예제 #1
def test_synthesize_for_model(debug=False):
    all_models1 = [{'x': False},
                   {'x': True}]
    all_models2 = [{'p': False, 'q': False},
                   {'p': False, 'q': True},
                   {'p': True,  'q': False},
                   {'p': True,  'q': True}]
    all_models3 = [{'r1': False, 'r12': False, 'p37': False},
                   {'r1': False, 'r12': False, 'p37': True},
                   {'r1': False, 'r12': True, 'p37': False},
                   {'r1': False, 'r12': True, 'p37': True},
                   {'r1': True, 'r12': False, 'p37': False},
                   {'r1': True, 'r12': False, 'p37': True},
                   {'r1': True, 'r12': True, 'p37': False},
                   {'r1': True, 'r12': True, 'p37': True}]

    for all_models in [all_models1, all_models2, all_models3]:
        for idx in range(len(all_models)):
            if debug:
                print('Testing synthesis of formula for model', all_models[idx])
            f = synthesize_for_model(frozendict(all_models[idx]))
            assert type(f) is Formula, 'Expected a formula, got ' + str(f)
            assert is_clause(f), str(f) + ' should be a clause'
            all_values = [False] * len(all_models)
            all_values[idx] = True
            for model,value in zip(all_models, all_values):
                assert evaluate(f, frozendict(model)) == value
예제 #2
def test_evaluate_inference(debug=False):
    from propositions.proofs import InferenceRule

    # Test 1
    rule1 = InferenceRule([Formula.parse('p'), Formula.parse('q')],
    for model in all_models(['p', 'q', 'r']):
        if debug:
            print('Testing evaluation of inference rule', rule1, 'in model',
        assert evaluate_inference(rule1, frozendict(model)) == \
               (not model['p']) or (not model['q']) or model['r']

    # Test 2
    rule2 = InferenceRule([Formula.parse('(x|y)')],
    for model in all_models(['x', 'y']):
        if debug:
            print('Testing evaluation of inference rule', rule2, 'in model',
        assert evaluate_inference(rule2, frozendict(model)) == \
               (not model['y']) or model['x']

    # Test 3
    rule3 = InferenceRule([Formula.parse(s) for s in ['(p->q)', '(q->r)']],
    for model in all_models(['p', 'q', 'r']):
        if debug:
            print('Testing evaluation of inference rule', rule3, 'in model',
        assert evaluate_inference(rule3, frozendict(model)) == \
               (model['p'] and not model['q']) or \
               (model['q'] and not model['r']) or model['r']
예제 #3
def test_merge_specialization_maps(debug=False):
    for d1, d2, d in [
        ({}, {}, {}),
        ({}, None, None),
        (None, {}, None),
        (None, None, None),
        ({'p':'q'}, {'r':'s'}, {'p':'q', 'r':'s'}),
        ({'p':'q'}, {}, {'p':'q'}),
        ({}, {'p':'q'}, {'p':'q'}),
        ({'p':'q'}, {'p':'r'}, None),
        ({'p':'q'}, None, None),
        (None, {'p':'q'}, None),
        ({'x':'p1', 'y':'p2'}, {'x':'p1', 'z':'p3'},
         {'x':'p1', 'y':'p2', 'z':'p3'}),
        ({'x':'p1', 'y':'p2'}, {'x':'p1', 'y':'p3'}, None),
        ({'x':'p1', 'y':'p2'}, {'x':'p1', 'y':'p2', 'z':'p3'},
         {'x':'p1', 'y':'p2', 'z':'p3'}),
        ({'x':'p1', 'y':'p2', 'z':'p3'}, {'x':'p1', 'y':'p2'},
         {'x':'p1', 'y':'p2', 'z':'p3'})]:
        if debug:
            print('Testing merging of dictionaries', d1, d2)
        dd = InferenceRule.merge_specialization_maps(
            frozendict({v: Formula.parse(d1[v]) for v in d1}) if d1 is not None
            else None,
            frozendict({v: Formula.parse(d2[v]) for v in d2}) if d2 is not None
            else None)
        assert dd == ({v: Formula.parse(d[v]) for v in d}
                      if d is not None else None), "got " + dd
예제 #4
def __test_synthesize_clause(clause_synthesizer, for_model, debug):
    all_models1 = [{'x': False},
                   {'x': True}]
    all_models2 = [{'p': False, 'q': False},
                   {'p': False, 'q': True},
                   {'p': True, 'q': False},
                   {'p': True, 'q': True}]
    all_models3 = [{'r1': False, 'r12': False, 'p37': False},
                   {'r1': False, 'r12': False, 'p37': True},
                   {'r1': False, 'r12': True, 'p37': False},
                   {'r1': False, 'r12': True, 'p37': True},
                   {'r1': True, 'r12': False, 'p37': False},
                   {'r1': True, 'r12': False, 'p37': True},
                   {'r1': True, 'r12': True, 'p37': False},
                   {'r1': True, 'r12': True, 'p37': True}]

    for all_models in [all_models1, all_models2, all_models3]:
        for idx in range(len(all_models)):
            if debug:
                print('Testing', clause_synthesizer.__qualname__, 'for model',
            f = clause_synthesizer(frozendict(all_models[idx]))
            assert type(f) is Formula, 'Expected a formula, got ' + str(f)
            if for_model:
                assert is_conjunctive_clause(f), \
                    str(f) + ' should be a conjunctive clause'
                all_values = [False] * len(all_models)
                all_values[idx] = True
                assert is_disjunctive_clause(f), \
                    str(f) + ' should be a disjunctive clause'
                all_values = [True] * len(all_models)
                all_values[idx] = False
            for model, value in zip(all_models, all_values):
                assert evaluate(f, frozendict(model)) == value
예제 #5
    def evaluate_formula(
        self, formula: Formula, assignment: Mapping[str,
                                                    T] = frozendict()) -> bool:
        """Calculates the truth value of the given formula in the current model,
        for the given assignment of values to free occurrences of variables

            formula: formula to calculate the truth value of, for the constants,
                functions, and relations of which the current model has
            assignment: mapping from each variable name that has a free
                occurrence in the given formula to a universe element to which
                it is to be evaluated.

            The truth value of the given formula in the current model, for the
            given assignment of values to free occurrences of variable names.
        assert formula.constants().issubset(self.constant_meanings.keys())
        assert formula.free_variables().issubset(assignment.keys())
        for function, arity in formula.functions():
            assert function in self.function_meanings and \
                   self.function_arities[function] == arity
        for relation, arity in formula.relations():
            assert relation in self.relation_meanings and \
                   self.relation_arities[relation] in {-1, arity}
        # Task 7.8
        return self.evaluate_helper(assignment, formula)
예제 #6
    def evaluate_term(
        self, term: Term, assignment: Mapping[str, T] = frozendict()) -> T:
        """Calculates the value of the given term in the current model, for the
        given assignment of values to variables names.

            term: term to calculate the value of, for the constants and
                functions of which the current model has meanings.
            assignment: mapping from each variable name in the given term to a
                universe element to which it is to be evaluated.

            The value (in the universe of the current model) of the given
            term in the current model, for the given assignment of values to
            variable names.
        assert term.constants().issubset(self.constant_meanings.keys())
        assert term.variables().issubset(assignment.keys())
        for function, arity in term.functions():
            assert function in self.function_meanings and \
                   self.function_arities[function] == arity
        # Decide based on the term type
        term_type = term.get_type()
        if term_type == Term.TermType.T_CONST:
            return self.constant_meanings[term.root]
        elif term_type == Term.TermType.T_VARIABLE:
            return assignment[term.root]
        elif term_type == Term.TermType.T_FUNCTION:
            # Evaluate the arguments
            args = [self.evaluate_term(t, assignment) for t in term.arguments]
            return self.function_meanings[term.root][tuple(args)]
예제 #7
def test_evaluate_all_operators(debug=False):
    infix1 = '(p+q7)'
    models_values1 = [
        ({'p': True,  'q7': False}, True),
        ({'p': False, 'q7': False}, False),
        ({'p': True,  'q7': True},  False)
    infix2 = '~(p<->q7)'
    models_values2 = [
        ({'p': True,  'q7': False}, True),
        ({'p': False, 'q7': False}, False),
        ({'p': True,  'q7': True},  False)
    infix3 = '~((x-&x)-|(y-&y))'
    models_values3 = [
        ({'x': True,  'y': False}, True),
        ({'x': False,  'y': False}, True),
        ({'x': True,  'y': True}, False)
    for infix,models_values in [[infix1, models_values1],
                                [infix2, models_values2],
                                [infix3, models_values3]]:
        formula = Formula.parse(infix)
        for model,value in models_values:
            if debug:
                print('Testing evaluation of formula', formula, 'in model',
            assert evaluate(formula, frozendict(model)) == value
예제 #8
def test_reduce_assumption(debug=False):
    for f, m, v in [ ('(y->x)', {'x':True}, 'y'),
                     ('(p->p)', {}, 'p'),
                     ('(p->(r->q))', {'p':True, 'q':True}, 'r')]:
        f = Formula.parse(f)
        pt = prove_in_model(f, frozendict(m))
        pf = prove_in_model(f, frozendict(m))
        if debug:
            print("testing reduce assumption on", pt.statement, "and",
        p = reduce_assumption(pt,pf)
        assert p.statement.conclusion  == pf.statement.conclusion
        assert p.statement.assumptions[:] == pt.statement.assumptions[:-1]
        assert p.rules == AXIOMATIC_SYSTEM
        assert p.is_valid(), offending_line(p)
예제 #9
def test_formulas_capturing_model(debug=False):
    for q,a in [({'p':True},['p']),
                ({'q7':False}, ['~q7']),
                ({'x1':True, 'x2':False, 'x3':True}, ['x1', '~x2', 'x3']),
                ({'q3':False, 'p13':False, 'r':True}, ['~p13', '~q3', 'r'])]:
        if debug:
            print("Testing formulas_capturing_model on", q)
        aa = [Formula.parse(f) for f in a]
        assert formulas_capturing_model(frozendict(q)) == aa
예제 #10
def test_prove_in_model_full(debug=False):
    for (f, m, a, cp) in [ ('x', {'x':True}, ['x'], ''),
                           ('x',{'x':False}, ['~x'], '~'),
                           ('~x', {'x':False}, ['~x'], ''),
                           ('~x', {'x':True}, ['x'], '~'),
                           ('x', {'x':True, 'z5':False}, ['x', '~z5'], ''),
                           ('(p->~p)', {'p':True}, ['p'], '~'),
                           ('(p->~p)', {'p':False}, ['~p'], ''),
                           ('(p->q)', {'p':True, 'q':True}, ['p','q'], ''),
                           ('(p->q)', {'p':True, 'q':False}, ['p','~q'], '~'),
                           ('(p->q)', {'p':False, 'q':True}, ['~p','q'], ''),
                           ('(p->q)', {'p':False, 'q':False}, ['~p', '~q'], ''),
                           ('~~~~y7', {'y7':True}, ['y7'], ''),
                           ('~~~~y7', {'y7':False}, ['~y7'], '~'),
                           ('~(~p->~q)', {'p':True, 'q':True}, ['p','q'], '~'),
                           ('~(~p->~q)', {'p':False, 'q':True}, ['~p','q'], ''),
                            {'p1':True, 'p2':True, 'p3':True, 'p4':True},
                            ['p1','p2','p3','p4'], ''),
                            {'p1':True, 'p2':True, 'p3':True, 'p4':False},
                            ['p1','p2','p3','~p4'], '~'),
                            {'p1':True, 'p2':False, 'p3':True, 'p4':False},
                            ['p1','~p2','p3','~p4'], ''),
                            {'z':True, 'x':False, 'y':False},
                            ['~x','~y','z'], '~'),
                           ('T', {}, [], ''),
                           ('F', {}, [], '~'),
                           ('(p|q)', {'p': True, 'q': True}, ['p', 'q'], ''),
                           ('(p|q)', {'p': True, 'q': False}, ['p', '~q'], ''),
                           ('(p|q)', {'p': False, 'q': True}, ['~p', 'q'], ''),
                            {'p': False, 'q': False}, ['~p', '~q'], '~'),
                           ('(p&q)', {'p': True, 'q': True}, ['p', 'q'], ''),
                           ('(p&q)', {'p': True, 'q': False}, ['p', '~q'], '~'),
                           ('(p&q)', {'p': False, 'q': True}, ['~p', 'q'], '~'),
                            {'p': False, 'q': False}, ['~p', '~q'], '~'),
                            {'p': False, 'q': False, 'r': False, 's': False},
                            ['~p', '~q', '~r', '~s'], '~'),
                            {'p': False, 'q': False, 'r': True, 's': True},
                            ['~p', '~q', 'r', 's'], '')
        c = Formula.parse(cp+f)
        f = Formula.parse(f)
        a = (Formula.parse(v) for v in a)
        if debug:
            print('Testing prove_in_model_full on formula',f, 'in model', m)
        p = prove_in_model_full(f, frozendict(m))
        assert p.statement == InferenceRule(a, c)
        assert p.rules == AXIOMATIC_SYSTEM_FULL
        assert p.is_valid(), offending_line(p)
예제 #11
def prove_tautology(tautology: Formula, model: Model = frozendict()) -> Proof:
    """Proves the given tautology from the formulas that capture the given

        tautology: tautology that contains no constants or operators beyond
            ``'->'`` and ``'~'``, to prove.
        model: model over a (possibly empty) prefix (with respect to the
            alphabetical order) of the variables of `tautology`, from whose
            formulas to prove.

        A valid proof of the given tautology from the formulas that capture the
        given model, in the order returned by
        `formulas_capturing_model`\ ``(``\ `model`\ ``)``, via

        >>> proof = prove_tautology(Formula.parse('(~(p->p)->q)'),
        ...                         {'p': True, 'q': False})
        >>> proof.is_valid()
        >>> proof.statement.conclusion
        >>> proof.statement.assumptions
        (p, ~q)
        >>> proof.rules == AXIOMATIC_SYSTEM

        >>> proof = prove_tautology(Formula.parse('(~(p->p)->q)'))
        >>> proof.is_valid()
        >>> proof.statement.conclusion
        >>> proof.statement.assumptions
        >>> proof.rules == AXIOMATIC_SYSTEM
    assert is_tautology(tautology)
    assert tautology.operators().issubset({'->', '~'})
    assert is_model(model)
    assert sorted(tautology.variables())[:len(model)] == sorted(model.keys())
    if len(model) == len(tautology.variables()):
        return prove_in_model(tautology, model)
    variables_not_in_model = sorted(
        [v for v in tautology.variables() if v not in model])
    check_on_var = variables_not_in_model[0]
    new_model = {check_on_var: True}
    aff_proof = prove_tautology(tautology, new_model)
    new_model[check_on_var] = False
    neg_proof = prove_tautology(tautology, new_model)
    return reduce_assumption(aff_proof, neg_proof)
예제 #12
def __test_synthesize(synthesizer, dnf, debug):
    all_variables1 = ['p']
    all_models1 = [{'p': False}, {'p': True}]
    value_lists1 = [(False, False), (False, True), (True, False), (True, True)]

    all_variables2 = ['p', 'q']
    all_models2 = [{'p': False, 'q': False},
                   {'p': False, 'q': True},
                   {'p': True, 'q': False},
                   {'p': True, 'q': True}]
    value_lists2 = [(True, False, False, True),
                    (True, True, True, True),
                    (False, False, False, False)]

    all_variables3 = ['r1', 'r12', 'p37']
    all_models3 = [{'r1': False, 'r12': False, 'p37': False},
                   {'r1': False, 'r12': False, 'p37': True},
                   {'r1': False, 'r12': True, 'p37': False},
                   {'r1': False, 'r12': True, 'p37': True},
                   {'r1': True, 'r12': False, 'p37': False},
                   {'r1': True, 'r12': False, 'p37': True},
                   {'r1': True, 'r12': True, 'p37': False},
                   {'r1': True, 'r12': True, 'p37': True}]
    value_lists3 = [(True, False, True, True, False, True, False, True),
                    (True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True),
                    (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)]

    for all_variables, all_models, value_lists in [
        [all_variables1, all_models1, value_lists1],
        [all_variables2, all_models2, value_lists2],
        [all_variables3, all_models3, value_lists3]]:
        for all_values in value_lists:
            if debug:
                print('Testing', synthesizer.__qualname__, 'for variables',
                      all_variables, 'and model-values', all_values)
            formula = synthesizer(tuple(all_variables), all_values)
            assert type(formula) is Formula, \
                'Expected a formula, got ' + str(formula)
            if dnf:
                assert is_dnf(formula), str(formula) + ' should be a DNF'
                assert is_cnf(formula), str(formula) + ' should be a CNF'
            assert formula.variables().issubset(set(all_variables))
            for model, value in zip(all_models, all_values):
                assert evaluate(formula, frozendict(model)) == value, \
                    str(formula) + ' does not evaluate to ' + str(value) + \
                    ' on ' + str(model)
예제 #13
def prove_tautology(tautology: Formula, model: Model = frozendict()) -> Proof:
    """Proves the given tautology from the formulae that capture the given

        tautology: tautology that contains no constants or operators beyond
            ``'->'`` and ``'~'``, to prove.
        model: model over a (possibly empty) prefix (with respect to the
            alphabetical order) of the variables of `tautology`, from whose
            formulae to prove.

        A valid proof of the given tautology from the formulae that capture the
        given model, in the order returned by
        `formulae_capturing_model`\ ``(``\ `model`\ ``)``, via

        If the given model is the empty dictionary, then the returned proof is
        of the given tautology from no assumptions.
    assert is_tautology(tautology)
    assert tautology.operators().issubset({'->', '~'})
    assert is_model(model)
    assert sorted(tautology.variables())[:len(model)] == sorted(model.keys())
    # Task 6.3a

    statement = InferenceRule(formulae_capturing_model(model), tautology)

    # rules are AXIOMATIC_SYSTEM
    list_of_var_in_formula = list(tautology.variables())
    for var in list_of_var_in_formula:
        if var not in model:
            new_model = dict(model)
            new_model[var] = True
            # proof 1 is with that var with value True
            proof1 = prove_tautology(tautology, new_model)
            new_model[var] = False
            # proof 2 is with that var with value False
            proof2 = prove_tautology(tautology, new_model)
            # proof without that var
            return reduce_assumption(proof1, proof2)

    # if the model contains all the var in the tautology formula
    return prove_in_model(tautology, model)
예제 #14
def prove_tautology(tautology: Formula, model: Model = frozendict()) -> Proof:
    """Proves the given tautology from the formulae that capture the given

        tautology: tautology that contains no constants or operators beyond
            ``'->'`` and ``'~'``, to prove.
        model: model over a (possibly empty) prefix (with respect to the
            alphabetical order) of the variables of `tautology`, from whose
            formulae to prove.

        A valid proof of the given tautology from the formulae that capture the
        given model, in the order returned by
        `formulae_capturing_model`\ ``(``\ `model`\ ``)``, via

        If the given model is the empty dictionary, then the returned proof is
        of the given tautology from no assumptions.
    assert is_tautology(tautology)
    assert tautology.operators().issubset({'->', '~'})
    assert is_model(model)
    assert sorted(tautology.variables())[:len(model)] == sorted(model.keys())
    # Task 6.3a
    if model is not None and len(tautology.variables()) == len(model):
        return prove_in_model(tautology, model)
        variables = sorted(tautology.variables())
        new_model_1 = dict()
        if model is not None:
            for var in model.keys():
                new_model_1[var] = model[var]
        new_model_2 = deepcopy(new_model_1)
        for var in variables:
            if var not in model.keys():
                new_model_1[var] = True
                new_model_2[var] = False
                antecedent_proof_1 = prove_tautology(tautology, new_model_1)
                antecedent_proof_2 = prove_tautology(tautology, new_model_2)
                return reduce_assumption(antecedent_proof_1, antecedent_proof_2)
예제 #15
def test_specialize(debug=False):
    for t in substitutions:
        d = t[0]
        if debug:
            print('Testing substitition dictionary', d)
        d = frozendict({k: Formula.parse(d[k]) for k in d})
        cases = [ [Formula.parse(c[0]), Formula.parse(c[1])] for c in t[1:]]
        for case in cases:
            if debug:
                print('...checking that', case[0], 'specializes to', case[1])
            general = InferenceRule([],case[0])
            special = InferenceRule([],case[1])
            assert general.specialize(d) == special, \
                   "got " + str(general.specialize(d).conclusion)
        if debug:
            print('...now checking all together in a single rule')
            general = InferenceRule([case[0] for case in cases[1:]],cases[0][0])
            special = InferenceRule([case[1] for case in cases[1:]],cases[0][1])
            assert general.specialize(d) == special, \
                   "got " + str(general.specialize(d))      
예제 #16
def test_substitute_variables(debug=False):
    #           f         d              result
    tests = [('v', {}, 'v'),
             ('v', {'v': 'p'}, 'p'),
             ('(F->v12)', {'v12': 'v11'}, '(F->v11)'),
             ('v', {'q': 'r', 'z': 'w'}, 'v'),
             ('p', {'p': '(q|q)'}, '(q|q)'),
             ('~v', {'v': '(q|q)'}, '~(q|q)'),
             ('(~v|v)', {'v': '(q|q)'}, '(~(q|q)|(q|q))'),
             ('(q12->w)', {'q12': 'T', 'w': 'x'}, '(T->x)'),
             ('(v->w)', {'v': 'T', 'w': 'v'}, '(T->v)'),
             ('((~v&w)|(v->u))', {'v': '(~p->q)', 'u': '~~F'}, '((~(~p->q)&w)|((~p->q)->~~F))'),
             ('v2', {'v': 'p'}, 'v2')]
    for f, d, r in tests:
        if debug:
            print("Testing substituting variables according to", d, "in formula", f)
        f = Formula.parse(f)
        d = {k: Formula.parse(d[k]) for k in d}
        a = str(f.substitute_variables(frozendict(d)))
        assert a == r, "Incorrect answer:" + a
예제 #17
def prove_tautology(tautology: Formula, model: Model = frozendict()) -> Proof:
    """Proves the given tautology from the formulae that capture the given

        tautology: tautology that contains no constants or operators beyond
            ``'->'`` and ``'~'``, to prove.
        model: model over a (possibly empty) prefix (with respect to the
            alphabetical order) of the variables of `tautology`, from whose
            formulae to prove.

        A valid proof of the given tautology from the formulae that capture the
        given model, in the order returned by
        `formulae_capturing_model`\ ``(``\ `model`\ ``)``, via

        If the given model is the empty dictionary, then the returned proof is
        of the given tautology from no assumptions.
    assert is_tautology(tautology)
    assert tautology.operators().issubset({'->', '~'})
    assert is_model(model)
    assert sorted(tautology.variables())[:len(model)] == sorted(model.keys())
    tautology_variables = list(sorted(tautology.variables()))
    if len(model) == len(tautology_variables):
        return prove_in_model(tautology, model)
        #craete a model with added assumption, assigned to be True, and another model
        #with the same added assumption assigned to be False
        model_with_negation =  dict(model)
        model_with_negation[tautology_variables[len(model)]] = False
        model_with_affirmation = dict(model)
        model_with_affirmation[tautology_variables[len(model)]] = True
        proof_from_affirmation = prove_tautology(tautology, model_with_affirmation)
        proof_from_negation = prove_tautology(tautology, model_with_negation)
        return reduce_assumption(proof_from_affirmation, proof_from_negation)