def test_append_log(self):
   Confirm that the log is stored when `ReportLogHandler#append_log ()` is called under the following conditions.
   * No other text is stored in the log file.
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   self.assertEquals(rlh.get_text(), "test\n")
 def test_handler_multiple_registration(self):
   Confirm that `ReporterLogHandler#clear()` works normally with `ReporterLogHandler` registered in two loggers.
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   rlh2 = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("test message")
 def test_append_log_has_text(self):
   Confirm that the log is stored when `ReportLogHandler#append_log ()` is called under the following conditions.
   * The text already exists in the log file.
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("test message")
   self.assertEquals(rlh.get_text(), "test message\ntest\n")
 def test_get_text_debug(self):
   After outputting the following log, when using the `ReportLogHandler#get_text()` method, check that the string is empty and that the file has been deleted.
   * Log level = DEBUG
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.debug("test message")
   self.assertTrue(rlh.get_text() == "")
 def test_clear(self):
   Confirm that the existing log is deleted when `ReportLogHandler#clear()` is executed without calling `ReportLogHandler#get_text()` after outputting some log.
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("test message")
   logger.warn("test message")
 def test_get_text_warning(self):
   After outputting the following log, when using the `ReportLogHandler#get_text()` method, get the log contents and check that the file has been deleted.
   * Log level = WARING
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("test message")
   self.assertFalse(rlh.get_text() == "")
 def test_append_log_append_text(self):
   Confirm that the log is stored when `ReportLogHandler#append_log ()` is called under the following conditions.
   * Add log after method call.
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("test message")
   self.assertEquals(rlh.get_text(), "test\ntest message\n")
 def test_original_path(self):
   If you specify your own file path as an argument of the constructor, check that the file is created in the specified folder.
   path = Path(__file__).parent / "out" / "test.log"
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler(path)
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("test message")
   self.assertFalse(rlh.has_text )
 def test_get_text_twice(self):
   If you use the `ReportLogHandler#get_text()` method after outputting the following log, check that the log contents include line breaks.
   * Log level of the log to be output the first time = WARING
   * Log level of the log to be output the second time = WARING
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("test message")
   logger.warn("test message")
   self.assertIn("\n", rlh.get_text())
 def test_hastext_empty_text(self):
   When you refer to `ReporterLogHandler#has_text` under the following conditions, check that the value is False.
   * Log file: Exists
   * Log data: Empty
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("test message")
 def test_get_text_max_length_overtext(self):
   When `ReporterLogHandler#get_text()` is called under the following conditions, confirm that the log of the specified number of characters is output.
   Also, check that the log that exceeds the specified number of characters remains in the file.
   * Specify the value of max_length as a value greater than the number of characters in the log.
   * The value of max_length is greater than the number of characters first line in the log.
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("1" * 20 + "2" * 10)
   self.assertEqual(rlh.get_text(max_length=20), "1" * 20)
   self.assertEqual(rlh.get_text(), "2" * 10)
 def test_get_text_max_length_large_value(self):
   When `ReporterLogHandler#get_text()` is called under the following conditions, confirm that the log of the specified number of characters is output.
   Also, make sure that the log file is empty.
   * Specify the value of max_length as a value grater than the number of characters in the log.
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("testing" * 20)
   logger.warn("message" * 30)
   logger.warn("abcdefg" * 30)
   self.assertNotEqual(len(rlh.get_text(max_length=1000)), 0)
   self.assertEqual(rlh.get_text(), "")
 def test_get_text_max_length(self):
   When `ReporterLogHandler#get_text()` is called under the following conditions, confirm that the log of the specified number of characters is output.
   Also, check that the log that exceeds the specified number of characters remains in the file.
   * Specify the value of max_length as a value less than the number of characters in the log.
   * The value of max_length is equal to the number of characters in one line of the log.
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("testing" * 30)
   logger.warn("message" * 30)
   self.assertEqual(rlh.get_text(max_length=210), "testing" * 30)
   self.assertEqual(rlh.get_text(), "message" * 30)
 def test_get_text_morethanonce(self):
   After outputting the following log, if you use the `ReportLogHandler#get_text ()` method, check that you can get the contents of the log.
   * Log level of the log to be output the first time = WARING
   * Log level of the log to be output the second time = DEBUG
   * Log level of the log to be output the third time = WARNING
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("test message")
   self.assertFalse(rlh.get_text() == "")
   logger.debug("test message")
   self.assertTrue(rlh.get_text() == "")
   logger.warn("test message")
   self.assertFalse(rlh.get_text() == "")
 def test_get_text_max_length_2line_little_after(self):
   When `ReporterLogHandler#get_text()` is called under the following conditions, confirm that the log of the specified number of characters is output.
   Also, check that the log that exceeds the specified number of characters remains in the file.
   * Specify the value of max_length as a value less than the number of characters in the log.
   * The value of max_length is greater than the number of characters per line in the log.
   * The value of max_length is greater than the number of characters in two lines of the log and less than the number of characters in three lines.
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("testing" * 20)
   logger.warn("message" * 30)
   logger.warn("abcdefg" * 30)
   self.assertEqual(rlh.get_text(max_length=360), "{}\n{}".format("testing" * 20, "message" * 30))
   self.assertEqual(rlh.get_text(), "abcdefg" * 30)
 def test_enabled_false(self):
   Make sure that all logs are deleted when `ReporterLogHandler#enabled` is set to False.
   Also, make sure that log collection starts again when set to True.
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("test message")
   logger.warn("test message")
   rlh.enabled = False
   logger.warn("test message")
   rlh.enabled = True
   logger.warn("test message")
 def setUp(self):
   Executed for each test method call.
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   f = ReporterLogHandler.get_defaultfilename()
   if f.exists(): f.unlink()
 def test_get_text_report_cancelled(self):
   When `ReporterLogHandler#get_text()` is called under the following conditions,
   The text is passed to the function, and the return value of the function determines whether or not to commit.
   * `max_length` parameter: not specified
   * `report` parameter: specified
   * Return value of the function specified by the `report` parameter: False
   def test(text):
     self.assertEqual(text, "testing\n")
     return False
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   self.assertEqual(rlh.get_text().strip(), "testing")
 def test_hastext_empty_text(self):
   When you refer to `ReporterLogHandler#has_text` under the following conditions, check that the value is False.
   * Log file: Not exist
   * Log data: N/A
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
 def test_get_text_report_max_length_2line(self):
   When `ReporterLogHandler#get_text()` is called under the following conditions,
   The text is passed to the function, and the return value of the function determines whether or not to commit.
   * `max_length` parameter: specified
   * `report` parameter: specified
   * Return value of the function specified by the `report` parameter: True
   * Number of characters specified for `max_length`: 2 lines of text
   def test(text):
     self.assertEqual(text, "testing\nmessage")
     return True
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   self.assertEqual(rlh.get_text().strip(), "abcdefg")
 def test_hastext_there_text(self):
   When you refer to `ReporterLogHandler#has_text` under the following conditions, check that the value is True.
   * Log file: Exists
   * Log data: Not empty
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("test message")
 def test_append_log_no_format(self):
   When calling `ReportLogHandler#append_log()` under the following conditions, make sure that the written text is not formatted.
   * A formatter is specified for the logger.
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   rlh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s - %(message)s'))
   logger.warn("test message")
 def test_get_text_max_length_valueerror(self):
   When `ReporterLogHandler#get_text()` is called under the following conditions, Confirm that ValueError occurs.
   * max_length=1 or 0
   rlh = ReporterLogHandler()
   logger = logging.getLogger("testlogger")
   logger.warn("testing" * 30)
   with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
   with self.assertRaises(ValueError):