예제 #1
 def post(self, icon_key=None):
     action = self.request.get('action')
     if action == 'add_channel':
         #parent group for all channels is default-group
         k = ndb.Key(db_defs.Channel, self.app.config.get('default-group'))
         chan = db_defs.Channel(parent=k)
         chan.name = self.request.get('channel-name')
         #construct a key from a url safe string for every checkbox that was checked in the form
         #classes[] just denotes the group of classes that was checked
         #turn all of those checked classes into a list of keys (list comprehensions basically append to lists quickly)
         #recall from deb_defs.py that the Channel's classes property = ndb.KeyProperty(repeated=True) is repeated,
         #so it takes a list of keys
         chan.classes = [ndb.Key(urlsafe=x) for x in self.request.get_all('classes[]')]
         chan.active = True
         chan.icon = icon_key
         chan.put() #save the channel
         self.template_values['message'] = 'Added channel '+chan.name+' to the database.'
     elif action=='add_class':
         k=ndb.Key(db_defs.ChannelClass, self.app.config.get('default-group'))
         #overwrites the message value in the template_values dictionary
         self.template_values['message'] = 'Added class '+c.name+' to the database.'
         self.template_values['message'] = 'Action '+action+' is unknown.'
     console.log([{'name':x.name,'key':x.key.urlsafe()} for x in db_defs.ChannelClass.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(db_defs.Channel, self.app.config.get('default-group'))).fetch()])
예제 #2
 def render(self,page): #override render
     #python list comprehension
     self.template_values['classes']=[{'name':x.name,'key':x.key.urlsafe()} for x in db_defs.ChannelClass.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(db_defs.ChannelClass, self.app.config.get('default-group'))).fetch()]
     #db_defs.Channel.query().fetch() gets a list of all channels stored in db
     #for each x in channels, we want to create a dict with name associated with the channel and a key
     #associated with a url safe string of the key (turns the key, a string that includes info about the class and its
     #identifier and turns it into something we can pass to a website without being mangled by html encoding
     #the outer [ ] makes the entire thing into a list
     #thus, we get a list of dictionaries {'name':x.name,'key':x.key.urlsafe()} of all channels
     #[{'name':x.name,'key':x.key.urlsafe()},{'name':x.name,'key':x.key.urlsafe()},{'name':x.name,'key':x.key.urlsafe()} etc]
     #which is assigned to channels
     self.template_values['channels']=[{'name':x.name,'key':x.key.urlsafe()} for x in db_defs.Channel.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(db_defs.Channel, self.app.config.get('default-group'))).fetch()]
     #db_defs.Channel.query().fetch() gets a list of all channels stored in db
     base_page.BaseHandler.render(self, page, self.template_values)