예제 #1
def enumerate_joint(vars, values, P):
    "As in Fig 13.4, except x and e are already incorporated in values."
    if not vars: 
        return P[values] 
    Y = vars[0]; rest = vars[1:]
    return sum([enumerate_joint(rest, extend(values, Y, y), P) 
                for y in P.values(Y)])
예제 #2
def enumerate_all(vars, e, bn):
    """Returns the probability that X = xi given e.

    vars is a list of variables, the parents of X in bn.
    e is a dictionary of variable-name: value pairs
    bn is an instance of BayesNet.

    Precondition: no variable in vars precedes its parents."""
    if vars == []:
        return 1.0
        Y = vars[0]
        rest = vars[1:]

        Ynode = bn.variable_node(Y)
        parents = Ynode.parents
        cpt = Ynode.cpt

        if e.has_key(Y):
            y = e[Y]
            cp = cpt.p(y, parents, e)  # P(y | parents(Y))
            result = cp * enumerate_all(rest, e, bn)
            result = 0
            for y in bn.variable_values(Y):
                cp = cpt.p(y, parents, e)  # P(y | parents(Y))
                result += cp * enumerate_all(rest, extend(e, Y, y), bn)

        return result
예제 #3
파일: probability.py 프로젝트: BioGeek/aima
def enumerate_all (vars, e, bn):
    """Returns the probability that X = xi given e.

    vars is a list of variables, the parents of X in bn.
    e is a dictionary of variable-name: value pairs
    bn is an instance of BayesNet.

    Precondition: no variable in vars precedes its parents."""
    if vars == []:
        return 1.0
        Y = vars[0]
        rest = vars[1:]

        Ynode = bn.variable_node(Y)
        parents = Ynode.parents
        cpt = Ynode.cpt
        if e.has_key(Y):
            y = e[Y]
            cp = cpt.p(y, parents, e) # P(y | parents(Y))
            result = cp * enumerate_all(rest, e, bn)
            result = 0
            for y in bn.variable_values(Y):
                cp = cpt.p(y, parents, e) # P(y | parents(Y))
                result += cp * enumerate_all(rest, extend(e, Y, y), bn)

        return result
예제 #4
 def sum_out(self, var, bn):
     """Make a factor eliminating var by summing over its values."""
     variables = [X for X in self.variables if X != var]
     cpt = {event_values(e, variables): sum(self.p(extend(e, var, val))
                                            for val in bn.variable_values(var))
            for e in all_events(variables, bn, {})}
     return Factor(variables, cpt)
예제 #5
 def sum_out(self, var, bn):
     """Make a factor eliminating var by summing over its values."""
     variables = [X for X in self.variables if X != var]
     cpt = {event_values(e, variables): sum(self.p(extend(e, var, val))
                                            for val in bn.variable_values(var))
            for e in all_events(variables, bn, {})}
     return Factor(variables, cpt)
예제 #6
파일: probability.py 프로젝트: BioGeek/aima
def enumerate_joint(vars, values, P):
    "As in Fig 13.4, except x and e are already incorporated in values."
    if not vars: 
        return P[values] 
    Y = vars[0]; rest = vars[1:]
    return sum([enumerate_joint(rest, extend(values, Y, y), P) 
                for y in P.values(Y)])
예제 #7
def enumerate_joint(variables, e, P):
    """Return the sum of those entries in P consistent with e,
    provided variables is P's remaining variables (the ones not in e)."""
    if not variables:
        return P[e]
    Y, rest = variables[0], variables[1:]
    return sum([enumerate_joint(rest, extend(e, Y, y), P)
                for y in P.values(Y)])
예제 #8
def enumerate_joint(variables, e, P):
    """Return the sum of those entries in P consistent with e,
    provided variables is P's remaining variables (the ones not in e)."""
    if not variables:
        return P[e]
    Y, rest = variables[0], variables[1:]
    return sum(
        [enumerate_joint(rest, extend(e, Y, y), P) for y in P.values(Y)])
예제 #9
def all_events(variables, bn, e):
    """Yield every way of extending e with values for all variables."""
    if not variables:
        yield e
        X, rest = variables[0], variables[1:]
        for e1 in all_events(rest, bn, e):
            for x in bn.variable_values(X):
                yield extend(e1, X, x)
예제 #10
def all_events(variables, bn, e):
    "Yield every way of extending e with values for all variables."
    if not variables:
        yield e
        X, rest = variables[0], variables[1:]
        for e1 in all_events(rest, bn, e):
            for x in bn.variable_values(X):
                yield extend(e1, X, x)
예제 #11
def enumerate_joint_ask(X, e, P):
    """Return a probability distribution over the values of the variable X,
    given the {var:val} observations e, in the JointProbDist P. 
    Works for Boolean variables only. [Fig. 13.4]"""
    Q = ProbDist(X) ## A probability distribution for X, initially empty
    Y = [v for v in P.variables if v != X and v not in e]
    for xi in P.values(X):
        Q[xi] = enumerate_joint(Y, extend(e, X, xi), P)
    return Q.normalize()
예제 #12
def enumeration_ask(X, e, bn):
    """Return the conditional probability distribution of variable X
    given evidence e, from BayesNet bn. [Fig. 14.9]
    >>> enumeration_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary
    ...  ).show_approx()
    'False: 0.716, True: 0.284'"""
    assert X not in e, "Query variable must be distinct from evidence"
    Q = ProbDist(X)
    for xi in bn.variable_values(X):
        Q[xi] = enumerate_all(bn.variables, extend(e, X, xi), bn)
    return Q.normalize()
예제 #13
def enumeration_ask(X, e, bn):
    """Return the conditional probability distribution of variable X
    given evidence e, from BayesNet bn. [Figure 14.9]
    >>> enumeration_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary
    ...  ).show_approx()
    'False: 0.716, True: 0.284'"""
    assert X not in e, "Query variable must be distinct from evidence"
    Q = ProbDist(X)
    for xi in bn.variable_values(X):
        Q[xi] = enumerate_all(bn.variables, extend(e, X, xi), bn)
    return Q.normalize()
예제 #14
def markov_blanket_sample(X, e, bn):
    """Return a sample from P(X | mb) where mb denotes that the
    variables in the Markov blanket of X take their values from event
    e (which must assign a value to each). The Markov blanket of X is
    X's parents, children, and children's parents."""
    Xnode = bn.variable_node(X)
    Q = ProbDist(X)
    for xi in bn.variable_values(X):
        ei = extend(e, X, xi)
        # [Equation 14.12:]
        Q[xi] = Xnode.p(xi, e) * product(Yj.p(ei[Yj.variable], ei)
                                         for Yj in Xnode.children)
    return probability(Q.normalize()[True]) # (assuming a Boolean variable here)
예제 #15
def enumerate_all(vars, e, bn):
    """Return the sum of those entries in P(vars | e{others})
    consistent with e, where P is the joint distribution represented
    by bn, and e{others} means e restricted to bn's other variables
    (the ones other than vars). Parents must precede children in vars."""
    if not vars:
        return 1.0
    Y, rest = vars[0], vars[1:]
    Ynode = bn.variable_node(Y)
    if Y in e:
        return Ynode.p(e[Y], e) * enumerate_all(rest, e, bn)
        return sum(Ynode.p(y, e) * enumerate_all(rest, extend(e, Y, y), bn)
                   for y in bn.variable_values(Y))
예제 #16
def enumerate_joint_ask(X, e, P):
    """Return a probability distribution over the values of the variable X,
    given the {var:val} observations e, in the JointProbDist P. [Section 13.3]
    >>> P = JointProbDist(['X', 'Y'])
    >>> P[0,0] = 0.25; P[0,1] = 0.5; P[1,1] = P[2,1] = 0.125
    >>> enumerate_joint_ask('X', dict(Y=1), P).show_approx()
    '0: 0.667, 1: 0.167, 2: 0.167'
    assert X not in e, "Query variable must be distinct from evidence"
    Q = ProbDist(X)  # probability distribution for X, initially empty
    Y = [v for v in P.variables if v != X and v not in e]  # hidden variables.
    for xi in P.values(X):
        Q[xi] = enumerate_joint(Y, extend(e, X, xi), P)
    return Q.normalize()
예제 #17
def markov_blanket_sample(X, e, bn):
    """Return a sample from P(X | mb) where mb denotes that the
    variables in the Markov blanket of X take their values from event
    e (which must assign a value to each). The Markov blanket of X is
    X's parents, children, and children's parents."""
    Xnode = bn.variable_node(X)
    Q = ProbDist(X)
    for xi in bn.variable_values(X):
        ei = extend(e, X, xi)
        # [Equation 14.12:]
        Q[xi] = Xnode.p(xi, e) * product(
            Yj.p(ei[Yj.variable], ei) for Yj in Xnode.children)
    # (assuming a Boolean variable here)
    return probability(Q.normalize()[True])
예제 #18
def enumerate_joint_ask(X, e, P):
    """Return a probability distribution over the values of the variable X,
    given the {var:val} observations e, in the JointProbDist P. [Section 13.3]
    >>> P = JointProbDist(['X', 'Y'])
    >>> P[0,0] = 0.25; P[0,1] = 0.5; P[1,1] = P[2,1] = 0.125
    >>> enumerate_joint_ask('X', dict(Y=1), P).show_approx()
    '0: 0.667, 1: 0.167, 2: 0.167'
    assert X not in e, "Query variable must be distinct from evidence"
    Q = ProbDist(X)  # probability distribution for X, initially empty
    Y = [v for v in P.variables if v != X and v not in e]  # hidden variables.
    for xi in P.values(X):
        Q[xi] = enumerate_joint(Y, extend(e, X, xi), P)
    return Q.normalize()
예제 #19
def enumerate_all(variables, e, bn):
    """Return the sum of those entries in P(variables | e{others})
    consistent with e, where P is the joint distribution represented
    by bn, and e{others} means e restricted to bn's other variables
    (the ones other than variables). Parents must precede children in variables."""
    if not variables:
        return 1.0
    Y, rest = variables[0], variables[1:]
    Ynode = bn.variable_node(Y)
    if Y in e:
        return Ynode.p(e[Y], e) * enumerate_all(rest, e, bn)
        return sum(Ynode.p(y, e) * enumerate_all(rest, extend(e, Y, y), bn)
                   for y in bn.variable_values(Y))
예제 #20
def enumerate_joint_ask(X, e, P):
    """Return a probability distribution over the values of the variable X,
    given the {var:val} observations e, in the JointProbDist P. 
    Works for Boolean variables only. [Fig. 13.4].

    X is a string (variable name).
    e is a dictionary of variable-name value pairs.
    P is an instance of JointProbDist."""

    Q = ProbDist(X)  # probability distribution for X, initially empty
    Y = [v for v in P.variables if v != X and v not in e]  # hidden vars.
    for xi in P.values(X):
        ext = extend(e, X, xi)  # copies e and adds X: xi
        Q[xi] = enumerate_joint(Y, ext, P)
    return Q.normalize()
예제 #21
파일: probability.py 프로젝트: BioGeek/aima
def enumerate_joint_ask(X, e, P):
    """Return a probability distribution over the values of the variable X,
    given the {var:val} observations e, in the JointProbDist P. 
    Works for Boolean variables only. [Fig. 13.4].

    X is a string (variable name).
    e is a dictionary of variable-name value pairs.
    P is an instance of JointProbDist."""
    Q = ProbDist(X) # probability distribution for X, initially empty
    Y = [v for v in P.variables if v != X and v not in e] # hidden vars.
    for xi in P.values(X):
        ext = extend(e, X, xi) # copies e and adds X: xi
        Q[xi] = enumerate_joint(Y, ext, P)
    return Q.normalize()
예제 #22
 def max_out(self, var, bn):
     Make a factor eliminating var by summing over its values.
     :param var:
     :param bn:
     variables = [X for X in self.variables if X != var]
     cpt_with_assignement = {event_values(e, variables): max((self.p(extend(e, var, val)), val)
                                                             for val in bn.variable_values(var))
                             for e in all_events(variables, bn, {})}
     assignement = {}
     cpt = {}
     for key, (value, assgn) in cpt_with_assignement.items():
         cpt[key] = value
         assignement[key] = assgn
     factor = Factor(variables, cpt, assignement, self)
     factor.last_max_out = bn.last_max_out
     bn.last_max_out = factor
     return factor
예제 #23
def enumeration_ask (X, e, bn):
    """Returns a distribution of X given e from bayes net bn.  [Fig. 14.9]
    X is a string (variable name).
    e is a dictionary of variablename: value pairs.
    bn is an instance of BayesNet.
    >>> p = enumeration_ask('Earthquake', {}, burglary)
    >>> [p[True], p[False]]
    [0.002, 0.998]
    >>> p = enumeration_ask('Burglary',
    ...   {'JohnCalls': True, 'MaryCalls': True}, burglary)
    >>> p.show_approx()
    'False: 0.716, True: 0.284'"""
    Q = ProbDist(X) # empty probability distribution for X
    for xi in bn.variable_values(X):
        Q[xi] = enumerate_all(bn.variables(), extend(e, X, xi), bn)
        # Assume that parents precede children in bn.variables.
        # Otherwise, in enumerate_all, the values of Y's parents
        # may be unspecified.
    return Q.normalize()
def all_events_jpd(vars, jpd, e):
    e is evidence, it is a dict containing 'variable:value' pairs  
    vars is a list of variables
    jpd is an object of JointProbDist

    The function generates all events of variables in vars with all possible value assignments and variables in e with fixed values
    >>>P = JointProbDist(['X', 'Y', 'Z'], {'X':[1,2], 'Y': [True, False], 'Z' : ['a', 'b']})
    >>>events = all_events_jpd(['X', 'Y'], P, {'Z':'a'})
    >>>for each in events: print each
    {'Y': True, 'X': 1, 'Z': 'a'}
    {'Y': True, 'X': 2, 'Z': 'a'}
    {'Y': False, 'X': 1, 'Z': 'a'}
    {'Y': False, 'X': 2, 'Z': 'a'}
    if not vars:  ## if vars is empty
        yield e
        X, rest = vars[0], vars[1:]
        for e1 in all_events_jpd(rest, jpd, e):
            for x in jpd.values(X):
                yield extend(e1, X, x)
예제 #25
def all_events_jpd(vars, jpd, e): 
    e is evidence, it is a dict containing 'variable:value' pairs  
    vars is a list of variables
    jpd is an object of JointProbDist

    The function generates all events of variables in vars with all possible value assignments and variables in e with fixed values
    >>>P = JointProbDist(['X', 'Y', 'Z'], {'X':[1,2], 'Y': [True, False], 'Z' : ['a', 'b']})
    >>>events = all_events_jpd(['X', 'Y'], P, {'Z':'a'})
    >>>for each in events: print each
    {'Y': True, 'X': 1, 'Z': 'a'}
    {'Y': True, 'X': 2, 'Z': 'a'}
    {'Y': False, 'X': 1, 'Z': 'a'}
    {'Y': False, 'X': 2, 'Z': 'a'}
    if not vars: ## if vars is empty
        yield e
        X, rest = vars[0], vars[1:]
        for e1 in all_events_jpd(rest, jpd,e): 
            for x in jpd.values(X):
                yield extend(e1, X,x)
예제 #26
def enumeration_ask(X, e, bn):
    """Returns a distribution of X given e from bayes net bn.  [Fig. 14.9]
    X is a string (variable name).
    e is a dictionary of variablename: value pairs.
    bn is an instance of BayesNet.
    >>> p = enumeration_ask('Earthquake', {}, burglary)
    >>> [p[True], p[False]]
    [0.002, 0.998]
    >>> p = enumeration_ask('Burglary',
    ...   {'JohnCalls': True, 'MaryCalls': True}, burglary)
    >>> p.show_approx()
    'False: 0.716, True: 0.284'

    Q = ProbDist(X)  # empty probability distribution for X
    for xi in bn.variable_values(X):
        Q[xi] = enumerate_all(bn.variables(), extend(e, X, xi), bn)
        # Assume that parents precede children in bn.variables.
        # Otherwise, in enumerate_all, the values of Y's parents
        # may be unspecified.
    return Q.normalize()