def test_memory_leak_protection(self): self.executor.shutdown(wait=True) executor = self.executor_type(1, context=self.context) def _leak_some_memory(size=int(1e6), delay=0.001): """function that leaks some memory """ from loky import process_executor process_executor._MEMORY_LEAK_CHECK_DELAY = 0.1 if getattr(os, '_loky_leak', None) is None: os._loky_leak = [] os._loky_leak.append(b"\x00" * size) # Leave enough time for the memory leak detector to kick-in: # by default the process does not check its memory usage # more than once per second. time.sleep(delay) leaked_size = sum(len(buffer) for buffer in os._loky_leak) return os.getpid(), leaked_size with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='memory leak'): futures = [] for i in range(300): # Total run time should be 3s which is way over the 1s cooldown # period between two consecutive memory checks in the worker. futures.append(executor.submit(_leak_some_memory)) executor.shutdown(wait=True) results = [f.result() for f in futures] # The pid of the worker has changed when restarting the worker first_pid, last_pid = results[0][0], results[-1][0] assert first_pid != last_pid # The restart happened after 100 MB of leak over the # default process size + what has leaked since the last # memory check. for _, leak_size in results: assert leak_size / 1e6 < 250
def test_reference_cycle_collection(self): # make the parallel call create a reference cycle and make # a weak reference to be able to track the garbage collected objects self.executor.shutdown(wait=True) executor = self.executor_type(1, context=self.context) def _create_cyclic_reference(delay=0.001): """function that creates a cyclic reference""" from loky import process_executor process_executor._USE_PSUTIL = False process_executor._MEMORY_LEAK_CHECK_DELAY = 0.1 class A: def __init__(self, size=int(1e6)): = b"\x00" * size self.a = self if getattr(os, '_loky_cyclic_weakrefs', None) is None: os._loky_cyclic_weakrefs = [] a = A() time.sleep(delay) os._loky_cyclic_weakrefs.append(weakref.ref(a)) return sum(1 for r in os._loky_cyclic_weakrefs if r() is not None) futures = [] for i in range(300): # Total run time should be 3s which is way over the 1s cooldown # period between two consecutive memory checks in the worker. futures.append(executor.submit(_create_cyclic_reference)) executor.shutdown(wait=True) max_active_refs_count = max(f.result() for f in futures) assert max_active_refs_count < 150 assert max_active_refs_count != 1