def diagnoseForFeatureSelection(X, y, dirResultsMachineLearning, diagnoseModels): Q = dummyColumns(X) Y = pd.concat([Q, y], axis=1) plt.close('all') #Analizzo la correlazione fra le variabili correlationMatrix(Y, dirResultsMachineLearning, annotationCell=False) #analysis of correlation with the target variable if diagnoseModels.count('correlation') > 0: selectByCorrelation(X, y, 1, dirResultsMachineLearning, True) #analysis of the variance of the variables if diagnoseModels.count('variance') > 0: selectByVariance(X, 1, dirResultsMachineLearning, True) #analysi of the selection of the variables by lasso if diagnoseModels.count('lasso') > 0: selectByLassoL1(X, y, 1, dirResultsMachineLearning, True) #Verifico se posso esprimere la varianza in un sottoInsieme di componenti principali if diagnoseModels.count('PCA') > 0: PCAplot(len(Q.columns), Q, dirResultsMachineLearning, diagnose=True) #Creo la curva del forward Stepwise if diagnoseModels.count('forward stepwise') > 0: selectByForwardStepwiseSelection(X, y, dirResultsMachineLearning, len(X.columns), saveFig=True) return True
def selectByTree(X, y): ''' Parameters ---------- X : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe of the attributes y : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe with the target variable Returns ------- res : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. output dataframe with selected variables ''' #lasso feature selection works for regression models Q = dummyColumns(X) tree = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=50).fit(Q, y) model = SelectFromModel(tree, prefit=True) Z = model.transform(Q) feature_idx = model.get_support() feature_name = Q.columns[feature_idx] res = pd.DataFrame(Z, columns=feature_name) return res
def BootstrapLoop(nboot, model, X, y): X = dummyColumns(X) #rimuovo eventuali variabili categoriche scores_names = ["MSE"] scores_boot = np.zeros((nboot, len(scores_names))) #coefs_boot = np.zeros((nboot, X.shape[1])) orig_all = np.arange(X.shape[0]) for boot_i in range(nboot): boot_tr = np.random.choice(orig_all, size=len(orig_all), replace=True) boot_te = np.setdiff1d(orig_all, boot_tr, assume_unique=False) Xtr, ytr = X.iloc[boot_tr, :], y[boot_tr] Xte, yte = X.iloc[boot_te, :], y[boot_te], ytr) y_pred = model.predict(Xte).ravel() scores_boot[boot_i, :] = metrics.mean_squared_error(yte, y_pred) #coefs_boot[boot_i, :] = model.coef_ # Compute Mean, SE, CI scores_boot = pd.DataFrame(scores_boot, columns=scores_names) scores_stat = scores_boot.describe( percentiles=[.99, .95, .5, .1, .05, 0.01]) #print("r-squared: Mean=%.2f, SE=%.2f, CI=(%.2f %.2f)" %\ # tuple(scores_stat.ix[["mean", "std", "5%", "95%"], "r2"])) #coefs_boot = pd.DataFrame(coefs_boot) #coefs_stat = coefs_boot.describe(percentiles=[.99, .95, .5, .1, .05, 0.01]) #print("Coefficients distribution") #print(coefs_stat) return scores_stat
def selectByCorrelation(X, y, corrThreshold, diagnose=False): ''' Select the features of the input dataframe X based on the correlation with y Parameters ---------- X : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe of the attributes y : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe with the target variable corrThreshold : TYPE float DESCRIPTION. correlation treshold 0->1 diagnose : TYPE, optional if true generates the correlation of each variable to the target var DESCRIPTION. The default is False. Returns ------- Z : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe with only the features above the correlation threshold output_figure : TYPE dictionary DESCRIPTION. dictionary containing the figure of the correlation for each variable (if diagnose is true) ''' #select only the features (column) of a dataframe having a correlation #>= than the corrThreshold with the target variable output_figure = {} targetVariable = y.columns[0] Q = dummyColumns(X) Q = pd.concat([Q, y], axis=1) cor = Q.corr() cor_target = abs(cor[targetVariable]) if diagnose: numFeatSelected = [] #count the number of selected features for each value of correlation for i in range(1, 101): val = i / 100 nn = len(cor_target[cor_target > val]) #print(nn) numFeatSelected.append(nn) fig1 = plt.figure() plt.plot(range(1, 101), numFeatSelected) plt.title('Correlation graph') plt.xlabel('Corr threshold %') plt.ylabel('Num. selected features') output_figure['CorrelationChart'] = fig1 plt.close('all') #Selecting highly correlated features relevant_features = cor_target[cor_target > corrThreshold] relevant_features = list(relevant_features.index.values) try: #check if the target feature is contained within the relevant features and remove relevant_features.remove(targetVariable) except: True Z = Q.loc[:, relevant_features] return Z, output_figure
def selectByVariance(X, perc, diagnose=False): ''' Select the features of the input dataframe X based on their variance Parameters ---------- X : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe of the attributes perc : TYPE float DESCRIPTION. variance treshold diagnose : TYPE, optional boolean DESCRIPTION. The default is False. if true render the plot of the selected features depending o the variance Returns ------- res : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. output dataframe with selected variables output_figure : TYPE dictionary DESCRIPTION. dictionary containing the figures with the plot of the selected features depending o the variance ''' output_figure = {} #It select the features having the same value in more than perc of the samples Q = dummyColumns(X) if diagnose: numFeatSelected = [] for i in range(1, 101): val = i / 100 sel = VarianceThreshold(threshold=(val)) sel.fit_transform(Q) nn = len(Q.columns[sel.get_support()]) #print(nn) numFeatSelected.append(nn) fig1 = plt.figure() plt.plot(range(1, 101), numFeatSelected) plt.title('Variance graph') plt.xlabel('Variance threshold %') plt.ylabel('Num. selected features') output_figure['VarianceChart'] = fig1 plt.close('all') sel = VarianceThreshold(threshold=(perc)) Z = sel.fit_transform(Q) feature_idx = sel.get_support() feature_name = Q.columns[feature_idx] res = pd.DataFrame(Z, columns=feature_name) return res, output_figure
def lassoPath(XX, y): ''' generate the path of the lasso regression using different alphas Parameters ---------- XX : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe of the attributes y : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe with the target variable Returns ------- output_figure : TYPE output DESCRIPTION. dictionary with the figure ''' output_figure = {} X = dummyColumns(XX) columnNames = list(pd.concat([X, y], axis=1)) columnNames[-1] = [] alphas = [1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3] coefs = [] for a in alphas: lasso = linear_model.Lasso(alpha=a, fit_intercept=False), y) coefs.append(lasso.coef_) # Display results fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(25, 10)) ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(alphas, coefs) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()[::-1]) # reverse axis plt.xlabel('alpha') plt.ylabel('weights') plt.title('Lasso coefficients as a function of the regularization') plt.axis('tight') plt.legend(columnNames) output_figure['LassoPath'] = fig1 plt.close('all') return output_figure
def selectPreprocessFeature(X, y, value, model): #X is the feature dataframe #y is the target variable #value indicates a parameter of the model (if any) #for correlation it is the minimum treshold #for forward stepwise it is the number of features to select # for PCA it is the number of principal component if model == 'correlation': return selectByCorrelation(X, y, value, False) elif model == 'variance': return selectByVariance(X, value, False) elif model == 'lasso': return selectByLassoL1(X, y, value, False) elif model == 'tree': return selectByTree(X, y) elif model == 'forward stepwise': return selectByForwardStepwiseSelection(X, y, value, False) elif model == 'PCA': return PCAplot(value, X, False) else: #if no feature selection, the dataset is only returned as numerical (dummy) to code strings return dummyColumns(X)
def PCAplot(n_comp, XX, diagnose=False): ''' select features using forward stepwise selection Parameters ---------- XX : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe of the attributes n_comp : TYPE int DESCRIPTION. number of components Returns ------- X_res : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe with selected features output_figure : TYPE dictionary DESCRIPTION. dictionary of figures output_df : TYPE dictionary DESCRIPTION. dictionary of dataframes ''' #n_comp is the number of component of the PCA #XX is the dataframe to build the PCA on #dirResult is a directory path where to save the plot (only if diagnose==true) #diagnose perform an analysis on the percentage of variance explained increasing the number of component #if the number of component is 2 and diagnose is true the PCA 2-dim graph is saved output_figure = {} output_df = {} D_Table = dummyColumns(XX) # applico la PCA data_scaled = pd.DataFrame(preprocessing.scale(D_Table), columns=D_Table.columns) pca = PCA(n_components=n_comp) PC = pca.fit_transform(data_scaled) # Salvo i coefficienti dei parametri #components= pd.DataFrame(pca.components_,columns=data_scaled.columns,index = ['PC-1','PC-2']) if diagnose: components = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_, columns=data_scaled.columns) output_df['PCA'] = components var = np.cumsum( np.round(pca.explained_variance_ratio_, decimals=3) * 100) #Plot variance explaination fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 8), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.ylabel('% Variance Explained') plt.xlabel('# of Features') plt.title('PCA Analysis') plt.ylim(30, 100.5)'seaborn-whitegrid') plt.plot(np.arange(1, len(var) + 1), var) output_figure['PCA_varianceExplanation'] = fig # Plot graph PCA if n_comp == 2: #se ho solo due comèpnenti posso graficare fig1 = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 8), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.scatter(PC[:, 0], PC[:, 1], color='orange') plt.xlabel("PC1 (var=%.2f)" % pca.explained_variance_ratio_[0]) plt.ylabel("PC2 (var=%.2f)" % pca.explained_variance_ratio_[1]) plt.axis('equal') plt.tight_layout() plt.title('Principal Component plot') output_figure['PCA_plot'] = fig1 plt.close('all') return pd.DataFrame(PC), output_figure, output_df
def selectByForwardStepwiseSelection(XX, y, n_feat): ''' select features using forward stepwise selection Parameters ---------- XX : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe of the attributes y : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe with the target variable Returns ------- X_res : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe with selected features output_figure : TYPE dictionary DESCRIPTION. dictionary of figures output_df : TYPE dictionary DESCRIPTION. dictionary of dataframes ''' output_figure = {} output_df = {} #Converto eventuali variabili categoriche X = dummyColumns(XX) k = len(X.columns) columnNames = ['Features', 'RSS', 'R_squared'] resultFSs = pd.DataFrame(columns=columnNames) remaining_features = list(X.columns.values) features = [] numb_features = [np.inf] RSS_list, R_squared_list = [np.inf], [np.inf ] #Due to 1 indexing of the loop... features_list = dict() for i in range(1, k + 1): best_RSS = np.inf for combo in itertools.combinations(remaining_features, 1): RSS = fit_linear_reg(X[list(combo) + features], y) #Store temp result if RSS[0] < best_RSS: best_RSS = RSS[0] best_R_squared = RSS[1] best_feature = combo[0] #Updating variables for next loop features.append(best_feature) if len(remaining_features) > 0: remaining_features.remove(best_feature) #Saving values for plotting RSS_list.append(best_RSS) R_squared_list.append(best_R_squared) features_list[i] = features.copy() listResult = [] listResult.append(features_list[i]) listResult.append([round(best_RSS, 3)]) listResult.append([round(best_R_squared, 3)]) listResult = [listResult] row = pd.DataFrame(listResult, columns=columnNames) resultFSs = resultFSs.append(row) numb_features.append(len(features)) #resultFSs.to_excel(dirResults+'\\00-ForwardStepwiseSelection.xlsx') #Salvo le variabili s = resultFSs['Features'] mlb = preprocessing.MultiLabelBinarizer() aaa = pd.DataFrame(mlb.fit_transform(s), columns=mlb.classes_, index=resultFSs.index) bbb = pd.concat([resultFSs, aaa], axis=1) output_df['ForwardStepwiseSelection'] = bbb #Store in DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame({ 'numb_features': numb_features, 'RSS': RSS_list, 'R_squared': R_squared_list }) df_min = df[df.groupby('numb_features')['RSS'].transform(min) == df['RSS']] #df_max = df[df.groupby('numb_features')['R_squared'].transform(max) == df['R_squared']] output_df['ForwardStepwiseSelection_min'] = df_min df['min_RSS'] = df.groupby('numb_features')['RSS'].transform(min) df['max_R_squared'] = df.groupby('numb_features')['R_squared'].transform( max) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) ax.scatter(df.numb_features, df.RSS, alpha=.2, color='darkblue') ax.set_xlabel('# Features') ax.set_ylabel('RSS') ax.set_title('RSS - Forward Stepwise selection') ax.plot(df.numb_features, df.min_RSS, color='r', label='Best subset') ax.legend() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) ax.scatter(df.numb_features, df.R_squared, alpha=.2, color='darkblue') ax.plot(df.numb_features, df.max_R_squared, color='r', label='Best subset') ax.set_xlabel('# Features') ax.set_ylabel('R squared') ax.set_title('R_squared - Forward Stepwise selection') ax.legend() output_figure['ForwardStepwiseSelection'] = fig plt.close('all') result = resultFSs.reset_index() selected_features = result.Features[n_feat - 1] X_res = X.loc[:, selected_features] return X_res, output_figure, output_df
def selectByLassoL1(X, y, value, diagnose=False): ''' Select the features using lasso regression Parameters ---------- X : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe of the attributes y : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. dataframe with the target variable value : TYPE float DESCRIPTION. correlation treshold 0->1 diagnose : TYPE, optional if true generates the correlation of each variable to the target var DESCRIPTION. The default is False. Returns ------- res : TYPE pandas dataframe DESCRIPTION. output dataframe with selected variables output_figure : TYPE dictionary DESCRIPTION. dictionary containing the figures with the plot of the selected features depending o the variance ''' output_figure = {} #lasso feature selection works for regression models Q = dummyColumns(X) clf = linear_model.LassoCV(cv=5) if diagnose: numFeatSelected = [] for i in range(1, 101): val = i / 100 sfm = SelectFromModel(clf, threshold=val), y) nn = len(Q.columns[sfm.get_support()]) #print(nn) numFeatSelected.append(nn) fig1 = plt.figure() plt.plot(range(1, 101), numFeatSelected) plt.title('Lasso graph') plt.xlabel('Coeff threshold %') plt.ylabel('Num. selected features') output_figure['LassoChart'] = fig1 plt.close('all') #_, _, _, alphaValue, _= LassoRegressionCV(Q,y,'',nFolds=5, saveFig=False) #previous version with lasso from ZO_RegressionLinearModel #las=LassoRegressionComplete(Q,y,alphaValue) sfm = SelectFromModel(clf, threshold=value), y) #n_features = sfm.transform(X).shape[1] #model = SelectFromModel(las, prefit=True,threshold=0.25) Z = sfm.transform(Q) feature_idx = sfm.get_support() feature_name = Q.columns[feature_idx] res = pd.DataFrame(Z, columns=feature_name) return res, output_figure