum, mergedStackHistos, hData, PlotBaseObj, Samples2StackResorted, data, normalized, drawRatio, outname, outputformat, label) print "StackSum:", StackSum.Integral() #raw_input(".........................") return StackSum, mergedStackHistos, hData