예제 #1
파일: core.py 프로젝트: elaOnMars/logya
    def write_index(self, url, collection):
        """Write an auto-generated index.html file."""

        check_doc_url = '/{}'.format(path.join(url, self.index_filename))
        # make sure there exists no document at the index url
        if check_doc_url not in self.docs:
            # Ugly fix for issue #32: delete description var. This is called
            # for every index, instead of once for all, because write_index is
            # called in serve mode. Also there may remain other vars causing
            # future problems.
            # Emptying the vars dict does not work either, because the index
            # key is set in build_index and needed.
            if 'description' in self.template.vars:
                del self.template.vars['description']

            title = self.index_title(url)

            self.template.vars['docs'] = collection.docs
            self.template.vars['title'] = title

            page = self.template.env.get_template(collection.template)
            content = page.render(self.template.vars)

            filename = path.target_file(self.dir_deploy, url)
            write(filename, content)

            # write directory RSS file
            self.write_rss(title, url, collection.docs)
예제 #2
파일: core.py 프로젝트: thinkinpg/logya
    def write_index(self, url, collection):
        """Write an auto-generated index.html file."""

        check_doc_url = '/{}'.format(path.join(url, self.index_filename))
        # make sure there exists no document at the index url
        if check_doc_url not in self.docs:
            # Ugly fix for issue #32: delete description var. This is called
            # for every index, instead of once for all, because write_index is
            # called in serve mode. Also there may remain other vars causing
            # future problems.
            # Emptying the vars dict does not work either, because the index
            # key is set in build_index and needed.
            if 'description' in self.template.vars:
                del self.template.vars['description']

            title = self.index_title(url)

            self.template.vars['docs'] = collection.docs
            self.template.vars['title'] = title
            self.template.vars['canonical'] = '{:s}/{:s}/'.format(self.base_url, url)

            page = self.template.env.get_template(collection.template)
            content = page.render(self.template.vars)

            filename = path.target_file(self.dir_deploy, url)
            write(filename, content)

            # write directory RSS file
            self.write_rss(title, url, collection.docs)
예제 #3
파일: core.py 프로젝트: thinkinpg/logya
    def init_env(self):
        """Initialize the environment for generating the Web site to deploy.

        This function reads the Web site configuration, sets up the template
        environment and sets object properties.

        cwd = self.dir_site
        self.dir_content = path.join(cwd, 'content', required=True)
        self.config = config.load(path.join(cwd, 'site.yaml', required=True))

        self.dir_templates = path.join(cwd, 'templates', required=True)
        self.template = Template(self)

        self.dir_bin = path.join(cwd, 'bin')

        # Make all settings in site section available to templates.

        # Optional directory with static files like css, js and images.
        self.dir_static = path.join(cwd, 'static')

        # Directory is created by the generate command.
        self.dir_deploy = path.join(cwd, 'deploy')

        self.base_url = self.config['site'].get('base_url')
        # base_url must be defined in settings
        if not self.base_url:
            raise Exception('base_url not set in site config.')

        # A dictionary of parsed documents indexed by resource paths.
        self.docs = {}

        # A dictionary of document collections.
        self.index = {}

        # A dictionary of collection names and distinct values.
        self.collections = {}

        # Set default templates once for a Logya instance.
        self.templates = {
            'doc': self.config['content']['doc']['template'],
            'index': self.config['content']['index']['template'],
            'rss': self.config['content']['rss']['template']

        self.pages = {}
        # Set default pages for templates.
        for ctype, template in self.templates.items():
            self.pages[ctype] = self.template.env.get_template(template)

        # Set languages if specified.
        if 'languages' in self.config:
            self.languages = self.config['languages']

        # Map collection paths to config variables (vars) to make collection
        # settings accessible via index URLs.
        self.collection_index = {
            v['path']: k for k, v in self.config['collections'].items()}
예제 #4
파일: core.py 프로젝트: thinkinpg/logya
    def write_rss(self, feed_title, url, docs):
        """Write RSS 2.0 XML file in target directory"""

        self.template.vars['url'] = self.base_url
        self.template.vars['title'] = feed_title
        self.template.vars['description'] = feed_title
        self.template.vars['last_build'] = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.template.vars['docs'] = docs

        content = self.pages['rss'].render(self.template.vars)

        filename = path.target_file(
            self.dir_deploy, path.join(url, 'rss.xml'))
        write(filename, content)
예제 #5
파일: core.py 프로젝트: elaOnMars/logya
    def write_rss(self, feed_title, url, docs):
        """Write RSS 2.0 XML file in target directory"""

        self.template.vars['url'] = self.base_url
        self.template.vars['title'] = feed_title
        self.template.vars['description'] = feed_title
        self.template.vars['last_build'] = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.template.vars['docs'] = docs

        page = self.template.env.get_template(self.templates['rss'])
        content = page.render(self.template.vars)

        filename = path.target_file(
            self.dir_deploy, path.join(url, 'rss.xml'))
        write(filename, content)
예제 #6
파일: core.py 프로젝트: yaph/logya
    def init_env(self):
        """Initialize the environment for generating the Web site to deploy.

        This function reads the Web site configuration, sets up the template
        environment and sets object properties.

        cwd = self.dir_site
        self.dir_content = path.join(cwd, 'content', required=True)
        self.config = config.load(path.join(cwd, 'site.yaml', required=True))

        self.dir_templates = path.join(cwd, 'templates', required=True)
        self.template = Template(self)

        self.dir_bin = path.join(cwd, 'bin')

        # make all settings in site section available to templates

        # Optional directory with static files like css, js and images.
        self.dir_static = path.join(cwd, 'static')

        # Directory is created by the generate command.
        self.dir_deploy = path.join(cwd, 'deploy')

        self.base_url = self.config['site'].get('base_url')
        # base_url must be defined in settings
        if not self.base_url:
            raise Exception('base_url not set in site config.')

        # A dictionary of parsed documents indexed by resource paths.
        self.docs = {}

        # A dictionary of document collections.
        self.index = {}

        # Set default templates once for a Logya instance.
        self.templates = {
            'doc': self.config['content']['doc']['template'],
            'index': self.config['content']['index']['template'],
            'rss': self.config['content']['rss']['template']

        # Set languages if specified.
        if 'languages' in self.config:
            self.languages = self.config['languages']

        # Map collection paths to config variables (vars) to make collecion
        # settings accessible via index URLs.
        self.collection_index = {
            v['path']: k for k, v in self.config['collections'].items()}
예제 #7
파일: test_path.py 프로젝트: yaph/logya
 def test_join_required_exists(self):
     self.assertEqual('tests', path.join('tests', required=True))
예제 #8
파일: test_path.py 프로젝트: yaph/logya
 def test_join(self):
         'dir/file.ext', path.join('dir', 'file.ext'))
         'dir/subdir/file.ext', path.join('dir', 'subdir', 'file.ext'))
예제 #9
 def test_join_required_exists(self):
     self.assertEqual('tests', path.join('tests', required=True))
예제 #10
 def test_join(self):
     self.assertEqual('dir/file.ext', path.join('dir', 'file.ext'))
                      path.join('dir', 'subdir', 'file.ext'))